Term Paper on "Introducing Samuel Adams Beer to Argentina Preliminary Marketing Plan"

Term Paper 6 pages (1641 words) Sources: 1+

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Preliminary Marketing Plan:

Introducing Samuel Adams to Argentina (CIA World Fact Book, 2004)

Preliminary Marketing Plan:

Introducing Samuel Adams to Argentina

The Marketing Plant:

Marketing Objectives

Our marketing strategy will be based on studies of the market segments with possible joint ventures.

The market segment is highly literate and the GDP per capita purchasing power is approximately $11,000 U.S.. Argentina benefits from rich natural resources, a highly literate population, an export-oriented agricultural sector, and a diversified industrial base."

We will use the fact that Boston Beer has won over 500 international awards for its better-tasting beers such as Samuel Adams Boston Lager® and our target markets will consist of urban and rural bars, liquor stores and all levels of liquor licensed restaurants.

We aim to sell to the male and female beer and current wine drinking population in both urban and rural markets. l see where marketing efforts and word of mouth are working and thus we will be able to observe the benefits of the product

The objective it first establish urban market shares and work outward to the rural community through marketing and word of mouth campaigns.

We aim to provide sufficient quality to maintain our products reputation.

Product adaptation or modification

The beer will be condensed for shipping and rehydrated once in country at local bottling plants.
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The beer will continue to be the same high caliber product sold in all of our markets.

The bottling process will be the point of quality control.

Promotion Mix

The nation has 42 Television broadcast systems as of 1997 and internet use is nearly a million strong. The nation's radio stations are mostly unlicensed: "AM 260 (including 10 inactive stations), FM NA (probably more than 1,000, mostly unlicensed), shortwave 6 (1998)." (CIA World Fact Book, 2004)

Advertising - Argentina has a modern telecommunications and media market systems. There is a great deal of foreign investment incorporated into the systems.

A objectives - to start a successful program of television, newspaper, magazine and word of mouth advertising to build product support media mix

Video-clips and commercials on major TV-channels for all major Argentinean cities placing advertising blocks in stylish magazines and newspapers

Place a colored and stylish advertising sheet in the centers of major city's bars and department stores of our target markets.

A message - We will use the fact that Boston Beer has won over 500 international awards for its better-tasting beers such as Samuel Adams Boston Lager®

Costs will be established upon a thorough marketing assessment and pre-negotiations. The objective is to saturate the market at minimal cost.

Sales Promotion

Objectives to advertise our traditional beer product for segment customers according to questionnaire,

Coupons - Tasting contests and bar and store give away's

Premiums - in addition to promotional bonuses for bar keeps and bar owners for meeting sales objectives established per market.

Costs will be established upon a thorough marketing assessment and pre-negotiations. The objective is to saturate the market at minimal cost.

Provide incentives for word of mouth promotion for all bar keeps and bar owner.

Distribution: from origin and destination

Port selection

Origin port - we have a well established export process in place out of the Boston location and it will serve as the point of origin.

Destination port - the largest target market and the most reliable in country transportation process originates in our destination port of Buenos Aires.

Mode selection:

Ocean carrier - the product will be shipped by the most advantageous method which is currently via ocean carrier.

However, the process and route tables will continually be evaluated to ensure we receive the most cost effective process for shipment

Flying the product is faster but our shipping methods allow for slower modes of transportation.

Railroad - once in country, the barrels or other shipping containers will be shipped between dock and originating warehouse by rail.

The nation has a very reliable transportation system in the urban extremities. From the ware house locations the product will be moved by rail to the city's warehouse locations and by ground via motor carrier to mountain and rural areas.


Marking and labeling regulations we do not need any hazardous packing labels since the product will be dehydrated to a point of syrup which is non-toxic and non-polluting.

Containerization - We have created a safe and effective container product that on the outside is a puncture resistant tanker which is rail and truck ready.

Our containers are strong and adequately sealed.

Our products come with their own bracing within the container, regardless of size and weight and our dehydrated product is evenly distributed.

Our shipping concentration is a good obstacle to pilferage

Costs will be established per shipment with the objective of getting the lowest price per shipment possible.

Documentation required:

It is highly recommended that we obtain the services of an external and independent freight forwarder to handle the formidable amount of documentation required in this export process.

The following documents will be required by the United States government and Argentina.

Bill of lading - the contract between the Boston Beer Company and the carrier ships and intermodal rail.

Dock receipt and warehouse receipt - used to transfer accountability of our beer in export if moved by a domestic carrier to a port of embarkation and then left with the shipper or vessel.

Commercial invoice - the bill for the goods from us to the bottling plants so Argentina can establish the value of goods and assess customs duties and control imports

Shipper's Export Declaration - used to control exports and act as a source doc for official export statistics.

Certificate of origin - is required in Argentina as to the origin of the exported item.

Insurance claims - Damaging weather conditions, rough handling by carriers, and other common hazards to cargo make insurance an important protection for our products. From past experience we will not assume that the foreign bottling buyers have adequate insurance. We will required direct correspondence with the insurance carrier for all exported canisters so as to confirm adequate coverage so damage or loss to the cargo does not cause a major financial loss.

Freight forwarders

We will utilize an external team to assist us in preparing price quotations and advising us on reasonable freight costs, port charges, consular fees, costs of special documentation, insurance costs, and their handling fees.

A warehousing

We will use only bonded warehouses so as to maintain control over use of money until the duty is paid upon withdrawal of merchandise from the bonded warehouse. If no domestic buyer is found for the imported articles, the importer can sell merchandise for exportation, thereby canceling his obligation to pay duty.

Foreign Sales Corporation - to take full advantage of the federal income tax on our export-related income, we will establish a FSC.

The sole purpose of this venture will be foreign tax incentive for replaced domestic international sales

The tax exemption can be as great as 15 to 30% on gross income from exporting, and the expenses can be kept low through the use of intermediaries who are familiar with and able to carry out the formal requirements.

A price determination:

We will utilize the export price with the cost-plus method. The calculation starts with the domestic manufacturing cost and adds administration, research and development, overhead, freight forwarding, distributor margins, customs charges, and profit.

Price will be determined by:

Our projected sales

Actual cost of the export.

Market demand and competition which will also include "nonmarket" costs like tariffs and customs fees

We will exclude cost elements that provide no benefit to the export function such as domestic advertising.

The trip from Boston to Buenos Aires we will incur CIF (cost, insurance, freight) to a named overseas port where the we the seller will quote… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Introducing Samuel Adams Beer to Argentina Preliminary Marketing Plan" Assignment:

I would like to use *****: JSF (*****'s Username JSF). Please tell him/her that is doing such a excelent job! Thank you. I do appreciate doing business with JSF.

I am introducing Samuel Adams Beer to Argentina. I've got information about the product, Country etc. Now I need a preliminary marketing plan.

I will fax some material, hopefully will be more clear about my need and usefull information for the research paper.

Thank you again.



How to Reference "Introducing Samuel Adams Beer to Argentina Preliminary Marketing Plan" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Introducing Samuel Adams Beer to Argentina Preliminary Marketing Plan.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2004, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-preliminary-plan/462704. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Introducing Samuel Adams Beer to Argentina Preliminary Marketing Plan (2004). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-preliminary-plan/462704
A1-TermPaper.com. (2004). Introducing Samuel Adams Beer to Argentina Preliminary Marketing Plan. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-preliminary-plan/462704 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Introducing Samuel Adams Beer to Argentina Preliminary Marketing Plan” 2004. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-preliminary-plan/462704.
”Introducing Samuel Adams Beer to Argentina Preliminary Marketing Plan” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-preliminary-plan/462704.
[1] ”Introducing Samuel Adams Beer to Argentina Preliminary Marketing Plan”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2004. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-preliminary-plan/462704. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Introducing Samuel Adams Beer to Argentina Preliminary Marketing Plan [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2004 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-preliminary-plan/462704
1. Introducing Samuel Adams Beer to Argentina Preliminary Marketing Plan. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-preliminary-plan/462704. Published 2004. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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