Research Paper on "Effective Mathematics Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities"

Research Paper 4 pages (1429 words) Sources: 4

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Mathematics Instructions for Students With Learning Disabilities

The work of Steedly, Dragoo, Arafeh, & Luke, (2008) considers strategies for enabling persons with learning disabilities (LD) to learn mathematics. The authors contend that learning math requires a systematic approach whether a persons has a LD or not. This approach must consider the multiple elements necessary to process and understand mathematics. It is important therefore for teachers and parents to understand the challenges faced by students and create systems that assist in ameliorating these challenges. Persons who have received injuries to the head or any other brain injury are particularly prone to experience problems in learning mathematics.

The major question poses by the researchers for investigation was what instructional approaches are effective in the teaching of mathematics to persons with a learning disability. This problem formed the backbone of the article and the basis for discussion. It was evident that before this question could be answered there were some preliminary questions to be explicated. There was the consideration of; what students need to know how to do mathematically? This initial question is important because it provides a window of understanding into the problem. The problem is considered a cognitive problem. The cognitive nature of the problem means that there is no need to limit the search for a solution to populations where persons may have damage to the brain or some learning disability. The search for a solution can be examined in populations without these challenges because the essence of the problem is in the human cognition, and the mechanisms employed by the brain t
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o grasp and relate to mathematical concepts and data.

This particular study engaged the work of multiple researchers to produce a coherent and compelling argument. The argument invited the continued research in the area and the adoption of previously identified tools that would make it easier for persons to learn mathematics. The study examined the work from four expert panels on what students should learn to do in mathematics. Additionally, the researchers examined the work of a wide sample of researchers the sample size n=10. The work sampled for the study was from peer-reviewed journals some of which were online and others were in hard copy. The authors did not provide a description of the sample by age, sex, or socioeconomic status. It would however be possible to suggest that the majority of the sample came from persons from the middle and upper middle class in the society. All the persons whose work was chosen were specialist in their area and the work represented recent research in the particular discipline.

The articles were chosen because of their ability to contribute to the development of four predetermined areas by the researcher. The members of the sample were chosen using purposive sampling. Each work was purposefully chosen by the researcher to adequately and appropriately represent the phenomenon under consideration. Purposive sampling allows the researcher to represent the phenomenon through the sample and does not require that the sample be statistically representative (Marshall, 1996). The quantum of error in the sample is consequently unknown but this knowledge is unnecessary, as there was no attempt by the researcher to do any type of inference from the sample to the population. This work did not employ any experimentation. Documentary analysis appears to have been used to unearth the appropriate article for the relevant section. The researchers made it clear that they used experts in the field. The experts provided the necessary technical and research competence for the researchers to produce their work. It should be noted that the article is a descriptive work that provides the reader with a description of the available resources and tools necessary to accomplish the goal of teaching persons with LD's mathematics. The use of experts gives the work high credibility, these persons who are at pivotal positions in the discipline. The amalgamation of their work into a single research article provides the reader with the unique opportunity to have a wide view of the existing positions on the topic. This view of course in not comprehensive since the authors were primarily focused on answering some very specific questions that were outline in the initial paragraphs of this review.

The data were presented in a descriptive manner highly consistent with… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Effective Mathematics Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities" Assignment:

2. Nature of Problem: Briefly report on the nature of the question or hypotheses posed by the author(s).

State the problem in your own words.

3. Subjects: Give the special characteristics of the group under study by age, sex, socioeconomic status.

Also, describe briefly the nature of the exceptionality of the subjects.

4. Procedures: Explain briefly how the researcher(s) conducted the study. What instruction or intervention took place? How was the experiment conducted? What special techniques or materials were used?

5. Results, Conclusions, and Implications: Data are usually presented in a graph or table format. Summarize briefly the results of this study as reported by the experimenter(s).

6. Overall assessment of the article. Your evaluation of the study must address the following questions:

a. What did you think about this study?Did you like it /dislike it, and why?

b. What did you think of the procedures used in this study? Are they clear?

c. What did you think about the selection and the involvement of the subjects in this study?

d. What would you do differently in this study? How would you conduct this study if you had the chance? Give specific suggestions.

e. How would you use the results of this study to benefit your students, or to improve your teaching? What implications do these results have for you or your students?

f. Was the study successful? Why or why not?


How to Reference "Effective Mathematics Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Effective Mathematics Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Effective Mathematics Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Effective Mathematics Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Effective Mathematics Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities” 2011.
”Effective Mathematics Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Effective Mathematics Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Effective Mathematics Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Effective Mathematics Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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