Case Study on "Managing Information Systems Introduction in the Contemporary"

Case Study 8 pages (2760 words) Sources: 10 Style: Harvard

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Managing Information Systems Introduction

In the contemporary business environment, IS (information systems) have become the strategy weapons that organizations employ to achieve competitive advantages. With stiff competitions that organizations are now facing within the competitive business environment, many organizations have realized the importance of integrating the efficient information systems to enhance market efficiencies. Modern businesses now integrate highly efficient information systems for their business operations. Despite the importance of information systems for organization's efficiencies, management is still facing growing challenges in managing the information resources across business units. To remain competitive, organizations needs to adapt to the strategic changes brought about with the rapid information systems development. Competitive market environment has necessitated organizations to constantly design effective innovative products to remain competitive. While MIS (management information system) is critical to manage information resources, altering the design of existing information systems could alter organization changes. (Carson, & Griffeth. 1990). The problems are often identified with the large and multinational corporations where different subunits are allowed to adopt individual it resources compatible to their business operations. The shortcoming of this strategy is that it management might adopt local it resources not compatible with the organization's goals and objectives. Moreover, organizations adopting this model might face challenges in responding quickly to a new business model across business units. (Boh, & Yelling, 2007). Executive may also face e
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xtensive information overload making effective utilization of available information resources to be challenging. (Dutta, 2011).

Contrary to the developed countries that often manage information resources effectively, managing of information systems is more challenging in developing countries since institutional framework could not provide effective resources for organizations to manage information systems. Despite the challenges that developing countries face with the implementation of effective and efficient information systems, there is still a paucity of research focusing on the strategies to manage information systems in developing countries notably Libya.

The study formulates research aim to enhance greater understanding on the strategy to manage information systems development in a changing environment.

Research Aim

To apply management information system development in a changing environment in Libya within both national and organizational context.

The research formulates the following research objectives to achieve research aim.

Research Objectives

1) to critically investigate the current state of managing the information system development in a changing environment.

2) to explore and investigate the characteristics affecting information system development in Libyan context.

3) to present a model based on the findings from the two objectives above.

The model will serve two main objectives:

To fill the gap created with paucity of literature on the managing information system development in a changing environment in Libya.

To suggest a framework to manage changes in information systems in Libya.

The study develops research questions to pursue the aforementioned research objectives.

Research Questions

1. What are the key factors affecting the application of management information system development in a changing environment in Libya?

2. Why are these factors so important in the Libyan context?

3. What is the major information systems mostly needed in Libya?

Review of Literatures

Overview of Information Systems in developing countries

Abukhzam and Lee (2010) reveal that adoption of new information systems proves challenging in developing countries. Factors such as organizational, managerial, innovation characteristics and lack of management and government support have been the major factors affecting the effective management of information systems in developing countries. Adoption of information systems in developing countries is also being affected by technical difficulties, and lack of insufficient management support. Moreover, lack of understanding of information systems has been the major factor hindering the development of information systems in developing countries. Unlike many organizations in the developed countries, which have adopted effective information systems, organizations in developing countries are still struggling to adopt effective information systems to achieve organizational efficiencies.

Abukhzam et al. (2010) state that the development of information systems is still limited in Libya. While Gadaffi regime tried to provide the government support for the it development, however, public and private organizations in Libya still adopted limited form of information systems. For example, adoption of it tools in Libyan banking industry is still limited. Libyan banking industry only uses the information technology resources for operation procedures and accounting practice, which include balancing of books and interest calculation. The use of electronic banking is lacking in Libya causing long queues in many of the Libyan banks.

Williams & Boren (2008) provide similar argument by pointing out that many developing countries are still facing challenges in integrating effective information systems in their business operations. Issues such as war, political uprising, corruption and disaster have been the factors leading to the setback in the development of information systems in developing countries. While developed countries have already integrated robust information systems across various industries such as banking industry, the healthcare sector, manufacturing sector and retail sector, developing countries are still struggling to integrate it tools in their business operations. The authors cite the importance of electronic health record in the delivery of quality healthcare. Typically, many healthcare providers in developed countries have developed electronic medical records to facilitate the delivery of quality healthcare system. "Good health is not only important for individuals, but also for governments because it plays a central role in achieving sustainable economic development and growth as well as effective use of resources" (Williams & Boren 2008 P140). Despite the importance of information systems for the organization benefits, developing countries are still facing challenges to overcome some problems such as software and hardware compatibility, quality control issues, training and antiquated infrastructure.

Managing IS development in a Changing Environment

In the contemporary modern society, organizations are operating within the changing information and digital environment. Based on the consensus, communication and information systems have become dominant forces that define the shape of both institutional and business environment. Typically, impact of information systems within rapid changing environment is difficult to ignore. The internet has revolutionized the method people access information. With internet technology, people are able to access information quickly, effectively and more convenient than before. (Preece, 2010). Despite the impact of digital revolution in the contemporary changing environment, effective management of information systems enhance organizational decision-making. Typically, poor management of information systems will lead to poor decision making. Nowduri, (2011) argue that effective management of information systems requires planning, organizing, initiating and controlling the overall information systems. Information generally is the process of analyzing data to achieve organization's objective. Thus, managing the information systems is fundamental to achieve business objective. Appropriate choice of information systems that is compatible with the business objective is very critical since information systems are highly delicate and complex arena and there is a need to exercise a lot of caution in its design and implementation. Thus, organization needs to be cautious when selecting individual who would manage the information systems resources. Effective information management requires organization to tailor information systems to fit the variance of business

Dadi?, et al. (2012) take a different point-of-view by pointing out that rapid development of information has led to the increase in the volume of communication between government and citizen leading to the considerable complexity of information systems. Information technology is increasingly being used within national and local governments. The electronic government is continuously being developed to provide services to the national and local government. On several occasions, governments use information systems to interact with the private businesses, and the interaction between citizens and private organizations has led to the complexity in managing information systems. One of the challenges of e-Government framework is the difficulty in the effective use of the information systems. The data within e-Government might consist of thousands of information, and query that may become challenging to average users. On many occasions, it might become complicated for an average user to be certain of what he or she is looking for within the database. With complexity of e-Government structure,

"it becomes very complicated for the employees in e-Government to understand the information that exists in the system and to understand the relationships between different pieces of information." (Dadi?, et al. 2012, P 169 ).

To effectively manage the information systems within the e-Government structure, Dadi?, et al. (2012) propose a faceted taxonomy model. A Faceted taxonomy model provides approach to improve searching and browsing within e-Government framework. The faceted model improves understanding of process of query and browsing thereby improves the understanding of information and making information dilemma to be reduced to minimum.

Despite the strategy discussed to manage information systems, there are still barriers to the implementation of information systems.

Previous Research regarding IS implementation Barriers

There are several barriers to the implementation of information systems. One of the barriers may come from employee within an organization. Employees may resist the implementation of information systems if there is a general believe that IS implementation may lead to the massive layoff or jeopardize financial performances of the company. Employees are very important for the organization performances. Before IS implementation, organizations are required to engage the internal stakeholders in the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Managing Information Systems Introduction in the Contemporary" Assignment:

Managing Information Systems (e-government, e-learning, e-commerce, and ERP) development in Changing environment: Libya Case study

Libya now seems poised to be the first country to see a true change in governance,thanks to Muammar Qaddafi*****s megalomania and his amorphous jamahiriya (state of the masses) which was full of mess and corruption But such change may not have an easy ending. The previous regime damage has inflicted on his country is likely to extend well past his demise because he leaves behind a weak state without functioning institutions. researcher believes that information systems is one of the challenges in new Libya so he wants manage it in such changing environment (Libya)

My Research Aim, Objectives, and questions

The main aim is applying managing information system development in changing environment in Libya for both national and organizational context. In order to achieve the above aim, three specific objectives are identified as follows:

1. To critically investigate the current state of managing information system development in changing environment

literature. (Required point in the lituratrue rivew)

2. To explore and investigate the characteristics affecting information system development in Libyan context.

3. To present a model based on the findings from the two objectives above. This model will serve two main

functions: (I). It will help fill in gaps in the current literature relating to managing information system

development in changing environment in Libya. (II). To suggest a framework to manage information system

change in Libya.

Three research questions are formulated as a means of pursuing the above objectives, these being:

1.What are the key factors that affecting when applying managing information system development in changing

environment in Libya, and why are these factors so important in Libyan context ?

2. What are the major information systems that most needed in Libya?

The required is the Literature Review includes the following subtitles:

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Overview on Information Systems in developing countries

2.3 Introduction to Managing IS development in Changing Environment

2.4 Previous Research regarding IS implementation Barriers

2.4.1 General issues affecting IS adoption and implementation

2.4.2 Factors affecting Information systems implementation in Libya

In addition to the attached files please find the below links : (Changing environment) (Libya) (Libya)


How to Reference "Managing Information Systems Introduction in the Contemporary" Case Study in a Bibliography

Managing Information Systems Introduction in the Contemporary.”, 2012, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Managing Information Systems Introduction in the Contemporary (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Managing Information Systems Introduction in the Contemporary. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Managing Information Systems Introduction in the Contemporary” 2012.
”Managing Information Systems Introduction in the Contemporary”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Managing Information Systems Introduction in the Contemporary”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Managing Information Systems Introduction in the Contemporary [Internet]. 2012 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Managing Information Systems Introduction in the Contemporary. Published 2012. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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