Research Proposal on "May Flower"

Research Proposal 7 pages (2199 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA

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In human history many events change the course of nations, not intentionally, certainly not at the exact time of action, but later, as events domino from each other into what becomes a mythological event captured in writing, art, popular music, and even the heritage of a nation. One such event, the 1620 voyage of the Mayflower, depositing English Separatists from Southampton, England to Plymouth, Massachusetts, is but a 66-day ocean voyage in fact. But as a symbol, and as a source of national pride, the Mayflower and resulting events took on an aura of almost mythological proportions within the confines of American historical development.

That being said, despite the legend and lore surrounding the Pilgrims, what was to become Thanksgiving, and the "retelling" of the colonization tale so many times it bears little resemblance to truth, there is a certain level of nostalgic importance to the Mayflower issue. This essay will concentrate first on the historical facts about the Mayflower voyage, then turn to a historiographical overview of the Mayflower as a symbol. The concentration, though, will be on the Mayflower and surrounding events as part of a larger mythos of American popular culture, focusing on the meaning of the Mayflower and why such meaning remains important, even in the 21st century.

The physical ship, Mayflower, was a rather typical merchant ship of the time, a 180-ton vessel with an estimated length of 90-110 feet and width of about 25 feet (Philbrick, 2006, 24). It was probably commissioned in the late 1500s, and used primarily as a cargo ship involved in trade between England and Europe. Some accounts have the Mayflower mastere
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d by Christopher Jones between 1609 and 1622, often as a wine trading ship. After the voyage to the America's in 1620, the Mayflower returned to England, where Captain Jones died in 1622, and the Mayflower dismantled for scrap in 1623 (Adkins, 2005).

The Voyage- Popular retelling of the Pilgrim's voyage to America has the group fleeing religious intolerance in England for a more "passive and accepting" land. This has, however, beads of truth in that a group of Calvinists from the East Midlands of England did leave England -- but for Holland. After a time, though, these colonists, led by William Bradford, realized that they were becoming too acculturated into Dutch society and, to ensure their own identity and perpetuate their religious beliefs, it would be necessary to find a place in which they could worship freely and yet establish an English colony. These people, known as "Pilgrims" were the English colonialists who ultimately saved enough money to hire steerage to America. Despite their charter of establishing a fishing colony (some of the trip was underwritten by wealthy English speculators who realized how profitable a fishing-village could be), these colonists found it far more profitable to trade with the local indigenous tribes for fur (beaver and otter pelts). By doing so, not only could the colony enrich itself, it allowed a strategic advantage to have a trading partner in the New World ("Who Were the Pilgrims," 2008).

Despite several logistical setbacks, the Mayflower left Plymouth, England on September 6, 1616, with a crew and passenger list of 102 people. The intended destination was just north of the Hudson River, in Virginia. However, due to poor weather, they were forced considerably north of this destination, landing on the now-famous "Plymouth Rock," Massachusetts. The colonials never did migrate to Virginia, where they already had permission to settle, and were forced, now in the midst of a harsh New England, to set up camp and begin a relationship with the native peoples (Adkins, 2005).

This initial relationship, however, was not as congenial as the tales of the First Thanksgiving would portray it. In fact, for most of the winter of 1620-21, many of the colonists remained on board the ship, only to suffer an outbreak of contagion, resulting in a 50% mortality rate by Spring 1621. Additionally, having literally robbed native graves for corn, the colonists continued to experience difficulties with the natives, causing numerous conflicts as the good citizens of the Mayflower looted roughly each village they encountered. Of course, religious tolerance was required by their own countrymen, but the natives were somehow exempt from the Biblical teachings -- a least where owning land, sharing food an commercial enterprise (Bush, 2000).

2nd Mayflower -- a second Mayflower brought a 35 person influx of colonists in 1629, many from the Leiden congregation that organized the initial voyage. This was not the same ship, though, and its travels were fraught with far less difficulty (sailing in May and reaching Plymouth in August). This second Mayflower also made the crossing in 1630, 1633, and 1634. 140 passengers attempted the crossing in 1642, but was never heard from again and assumed lost at sea (Arestrum, 2007).

The Mayflower as Symbol -- Scholarly texts often warn the reader that so little has survived that there is a great deal of supposition surrounding both the voyage and the first months in the new world. Journals must be read with some degree of distance, since they are opinions of individuals, and likely slanted to portray a certain viewpoint. The subsequent rounds of colonists would, of course, be treated to accounts that may have exceeded either expectations or consequences in order to maintain the hegemony of the colony. and, regarding religious motivation -- it was certainly in the best interests of the colonial leaders to prove that the idea of relocation was not only economically sound, but spiritually appropriate (Adkins, 2005).

Symbolically, the Mayflower represents many things: as earlier mentioned, the voyage has taken on the mythos of religious freedom and the desire to move to a new land for altruistic reasons. Second, it has become the symbol of the founding of a nation, even though it was neither the first colony nor the most indicative of the values of the new nation -- one doubts that desecration of graves, theft of food, and slaughter of indigenous populations could be democratic values. The truth, though, is likely somewhere in between. Perhaps the colonists did not realize they were defiling the religious grounds by looting, and they clearly did not understand the native customs. and, in a roundabout manner, the colonists did relocate to America to escape religious intolerance, although the intolerance has now been proven to have been little more than neighborhood gossip and minor local inconvenience. Third, the overriding motive surrounding the voyage of the Mayflower was profit -- the idea of owning land in a new place (regardless that it was already settled, but the indigenous peoples had no concept that anyone could "own" land; but more importantly, profit for the investors in the fishing operation. The banks around this part of the North Atlantic were teeming with fish, and simply needed a land base to amass, clean, and organize the fruits of large catches. The colonist agreed to work for 7 years in exchange for land, again, ironically, land that was being deeded by English nobility without, some might say, legal or moral entitlement to said land (Bush).

Another interesting juxtaposition of fact and legend is even the idea of Plymouth Rock -- of a set of voyage weary patriots who, despite all odds placed before them, undertook an arduous journey that was fraught with difficulty. Once landed they were inspired by the rugged coastline, but more by the very beauty of the land that was soon to be theirs: "On Munday, they sounded ye harbor and found it fitt for shipping, and marched into ye land and found diverse cornfields and little running brooks, as they supposed, fit for situation" (William Bradford in Seeyle, 1998, 1). Nothing else is written, and it was not until 1769 when the story of the heroic ascension to the rock was established. However, even with this 1769 tradition, it was not until recent times, at least the mid 1800s, that the idea of Plymouth Rock being symbolic of a patriotic institution became part of the nation's heroic mythology (Willison, 1953, 115). Ironically, though, modern students can probably give the credit to Alexis de Tocqueville, French writer and philosopher who began to truly venerate the "Rock" saying: "A few poor souls trod for an instant on this rock, and it has become famous, it is prized by a great nation; fragments are venerated, and tiny pieces distributed far and wide" (de Tocqueville in Seelye, 1998, 78).

The Mayflower and Popular Culture -- Numerous references to the name Mayflower continue to arise within the rubric of popular culture, interestingly in both Britain and the United States. The Plymouth Argyle Football Club, for instance, call themselves "The Pilgrims;" the Mayflower Theatre in Southampton is named after the ship; even the Space Shuttle in Airplane II is called "The Mayflower." The Mayflower II, a replica of the original, to the best of modern knowledge, was launched in 1956, and the name is aptly symbolic for a science-fiction series which has a… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "May Flower" Assignment:

Topic of your choice, but it must fall into the time period 1492-1877 and deal with American history. You should include 6 pages of text, and 1 works cited page for a total of 7 pages minimum.Three sources minimum. At least one of your sources should be a book. Yes you can count your text as a source. The other two can be from magazine or journal articles, web sites(but not Wikipedia), or personal interviews. The text of your paper should be double-spaced. Please don't just summarize your topic. Try to analyze the information you have researched and then synthesize your response. In other words, think about what you have read. I will be looking for good content as well as good style.

How to Reference "May Flower" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

May Flower.”, 2009, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

May Flower (2009). Retrieved from (2009). May Flower. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”May Flower” 2009.
”May Flower”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”May Flower”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. May Flower [Internet]. 2009 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. May Flower. Published 2009. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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