Term Paper on "Manchurian Candidate 1962"

Term Paper 7 pages (2030 words) Sources: 10

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Manchurian Candidate 1962

John Frankenheimer began his career in the early days of American television in 1954 and directed over 150 television shows before going to the cinema in 1961. On peut constater que son style visuel est a son apogee des ses premieres oeuvres cinematographiques; il avait euLa qualite majeure de son cinema est de prendre le spectateur aux tripes a l'aide d'images fortes et souvent indelebiles, imposant sa propre vision du sujet comme une evidence indiscutable.The quality of his major films is to take the viewer in the gut with powerful images and often indelible, imposing his own vision of the subject as indisputable evidence. (Kellner, pp285-305) Il ne craint pas de choquer ou de provoquer des reactions violentes dans son public et ce quel que soit le type d'oeuvres qu'il realise (petites ou grosses production). He is not afraid to shock or provoke violent reactions in the audience and whatever the type of work it performs (small or large production). (Mitchell, pp41-54) Pour se faire, sa mise en scene est toujours le fruit d'un enorme travail au cours duquel il met sur pied des structures complexes aux mouvements de camera audacieux et jamais gratuits, ce qui associe a sa connaissance du montage lui permet de surprendre et d'accrocher le spectateur comme peu de realisateurs en sont capables.To do so, his production is always the result of a lot of work in which he set up structures to complex camera movements bold and never free, which combined with his knowledge of the assembly allows him to surprise and 'hook the audience like few filmmakers are able. (Grice, pp144)

On denote chez lui une predilection pour les sujets difficiles et psychologiquement
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fouilles, les intrigues torturees, qui sont la preuve d'une grande ambition.It betrays a predilection for difficult subjects and psychologically searched, tortured plots, which are evidence of great ambition. Il est donc aise d'isoler dans sa longue filmographie le theme recurrent d'un monde cruel qui induit une confusion mentale, souvent severe, chez les heros qui se revelent le plus souvent etre des inadaptes sociaux. It is therefore easy to isolate in his long filmography the theme of a cruel world that induces confusion, often severe, with the heroes who turn out to be mostly social misfits. La virulente denonciation critique de l'inhumanite et de l'aprete du fonctionnement de notre societe moderne et de ses dirigeants (folie et paranoia) est au centre de son univers. Il en resulte un style precis, flamboyant et tres travaille, mais egalement une thematique evoluee et passionnante ainsi qu'une conscience sociale elevee. These results in a precise style, flamboyant and much worked, but also a sophisticated and exciting theme and a high social consciousness. Pourtant l'oeuvre de Frankenheimer est toujours largement sous-estimee en France alors qu'il possede de facon evidente les qualites des plus grands cineastes. Yet Frankenheimer's work is still widely underestimated in France as he has clearly showing the qualities of the greatest filmmakers. Si ses meilleures realisations n'atteignent peut-etre pas la "perfection" des plus grands chefs-d'oeuvre du fait de leur energie et de la fougue qui le conduisent an etre parfois excessif voire grandiloquent, on ne peut certainement pas le taxer d'academisme, loin de la.. If his best work may not reach the "perfection" of the greatest masterpieces because of their energy and passion that led him to be sometimes excessive or bombastic, it certainly can not accuse him of academicism, far from it.Malgre leurs petits defauts, ses films les plus passionnants demontrent en effet sa capacite an etre en avance sur son temps et ce aussi bien au niveau de la mise en scene que des themes abordes et de leur traitement. Despite their small defects, the most exciting films indeed show its ability to be ahead of its time and this both at the stage that the themes and their treatment. Toutefois, il faut bien avouer qu'apres 1970, la qualite de ses oeuvres connut une baisse significative due a un alcoolisme severe qui gacha sa vie et son travail dans des proportions dramatiques. However, we must admit that after 1970, the quality of his work underwent a significant decline due to severe alcoholism ruined his life and work in dramatic proportions. (Kearney, pp5478-65)

Une rehabilitation s'impose donc comme une necessite afin de faire decouvrir ce grand artiste a tous les spectateurs qui sont malheureusement passes a cote de la richesse, de la subtilite et de la puissance de ses plus grandes reussites: The Birdman of Alcatraz, the Manchurian Candidate, Seven Days in May, the Train, Seconds, the Fixer, the Gypsy Moth et I Walk the Line . A pardon is therefore a necessity in order to discover this great artist to all the spectators who unfortunately missed out on the richness, subtlety and power of his greatest achievements: The Birdman of Alcatraz, the Manchurian Candidate, Seven Days in May, the Train, Seconds, the Fixer, the Gypsy Moths and I Walk the Line.

Le theme central de the Manchurian Candidate est une reflexion sur le "controle" que son scenariste George Axelrod a tire du roman eponyme de Richard Condon et que John Frankenheimer a su amplifier par le biais d'un mise en scene eblouissante. The central theme of the Manchurian Candidate is a reflection on the "control" its writer George Axelrod from the novel by Richard Condon and John Frankenheimer was able to expand through a dazzling staging. Cette reflexion est elargie a ses consequences et moyens de controle que sont le pouvoir, les manipulations qui en decoulent et la peur generee chez les victimes.This reflection is extended to its consequences and controls that are in power, manipulation and the resulting generated fear among victims. Le scenario d'Axelrod est vraiment remarquable en ce sens qu'il ne craint pas de denoncer le fait que les medias cherchent par tous les moyens a controler nos pensees.(Mitchell, pp45-49)

Les personnages de Raymond et de Marco expriment parfaitement l'angoisse generee par le fait d'etre soumis a la volonte d'une tierce personne contre son gre. The characters in Raymond and Marco perfectly express the anxiety generated by being subject to the will of another person against his will. Cet aspect du film souligne egalement de facon irrefutable la crainte que suscitait chez bon nombre d'Americains ce que l'on a coutume d'appeler le McCarthysme. This aspect of the film also points out conclusively that aroused fear among many Americans of what is commonly called McCarthyism. En 1959, le fait d'etre catalogue communiste signait presque votre arret de mort sociale. In 1959, being almost common catalog signed your death warrant social. (Mitchell, pp41-54) Le film frappe par sa capacite a fonctionner a divers niveaux, melangeant les ingredients de differents styles et genres avec une grande aisance.The film is striking for its ability to operate at different levels, mixing the ingredients of different styles and genres with great ease. Il est en premier lieu un thriller d'une efficacite rare ou Frankenheimer reussit a nous passionner pour le deroulement de l'enquete de Marco et installe un suspense redoutable lors de nombreuses scenes don't l'eblouissant final.It is primarily a thriller in which a common efficiency Frankenheimer manages to excite us to the investigation of Marco and installs a terrible suspense in many scenes with the stunning final. Quel va etre le sort de Raymond, quelle est l'identite de son manipulateur, a quelle mission est-il destine ? What will be the fate of Raymond, what is the identity of the manipulator, which mission is it for? (Ritzer, pp189-200)

C'est aussi un film don't l'aspect politique est tres important surtout si on le replace dans son epoque, celle troublee de la guerre froide du debut des annees 60. It is also a film whose politics is very important especially if it is put in his time that troubled the Cold War in the early 60. En effet, la perspective de voir son pays infiltre et dirige par les communistes a de quoi effrayer plus d'un Americain, mccarthyste ou non. Indeed, the prospect of his country infiltrated and run by the Communists has something to deter some American McCarthyite or not. Il s'agit egalement d'une comedie qui se sert du rigolard psychiatre asiatique Yen-Lo et du grotesque Senateur Iselin pour illustrer son humour caustique et cynique.It is also a comedy that uses the grinning Asian psychiatrist Yen Lo and Senator Iselin grotesque to illustrate his caustic humor and cynical. La sequence de la soiree chez les Iselin est a ce titre un grand moment irreverencieux qui reussit a la fois an amuser le spectateur et a faire ressortir l'absurdite de la situation politique de l'epoque et de ses dirigeants.The sequence of the evening in Iselin is as such a great moment irreverent successful to both entertain the viewer and to highlight the absurdity of the political situation of the era and its leaders.

Du dramatique on passe au tragique (au sens le plus fort du terme) par le personnage de Raymond. The tragic drama is going on (in the broadest sense of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Manchurian Candidate 1962" Assignment:

Write about the 1962 movie you adopted from a historiographical angle (which as we know also crosses into film history, cultural history, and film theory).

The essay should be 5-7 pages in length (1500-1800 words, double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman Font).

Consider how the essay is tied into the history of Hollywood, the history of film aesthetics and technology, the history of the period, and/or the relevance of a particular filmmaker, star and/or genre of the period.

You will want to think about the film from various angles:

*****¢ Its content as related to what we know about the late 1950s and early 1960s in American culture and history

*****¢ Its director and other work s/he may have done

*****¢ Its genre (if it is a genre film) and how it adopts or revises genre elements

*****¢ Its style and how it makes use of early 1960s technology (if it does) and/or how it reflects influences of what has come before (film movements, particular influential movies, or filmmakers)

*****¢ Its stars and how their place in 1960s film/popular culture may have shaped the marketing of the movie and how it was received

*****¢ its production circumstances and its marketing strategies and how those may also reflect aspects of the period, while also hoping to attract a particular audience and helping to shape reception

*****¢ its reception through film reviews of the period and from later decades when the film may have been re-released on video or DVD *****¢ Your essay should have a point of focus (a thesis)*****your theory about why this film is relevant to its period and how we gain a deeper understanding of film history and/or cultural history from re-examining it today.

*****¢ Your essay should include close analysis of visual style and detail in relevant scenes

*****¢ Your essay should fluidly integrate research sources of all kinds in meaningful ways

*****¢ Your essay should be organized, unified and coherent*****all paragraphs should have a point and those points should grow out of and contribute to the thesis/theory you want to advance

*****¢ Your essay should be engaging, interesting, and should reflect your voice*****it should be readable by anyone who visits your blog, yet it should have the depth and substance of a scholarly piece of film historiography

*****¢ All sources should be properly cited, both within the text of the essay parenthetically, and at the end of the essay in a *****Works Cited***** section, carefully and correctly following MLA format

How to Reference "Manchurian Candidate 1962" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Manchurian Candidate 1962.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2012, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/manchurian-candidate-1962-john-frankenheimer/19141. Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

Manchurian Candidate 1962 (2012). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/manchurian-candidate-1962-john-frankenheimer/19141
A1-TermPaper.com. (2012). Manchurian Candidate 1962. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/manchurian-candidate-1962-john-frankenheimer/19141 [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”Manchurian Candidate 1962” 2012. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/manchurian-candidate-1962-john-frankenheimer/19141.
”Manchurian Candidate 1962” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/manchurian-candidate-1962-john-frankenheimer/19141.
[1] ”Manchurian Candidate 1962”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2012. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/manchurian-candidate-1962-john-frankenheimer/19141. [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. Manchurian Candidate 1962 [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2012 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/manchurian-candidate-1962-john-frankenheimer/19141
1. Manchurian Candidate 1962. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/manchurian-candidate-1962-john-frankenheimer/19141. Published 2012. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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