Dissertation on "How to Expand Company's Activities in the Rest of the Country"

Dissertation 18 pages (4837 words) Sources: 5

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Strategizing and positioning a company through Internet marketing

Businesses the world over have turned to the Internet to market themselves, and those in the United States have used this global tool to reach customers and clients like never before.

While the largest Internet presence is enjoyed by companies in the United States -- and the heavily business influenced areas of Asia -- it has been slow to catch on in commerce in places throughout Europe (Charlesworth 2009).

The Internet is indeed an outlet that can reach customers locally and around the world -- and will represent a business in front of billions. Some businesses and areas, however, are woefully underrepresented in their online presence, denying them ample opportunities for promotion.

The promotional opportunities available through Internet marketing encompass the practices of targeting and positioning, and let a company make strategic choices about their products, services and policies. With Internet marketing, there is the ability to reach an audience larger than ever before -- and more cheaply than any other resource (Ries 2001).

The renovation company Remont, based out of Radom, Poland, is positioned to take advantage of an online presence that is not as common throughout Poland as it is throughout the United States and other areas (Charlesworth 2009). With smaller amounts of companies marking their presence online -- throughout the Mazowieckie region of Poland -- Remont has the ability to become one of the most readily available renovation companies online in the region.

A young compa
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ny -- as Remont is, established only in 2010 -- has a chance to use Internet marketing to spread the word that has not yet been established through the area.

Remont has a unique opportunity to become known throughout the region -- all while avoiding the networking, business cards, fliers, posters and business-to-business necessities that otherwise might have been the only option.

With as little as three full-time employees and one to three part-time employees, Remont can complete their own Internet marketing during off-constructions hours. This will save money on costs that might otherwise be spent hiring others to market the business, and will attract business and lead to the growth of the company.

With 17% of accepted building permits in the entire country being handed out in their region, Remont has a chance to take advantage of a large client base to establish a name. Once the name is established, the marketing can be automated or outsourced as business grows and increases.

Because Remont is in a market that is stronger than it has ever been in Poland, they can take advantage of a medium that is more important than it has ever been. The $150 billion industry is still growing in Poland, and is expected to continue growing through the following years.

With a high percentage of building and renovation companies in Poland employing the same size of business, Remont can be among the early ones to effectively take hold of the client and customer base through the Internet. Through this marketing technique, Remont will have the chance to take a stranglehold on one aspect of the search for a renovation company -- and one that is seeing the tables tilted favorably in its direction (Ferrell 2008).

The many Internet marketing opportunities available for a business of this size are varied in nature, and are mostly things that can be established and completed by a relative novice. A basic level of Internet understanding will allow the employees and managers of Remont to branch into a presence on the World Wide Web that will position them for exponential increases in business, customers, clients and exposure (Charlesworth 2009).

Marketing the Business

The Internet has revolutionized the way the world lives, communicates and does business. It has opened doors that have never before been open, and provided people with opportunities that have never existed before. This Internet revolution has been a simple way to communicate and get along for some, and for others it has become a way of utilizing a digital gold rush (Charlesworth 2009).

It is not only the advent and explosion of the Internet that is propagating the growth in sales, marketing and advertising on the Internet, but the technology that has made the Internet mobile and more accessible than ever.

Smart phones, notebooks and tablets are making the Internet on the go more realistic, and all of these changes have combined to make making money not only possible, but realistic for many people (Ries 2001).

With this growing use of cell phones, the ability to stay digitally attached at all times is essential to running a business in a low attention span world. It is essential to stay connected at all times, and having this smart mobile technology is one of the most essential things a business can do (Charlesworth 2009). Not only having the technology, but mastering it and allowing it to run every type of transaction that is completed with the Internet business will not only be important, but may make or break the gold rush ideology (Ferrell 2008).

Google, like Facebook, is used by millions of Internet viewers every day, and represents the main method of gathering information for people all around the world. With Google, Web-searchers have the ability to find anything online. Whether they are looking for clients, customers, consumers or businesses, Google will direct them to the ones in their area (Reis 2001).

With Google searches, a business can position themselves to be placed at the top of search engine results by optimizing their page in the correct way. When optimized, the pages will achieve the best results, make the most money and produce the most sales and contacts from potential customers and clients.

The key to moving from a small business to a digital marketing enterprise, there are steps that will have a business attracting clients in ways different than ever before.

To attract customers and clients, a business needs a great brand, outcome and differentiator.

Brand -- The brand needs to be easily identifiable. It needs to have a certain attitude and can be described in just one word.

Outcome -- This step allows a business not to describe the process to clients, but to explain the end product and the goods.

Differentiator -- A business also needs something that sets it apart in their industry. They need something to make them shine above all others in the field. They need to know the competition, and go above and beyond them to excel at their business (Ferrell 2008).

With the steps listed below, Remont can utilize the following to attract customers:


Social media networking


SEO content



Joint Ventures

Social bookmarking

The next step of the Internet marketing process for Remont is to educate, market and sell to their customers acquired online. Their website should be used to educate others about the process, tell them why the business is special and sell them on buying the services.

Not every single person who visits the website, reads the newsletters or downloads the articles will want to buy the services or come back for the information (Charlesworth 2009).

Although not all of these people will become clients, there is a chance they will tell friends or family about the business' website, and this will attract others to the goods or services.

Catering to Consumers and Would-Be Clients

Remont will have to convert the would-be clients to actual consumers and customers. If they have a client signed up to their eZine, they need them to visit the website and buy the services.

The next step in the process is transforming. Remont will have to transform their potential client into an actual customer. This can be done by delivering on the services and promises, and even over-delivering.

Many may think the process takes a long time, but this is not always the case. The process can be completed quickly by setting up the system and putting it on auto pilot.

In one scenario, the clients may visit Remont's Facebook page, and this may in turn lead them to signing up to the eZine. In this case, the company can then continue to cultivate a relationship with a client as they dig deeper into the product, and they eventually will purchase the goods or services.

With the advent of the Internet, businesses can move thousands of prospects almost instantaneously (Lee 2001).

With the amount of information available on the Internet, people can get overloaded with drab content and with articles and pages that simply fail to deliver anything useful.

Because this is the case, making the content of the highest quality will appeal to visitors on the web. The web pages should provide people with information that they cannot get elsewhere, and products and facts that visitors will find especially useful or entertaining.

Because experts are natural attention magnets, people will flock to someone who is proficient in their field. They will be interested in what someone has to say if they have established… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "How to Expand Company's Activities in the Rest of the Country" Assignment:

The dissertation has to be about small polish company called *****'Remont*****' which is just starting its business. The *****'Remont*****' is a construction company.

As the general subjects are Marketing and Management it it would be good to conclude:

- Strategic and marketing analysis, like: Marketing auditing and SWOT analysis; Aproaches to competitor analisys; Aproaches to customer analysis

- Strategic direction and strategy formulation, like: Mission and objectives; Structural, market and environmental analysis; Market segmentation, targeting and positionig

- Strategic choice, like: Product (service) and new product strategies; Pricing policies and strategies; The promotional plan; The distribution plan

Of course not all of those points have to be conclude (if they are not relevant).

***** *****

How to Reference "How to Expand Company's Activities in the Rest of the Country" Dissertation in a Bibliography

How to Expand Company's Activities in the Rest of the Country.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2011, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-strategizing-positioning/7297796. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

How to Expand Company's Activities in the Rest of the Country (2011). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-strategizing-positioning/7297796
A1-TermPaper.com. (2011). How to Expand Company's Activities in the Rest of the Country. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-strategizing-positioning/7297796 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”How to Expand Company's Activities in the Rest of the Country” 2011. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-strategizing-positioning/7297796.
”How to Expand Company's Activities in the Rest of the Country” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-strategizing-positioning/7297796.
[1] ”How to Expand Company's Activities in the Rest of the Country”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-strategizing-positioning/7297796. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. How to Expand Company's Activities in the Rest of the Country [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-strategizing-positioning/7297796
1. How to Expand Company's Activities in the Rest of the Country. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-strategizing-positioning/7297796. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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