Research Paper on "Supervising Culturally Diverse Employees"

Research Paper 7 pages (2127 words) Sources: 3

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Management Theory

Supervising Culturally Diverse Employees

According to the National Association of Software and Service Companies, the BPO industry employs about 1 million people in India. The work environment faced by BPO workers comprises a tailor-made method for stress-related danger. These troubles are also visibly linked to the elevated rates of staff turnover in the business which can be as elevated as 100% every year in a few corporations and symbolizes a serious difficulty for BPO companies. It has been discovered that there are a number of actions that governments and businesses can take in order to advance working circumstances, consisting of procedures to guard workers' health and safety at night. It has also been proposed that there be a revamp of work procedures, predominantly in call centers, in order to permit BPO employees more diplomacy to make use of their often substantial credentials. It has also been recommended that guidelines and practice intended at improving employee's communication with management (Ribeiro, 2010).

Organizations that outsource to BPO suppliers include financial giant WaMu Washington Mutual, Quickbooks developer Intuit, Sallie Mae, and Expedia, Transunion, MSN-Microsoft, Alltel, Bellsouth and AT&T. There are many functions that also sustain bigger vendors throughout regular loads, or directly service small and medium businesses that are overseas. There are quantities of India-Philippine joint ventures that also subsist. The BPO commerce in the Philippines is made up typically by software development, customer care, animation, medical transcription, and collective services. Although customer care call centers
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make up the biggest aspect of the BPO explosion, the Philippines' language capable information technology, human resource, and finance professionals are important causative features as well. The expertise of a lot of Filipinos in English is a main issue in the growth of BPO within the Philippines (BPO Services Association Unlimited (Philippines), 2010).

Developing countries are profiting from business process outsourcing jobs that are of practically good excellence by local principles, but the business has some way to go in order to advance stressful working circumstances. A great number of businesses in countries such as the U.S. And the U.K. have outsourced call center and office work to inexpensive positions such as India, the Philippines and Brazil. It has been found that a majority of the work gets completed at night because of the differences in the time zones (Ribeiro, 2010).

Employees have profited from these arrangements with higher salaries. In the Philippines, BPO employees earn about 53% more than employees of the same age in other businesses. On the other hand, the ILO has established the concerns raised by social workers and trade unions in India about demanding working circumstances in BPO companies. Employees have to deal with serious and changeable workloads determined by performance objectives, tense regulations and actions imposed through electronic monitoring, and unpleasant tasks such as dealing with difficult customers over the phone. Efforts by trade unions to set up collective bargaining in the BPO business in some key outsourcing places such as India and the Philippines have not been triumphant. A key explanation is that BPO employees in the Philippines find it effortless to move to a different BPO job if they have a difficulty with their current company (Ribeiro, 2010).

Trying to manage employees that are outsourced through a BPO can sometimes be very challenging. Decisions are often at the center of many companies. On occasion there are serious instances when these decisions can be hard, confusing and intimidating. Formulating decisions can be tough for an assortment of emotional, structural, and organizational reasons. Increasing the complexities are things like doubts, having numerous objectives, interactive convolution, and apprehension. Strategic choices are fixed measures. The outlook of the company and the development of ones job might be intensely influenced by what one decides (Applied Management Science: Making Good Strategic Decisions, 2009).

Everyday managers have to make a lot of choices. A number of these choices are everyday and unimportant, while others have radical impact on the process of the company for which they work. A number of these choices might entail big sums of money being made or lost, or could entail whether or not the company achieves its undertaking and its objectives. In the progressively more intricate world that exists today, the responsibilities those who make decisions are becoming more difficult everyday. The responsible manager has to be able to react rapidly to actions that appear to happen at a growing rate. Additionally, a manager has to include an assortment of options and consequences into their decision. Everyday decisions often happen quickly, perhaps even involuntarily devoid of the requirement for a comprehensive procedure of deliberation. On the other hand, for difficult, serious or significant administrative choices it is often essential to take a moment to decide methodically. Being a supervisor means putting together serious decisions that cannot be erroneous. A manager has to trust their judgment and agree to accountability (Applied Management Science: Making Good Strategic Decisions, 2009).

When a good choice is made it is very rarely by accident. It is forever the outcome of elevated meaning, genuine exertion, intellectual course and clever implementation. It symbolizes the intelligent selection of a lot of options. A person has to understand the dissimilarity among a choice and a goal. A good choice is the course of efficiently attaining a particular goal. At the time that decision making is too difficult or the benefit at risk is too significant, quite often people do not know nor are not sure what to do. In a lot of cases, people turn to casual decision methods like flipping a coin (Applied Management Science: Making Good Strategic Decisions, 2009).

Choices should be completed purposefully. A manager should put together decisions proficiently in a manner that is tailored to the conclusion that is trying to be achieves. In order to make strategic decisions it is necessary that a person takes a planned approach that follows a strict procedure in making decisions. If this is not done it is hard to be certain that all key facets of the choice have been considered. Formulating good tactical choices is able to be learned and taught through an effectual, competent, and methodical procedure identified as the decision-making course. This prepared and planned out method to formulating decisions is attained by the representation course, which aids in reflecting on the choice prior to taking any proceedings. A person has to not only be aware of their persistent choices, one has to also find out the reasons for which they were made (Applied Management Science: Making Good Strategic Decisions, 2009).

There is evidence of a variety of explanations of the term supervision, but in general it engages the actions executed by mangers in running the efficiency and expansion of workers who report directly to the manager. A first-level manager usually oversees entry-level workers. In regards to the quantity of a company, middle-managers often oversee first-level supervisors, while chief executives oversee middle-managers. Therefore supervision is a managing action and supervisors have managing functions in a company (Robert, 2009).

In regards to supportive management the major difficulty is with worker confidence along with job contentment. The key point is to improve confidence of the workers and their job contentment. Workers are seen as being up against a variety of job demands which, unless the workers have help to undertake with them, these forces might seriously influence workers performance and result in unacceptable services to customers. For the worker there is ultimately the difficulty of burnout. It has been seen that the management and learning types of management center on involved necessities, while helpful management is chiefly troubled with communicative necessities (Robert, 2009).

Supervisors are a component of human resources management and consequently have a significant function in making sure that the goals of the company are attained and all at once making sure that superior association between the organization and workers is upheld. Workers have to be guided at work as they might have both private and company troubles. These issues can be a consequence of, dire outlooks, inadequate preparation, and character clashes. It is the responsibility of the manager to offer counseling or discipline measure for an employee having such troubles. Additionally the manager has to perform active listening, and present response as to what employees are articulating (Robert, 2009).

As a component of administration the manager has a responsibility of developing work for the workers in agreement to the objectives of the business and the aptitude of employees. The standard responsibility or task has to be sensible and also assessable. The manager will have to evaluate the accessible possessions to be utilized and creates unforeseen event tactics and synchronize the action. The goals and objectives allocated have to be calculated in expressions of obvious and particular excellence, number and time structure for attaining the set goals and aims. It is significant that the manager terms the goals attainment as a measurement device to gauge of a worker. Adding to part of preparation the manager has to do certain things including:

1. Evaluating… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Supervising Culturally Diverse Employees" Assignment:

The length of the research paper should be 5-7 pages, doubled-spaced and typed in 12 point font.

A title page and bibliography should be part of the paper. And Works sited

A minimum of three recent sources should be utilized.

The paper should be on a topic that relates to the topic of Applied Supervision.

Try to include information on remotely supervising employees outsourced through a BPO in the Philippines.

How to Reference "Supervising Culturally Diverse Employees" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Supervising Culturally Diverse Employees.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Supervising Culturally Diverse Employees (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Supervising Culturally Diverse Employees. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Supervising Culturally Diverse Employees” 2010.
”Supervising Culturally Diverse Employees”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Supervising Culturally Diverse Employees”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Supervising Culturally Diverse Employees [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Supervising Culturally Diverse Employees. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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