Term Paper on "Marshall Mcluhan Media and the Human Senses"

Term Paper 7 pages (2254 words) Sources: 1+

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Marshall McLuhan

Media and the Human Senses

Marshall McLuhan contends that all media are extensions of the human senses. True to form, all media presented whether print, audio, visual, electronic or other are nothing more than expansions of our perceptions of the world in one form or another. Media provides the medium through which mankind can engage the senses, explore the world, interpret reality and communicate with mankind. Through use of media including television, video and electronic media mankind can interpret his experiences, create a unique identity, engage in social order and develop social rules and institutions that make living possible and acceptable.

In this paper the author provide an analysis of how various forms of the media act as a medium through which sensory perception is maximized and fully utilized. The author will explain how the media is as important as other extensions of the senses including the arms, eyes and ears. The author will show how media is a tool or medium through which mankind defines social order and interprets his reality or existence.

The author will also demonstrate how varying forms of media are vital to mankind's existence, to maintaining the social order and to facilitating communication and networking among mankind. The media is an important tool through which people learn to express and communicate themselves. The media works synergistically with the other senses to facilitate learning and living. To live without various media agents would be much like living life without ones vital senses. Life would prove meaningless and impossible to interpret. These ideas and more are explored in
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Media is an extension of the human mind or cognitive thought processes. McLuhan argues that mass media is an extension specifically of the central nervous system, where technology has enabled simulation of consciousness extending mankind's consciousness and influence and extending our senses purely through media. Via technology mankind can now express himself in new ways using new tools and modes of communication. Technology has produced video, internet technology and television. All three forms of media enable ma to distance himself from tangible objects and instead more abstract or intangible thought processes that are nonetheless vital to one's existence.

To understand how media impacts the human senses and is in effect an extension of these senses one must first understand what sense are and how they affect human identity and development. From early on most people learn that the senses include our ability to hear, touch, see, taste and smell things (Geurts, 2002). What many people fail to comprehend or realize however, until oftentimes much later in life, is that the human senses are the way that our bodies collect, gather and interpret information about the world and about one's identity, beliefs and feelings (Geurts, 00). The senses provide a means through which one can travel outside of one's own body to collect and interpret the experiences of others. These collections of experiences and events are then translated and interpreted by the individual that is 'sensing' or feeling. Taste, touch, smell and hearing are important senses, but they do not operate in and of themselves. We use a variety of tools to facilitate the sensory process. For example, our hands provide us the tools necessary to engage in tactile or touch learning. Our eyes provide us the ability to engage in visual learning and stimulation. This stimulation helps us interpret every day events, our life and helps us shape our identities.

In the same way an arm or a leg is an extension of our senses, so too is the media. Whether in the form of television, radio, video or digital media, human beings use media as a tool through which they can compare, document and interpret various experiences and interactions. The media provides a tool through which people can learn, experience, network, grow and interpret events. The media does this in varying ways. Television and video for example provide different sensory enhancement than say digital media, in the same way our ears provide us different sensory experiences than our eyes. One can even go as far as to argue that the media is in fact a more comprehensive tool or extension of our senses than our basic body parts. The media is capable of engaging multiple senses at once, enhancing our interpretation and experience of given events or occurrences. Media is in fact a tool through which mankind can maximize sensory experience and use this experience to grow, learn, prosper and develop internally and externally. Media creates according to some, a balance of the human senses, when used correctly.

Media is nothing more than a medium whereby people have the ability to express conscious thought, creative processes, feelings, decisions and other internal thought processes. Researchers have long sought to explore how the human senses interact and influence media practices (Wellman, et. al, 1996; Walther, 1996; Anderson, 1996). Studies suggest that media is nothing more than a medium through which social structures are constructed, debated and assimilated into daily activity (Reid, 1995; Ito, 1996). Through media like television and video for example human beings can pull together varying frames of reference helping to create and share ideas that become less ambiguous and more concrete or real.

Media provides mankind an opportunity to use his senses to personalize communications, elicit feedback and to share basic social functions with others. Television and video provide the same sensory stimulation that face-to-face interaction would. People can demonstrate nonverbal cues including gestures, eye contact, facial expressions using visual stimulus present in television and video. Digital media often presents a unique challenge in this respect, providing mankind the ability to create new extensions of communication but offering less in the way of non-verbal stimulus.

Digital media is becoming more and more the modus of choice for individuals desiring significant sensorial experiences and social interactions in modern society. Digital media is perhaps the most technologically advanced extension of the human senses invented at his point by mankind. Digital media is increasing in popularity, providing motivated participants the opportunity to create networks or communities online, sustaining consumers need to access and experience new forms of stimulation, communication and information (Lindlif & Shatzer, 1998).

Digital media is very different from other forms of media like the television or video, as it allows more shared learning experiences, more intercultural contact between people and allows more explicit sensory analysis and input, as one can engage all of the sense while enjoying digital media. Digital media like the Internet provides users with a form of culture symbolic of real life events and cultural experiences, providing users an outlet to express themselves in a coherent fashion despite geographical or other limitations (Lidlif & Shatzer, 1998).

Thomas Csordas argues that to understand what it is to be human one must first understand what people do to make themselves human; the answer of course is what sense and tools do we engage to determine cultural values and to determine what value we place on certain events or situations (Geurts, 200; Csordas, 1994). Our senses are a tool to help us be more human by helping us remember and determine what aspects of life are important to remember (Connerton, 1989; Damasio, 1994; Casey, 1996). The media is an extension of our senses that help create a general picture of social interaction that is both acceptable to us and one that we eagerly desire to participate in (Meyrowitz, 1985). People consistently use tools including their hands, feet, computer, television to change their outlook, roles, perceptive experiences, methods of learning and methods of adhering to conventional wisdoms or behavior (Meyrowitz, 1985). Social order is largely maintained by people's ability to adjust to changing rules, role, social conditions and social institutions. Through digital media, television, radio and video people define their role, learn about changing rules, change their role, uncover social conditions and defy or relate to social institutions.

The media is a tool that people can use to express their malcontent, their satisfaction or continuing needs with respect to the social order and way that their life or life in generally is being managed. Behavior may change and will continue to change as displayed via various forms of media. People's attitudes fore example clearly change from one television program to another, as a television program aspires to depict a certain social condition, event, institution or situation experienced by mankind but interpreted in various ways.

Media provides mankind a tool through which he can play various roles at varying points in time. Through mixed media including the television, radio, video and digital media people have the ability to change their role, performance and style or method of interaction (Meyrowitz, 1985). Media provides a way for mankind to act in public as he might otherwise act in private, incorporating subjective and personal experiences into day-to-day affairs and activities. The media provides a forum through which behaviors and segregations are differentiated and people can assess their compliance or resistance to certain universal social themes and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Marshall Mcluhan Media and the Human Senses" Assignment:

Make sure you read all the following requirements and meet them all.

Media research essay of 1900 ¨C2000 words


Marshall McLuhan contents that all media are extensions of human senses. Discuss, drawing examples from three media forms.

This essay should conform to general academic

standards of presentation¡ªspelling, syntax,

paragraphs, introduction, main body, conclusion, and

references. The title as set should appear on the

first page, all pages numbered, and importantly your

essay should be properly referenced throughout and

must include a full list of references. Ideally your

essay should be typed/word-processed (1.5 or

double-spaced lines). Remember to answer the question

as set; don't simply off load everything you may

happen to know about the topic in hand! Obviously in

answering your essay title you should seek to draw on

subject themes, studies, theories, concepts and

debates where relevant.

The specific requirements---

*this essay is assessed by teacher from media theory study, so keep this in mind to help you get on the right track.

*The essay requires at least 16 sources.

*focus on your own understanding and arguments about Mcluhan¡¯s ¡®media are extension of human senses¡¯

*this is not a big essay, so make sure your discussion and analysis focus on the most relevant and important things about the topic. Don¡¯t introduce Mcluhan and give too much background, because 1) the essay is small 2)the reader is your marker, you are not writing to general readers.

*if you are using online library, please write the

concrete reference rather than just give a name of the

database, please follow the Harvard standard of

writing bibliography.

*Don't use direct quote but paraphrase in your own

word throughout the essay.

*You need a good introduction. It should be brief but

include the following: Question, Stance, Argument and

Approach. Be explicit about these things. good introduction-, topic sentence for each

paragraph, one paragraph one idea, good transition,

good strong conclusion- It is strictly assessed for

this essay¡­

*all paragraphs should have a strong and clear topic


*Make the structure of your essay a conscious choice,

not an accident. Think about taking your reader

through your ideas, by the hand.

*Cut all the padding out of your essay and your


*Each sentence should only be about one idea and each

paragraph should be made up of a set of sentences

about one idea.

* If you want to quote, using sources from books rather than internet, they are relatively authoritative. This essay requires you to

paraphrase and summarize others¡¯ ideas or arguments,

making them concise and concentrate on your strong

analysis. We are interested in your own idea and

analysis. Not direct quote in this essay. So do not

use direct quote. We don¡¯t hope u plagiarize (don¡¯t copy and paste content from the web and journals)

*don¡¯t use many words to explain a theoretical

concept, your reader is your marker, be concise about

those things, you should concentrate on your argument

and analysis. You will let your mark down if your own

argument and analysis is not sufficient and strong to


*use active voice whereas possible.

The following requirements must be meet, don¡¯t ignore these, they are important for a 4th year student.

*INTRODUCTION - State your thesis and the purpose of

your research paper clearly. What is the chief reason

you are writing the paper? State also how you plan to

approach your topic. Is this a factual report, a book

review, a comparison, or an analysis of a problem?

Explain briefly the major points you plan to cover in

your paper and why readers should be interested in

your topic. (you should include: Question, Stance,

Argument and Approach. Be explicit about these


BODY - Each paragraph in the body of the essay should

include a topic sentence that tells the reader the

main idea of the paragraph. Other sentences in the

paragraph should support this with examples. In your

paragraphs you will need to summarise and paraphrase

(i.e. use your own words for) the ideas, research and

arguments of others. Finally the concluding sentence

should tie the paragraph together and lead to the next

paragraph. Of course, the order of the ideas covered

in the paragraphs will follow the plan.

CONCLUSION - This should summarise the main view

(thesis) presented. Explain why you have come to this

particular conclusion. It should briefly review the

ideas covered and finish off with an overall comment

on the topic.

This essay will be assessed in these aspects:

Composition, written expression, technical


Analytical skills¡ªyour ability to explicate a given

issue or set of issues£»in other words, to your

ability to write about these issues in a way which

sheds light on them, and which demonstrates your grasp

of them.

Composition---the way in which your argument has been

structured, or in other words to the form of the essay

( good introduction-, topic sentence for each

paragraph, one paragraph one idea, good transition,

good strong conclusion- It is strictly assessed for

this essay¡­)

Written Expression---your prose style. The major

weaknesses in this category are usually to do with

syntax (sentence structure) and vocabulary.

Technical presentation¡ªthe overall formatting of the

essay, and especially to the presentation of in-text

reference, bibliography.

How to Reference "Marshall Mcluhan Media and the Human Senses" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Marshall Mcluhan Media and the Human Senses.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marshall-mcluhan-media/80474. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Marshall Mcluhan Media and the Human Senses (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marshall-mcluhan-media/80474
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Marshall Mcluhan Media and the Human Senses. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marshall-mcluhan-media/80474 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Marshall Mcluhan Media and the Human Senses” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marshall-mcluhan-media/80474.
”Marshall Mcluhan Media and the Human Senses” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marshall-mcluhan-media/80474.
[1] ”Marshall Mcluhan Media and the Human Senses”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marshall-mcluhan-media/80474. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Marshall Mcluhan Media and the Human Senses [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marshall-mcluhan-media/80474
1. Marshall Mcluhan Media and the Human Senses. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marshall-mcluhan-media/80474. Published 2005. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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