Term Paper on "Theoretical Approach Critic on a Chosen Media Object"

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Media Critical Analysis


Hamlet: The struggle of being and the power of passion

Hamlet: The struggle of being and the power of passion

Media critical analysis

The Struggle of Being and Power of the Passions attempts to show the role played by the tragedy in areas such as aesthetics and politics. To this end, the idea is to see, in broad terms, the relationship between tragedy and modern political thought. At the same time explore the influence of the tragedy itself in the work of performance art and psychoanalytic theory.

This study will also guide the thinking of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), subsequently to establish the relationship between the work of Sophocles (497-405 BC), Oedipus Rex, and Oedipus Complex Hamlet. Moreover, the aesthetic theory of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) and Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) will be used to observe the incidence of the artwork in the construction of subjectivity. Some important concepts when reading Hamlet: the masterpiece of Shakespeare (1564-1616)

Studying the works of Shakespeare is not easy. Not only for his wonderful sense of creation in which the characters do, but also for the remarkable and outstanding your use of the language. (Miller, 1997, p11-18) But beyond that, their study becomes even more complex if we consider that the time of Shakespearean literature can not neglect the national historical background. Why? For the period in which the author wrote was a time a little closed and confined and where the individual's problems were inseparable from the state's problems. (Aragay, 2005, p88-96)

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Hamlet between politics and tragedy

To expand briefly the concept of tragedy, we will see how it appears not only manifested in art but also in political life since the advent of modernity, transcendental guarantees disappear and the political man begins to reflect more Acute its tragic element. (Hall, 2001, p166-76) In addition, there is a break between what we know as Greek tragedy, which took place in a time outside of time and the struggles that characterized the Elizabethan theater, but in turn, with the Renaissance there was a break between tragedy and life social. (Kilbourne, 1999, p270-91)

Following the definition of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) the tragedy could be defined as the central instrument of political life. So much so that Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) and Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) are the authors who inaugurated the modern political thought, as in the theories of both the idea of tragedy is visible. (Goodman, 2004, p237-49)

In Machiavelli we see two tragedies: the first is the tragedy of the values and the second is the tragedy of the action (policy subjective moment). As a thinker Machiavelli moral view that the policy contains a moral, i.e. there is a morality that is Christian, but in turn there is a moral policy that invites us to build strong republic. So much so, that you have to do is decide between different moral systems, so choosing one means giving up another, and then understanding that the choice involves the loss of something in the path-loss and that choice is what disturbs the human and disturbing tragedy marks us of Machiavelli in his tragedy of values. (Miller, 1997, p11-18)

For its part, the second tragedy, action, invites us to think not only about choosing between almost incompatible values but also, once elected, this choice may not be appropriate. The latter is what shows us that we can not always be assured about our choice. Hobbes, considered that political theory is not central but rather the institutions, given that they are objective when politics. (Aragay, 2005, p201-19)

While this contractual arrangement establishes that there are three phones that lead man to be at war: mistrust: to achieve security, competition, to make a profit and glory to achieve reputation in Hamlet we see that the fundamental motivations that lead the characters to be sitting in front are: justice, revenge, guilt, corruption, ignorance of itself, the boundless love, deceit, decadence, pride, inordinate desire for power, envy, tyranny, but above all, the three motifs that appear in Hamlet to kill are: life, the crown and women (a subject of dispute and desire). (Hall, 2001, p166-76)

For these reasons, Hobbes says that to the extent that there is no common power to frighten all men, they were in a state of war of all against all, who survives while the men fight because they are objects desiring they fight in nature and that is where the tragic character appears (nothing can prevent the worst outcome). Only nature can leave the state by signing the agreement, otherwise the lack of guarantee obedience worst can happen at any time. (Epstein, 2002, p1-11)

"(...) Thus, in Hamlet, the figure of the war does not serve only to characterize the situations of struggle between men, groups or nations, but also beyond or here (as a game of mirrors, typically Renaissance, which suggests to individuals, society and the cosmos as levels or dimensions of a single being, and each of them, (Hall, 2001, p166-76) therefore, as a metaphor or expression of others), to characterize, in a direction - natural or atmospheric phenomena, and to describe, on the other, the state of the soul of the protagonists. (Gelder, 2004, p9-23)

Gender theory and Hemlet

The power of family type or hierarchical structure not only the social relations within the family or operate exclusively in the social relations between the sexes, but through other related structures such as those occurring in the world, between classes, races and generations, in public services in the system judiciary and criminal law in state decision-making structures, relations between the State and society (including the State and women) Also on the background of the denial of moral autonomy, political participation and citizenship many individuals and subordinate social groups. (Ramage et al., 2000, p215-37)

Insecurity, visible not only in the Hobbesian state of nature but also in Hamlet is what leads subjects to hesitate between killing and not killing, to be between two conflicting moral imperatives. Hamlet invents every excuse not to kill, but the constitution of an enemy seems to be inevitable in the tragedies as well as political life. (Ray, 2000, p38-53)

Consider that the need to build a political criterion of moral criteria differed, aesthetic, etc., led to Carl Schmitt to find the distinction between friend and enemy, so that potential or not enemies are those who lead the moral subjects as to preserve his life and put off the choice to kill or not. (Hall, 2001, p166-76) The situation of mourning in Hamlet is what makes, among other things, the need of which we are speaking, to constitute the enemy. As an enemy took Claudio and somewhat to his own mother for the death of his father also made an enemy of Laertes, Ophelia's brother, whom disproportionate and unfairly insulted at the funeral of his beloved. (Engelhardt, 2005, p12-28)

All this can be explained if we understand the grief as an extremely painful instance of mental life. Then tell Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) "The duel intense reaction to the loss of a loved one, a member of the same painful state of mind, the cessation of interest in the outside world (...), the loss of the ability to choose a new love object (...) and the departure of any activity not connected with the memory of a loved one. "

Whether Hamlet is presented as a selfless character and policy issues in the course of the piece the established social order in Denmark, almost at the end of the work shows that he also has political aspirations, especially when not literally says that "is crazy and not hiding my madness I come to fight for power." (Ritter, 2003, p286-300)

So understand that if there is an enemy there is no political life in terms of Schmitt. Let us agree that we are speaking of enemies in a figurative sense rather, not so much as a public enemy but neither as mere opponents. (Aragay, 2005, p88-96) But understand that in Denmark there is an exceptional state, since the crimes are not solved and the truth is not anything close, which is due to the actions of Claudius, who in theory would be the sovereign Schmitt and therefore to decide on that state that has to do mainly with the temporary suspension of normality that allows the rules to be applied. (Engelhardt, 1997, p18-21)

As in Hamlet, politics is present at all times because there are men in all times and as we said before facing what confronts the man is the power that passion. Therefore, the greatest work of Shakespeare, Hamlet, not only collects "the echoes of" discovery "of the tragic nature of Machiavellian politics. It also anticipates some of the insights that half a century after the author of Leviathan develop around the fundamental problem of order.

To think that a work of art can cover many topics and they all have a point of convergence seems to be something not too easy.

However, in Hamlet we see… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Theoretical Approach Critic on a Chosen Media Object" Assignment:

The objective of the final paper is similar to provide a media analysis/critique on a chosen media object, using the theories and methodologies presented in this course: critical Race Theory, Gender Threory, Postcolonial Theory or Queer/ Sexuality Theory.

Some advice about choosing a topic:

*****¢ Pick something that you are genuinely curious about, not something that you already have an argument for (or against). Try to move out of your comfort zone.

*****¢ Your media text should be focused enough so that you can thoroughly explore the issues that it raises, but it should be robust enough to merit a 10- to 13-page paper. Other than that it is open to you!

*****¢ The best papers are those by students who have floated their ideas past me and talked through some of their ideas and questions.

For the final paper, I will be looking for the following:

- a clear and strong thesis statement that specifically says what it is you are arguing. (For example, don*****t just say that your media text represents an ideology, you need to say what that ideology is).

- a detailed analysis of your media object,

- a clear understanding of the key ideas from the course readings,

- a direct application of the ideas from the readings applied to the media object,

- the use of at least one outside, scholarly source (an academic book or article), and

- a clear and professional writing style that follows the rules of academic writing (please see the Chicago Manual of Style for guidance).

All papers MUST:

*****¢ use in-text citations or footnotes,

*****¢ include a thesis statement, an introduction, a conclusion, and a works-cited page.

My methodologies/ theoretical approaches are two to three among race theory, gender theory, queer/ sexuality theory, or postcolonial theory. (I was thinking about race and gender, but I want any of them, which ***** is expert on, comfortable with, and confident.)

Here is broad explanation about the thories:

Representation/Identity . . .

*****¢ refers to how people and groups of people are represented in the media. It looks at the representation of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, and class. It not only looks at stereotypes and asks, *****Who are the heroes and who are the villains?***** It also looks at which groups are shown as *****normal***** and which ones are considered *****Other.***** Also, you will want to ask, *****What values do the characters seem to represent?*****

*****¢ A class analysis, examines the social and economic arrangements shown in a particular media text to show how social power is distributed in the context of that text and in society in general.

*****¢ Post-colonial theory examines media within a global perspective, aiming to reveal the repression or emergence of indigenous perspectives within formerly or currently marginalized or colonized cultures (like India or Iran).

*****¢ Queer theory investigates how normative relations can be challenged or disrupted through media texts, especially through confrontations with heterosexual values.

(I need to use the course readings, according to theory. I can send you these readings in pdf. format, except the book by Stuart Hall)

Critical Race Theory

Franz Fanon, White Skin, Black Masks, Chapter Five

Stuart Hall, Representation, (selections)

Postcolonial Theory

Gayatri Spivak, *****Can the Subaltern Speak?*****

Caren Kaplan, *****A World without Boundaries******

Gender Theory

Judith Butler, *****Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory*****

Liesbet Van Zoonen, *****Gender, Representation and the Media******

Sexuality, Queer Theory

Michael Warner, *****What*****s Wrong with Normal?*****

Guillermo Avila-Saavedra, *****Nothing Queer about Queer Television******

plus, I need at least one outside, scholarly source (an academic book or article).

I need a media subject to analyze. It can be any of:


TV show (concentrate on one episode)

News coverage of a story

Music video

Video game

Ad campaign


Graphic Novel/comic book

Cartoon strip

News photography


Website or blog

A part of town or a building (in NYC or somewhere you can visit before the paper is due)

I was thinking about a television show or a film. For a television show, it should be focused on one or two episode.

I could not choose one, but I want to do what the ***** is confident and expert about.

I would like the ***** to be who has studied or is studying media communication as a major.

Thank you for your cosideration, *****

How to Reference "Theoretical Approach Critic on a Chosen Media Object" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Theoretical Approach Critic on a Chosen Media Object.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2011, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/media-critical-analysis-hamlet/4481952. Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Theoretical Approach Critic on a Chosen Media Object (2011). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/media-critical-analysis-hamlet/4481952
A1-TermPaper.com. (2011). Theoretical Approach Critic on a Chosen Media Object. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/media-critical-analysis-hamlet/4481952 [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Theoretical Approach Critic on a Chosen Media Object” 2011. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/media-critical-analysis-hamlet/4481952.
”Theoretical Approach Critic on a Chosen Media Object” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/media-critical-analysis-hamlet/4481952.
[1] ”Theoretical Approach Critic on a Chosen Media Object”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/media-critical-analysis-hamlet/4481952. [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Theoretical Approach Critic on a Chosen Media Object [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2011 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/media-critical-analysis-hamlet/4481952
1. Theoretical Approach Critic on a Chosen Media Object. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/media-critical-analysis-hamlet/4481952. Published 2011. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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