Case Study on "Various"

Case Study 5 pages (1469 words) Sources: 5

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Management-Research Question Hierarchy

What are the reasons for our decline in the use of publication reader service cards amongst our customers?

What are we supposed to do to increase the publication reader service cards?

Should we introduce a publisher of business trader magazines which can determine the long-term visibility and can also be used as an advertiser service? This reader service card is a post card size device which is normally used by readers to request other information from a particular writer.

What is the possibility that the introduction of business trader magazine will eventually increase the publication of reader service cards? How would we know if the introduction of business trader magazine would result to the reduction of revenue and profit make since making publication will go unnoticed, this because many companies don't track the source of their leads?

Could you please rate the level of concern which you have following the introduction of business traders' magazine and its outcome? What would be the most likely scenario if business trader magazine is implemented to the customer satisfactory and the rate of revenue to be generated?

Ethical issues involve in the research study

Ethical issues are fundamental for the success of any business research. They are applied during business and management research at various stages. According to Bryman & Bell (2011) ethical issues should never be ignored when conducting a research because they normally relate directly to the integrity of any piece of research which is being conducted and all the
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disciplines that are involved. However, there are a number of cases which are famous and infamous that transgresses ethical principles. Different attitude should be taken in consideration when doing ethical business research. For a period of time the discussion on the ethics of business and management research has been in dominate, where the role of values in research is questioned in away that can make it be understood (Bryman & Bell, 2011).

The best ethical principles normally require the entire researchers to brief the participants before the research is done, to ensure the participants are well informed about the research and purpose of the research they are being asked to participate in. In doing so, this provides participants with an opportunity to understand the kind of risk involve in the research they are being asked to undertake and also to understanding the benefit that might be accrued as a result of taking part in particular research. It also offers an absolute moment for any participants to make decision free without any fear of negative consequences (Fritz, 2008).

These ethical practices are necessary during business research simply because they tend to protect both the researcher and participant. It offers participants with an informed consent process which favor formalized interaction between researcher and participant. Strength of qualitative research methods often lies in the informality of the communication as well as the iterative nature of the research process (Fritz, 2008).

Describe Sampling plan and analyze its strength and weakness

Morgan (2008) stated that sampling plan is a blueprint which shows how an event or a program will be executed. It however provides all the necessary detail needed to ensure that various samples are collected, handled, analyzed and reported in away than meets the main objectives of the sampler. Therefore its implementation requires a clear defined and consistent employment of sampling protocol to reduce any chances of error which might occur during the sampling process. This because any inconsistence or inappropriate sampling technique or procedures applied might have a great repercussion on the accuracy of the analytical results. The use of Inaccuracy or imprecise sampling techniques can lead to making of flawed decision due to inappropriate sampling which may falsely indicate compliance or any kind of violation (Morgan, 2008).

Sampling plan is normally done at the initial stage of the research project. This to ensure that selected sample is of the right representation of the population which the research intends to study. If the sampling is generated based on the wrong or biased sample, the research date will be treated like a suspect and the validity of the general conclusion of the research will be questionable. Moreover, the other strength of sampling plan is its ability to allow for insight into contexts, relationship behavior, offers information which are previously unknown to researchers and crucial for a project design, collection of data and interpretation of other data. Besides… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Various" Assignment:

After reading Inquiring Minds Want to Know--Now!, provide a comprehensive and substantive answer for each item and post them in a Word document.

Inquiring Minds Want to Know--Now!

1. Build the management-research question hierarchy.

2. What ethical issues are relevant to this study?

3. Describe the sampling plan. Analyze its strengths and weaknesses.

4. Describe the research design. Analyze its strengths and weaknesses.

5. Critique the survey used for the study.

6. Prepare the survey for analysis. Set up the code sheet for this study. How will this study be set up to be tabulated by a statistical analysis program like SPSS?

7. Assume you are compiling your research report. How would you present the statistical information within this case to the IndustryWeek decision maker, the manager who must decide whether or not to continue to publish reader service cards?

8. Assume you are compiling your research report. What are the limitations of this study?

9. Assume you are the decision maker for IndustryWeek. Given the declining value of the reader response card to subscribers, originally designed as a value-enhancing service to IW readers and advertisers alike, what further research might be suggested by the findings of this study? Or do you have sufficient information to stop the use of the reader response cards in IndustryWeek?


How to Reference "Various" Case Study in a Bibliography

Various.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Various (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Various. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Various” 2012.
”Various”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Various”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Various [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Various. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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