Literature Review on "Marketing on Hospitability Industry in Thailand"

Literature Review 10 pages (2751 words) Sources: 30 Style: Harvard

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Mellor, (2014) contributes to the argument by pointing out that Thailand has been the number one destination for medical tourism globally. In 2013, Thailand has attracted more than 1.8 billion medical tourists and many medical tourists from different countries pumped more than $4.7 billion into the economy.

Despite the benefits that Thailand hospitality industry has recorded from eco-marketing, increase in Thailand visitors has been the combination of eco-marketing, digital marketing, organizational management, image building and crisis communication. Typically, Thailand adoption of eco-marketing has not yet been comprehensive compared to eco-marketing strategy that hospitality industries in advanced countries have adopted. Many hotels, parks and tourist companies in Thailand have not yet adopted the eco-marketing strategy. The paper discusses the eco-marketing strategy to enhance effective hospitality business.

Eco-marketing Strategy for Effective Hospitality Business

Cherian, and Jacob (2012) discusses different strategies to enhance hospitability business. The authors point out that an important eco-marketing tool to promote hospitability business is to use eco-labeling promotion because eco-labeling is an important tool to bridge sellers and buyers. Moreover, eco-labeling directly influences consumer attitudes towards products. Rashid (2009) contributes to the argument by pointing out that consumers react more positively to green marketing. Thus, eco-labeling promotion can assist organizations to achieve competitive market advantages as well as improving market share. However, D'Souza et al.(2006) does not support the arguments of previous authors t
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hat eco-labeling can enhance market advantages of hospitability industry. The author points out that there is no empirical evidence to support the relationships between eco-labeling and market advantages of hospitality industry. Lack of trust among consumer has been the primary reason for lack of relationships between eco labels and consumer attractiveness to tourist companies. Despite the argument presented by the authors, Asian countries such as Thailand has started implementing eco-labeling to attract customers in the hospitality companies.(Rahbar & Wahid, 2011).

Environmental advertisement is another strategy that hospital business organizations can employ to enhance competitive market advantages . Typically, hospitability business should use green advertisement to convince customers that they are using the environment friendly product and services, which cannot affect consumer health. In other word, environmental advertisement is aimed to influence consumer positive purchasing behavior. Chan (2004) supports the argument by pointing out that environment message using the eco-labeling can influence consumers' purchasing decision. Kumar, Rahman, & Kazmi, (2013) contribute to the argument by pointing out that sustainable marketing is a strategy that hospitability industry can employ to achieve market advantages.

Different strategies can be employed in achieving sustainable marketing advantages. First, hospitability businesses can use social marketing technique that involves designing a program, which involve integrating communication, pricing, and distribution in eco-marketing technique. A business can also use the corporate social marketing in changing the behaviors of consumers favorably towards services delivered by the hospitality businesses. Moreover, hospitality businesses can use the cause- related marketing technique by which they donate a small percentage of their revenue to promote sustainable program in the television. During the interval of the program, the company should advertise its product and services, the strategy will make consumer believe that the company is supporting the environmental sustainability.

Influence of Eco-marketing on Hotel business on Consumer Behavior

Hotel sector in Thailand is part of the hospitality industry where millions of national and international visitors stay during their visit in Thailand. Similar to other companies in hospitality industry, different hotels have also employed using the eco-marketing technique to attract customers. A report by the Thailand Business News (2015) reveals that the eco-marketing has negative influence on consumer because there is a drop by 11.3% in the hotel' occupancy in Thailand by in 2014 . A decline in occupancy was primarily due to a drop in occupancy in Bangkok's hotels because there was a drop by 20% in the hotel occupancy in many hotels in Bangkok . Horwath (2015) also analyzes consumer attitude towards eco marketing in the hotel industry in Thailand. The author uses the market performances as an indice to measure the influence of eco-marketing on consumer behavior. The author argues that many consumer prefer lower class hotels than the luxury class hotel because luxury hotels suffer a significant decline in occupancy by (- 25.4%).

Klepsch & Schneide (2013) in their argument point out that health benefits that consumer derive from hotels employing sustainable practice make increase number of hotels in Thailand to attract customers from European countries. Moreover, the degree of awareness towards sustainability among consumer is increasing. Many hotel consumers visiting Thailand have decided to make a wise choice of the hotel they intend to stay. Many customers lodge in Thailand hotels because of natural scenery, eco activities and presence of wild life. However, Bohdanowicz (2006) argues that green marketing is not the only factors that attract visitors to the hotel industry in Thailand, however, type of service, price as well as hotel image influence the number of consumers visiting Thailand hotels. Kasim (2004) also support the argument by pointing out increasing number of consumer prefer hotels that have features such as recycle bins, water saving features and information that can assist visitors about tourism attraction in Thailand.

On the other hand, lee (2008) points out that eco-marketing can influence consumer cognitive assessment, which can influence their decision to select hotels. Manaktola and Jauhari (2007) believe that consumers show preference to hotels that are eco-friendly. Jin, and Kang (2011) support the argument by pointing out that increasing number of consumer are eco-friendly, which influence selection of hotel in Thailand.


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Kumar, V. Rahman, Z. And Kazmi, A.A. (2013). Sustainability Marketing Strategy: An Analysis of Recent Literature. Global Business Review . 14(4): 601 -- 625.

Manaktola, K. And Jauhari, V. (2007). Exploring consumer attitude and behaviour towards green practices in the lodging industry in India, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 19, 5. 364-377.

Mellor, W. (2014).… READ MORE

How to Reference "Marketing on Hospitability Industry in Thailand" Literature Review in a Bibliography

Marketing on Hospitability Industry in Thailand.”, 2015, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Marketing on Hospitability Industry in Thailand (2015). Retrieved from (2015). Marketing on Hospitability Industry in Thailand. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Marketing on Hospitability Industry in Thailand” 2015.
”Marketing on Hospitability Industry in Thailand”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Marketing on Hospitability Industry in Thailand”,, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Marketing on Hospitability Industry in Thailand [Internet]. 2015 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Marketing on Hospitability Industry in Thailand. Published 2015. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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