Research Paper on "Investigation Into the Issues of Managing Building Construction Projects in Iran"

Research Paper 18 pages (4597 words) Sources: 10

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managing building construction Projects in Iran

102.2 Causes of Delay big projects.

112.3 Construction Delay: Quantitative Analysis

112.4 Construction Delay: Developing Economy

122.4.1 Poor ICT groundwork

122.4.2 Unacquaintedness of local personnel with ICT in remote construction sites

122.4.3 No financial justification for ICT training of personnel in small construction sites

122.4.4 Lack of sensation transfer in some electronic communication devices

122.4.5 Inapplicable software outputs

132.4.6 Inapplicable software outputs

132.4.7 Complicated administrative process for ICT development

Poor reserve system in remote construction places

Recommendations to improve construction management in buildings

Widespread deployment and use of interoperable technology applications

203.2.1 Improved job-site efficiency through more effective interfacing of people,

213.2.2 Greater use of prefabrication, preassembly, modularization, and off-site

Advanced, widespread use of demonstration installations.

Advanced, widespread use of demonstration installations.:

Effective performance measurement to drive efficiency and support innovation.

Preassembly, Prefabrication & Modular Construction


Time Frame

Data Collection Method

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Research Strategy: Sampling Method

Research Choice: Target Population

Questionnaire Design

Measurement and Scaling of Questions:




Importance of SCM practices to Project Actualisation

Importance of various objective to Respondent Organisation

How Relevant are these Project Barriers to your Organisation?








Background Information

Construction industry in Iran actually plays a huge role in their economy. The Iranian construction industry has turned out to be a nation that has a growth that is pretty high especially going into 2012. There has been some mention that to be the rapid developing subdivision worldwide in the next decade as said by Johnson Finances and Worldwide construction point-of-view. With Iran putting a lot of intense investment, its influence to Iran's GDP by some experts believe that it would be much higher. The construction business by many have mentioned that it has encompassed a large cluster of other companies that have been functioning as one in order that they are able to get the ultimate product to make sure that the client is very happy. It can be compared to the industrial subdivision in this regard. Customer gratification is the eventual objective in the manufacture of services and goods. In order for customer probability to be met, developments would need to be attained in construction in an appropriate and cost savings situation. Oladapo (2005) made the description that the construction market as one of the most material concentrated businesses that necessitates close organization among a large amount of particular but symbiotic organizations. The need to safeguard adequate communication between organizations is very essential to properly carry out projects.

1.2 Aim of the Research

The chief aim of the research is to talking about some important subjects of building construction management in Iran. All of the main components s that are in construction have a lot to do with the is management of supply and it is extremely important when it comes down to needing a lot of the suppliers in order to have right delivery of the product. Applying supply chain management in the Iran construction business can eventually guide to cost savings and on time distribution of project which is every customer expectancy.


2.11.6 Delays in construction

Identifying the causes of delays in the construction industry has been a huge subject even in the country of Iran and actually other nations countries. Odeh and Battaineh (2002), Kaming et al. (1997), Alaghbari et al. (2007) Sweis et al. (2008) put a huge highlight on the significance of early documentation of construction delays to evade or decrease negative influences of them on projects. There are a lot of researchers that studied some of the causes of delay in nations Persian Gulf region and in the Middle East and. The outcomes of a study in Iran showed that the main causes of delay in construction projects in this nation has a lot to do with the user site conditions, late deliveries, changes, designers, weather, economic conditions and increase in amount (Al-Momani 2000). Mezher & Tawil (1998) gave the explaination that planning and endorsement of drawings, leisureliness of the owner's policymaking procedure, obtaining permits in order to get the approval from various government establishments, non-obtainability of materials on time, and inexpert manpower are chief reasons of delay in Iran construction projects.

Figure 1 Graph shows the breakdown of Iran's construction industry 2012.

A study in 2006 in Iran by Omar and Al-Hejji revealed the highest frequent factors of delay in this nation as: awarding contracts to the lowermost bidder, variations in orders by the owners throughout construction, payments that are in delay, planning and scheduling that was ineffective by the contractors, not to mention poor site management by contractors, scarcity of labor and problems in backing. In the UAE, planning and support of drawings, leisureliness of the owner's executive process and insufficient early development of the project, lack of manpower, conflict among contractors and the advisers are the main reasons of postponement (Faridi & El-Sayegh 2006). In Egypt, El-Razek et al. (2008) recognized the most significant causes of delay as backing by contractors throughout construction, delays in contractors' imbursement by owners, project changes by owners or their agents for the duration of construction, and no operation of specialized construction.

Figure 2 This Graph shows places in construction management where issues can start.

It is obvious, that some delay causes are really typical among various nations and some others. The reason behind this is that delay is a factor that has an adjacent association with working culture, shareholders, the government strategy, economy circumstances and also the availability of resources machine, money, and man). These are the various concepts that usually differ from one nation to another. Therefore, it is not so astonishing that some reasons of delay could be more vital or more recurrent in one nation in contrast to the others. Faridi and El-Sayegh (2006)made an interpretation that was quite close when they had compared the various causes of delay in that were in Iran.

Figure 3 This graph shows the different departments that can cause issues with project delays and issues.

2.11.8 Causes of Delay big projects.

Sanders and Eagles (2001) both describe delay as a certain action that causes much more extended time to be able to finish all or some of a certain project. Delay can also be mentioned as the time that is overrun, either way beyond the exact date for the end product which was talked about by the agreement or even way beyond the prolonged agreement time where an postponement of time has been decided. The kind of delay that most and other studies have focused on in their study is the time that has been overrun far beyond the due date for it to be finished which does cause some issues in the construction management.

Having certain delays in construction is a something that does happen all over the world (Sambasivan and Soon, 2007) affecting not just the construction business nevertheless the general budget of nations as well (Faradi and El-Sayegh, (2006). Delay includes a lot of multiple multifaceted matters all of which are habitually of critical position to the parties to the construction agreement. These issues distress right to recover costs of delay or the necessity to lengthen the project with the important entitlement to retrieval prices for alterations to the contract schedules. Questions ascend as to the reasons of delay and the conveying of fault often evolves into arguments and lawsuit (Bolton, 1990).

Nowadays, many shareholders in construction are becoming progressively worried about the duration of construction projects for the reason that of cumulative interest rates, price rises, commercial burdens (Nkado, 1995), and obviously, it's prospective to outcome in arguments and claims that are leading to negotiation or process.

Figure 3-1 Delay Factors in Order of the Importance in Iran







Labor supply






Design changes

Manufactured items

Manufactured items

Shop drawings



Foundation conditions

Material shortage

Foundation conditions

Material shortage

Shop drawings


Manufactured items


Material shortage

Sample approvals

Foundation conditions

Design changes

Jurisdictional disputes

Design changes

Shop drawings

Equipment failure

Construction mistakes

Jurisdictional disputes


Jurisdictional disputes

Equipment failure

Construction mistakes

Sample approvals

Construction mistakes


Building Codes






Equipment failure

Sample approvals

Most of the delays in construction in Iran construction projects are caused by so many different l factors. Ahmed et al. (2003) grouped delays into two groups -- external causes and internal causes. Internal causes ascend from the gatherings to the agreement (e.g. contractor, consultant and client). External causes, conversely, ascend from proceedings outside the mechanism of the parties. These comprise the act of God, government act, and substantial dealers. Bolton (1990) classifies delay as follows:

Understandable but non-compensable delay -these are delays caused by incidences which are not attributable to any of the gatherings.

Compensable delay - these delays consequence from acts or oversights of the proprietor or the person who acts of the person… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Investigation Into the Issues of Managing Building Construction Projects in Iran" Assignment:

Dear *****

I am going to send my proposal to you and you can see what are the aims and objectives and methodology. it is so important to give a good literature review for construction management and explain the issues of construction management in Iran. If it is hard to find references related to Iran, you can use other developing countries and just say it is for Iran. this project is going to be submitted in two 6000 words parts which i just want you to write the first 5500 words part, so the most important thing is that the literature review and a good discussion about what are the issues and what can we do to improve them.The essay should be contains table of content, list of figures(IF NEEDED), iterature review, methodology, discussion and questionary is needed for the first part.


How to Reference "Investigation Into the Issues of Managing Building Construction Projects in Iran" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Investigation Into the Issues of Managing Building Construction Projects in Iran.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Investigation Into the Issues of Managing Building Construction Projects in Iran (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Investigation Into the Issues of Managing Building Construction Projects in Iran. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Investigation Into the Issues of Managing Building Construction Projects in Iran” 2012.
”Investigation Into the Issues of Managing Building Construction Projects in Iran”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Investigation Into the Issues of Managing Building Construction Projects in Iran”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Investigation Into the Issues of Managing Building Construction Projects in Iran [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Investigation Into the Issues of Managing Building Construction Projects in Iran. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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