Case Study on "Management Project in the Health"

Case Study 8 pages (2486 words) Sources: 1+ Style: APA

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Also monitored by BioSense are over-the-counter drug sales and lab test results for environmental samples collected through the BioWatch effort. BioSense aims to "monitor 11 syndrome categories including fever, respiratory, gastrointestinal illness, hemorrhagic illness, localized cuteanous lesion, symphadenitis, neurologic, rash, severe illness and death, specific infection and botulism-like/botulism." (Chen, Zen, Ping, and Ping, 2010, p.10)


ESSENCE is reported to have been used in monitoring the health status of military healthcare beneficiaries worldwide, relying on outpatient ICD-9 diagnostic codes for outbreak detection." (Chen, Zen, Ping and Ping, 2010, p. 10) The Rapid Syndrome Validation Project (RSVP) is reported as an "Internet-based population health surveillance tool designed to facilitate rapid communications between epidemiologist and healthcare providers." (Chen, Zen, Ping, and Ping, 2010, p.10) Patients with syndrome categories are labeled and the judgment of clinician's regarding illness severity reported in order to "facilitate timely geographic and temporal analysis." (Chen, Zen, Ping, and Ping, 2010, p.11)

(3) The Early Aberration Reporting System (EARS)

The Early Aberration Reporting System (EARS) is used to monitor bioterrorism activities during events large in scale. The system monitors "emergency department visits, 911 calls, physician office data, school and work absenteeism and OTC drug sales for 42 syndrome categories." (Chen, Zen, Ping, and Ping, 2010, p.12)

(4) The National Bioterrorism Syndromic Surveillance Demonstration Program

The National Bi
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oterrorism Syndromic Surveillance Demonstration Program monitors in excess of 20 million people and analyzes disease cases for "neurologic, upper/lower GI, upper/lower respiratory, dermatologic, sepsis/fever, bioterrorism category A agents and influenza-like illness" all derived from electronic patient-encounter records from health care organizations that are participating. (Chen, Zen, Ping, and Ping, 2010, p.12)

(5) BioAlirt

The Bio-Event Advanced Leading Indicator Recognition Technology (BioAlirt) program conduct examination of the use of spatial and other covariate information from disparate sources to improve the timeliness of outbreak detection in reaction to possible bioterrorism attacks…" as well as monitoring "military and civilians outpatient visit records with ICD-9 codes, and military prescription records for unusual ILI and GI occurrences." (Chen, Zen, Ping, and Ping, 2010, p.12)

(6) BioStorm

Biological Spatio-Temporal Outbreak Reasoning Module (BioStorm) aims at the integration of disparate data sources and deploys various analytic problem solvers focused on supporting surveillance of public health. It is reported that BioStorm is ontology-based and is comprised by "a data broker, a data mapper, a control structure, and a library of statistical and spatial problem solvers." (Chen, Zen, Ping, and Ping, 2010, p.13) BioStorm monitors such as 911 emergency calls and implements a library of statistical methods analyzing data as a single or multiple time series and knowledge-based methods that relate detected anomalies to knowledge about reportable diseases." (Chen, Zen, Ping, and Ping, 2010, p.13)

(7) BioPortal

Another biosurveillance system is that of BioPortal which makes provision of "a flexible and scalable infectious disease information sharing, alerting, analysis, and visualization platform." (Chen, Zen, Ping, and Ping, 2010, p.13)


Bio-Surveillance Analysis, Feedback, Evaluation, and Response (B-SAFER) is a reported web-based infectious disease monitoring system that is part of the open source OpenEMed project for use in emergency care settings that collects chief complaints, discharge diagnoses, and disposition data for detection analysis concerning a group of syndromes including respiratory, GI undifferentiated infection, lymphatic, skin, neurological, and other. This system analyzes daily on a daily basis by a first-order model that utilizes regression for fitting trends, seasonal effects, and day-of-week effects. (Chen, Zen, Ping, and Ping, 2010, p.13)


Integrated Forecasts and EaRly eNteric Outbreak (INFERNO) incorporates infection disease epidemiology into adaptive forecasting utilizing the concept of an outbreak signature as a composite of disease epidemic curves." (Chen, Zen, Ping, and Ping, 2010, p.13)


The DiSTRIBuTE project is a proof-of-concept, distributed influenza surveillance system that utilizes "aggregate influenza-like illness, emergency department data from existing syndromic surveillance systems developed by state and local public health departments." (Chen, Zen, Ping, and Ping, 2010, p.18)

(11) Others

Two other global scale real-time disease even detection and tracking systems are reported as taking a differentiated approach from the systems already mentioned and those two are the Argus and HealthMap projects which monitor online media from global resources rather than disease cases reported by hospitals, clinics and other health facilities.


This study has explained the various state-of-the-art syndromic surveillance systems presently being utilized by various agencies and health care providers. The effectiveness of the use of these systems are being documented and the contribution that these systems are making to surveillance of disease and epidemic outbreaks among the population.


Buckeridge, DL, et al. (2005) An Evaluation Model for Syndromic Surveillance: Assessing the Performance of Temporal Algorithm. Vol. 54 MMWR Supplement.

Chen, H, Zeng, D, Ping, Y and Ping Y (2010) Infectious Disease Informatics; Syndromic Surveillance for Public Health and Biodefense. Springer Medical 2010. Retrieved from:

Hurt-Mullen, K and Coberly, J. (2005) Syndromic Surveillance on the Epidemiologist's Desktop: Making Sense of Much Data. MMWR Supplement 26 Aug 2005. Retrieved from:

Public Meaningful Use (2013) Arkansas Department of Public Health. Retrieved from:

Sloane, PD, et al. (2006) Syndromic Surveillance For Emerging Infections in Office Practice Using Data. Annals of Family Medicine Vol. 4 No. 4 Jul-Aug 2006.

Stoto, M. et al. (2007) Expert Meeting on Privacy, Confidentiality, and Other Legal and Ethical Issues in Syndromic Surveillance Report from an International Society for Disease Surveillance Consultation Washington DC, October 4 -- 5, 2007. Retrieved from:

Syndromic Surveillance (2013) Arkansas Department of Public Health. Retrieved from:

Syndromic Surveillance (2013) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from:

Syndromic Surveillance: An Effective Tool for Detecting Bioterrorism. (2013) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from:

Zhang, Y, May, L, and Stoto, MA (2011) Evaluating Syndromic surveillance systems at institutions of higher education (IHEs): A retrospective analysis of the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic at two universities. BMC Public Health 2011, 11:591. Retrieved from: READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Management Project in the Health" Assignment:

There are three parts to the assignments . please complete assignment 1 and 2 for now . I should be able to make a payment for 3 in a week . I am attaching the 4 articles for assignment 2 please find the rest The requirements are as follows

The project cannot be a summary of information from different websites and sources. This must be your original work or you will not pass this capstone course. . As you develop this proposal, through the production and evolution of deliverables you must deconstruct, analyze, and experience a health informatics management project from the perspective of a client organization. Consider yourself the project manager to your chosen organization as described on beginning on page 394 of your text. It is important to be specific and accurate in your writing. Using quantitative data allows you to set benchmarks for your program objectives. The case studies that may form the basis of a project. PLEASE NOTE: The recommended paper lengths are based on my estimation of how long a paper might be to do the subject matter proper justice. As such, consider the recommendations to be give-or-take a page or two. Front and back matter (such as cover pages, endnotes, references, and appendices) do not count toward your paper lengths. All papers must be double spaced; paginated; and formatted, written, and referenced using APA style. Assignment 1 - Definition of Project and Problem to be Addressed you will define their own informatics management project to be explored in this class, starting with the health care organization or setting(s) that it applies to. Describe the organizational situation in a problem statement from the organization’s internal perspective. Analyze the situation: What are the implications of the situation from the organization? Who are its stakeholder and likely target publics? Succinctly define the health information management project that may help the organization resolve the issue or problem. Deliverables: a page double spaced paper that defines the type of health care setting or practice, the issue or problem that needs to be addressed, why this issue or problem is important (see the text discussion starting on page 342 for a discussion of the competitive advantage of IT), and what you hope to accomplish with your project plan. Please identify the source for your idea for this project, e.g., work or Case 3 in the text.

Assignment 2 – Background Analysis Since your health information management proposal will be grounded in your research results, the timely completion of this deliverable is critical to your successful completion of this course. Turn your critical thinking and analytical skills to reviewing and analyzing what is known about this area and the latest solutions: Your assigned text and the optional readings represent a starting point for the discussion of your informatics management issue or problem. • What is the state-of-the-art on the issue or problem that your project addresses? Each class member is required to find at least ten related articles or websites to read, evaluate, and present to their class colleagues for discussion. The articles must be recent (articles older than 2005 are not acceptable). At least four must come from a professional, peer reviewed journal Other sources may come from websites where the author(s) and/or organization are an expert in the field, e.g., AHQR, Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research or HIMSS (Health Information Management and Systems Society). Wikipedia or "How Stuff Works" and similar sites are not expert websites. If asked, you must be able to explain why the person or organizational site that you used is an expert in health informatics. For the sources that you select, do not present a summary of each article. Instead you should: 1. Briefly summarize the issue and project that you are researching. 2. Identify the key points and common themes from your research. 3. Include points that will enable your class colleagues to understand the topic better. 4. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of what is known and unknown about this area. 5. How will this background analysis inform your project? 6. Include an evaluation of how authoritative the sources are. Should your class colleagues use these sources if they need to work in a similar area? 7. Use APA format, including identifying the sources that you use at the end of your paper

Deliverables: A six page background analysis that follows APA format and includes an abstract and your references

Provide a brief (no more than 1 page) abstract of your analysis along with the attached background analysis. Your abstract must provide enough detail to stimulate discussion;

Helpful Hints: Clearly tie your research to your project and what you hope to accomplish. This background analysis should provide your organization with enough information to understand the area that your project will address. - If possible, provide web links to your sources, following APA format. They may be helpful to others in the course.

How to Reference "Management Project in the Health" Case Study in a Bibliography

Management Project in the Health.”, 2013, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Management Project in the Health (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Management Project in the Health. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Management Project in the Health” 2013.
”Management Project in the Health”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Management Project in the Health”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Management Project in the Health [Internet]. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Management Project in the Health. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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