Term Paper on "Management at Sun Microsystems"

Term Paper 8 pages (2768 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

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Management of Sun Microsystems

Sun has become synonymous with intelligent, rapid innovation and the ability to translate complex requirements into financially successful products, which is what Oracle found so valuable in acquiring the company in 2010 (Veverka, 2010). The culture of Sun Microsystems is highly engineering-centric, and as a result, senior management, engineering, product development, sales and service all rely heavily on quantify performance for each process and strategy implemented. The key success factors for Sun Microsystems' products and services divisions have traditionally focused on attracting, retaining and growing key engineering and development professionals as the primary priority. Second, Sun continually pursues greater agility and speed of innovation with extensions to existing products and the development of entirely new ones. Third, Sun's direction in software development continues to be much longer-term than a traditional enterprise software company, as evidenced by the high levels of investment in Java (Veverka, 2010). This difference in perspective on the viability of Java as a source of revenue continues to be a point of contention between Oracle's senior management and the team of executives from Sun Microsystems who joined Oracle after the merger.

The merger between Oracle and Sun Microsystems continues to ironically strengthen the core leadership, organizational culture and values. The leadership within any technology company needs to be hybrid in scope and approach, supporting transformational and transactionally-based approaches to ensure clarity and consistency of communication and measurable results (Van Fleet, Griffin, 2006). The merg
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er has also brought to the forefront how diverse the needs are across the combined companies, with application development, user interface customization, software testing and quality assurance, investments in the time and costs for ongoing support all becoming sources of conflict over time. The two organizations, Oracle and Sun Microsystems, still struggle to orchestrate departments across massive projects, which many executives and senior managers take as a sign of lack of trust throughout the organizations of each other. The most critical element that can unify and strengthen merged companies or create high levels of dysfunction is trust or the lack thereof (Goldman, 2008). As Sun Microsystems is a highly engineering-centric company and Oracle is as well, executive management has taken to using many of the concepts, frameworks, key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that have been discussed throughout our course and presented in the text. Throughout this analysis, those concepts, frameworks, KPIs and metrics will be used to further illustrate the progression Sun's core teams continue to make as part of the larger and more complex management structure of Oracle. As an employee of Sun, it is readily apparently how the pressure to produce consistently measurable results can at times make simple problems become very complex from a technology management standpoint. As a result of this observation, both the functional and dysfunctional control systems are also analyzed as part of this paper. The overall objective of this analysis is to evaluate how the functional and dysfunctional control systems within Sun and Oracle are impacting the long-term effects on company growth. The extensive use of KPIs, metrics, benchmarking and a multitude of quality management techniques and systems are also explained as part of this analysis. As the merged companies compete in the computer and peripherals manufacturing industry, the cost pressures are turbulent, as previous analyses in this course have showed. These market forces accentuate the stress in the company.

Sun Microsystems Development, Engineering and Quality Management

The many processes used for producing enterprise hardware and software systems encompasses design, engineering and coding of both applications and operating systems so the finished system meets the greatest number of potential company's needs. Within Oracle and Sun there are a myriad of applications and systems for managing the software development process, ensuring that deadlines and critical path issues are resolved. It is immediately apparent how skilled a leader is in keeping a complex, operating-system level project moving forward by how their benchmarks and KPIs are reported on the dashboards on company intranet and project management sites.

Of the many development tools and platforms available, the departments I work in at Oracle/Sun have relied on one of the most popular from a software engineering standpoint. The Agile Development Environment and platform is well-suited to managing a project by assigning only the most well-skilled and senior person to each task. It also has a series of metrics and KPIs that can be used for goal setting, continual control over the development process, and real-time reporting as to the status of each action item and task on the critical path. Agile has proven to be invaluable in reporting back resource conflicts between Oracle and Sun Microsystems teams globally, creating a very high level of tension and conflict on tight schedules. The crux or catalyst of the leadership challenges pertaining to Agile begin with the wide variation in how the Indian development teams perceive time and its use for accomplishing goals relative to the U.S. And European teams. The Indian teams like to rush through all their deadlines, in fact "gaming" the Agile system to show tremendous speed and accomplishment. The reason for this is that the Indian programmers are paid on deadlines, not on quality. They push themselves to work seven days a week, twelve to fifteen hours a day at times, to quickly move through their segments of a project. While this has at times led to projects being ahead of schedule, it has just as often led to entire segments of code and in one instance, a block of Java Virtual Machine code (a very larger component of an operating system) having to be completely re-done. Since Oracle has taken over Sun software engineering there continues to be a push to have the Six Sigma DMIAC methodology rigorously enforced across all development centers precisely due to this type of situation occurring. It is as if the Indian perception of time itself on projects is vastly accelerated compared to all other development units, and literally efficiency itself seems to be their customer, who they serve. Re-work often happens on the Indian coding projects that have the highest efficiency ratings, as these development teams take only a rudimentary understanding of customer requirements and continue to work with them. An essential element of any managerial framework is creating and reinforcing a common vision of a project, even if global in scope, with the customers' needs at the center to ensure consistency and common direction (Van Fleet, Griffin, 2006). Our leaders, many of them transactional in their skill sets in that they only have control over immediate rewards and punishments (Camps, Rodriguez, 2011). What is needed is a more transformational leadership style that can combine the intensity to meet or exceed deadlines the Indians have, with the obsession and pride in quality the European and American development teams have. Indian developers are extremely efficient, yet los effectiveness by not stopping to fully collaborate and make sure they completely understands the full scope of customer requirements. As up to 35% of their total salaries are defined by metrics and KPIs measuring deadlines met, clearly the compensation and in some cases, reporting structures of the teams working with and in India needs a drastic change. This shift however will require a leader more transformational, less transactional in scope, capable of getting all development teams onto a common set of performance and bonus incentive programs. The ability of a transformational leader to traverse cultural boundaries and create shared meaning and accountability on key projects is essential for progress to be made on highly integrated, long-term, complex projects over time (Camps, Rodriguez, 2011).

Where this effort needs to begin is in the area of user interface design for the Sun Microsystems operating components running within Oracle software. This is the one area of the enterprise applications where industry analysts, prospective customers, and the industry media all look for clues as to how effective the merger is going. This also sets the foundation for an interesting application of the frameworks discussed throughout the course and presented in the text. As both have pointed out, it is common for one department or division to compete with another. It is up to the leadership of these development teams to keep the competition focused on the overarching goal of delivering an exceptional product or superior user experience (Camps, Rodriguez, 2011). A new user interface has been designed to unify both Oracle and Sun software components, and senior management wants it to be evidence to the outside world (analysts, media, potential customers, existing customers) of how well the companies are working together. Oracle's development teams insist on running the program in Agile, and the Sun team comply., As the weeks of the initial project get underway, the prototype quickly takes shape yet the Oracle team is starting to pull away and rush three, four even five milestones deep without waiting for software quality assurance, user testing, audits of usability or regression testing. All of these factors are critical for the success of this highly visible component.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Management at Sun Microsystems" Assignment:

Please take a look at the last paper #A2037445

and work from that industry. I would like the focus to be on Sun Microsystems. I am also requesting the same ***** from my last order #A2037445.

TEXT BOOK: Essentials of Contemporary Management, Fourth Edition, Gareth R. Jones/Jennifer M. George

Final Paper

The Final Paper should demonstrate understanding of the reading assignments as well as the implications of new knowledge. The eight-page paper should integrate readings and class discussions into work and life experience. It may include explanation and examples from previous experience as well as implications for future application.

The purpose of the Final Paper is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by describing your understanding and application of knowledge in the field of management.

Focus of the Final Paper:

The focus of the Final Paper requires that you synthesize your learning and reflection in the context of the university and program outcomes. Review the following Learning Outcomes. In your Final Paper, discuss your plans for achieving those outcomes and how control systems and quality management relate to motivation in your own organization. If you are not currently employed, use a past employer*****s organization and/or consider exploring the organization covered in your industry analysis paper from Week Two in further detail.

Identify functional and dysfunctional control systems within your own organization.

Interpret criteria for developing and evaluating control systems.

Analyze and illustrate the essentials of quality management and the techniques that are associated with it, including benchmarking and knowledge management, as they apply in your own organization.

Discuss the anticipated impact on your personal and professional life.

Tip: Chapter 8 is a good place for a foundation on controls.

Writing the Final Paper

You are encouraged to use Writing Reviser, which is a free resource that can help you to improve your academic writing. It provides you with automated feedback on organization, style, and grammar when constructing your paper. Please note that you are ultimately responsible for the accuracy and quality of the work you submit. Writing Reviser can be found by clicking on *****Learning Resources***** in the left navigation bar of your online classes and then selecting *****Writing Reviser.*****

The Final Paper:

Must be eight double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide.

Must include a cover page that includes

Title of paper

Student*****s name

Course name and number

Instructor*****s name

Date submitted

Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.

Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.

Must use APA style as outlined in your approved style guide to document all sources.

Must include, on the final page, a Reference List that is completed according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide.

How to Reference "Management at Sun Microsystems" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Management at Sun Microsystems.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2011, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/management-sun-microsystems/69200. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Management at Sun Microsystems (2011). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/management-sun-microsystems/69200
A1-TermPaper.com. (2011). Management at Sun Microsystems. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/management-sun-microsystems/69200 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Management at Sun Microsystems” 2011. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/management-sun-microsystems/69200.
”Management at Sun Microsystems” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/management-sun-microsystems/69200.
[1] ”Management at Sun Microsystems”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/management-sun-microsystems/69200. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Management at Sun Microsystems [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/management-sun-microsystems/69200
1. Management at Sun Microsystems. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/management-sun-microsystems/69200. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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