Term Paper on "Marketing Plan for Swimming Pool Company"

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Marketing Plan for Swimming Pool Company

The world we live in is constantly changing and forces us to adapt along with it. The society is currently broken in two in regard to a major concern: the environment. Whereas some militate for its protection, others indulge in excessive consumerism. The swimming pool industry is market by this trend in the meaning that the consumers desire more and more swimming pools, but the protectionists wish to close them down in order to reduce water waste. This feature must be kept in mind by all those who desire to launch their business into the industry. But aside from this, other major issues must be looked at, such as the economic, technological and political backgrounds, against the market trends and the personal characteristics of the organization.

Situation Analysis

The swimming pool industry has been extremely profitable, attracting new entrants each year. But resistance in the sector has proved far more difficult than initially expected. The customers are rather pretentious and promote high demands and expectations, which can only be served and satisfied by specialized teams, using the latest technologies. Then, numerous environmental concerns have been addressed, such as the need to preserve the water resources through the reducing of water consumption. To best understand the industry in which the swimming pool company will activate, one should first develop a PEST analysis.

2.1 PEST Analysis

The PEST analysis highlights the particularities of the environment in which the new company will activate. "A PEST analysis is an analysis of the external macro-environment tha
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t affects all firms. P.E.S.T. is an acronym for the Political, Economic, Social, and Technological factors of the external macro-environment. Such external factors usually are beyond the firm's control and sometimes present themselves as threats. [...] However, changes in the external environment also create new opportunities" (Net MBA, 2002-2007)


The United States are currently undergoing the pre-election stages and being that this is an election year, some changes might occur. However, the general political stability is not affected. The environment promotes the regulations of free competition and the companies must comply with numerous laws in regard to best practices, customer and employee rights. Some of these obligations include a clean water, free from bacteria and other germs that could spread diseases, as well as the usage of adequate pumps and filters.


The general economic environment within the United States and consequently Florida is currently less stable than in the previous years and it has been severely affected by the real estate crisis, by the record high prices of petroleum as well as by the record high federal debt. However, signs of improvement are obvious and they materialized in a stable dollar. The gross domestic product is following a continuous ascendant trend with an estimated growth of 2.2% for 2007. The labour force is comprised of 153 million individuals, with an unemployment rate of 4.6% (Central Intelligence Agency, 2008)

The authorities promote a free market which establishes its characteristics based on demand and offer and with limited to none intervention from the U.S. government. Companies are free to choose those means of financing their operations which they feel are best, including bank loans or the issuing of stocks.


There are three major characteristics of the social environment which could affect the swimming pool company. The first is an increasing tendency towards luxury and consumerisms, which make individuals desire to own their personal pools within their homes. Then, there is an increasing concern for health related issues, which promote physical exercise and increase as such the number of swimmers and the need for more swimming pools within health centers and spas. Finally, the third characteristic is given by an increased concern over the protection of our natural environment, which materializes in the need to reduce water waste.


During the recent years, technology has become an integrant and crucial part of our daily lives. And the latest technological advancements support the swimming pool companies in adequately conducting their operations. They present the companies with the proper tools to clean and upkeep the pools, such as filters or pumps. They also offer companies the chance to virtually design or redesign the pool according to the unique requirements of each client. A latest technological development in the area of swimming pools is given by the cleaning of pools with the aid of ozone, rather than chlorine (Finney, 2008).

2.2 Company Analysis

The swimming pool company was founded in Charlotte County, Florida by two college students who desired to earn some extra money and support their studies by cleaning pools. With time however, their business expanded and the two received so many orders that they found it impossible to honour them all. As such, they brought in additional help. They now operate with a total of 20 cleaning employees and three administrative staff. Their current strategy is that of expanding their services from cleaning pools to also repairing and remodelling swimming pools. For this however, they will need additional funds and more specialized employees.

The corporate mission at the company is to offer the customers the best services, uniquely adapted to their particular needs while in the same time cherishing and valuing the employees.

The mission statement perfectly depicts the corporate culture promoted by the management at the swimming pool company, which revolves around the complete satisfaction of the needs and demands forwarded by the customers, the respect and valuing on the employees. Also, all activities commenced by the organization are done with the stated purpose of achieving beneficial financial results in the form of profits. The company is not publicly traded and the two founders have equal rights and responsibilities.

SWOT Analysis

Aside from the PEST analysis, the SWOT analysis is yet another important tool in developing a marketing plan. It points out the internal as well as the external forces which might support or prevent the organization from reaching its goals.

Internal Strengths

High quality management and committed personnel

Strong financial highlights

Large numbers of satisfied customers and increasing demands for the company's services

Internal Weaknesses

Lack of previous expertise with remodelling and repairing swimming pools

The new venture would generate additional costs, which cannot be entirely covered by the private funds of the organization

External Opportunities

Increased focus on swimming as part of a healthier life

Increased numbers of wealthy individuals who desire to own their personal pools within their homes

Increased demand for more public swimming pools within health centers and spas

External Threats

Increased environmental concerns over the protection of the environment and the reduction of wasted water

Increased competition within the industry

3. Analysis of Markets and Customers

The market of swimming pools promotes the idea of a healthy life through the practicing of sports. And this idea of health has also led to the incorporation of numerous technologies which make swimming less risky and more enjoyable. Such measures include a better cleaning of the pools as to reduce bacteria and the chances of contagious diseases as well as the elimination of chlorine from the process and its replacement with ozone cleaning technologies. In order to survive in such a demanding sector, the company has to be extremely strong and adaptable to the requirements and new needs. They must also constantly supervise the market in order to identify new strategies implemented by the competition and make as such sure that the services offered are competitive.

Another major characteristic of the market is given by the external trends in the industry and the environment which directly impact the swimming pool company, namely the increased concern for reducing water waste. This could mean that more and more swimming pools will close down and the company would lose numerous customers. "Jobs will be lost and the future of the sector is under threat because of level three water restrictions. Level three restrictions were introduced in mid-December last year, banning customers from filling or topping up new swimming pools without written exemption from water supplier ACTEW. They're going to lose out on a $40 million industry, and they're going to put a hell of a lot of people out of work" (Wiesemes, 2007).

But regardless of the threats in the environment, the pool service industry continues their operations in the attempt to increase their revenues by satisfying as many customers as possible. And the needs of these customers are extremely various, differentiated by the type of customers: a simple individual or an organization. The individual represents the swimmer in a public pool or the owner of a pool at his house, whereas the organizational customer represents the owner and manager of public pools, such as hotels, health centers of spas.

The needs of the individual customers could be summarized as follows:

Customers need a place where to spend their hot summer days

Customers need a place where to exercise in order to maintain or improve their health

Home pool owners need high quality services of cleaning, repairing and redesigning the pools according to their… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Marketing Plan for Swimming Pool Company" Assignment:

The marketing plan is for a swimming pool company in Charlotte County Florida. The services the company offers are pool cleaning, repairs, and remodeling. Please see fax for specific project requirements. *****

How to Reference "Marketing Plan for Swimming Pool Company" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Marketing Plan for Swimming Pool Company.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-plan-swimming-pool/350737. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Marketing Plan for Swimming Pool Company (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-plan-swimming-pool/350737
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). Marketing Plan for Swimming Pool Company. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-plan-swimming-pool/350737 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Marketing Plan for Swimming Pool Company” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-plan-swimming-pool/350737.
”Marketing Plan for Swimming Pool Company” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-plan-swimming-pool/350737.
[1] ”Marketing Plan for Swimming Pool Company”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-plan-swimming-pool/350737. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Marketing Plan for Swimming Pool Company [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-plan-swimming-pool/350737
1. Marketing Plan for Swimming Pool Company. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/marketing-plan-swimming-pool/350737. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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