Term Paper on "Medical Marijuana: "The Use"

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Medical Marijuana: "The Use of Marijuana for Medical Purposes"

Even though, marijuana is an illegal drug it has many advantages and disadvantages for medical purposes, but because of the legal status surrounding the use of the drug, there are only several states that legalize marijuana for medical use.

There is a running controversy over the Marijuana policy in the United States. While there is a clamor about its benefits, the Federal marijuana policy is very restrictive and the traffic of the substance is still held as a criminal act. On the other hand some states in the United States have made liberal amendments to the state laws. State laws and citizen groups have recently challenged the federal policy and have come out in support of legalizing marijuana. (Khatapoush; Hallfors, 2004)

The problem is compounded with the fact that there are other drugs that can also be used in palliative care but are dangerous to the society as a whole. The question that has been thus dividing the attention of the government, politicians, individuals and policy makers is if it is right to allow a single drug to be accessed freely -- even under the care of supervising medical practitioners while at the same time punishing with severity the possessing and use of other drugs. The argument is that opening the way for marijuana will in the long run open the way for other drugs and marijuana is as addictive and dangerous as the other drugs. The benefit of marijuana in medical purposes is also questioned. Under such circumstances in the larger interest of the society it is better to deny than take risks. That is the current policy in many states and the nation. Is that correct
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? To answer that, we have to examine the nature of the substance and its use.

II. Marijuana is an illegal drug it has many advantages and disadvantages for medical purposes

In the herbal system of treatments the medical use of Cannabis was seen in the treatment of nausea, improve appetite and reduce pain. Thus it was used over the centuries as medicine especially palliative medicine. Modern medicine uses the derivatives of the hemp and synthetic products of the same chemical cannabinoids. The drug dronabinol for example is available for medical purposes in UK and Canada. In Canada approval for the use of the drug for treatment of multiple sclerosis has been approved. The Canadian government has further allowed the medical use of smoked cannabis on medical advice. (Degenhardt; Hall, 2008) Thus for patients who suffer from painful diseases like epilepsy, HIV infection, cancer, multiple sclerosis and related diseases the drug is being used. The position is noteworthy on account of the fact that there exists no verifiable information about the safety of smoking cannabis for medical purposes. (Degenhardt; Hall, 2008) the drug is obtained from the common hemp plant.

II. a. Understanding what Marijuana is?

The term marijuana is indicative of "a mixture of the leaves and flowering tops of the Indian hemp plant which is known as Cannabis sativa." (New World Encyclopedia, 2002) Marijuana is still an illegal drug even though it has many advantages for medical purposes. Over the years there has been controversy of marijuana with regard to medical use. For what the general public has been informed, marijuana (cannabis) is still an illegal drug, but is becoming more aware of the acceptance of the treatment. "In 2001, the Canadian government responded to demands to allow marijuana for medical use if authorized by a doctor, for patients with severe symptoms related to cancer, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy." (Degenhardt; Hall, 2008) the controversy to legalize the drug is a disadvantage of the use of marijuana. "Cultivating hemp for marijuana is illegal but a few countries under the federal Control Substance Act (1970) is listed as a Schedule I substance." (New World Encyclopedia 2002) Because of the many issues related to the medical purpose of marijuana use, understanding the cause and effects of the drug is important.

II. B. Earlier there was not enough medical research to support the use of marijuana relieving symptoms of most sever diseases

It needs to be noted that earlier there was not enough medical research to support the use of marijuana relieving symptoms for most of the severe diseases. For instance, the advantages of the use of marijuana are effective in relieving nausea, vomiting, acute pain, and improve appetite in people with HIV-related disorders. (Degenhardt; Hall, 2008) the data on the adverse effects of marijuana is available in plenty. And the alarming fact is that in the U.S. For decades, Marijuana has been widely used for recreation. Since the year 1996, over thirty two percent of the U.S. population had tried the drug once at least. And five percent still were users at that time. (Joy, 2002)

There has been no systematic study of the benefits of the drug and even about its alleged problems and nature of its use. Why fear the drug? It is stated that Marijuana is a 'gateway' drug. That means a person who uses it would ultimately try stronger drugs and pass on to other dangerous substances. For children who have used marijuana, it is said that they are likelier to use cocaine than those who never used the drug. (Khatapoush; Hallfors, 2004) the research by Khatapoush; Hallfors (2004) concluded that the liberalization and the changes in marijuana policy in California did not create a greater drug use. As per the research of Khatapoush; Hallfors (2004) the medical marijuana policy about legalizing marijuana does not influence the youth regarding marijuana-related attitudes and its use. (Degenhardt; Hall, 2008)

Can the drug from cannabis create dependency? The answer is that cannabis dependence can develop. There is as of now no information on the problem of creating cannabis dependence even in supervised medical use. There are also issues related to the use of the drug and on set of psychosis, and the creation of psychosis has been shown by researches. Even though the short-term medical use of cannabinoids and cannabis extracts shows that there is no known risk, yet the problem of long-term use remains. Therefore there is a pressing need to take elaborate research into these questions before the soundness of the treatments and policies can be determined. (Degenhardt; Hall, 2008)

The drug has an addictive nature meaning that it has a high potential for abuse. The contention is that there is no established medical utility, and was considered unsafe to use even under medical supervision, and thus is covered by stringent regulatory controls. Despite these increasingly elevated sanctions over time, recreational use and the corresponding costs associated with marijuana enforcement increased, and efforts to relax federal policies since the 1970s, such as rescheduling marijuana, have failed. (Khatapoush; Hallfors, 2004) So it can be said that there is nether positive proof that Marijuana is bad or good, effective or ineffective as a palliative drug. There is a belief that marijuana has both short- and long-term adverse effects on the "brain, the heart, the lungs, the immune system, and on learning and social behavior." (Hyatt, 2006)

The FDA -- Food and Drug Administration has no role in the manufacture, composition, labeling, or purity of the final product. (ASHSP 2007) as in the case of complainant Raich, where the freedom to use the drug for palliative care was sought, there seems to have been a great deal of effort by the court in balancing the liberty interest against the government's interest. (Hyatt, 2006) in such cases medical marijuana is used to prolong the life of the patient and the liberty interest is at the height of constitutional protection. (Hyatt, 2006)

Medical conditions which are linked with severe pain in the case of Monson, where medicinal marijuana was used to stop severe pain thus ought to be brought under constitutional protection. In brief, the policy of constitutional protection must be legally extended to medicinal marijuana and apart from the general argument of its need, there must also be a fine balance between a harsh anti-drug law and the individuals liberty interest in his or hers own existence. (Hyatt, 2006) the controversy seems to have been ended in Canada with the government liberalizing the policy. Some other countries have also followed suit.

II. C. The Canadian governments and other government's response to demands to allow marijuana for medical use

In 2001, the Canadian government responded to demands to allow marijuana for medical use if authorized by a doctor for patients with severe symptoms related to cancer, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy. The drug can be effective in the cure of symptoms like wasting syndrome especially in AIDS patients, having nausea and many other symptoms. A rapid method of delivery of the drug ought to be formulated. Smoking the drug is not proper. Thus the legislation to legalize it as a medicine will greatly benefit those in pain and such persons will find it more useful than any side effects that it may have. (Joy, 2002)

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Quoted Instructions for "Medical Marijuana: "The Use" Assignment:

Thesis Statement:

Even though, marijuana is an illegal drug it has many advantages and disadvantages for medical purposes, but because of the legal status surrounding the use of the drug, there are only several states that legalize marijuana for medical use.

First Body Paragraph:

Marijuana is an illegal drug it has many advantages and disadvantages for medical purposes. First, understanding what marijuana is can be describe as a mixture of the leaves and flowering tops of the Indian hemp plant also called Cannabis sativa, (New World Encyclopedia, 2002). Over the years there has been controversy of marijuana for medical use. Before there was not enough medical research to support the use of marijuana relieving symptoms of most sever diseases. For instance, the advantages of the use of marijuana are effective in relieving nausea, vomiting, acute pain, and improve appetite in people with HIV-related disorders. (CMAJ 2008). For what the public has been told marijuana (cannabis) is still an illegal drug, but is becoming more aware of the acceptance of the treatment. In 2001, the Canadian government responded to demands to allow marijuana for medical use if authorized by a doctor, for patients with server symptoms related to cancer, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy. The controversy to legalize the drug is a disadvantage of the use of marijuana. Cultivating hemp for marijuana is illegal but a few countries under the federal Control Substance Act (1970) is listed as a Schedule I substance. (New World Encyclopedia 2002). Because of the many issues related to the medical purpose of marijuana use understanding the cause and effects of the drug.

Running Head: Medical Marijuana

Outline of: Medical Marijuana: “The Use of Marijuana for Medical Purposes”

Konette Davis

Kaplan University

CM 109-22

Medical Marijuana: The Use of Medical Marijuana for Medical Purposes

I. Introduction

II. Marijuana is an illegal drug it has many advantages and disadvantages for medical purposes.

A. First, understanding what marijuana is can be describe as a mixture of the leaves and flowering tops of the Indian hemp plant also called Cannabis sativa, (New World Encyclopedia, 2002).

B. Before there was not enough medical research to support the use of marijuana relieving symptoms of most sever diseases. For instance, the advantages of the use of marijuana are effective in relieving nausea, vomiting, acute pain, and improve appetite in people with HIV-related disorders. (CMAJ 2008).

C. In 2001, the Canadian government responded to demands to allow marijuana for medical use if authorized by a doctor, for patients with server symptoms related to cancer, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy.

D. The controversy to legalize the drug is a disadvantage of the use of marijuana. Cultivating hemp for marijuana is illegal but a few countries under the federal Control Substance Act (1970) is listed as a Schedule I substance. (New World Encyclopedia 2002).

III. Because of the legal status surrounding the use of the drug, there are only several states that legalize marijuana for medical use.

A. State and federal legislation are conflicting over to legalize marijuana for medical use.

B. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has no role in the manufacture, composition, labeling, or purity of the final product. (ASHSP 2007)

IV. Conclusion

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How to Reference "Medical Marijuana: "The Use" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Medical Marijuana: "The Use.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2010, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/medical-marijuana-use/3095784. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Medical Marijuana: "The Use (2010). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/medical-marijuana-use/3095784
A1-TermPaper.com. (2010). Medical Marijuana: "The Use. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/medical-marijuana-use/3095784 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Medical Marijuana: "The Use” 2010. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/medical-marijuana-use/3095784.
”Medical Marijuana: "The Use” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/medical-marijuana-use/3095784.
[1] ”Medical Marijuana: "The Use”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/medical-marijuana-use/3095784. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Medical Marijuana: "The Use [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/medical-marijuana-use/3095784
1. Medical Marijuana: "The Use. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/medical-marijuana-use/3095784. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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