Term Paper on "Mathematics My Role as a Special Education"

Term Paper 10 pages (3320 words) Sources: 1+

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My role as a Special Education Teacher

Despite the fact that education is not referenced in the U.S. Constitution, nations that declared that they have "undertaken to provide" it ought to provide extended educational prospects fairly. Appropriate development securities are assured by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments that are:

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Initially intended as safety measures in opposition to any sort of undeserved custody and securities for real estate tenure, "liberty" and "property" agreements have achieved lengthened significance in the framework of educational regulation. The connection involving educational break and professional triumph has been obviously verified in studies and has constantly benefited from the security provided by Fourteenth Amendment in legal assessments (Richard, 2001).

The modern special education movement

Numerous historians outline the contemporary special education progress as a consequence of World War II, as it was for the duration of this clash that countless soldiers with no hereditary or infancy ailments or hindrances became brutally and intensely immobilized. These recently immobilized experts coming back in great figures confronted the American medicinal society, guiding to penetrations in developed comprehension and cures. Encountering the confronta
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tion was assisted by the rapid growth in awareness and knowledge.

My Strengths as a teacher

As a teacher, there are many factors that need to be taken into review for the proper deliverance of education, when teaching special children, these factors grow tenfold. I believe that I, as a teacher, am extremely aware of all my students, their strengths and weaknesses, attention span, etc.; I know how to use my own capabilities to elevate their progress and encourage them ranking of own abilities;

can also very easily determine those students that might lag behind for whatever reason and pay special attention to them to help them maintain their self-esteem and recognize where their abilities lie; I also can evaluate my own performance as a teacher as objectively as possible. Furthermore, one of my chief objectives as a teacher has been to recognize the successful educational standards that produce elevated effect volumes, in addition to the factors and elements that structure those standards.

I, from experience in this particular field with the special children agree with Darling-Hammond (1999) when she assertively and believably states that teachers who are well-organized in both the subject matter that needs to be discussed and the educational setup of the institutions, then "it makes an enormous difference not only to their effectiveness in the classroom, but also whether they're likely to enter and stay in teaching" (Darling-Hammond, 1999, p. 16). Her statement that it might be "more expensive to under-prepare people, and then let them spin out again, than it is to prepare people more effectively and keep them in the profession" (Darling-Hammond, 1999, p. 17) promotes the belief that a teacher who is perhaps comparatively better organized and aware elevates her own chance of an enduring career as a teacher. So, in conclusion I agree with the fact that the value of research and maintenance is "as integral to the task as the development of incentives to boost up the supply of people coming in" (Darling-Hammond, 1999, p. 18).

Critical resources required for professional development

Generally, the special institutional erosion and preservation study illustrates that the atmosphere in which the teachers are asked to work in are significant factors contributing to the longevity and contentment of the teacher with her decision to continue with the chosen career or not. Examiners in erosion and preservation characterize the job atmosphere for a teacher in numerous aspects, utilizing mutually the extensive and briefly explained factors; explain corresponding titled factors in a diverse way, and applying a variety of critical methods to inspect the associations amid occupational factors and abrasion. This segment tackles this particular association keeping in mind the pay, school weather, managerial encouragement, peer assistance, backing through training and guidance, professional growth, teacher functions, and workload concerns.


Income earned by a teacher, in my opinion, is one of the determining factors of the continuation of the occupation. Numerous special education researches propose that pay is linked to revenue generated. In three researches, examiners observed the payments received by teachers who in reality quit and those who chose not to. Boe et al. (1997) testified that after a public model of special and broad educationalists was carried out, the number of teachers staying or continuing their job increased with the increase in the earnings.

Both Miller et al. (1999) and Singer (1992) in addition established that special instructors, those who had a long-lasting career, were those who had elevated earnings. According to a study carried out by Billingsley et al. (1995) about 10% of teachers quit their jobs in a metropolitan environment with their incomes playing a momentous part in that decision. Henke et al. (1997) recommended that reimbursements were vital for the modern educationalists evaluating the "tangible and intangible costs and benefits of remaining in the teaching field or in a particular district or school" (p. VI-1). There are, in addition, equity consequences for the deprived areas who will find it more strenuous to employ and preserve teachers with the rising demand of high-paying jobs (Henke et al. 1997).

Therefore, in light of the mentioned study conclusions, the educational institutions should rate the incomes as a priority to augment preservation of the teachers as well as the school system.

School Weather/Ambiance

One of the most extensive work atmosphere factors considered as significant in the special education erosion is the school weather/ambiance. The determined outcomes of three extensive researches (a High-Quality Teacher for Every Classroom, 2002; Billingsley et al. In press; Miller et al., 1999) proposed that every teacher who analyzes the institution weather or ambiance as constructive and helpful is liable to continue as opposed to those who might not be very encouraged by the general ambiance. Of course, in all these studies 'climate' was not literally taken as the weather condition but climate was used in different terminologies by all the researchers: for instance, a couple of researches encompassed an extensive variety of matters, like "Necessary materials are available when you need them," "School administrative behavior is supportive and encouraging," "You feel included in the school,.." And "There is a great deal of cooperation among staff members."

Basically, the 'climate' factor is essential to consider as it looks at the overall view of the teacher on the environment he/she is working in whereas it is normal for numerous examiners to take every factor separately, which is tough as they are all interrelated and interdependent.

Therefore, in light of the mentioned study conclusions, the educational institutions should rate the overall ambiance of the workplace seriously to augment preservation of the teachers as well as the school system.

Administrative Support can tell you from personal experiences that the managerial and peer encouragement are crucial in the choice of continuation of the job or not, all the studies done confirm this fact. Boe et al. (1999) after conducting a nationwide study concluded that those educationalists who felt a strong sense of support form their peers and administrative staff was more content with their choice of occupation and more likely to continue. George et al. (1995) verified this further for the educationalist of special students stating that whenever and wherever the managerial contributions were deemed as "adequate" or "more than adequate," it was then and there that the teachers were more pleased to continue. Adequate managerial contributions resulted in higher satisfaction rates and decreases stressful situations for the teachers (Billingsley & Cross, 1992).

Numerous researches have been done to show some kind of a relationship of the central administration and the principle and the influence of one over the other. However, in a research, special educationalists specified frustrating relationships with central managers (25% left for this reason) more often than with the heads (20% left for this reason) (Billingsley et al., 1995).

The latest path examinations offer an improved perception of how managerial assistance directly or indirectly shapes intention to quit due to factors such as work contentment, pressure, reduced role troubles, dedication, professional growth prospects (Gersten et al., 2001),

Therefore, in light of the mentioned study conclusions, the educational institutions should treat the administrative support crucially to augment preservation of the teachers as well as the school system.

Colleague Support

The peer assistance is an important factor, in my opinion, which has nearly escaped the radar of many research studies, and whatever research has been done has given varied outcomes. Miller et al. (1999) stated that as the peer assistance increased so did the level of teachers who decided to stay and vice versa. On the other hand George et al. (1995) asserted the peer assistance was "totally inadequate" in the decision for… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Mathematics My Role as a Special Education" Assignment:

Final Research/Philosophy Paper (25 points)

Based on course materials, discussions, and your interactions with families, you will write a final

paper highlighting your personal philosophy as it relates to special education and the basis of

your developing philosophy.

Please address (minimally) the following topics:

•how you will work to merge “special” and “regular” education; your thoughts about

including students with disabilities in general education classrooms

•what you see as the major challenges to inclusion as well as the opportunities it presents;

your concerns, fears, apprehension about including (or more fully including) students

with disabilities in your classroom

•your understanding of current laws as they relate to students with special needs,

•what you see as the critical resources which will support your ongoing professional

development as a teacher, and what type(s) of information, support, and/or collaboration

will improve your ability to fully include students with disabilities in your classroom,

•your role as a special education teacher; what strengths do you possess that will (or does)

enable you to provide instruction to students with disabilities

Your final paper should be a minimum of seven pages, include at least four references from

current texts or academic, peer-reviewed journals (not more than 10 years old) in the field (one

reference may be from assigned course readings), and follow APA format.

Course Description:

This course presents an overview of issues related to people with disabilities. It specifically

focuses on the critical issues that individuals with disabilities and their families face

educationally, socially and vocationally across the lifespan. Disability is examined beyond

specific characteristics to the social systems in which people live, work and recreate. The

attitudinal barriers faced by people with disabilities in our society will be discussed throughout

the course. A major focus of the course is on people with disabilities in k-12 and the role of

teachers in adapting curriculum and the educational setting to create an inclusive learning

environment. The role of families and support networks will also be explored. Students will be

involved in a service- learning project with families and their special education system.


Required Text: Turnbull, A.P., Turnbull, H.R., Wehmeyer, M.L. (2007). Exceptional Lives:

Special Education in Today’s Schools. (5th Edition). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-hall, Inc.

How to Reference "Mathematics My Role as a Special Education" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Mathematics My Role as a Special Education.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mathematics-special-education/716106. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Mathematics My Role as a Special Education (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mathematics-special-education/716106
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). Mathematics My Role as a Special Education. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mathematics-special-education/716106 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Mathematics My Role as a Special Education” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mathematics-special-education/716106.
”Mathematics My Role as a Special Education” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mathematics-special-education/716106.
[1] ”Mathematics My Role as a Special Education”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mathematics-special-education/716106. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Mathematics My Role as a Special Education [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mathematics-special-education/716106
1. Mathematics My Role as a Special Education. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/mathematics-special-education/716106. Published 2006. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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