Marketing Plan on "Marketing Plan the Potential Audiences"

Marketing Plan 18 pages (5054 words) Sources: 15

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Marketing Plan

The potential audiences for the Firenze include all smartphone and tablet users in North America and Brazil, specifically those who need to have a tablet device capable of supporting content creation and consumption. Apple has found that the iPad is used over 60% of the time for content consumption, or reading, video viewing and photography (Apple Investor Relations, 2012). The Firenze is designed to appeal to this very large potential audience of customers through its build-to-order strategy (Franke, Schreier, 2010). Apple has not been able to attain this level of manufacturing agility even in their laptops and low-end systems (Garfinkel, 2009). Figure 1, Global Smartphone and Tablet PC Demographics shows the distribution of audience by demographic segment.

Figure 1: Global Smartphone and Tablet PC Demographics, 2011

Market Segment Share

Males 18-45-37.0%

Females 18-45-28.0%

Males 45 2.0%

Based on an analysis of sources:

Apple Investor Relations, 2012) (Einhorn, 2011) (Franke, Schreier, 2010)

With the audience defined as smartphone and Tablet PC users, the specific market segment of Female and Males in the 18 -- 45 age group. Apple has found that the iPad is most often used by the females in this segment for photography and video consumption, in addition to texting and e-mail. Further, their documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) indicate that the iPad is now the preferred learning platform for women students in the 18- to 25-year-old segment, their fastest growing demographi
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c segment globally today (Apple Investor Relations, 2012). Women in the 25 -- 44 age groups are multi-taskers often managing both a career and home. The Male 18 -- 45 segments are more diverse, with the 18- to 25-year-old men also using iPads the majority of the time for content consumption. Men in the 25- to 44-year-old age group however use their iPads primarily as work platforms and content creation including a hybrid work and home device (Apple Investor Relations, 2012) (Ricadela, 2009).

Target Market

The target market is females and males in the 25 -- 44 age groups who have lifestyles that require frequent communication and collaboration, in addition to content creation. The differentiating aspects of the Firenze Tablet PC will be its ability to support the needs of this segment from both a personal and professional standpoint. Another differentiating aspect of the Firenze that will make it appeal to this market is the reliance on the Google Android operating system, which has a lower cost structure than competing mobile-based operating platforms. Apple has also created a series of copyrights to protect the iOS operating system as well, making it impossible for any company to use it in their own devices (Apple Investor Relations, 2012). The target market will also include Spanish-speaking females and males in the 25 -- 44 segments, which will be given the opportunity to tailor their Firenze table PC to their unique needs through the innovative build-to-order production process the company will have in place. All of these differentiators will be economically made possible through the use of the Google Android operating system as the basis of the Firenze Tablet PC. The Android operating system also supports Unicode, which will allow for the tablet to be easily used throughout Brazil and other Spanish-speaking countries (Garfinkel, 2009). Figure 1, Smartphone Market Share and Operating System Market Analysis, 2011 shows a breakout of operating system market share by smartphone. Clearly Android is the dominant platform today and will be ideal for the new Firenze Tablet PC.

Figure 1: Smartphone Market Share and Operating System Market Analysis, 2011.

Source: (Apple Investor Relations, 2012)

Mission statement

"To enabling consumers to improve the communication, collaboration and freedom in their lives by providing innovative tablet computing solutions."

Company introduction

The Firenze Tablet PC was established to offer Tablet PC in the market just like other firms such as Samsung, Apple and Google. Its product will be primarily tablet PC and other supporting software. The type of the product the company will offer is known as Firenze Tablet PC. The tablet is expected to beat the sales of the desktop and laptops computers in the coming four years given that the product Firenze has an operating system which is so advanced just like those of Apple. Its primary characteristics include the ability to support multitasking; meaning that it can do more than two tasks at the same time without the other process being terminated. The Firenze has also the ability to support the operating system of the Google Android as well as, having EV-DO technology to enable the tablet to be used without a Wi-Fi Hotspot (Kwak, Kim, Kim, 2009). The other characteristic includes how product has been designed to enable consumers to decide the type of the configuration they would want in terms of purchasing, and supply chain for Firenze to develop support build-to-order sales (Gill, Lei, 2009).

Another primary characteristic of the Firenze is that, it has been designed in a way that the North American and Spanish markets, will accept it since it will have support from the Spanish language customization by the costumers at any time. It will also be user friendly because it will allow the customers to configure their Firenze to the language they would like to use, either changes the language to English or to Spanish given that there will be Android applications that they will allow them to do so. The product will also open ways for the Mexican, South American and Spanish markets. However, Brazil will be the most targeted market for launching since it has strength of its global economy.

Tablet PCs are expected to surpass the sales of desktop and laptop computers by 2016 with advanced operating systems incouding those of Apple iOS expected to take a dominant leadership position. Apple estimates that the iPad and follow-on tablet PCs will be the majority of their hardware revenue, just over 54%, by the year 2016 (Apple Investor Relations, 2012). The proposed tablet PC, the Firenze, will be designed to support multitasking, support the Google Android operating system and also have EV-DO technology which will enable this tablet to be used without the aid of a Wi-Fi Hotspot (Kwak, Kim, Kim, 2009). The design will also enable consumers to decide which configuration they want to purchase, as the supply chain for the Firenze will be developed to support build-to-order sales (Gill, Lei, 2009).

The Firenze will also be designed to be sold into the North American and Spanish markets, with support fro Spanish language customization by the costumers at any time. Given the unique approach to defining the Google Android operating system, customers will be able to configure their Firenze for use in English or Spanish. This opens up the entire Mexican, South American and Spanish markets. Of all these markets, Brazil will be initially targeted for launch given the strength of its global economy.

The following is an assessment of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the Firenze Tablet PC. The strengths include the entrance into a very fast-growing market segment, the product is designed to meet fundamentally unmet needs in the market and it also capitalizes on the latest trends in technology include the quick advances in EV-DO chipsets (Kwak, Kim, Kim, 2009). The weaknesses include the customer service costs will most likely be very high during the initial months and years of adoption, marketing expenses will also be high as the product is launched, and there will be significant education required to get customers off of thinking of their wireless plans as necessary for using a Tablet PC (Ricadela, 2009). The opportunities include the potential to integrate the new Firenze with fast-growing telecom providers in Spanish countries where EV-DO technology may not be functional yet (Ricadela, 2009). There is also the potential to expand the product line beyond the initial Tablet PC to support more advanced and customized configurations through the build-to-order strategy. There is also a very significant upside potential with accessories as well, which could become very high margin in the future. Finally there are significant threats from Apple and others who also are seeking to create a dominant market position for themselves in the Tablet PC market.

SWOT Analysis

The following is an assessment of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the Firenze Tablet PC. The strengths include the entrance into a very fast-growing market segment, the product is designed to meet fundamentally unmet needs in the market and it also capitalizes on the latest trends in technology include the quick advances in EV-DO chipsets (Kwak, Kim, Kim, 2009). The weaknesses include the customer service costs will most likely be very high during the initial months and years of adoption, marketing expenses will also be high as the product is launched, and there will be significant education required to get customers off of thinking of their wireless plans as necessary for using a Tablet PC (Ricadela, 2009). The opportunities include the potential to integrate the new Firenze with fast-growing telecom providers in Spanish countries where EV-DO technology… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Marketing Plan the Potential Audiences" Assignment:

I would like to request user *****, to complete this assignment. This current assigment collection of the four previous assignment completed earlier. Below are the assignment numbers.

Order ID A2069663

Order ID A2070082

Order ID A2071449

Order ID A2071451

In this final assignment, you will compile the previous four (4) assignments, as well as adding the marketing strategies.

1. Write an executive summary of your marketing plan.

2. Provide the company*****s mission statement and company introduction.

3. Provide the company*****s branding, pricing, and distribution plan.

4. Provide the IMC and customer satisfaction plan.

5. Provide the following information about the marketing strategies:

a. Discuss the company*****s competitors, and its strengths and weaknesses.

b. Determine the differentiation strategy in relation to the closest competitor.

c. Explain whether the company*****s intention is to be a leader or follower within the industry.

d. Assess the macro-environmental issues (legal, technological, social, and economic) trends with which the company must operate.

e. Identify the most significant trend to impact the business and discuss how the company intends to minimize or capitalize on this trend.

6. Support your marketing plan with at least ten (10) reference sources that discuss the nature of the assignment.

How to Reference "Marketing Plan the Potential Audiences" Marketing Plan in a Bibliography

Marketing Plan the Potential Audiences.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Marketing Plan the Potential Audiences (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Marketing Plan the Potential Audiences. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Marketing Plan the Potential Audiences” 2012.
”Marketing Plan the Potential Audiences”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Marketing Plan the Potential Audiences”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Marketing Plan the Potential Audiences [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Marketing Plan the Potential Audiences. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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