Essay on "Management Principles Explain the Terms Organic"

Essay 7 pages (2651 words) Sources: 9 Style: Harvard

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Management Principles

Explain the terms organic and mechanistic in relation to organisations.

Organizations require both organic and mechanistic elements in their structures to survive by being able to successfully respond to threats and opportunities while stabilizing their core functions. The concept of the value chain as originally defined by Dr. Michael Porter illustrates how the core functions of how a business generates profits must be organic enough to respond quickly to market opportunities and threats yet stable enough in line-of-business functions to consistently deliver strategies (Porter, 1990). The value chain is one of the more flexible frameworks for illustrating how organic and mechanistic organizations can co-exist and complement each other over the long-term.

The ability of organizations to attain their most challenging objectives are often more dictated by how well processes, systems and personnel can be orchestrated to a common objective. Dr. Porter noted that the orchestration of these three elements together were most evident in the personal productivity of knowledge workers who were drastically reducing time-to-market and increasing long-term company value (Porter, 1990). The ability to orchestrate organic and mechanistic organizational elements across an organization and have personal productivity emerge as the dominance differentiate for a business is possible using the value chain and determinants of competitive advantage Dr. Porter defined and continues refining today (Porter, 1990). The organic and mechanistic nature of organizations need to be agile and flexible enough to flex in response to opportunities and threats while k
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eeping a stabilized platform for personal productivity to flourish.

Organic organizations are by definition decentralized with highly flexible, broadly defined jobs that have a high level of interdependence among employees and units (Wang, Ahmed, 2003). These organizations also focus on multi-directional communication across a diverse base of contributors, many of their more subject matter experts in their given areas. As a result of the decentralized nature of these organizations and the high level of expertise they attract with individual contributors, they develop cultures that highly value initiative and creativity (Wang, Ahmed, 2003). Successfully managing teams in an organic culture requires more of a transformational vs. transactional leadership mindset, as individual accountability and performance is critical for the success of an organic culture to perform well (Weisberg, Porell, 2011). Organic organizations are also by nature more based on broadly defined roles, with a minimum of regulations, processes and procedures in place, which allow for greater employee participation and problem-solving. All of these aspects of an organic organization further illustrate how it both requires and can nurture transformational leadership in managers and executives. For an organic organization to attain a high level of performance, it needs to continually evolve from being transactionally-based to more transformational in how it manages its people, aligns processes and uses internal systems.

An organic organizational structure is better suited for being a knowledge-sharing network in that it enables greater collaboration throughout the enterprise (Wang, Ahmed, 2003). The development of knowledge sharing networks throughout larger organizations require a hybrid structure of organic and mechanistic attributes in order to support more complex knowledge sharing and generating processes. A prime example of the combining of organic and mechanistic organizational structures can be found in the Toyota Production System (TPS), a world-class organization that is responsible for significant levels of knowledge creation and use globally (Dyer, Nobeoka, 2000). The TPS is known for having very agile organizational structures across it supply chain partners while also having rigid, very well-defined procedures and systems for enabling supplier quality, distributed order management, and services pricing (Dyer, Nobeoka, 2000). The central or most common attributes of an organic organization most closely align with the innovative aspects of the TPS, while the more mechanistic aspects of the TPS structure allow for greater ongoing stability and support for onboarding, quality management and ongoing sourcing.

In contrast to the organic organizations' more collaborative, interdependent and open approach to accomplishing complex tasks, mechanistic organizations rely on very well-defined, clear and centralized approaches to communicating and completing projects over time There are very distinct lines of command and control, clear definitions of authority and span of control as well (Waldersee, Griffiths, Lai, 2003). A mechanistic organizational structure will also be more focused on metrics and tend to value short-term measurable results over longer-term more difficult results to track over time. For the lack of agility, a mechanistic organization is often ideal for managing highly repetitive, rote tasks that would otherwise be extremely difficult for an organic organization to deal with., Efficiency and predictability are the critical success factors for mechanistic organizations, and their approach to organizing people, processes and systems reflect this fact clearly (Waldersee, Griffiths, Lai, 2003). A mechanistic organization is also one that creates highly rigid cultures that reflect a mindset of repetitiveness, predictability and ease of control vs. The more collaborative, open-ended type of roles within organic organizational structures. Strategies over time will reflect the structures of an organization, with the more mechanistic structures being more rigid and less likely to be situationally-grounded and focused in their strategies (Waldersee, Griffiths, Lai, 2003). The focus is on how to create more specialization, standardization and formalization over agility and the ability to respond to market conditions. While mechanistic organizations excel in their chosen strategies when the people, processes and systems are all unified towards a common goal, they have a major limitation in lacking the ability to respond quickly to changing market conditions. As a result, during periods of economic uncertainty and turbulence, mechanistic organizations tend to be less able to react and change direction quickly. In the context of telecommuting, a mechanistic organization would require workers to log into a portal at a specific time every day, participate in a video conference to make sure they were actually at work, and regularly receive random calls at 5pm or the end of their work day to see what they have accomplished. As would be suspected, mechanistic organizations don't typically tolerate telecommuting or working from home very often given how tightly aligned their cultures are to the mechanistic approach to defining processes and systems.

2. Would you describe the workplaces in the case study as more organic or mechanistic? Why?

The workplaces in the case study are more organic than mechanistic in that they actively encourage a more collaborative, open series of roles and nurture the development of more efficient means of cross-communication. Teleworkers and telecommuters excel in these unique roles when they have a high level of individual responsibility and initiative, which provides the necessary foundation for virtual teams to succeed (Weisberg, Porell, 2011). Organic organizations tend to also nurture and develop more transformational vs. transactional leaders, as this organizational structure promotes and rewards long-term orientation to tasks and emphasis collaboration to achieve objectives (Golden, Raghuram, 2010).

The examples in the case study show how effective each of the individual contributors are in defining their own unique approaches to motivating themselves as well. This illustrates that each of the remote workers have a strong sense of motivation for their specific roles in an organization, and have the freedom to define just how their work will be done. In a mechanistic organization, this would be nearly impossible to attain at an individual freedom level get the high degree of synchronization and planning required. A mechanistic organizational structure, so focused on the aspects of predictability and measuring outcomes, would not be able to deal with individual contributors being located broad geographic distances from each other, not able to measure or quantify the combined effects of their contribution (Waldersee, Griffiths, Lai, 2003). This aspect of a mechanistic organization being highly regimented and specifically designed to drive out any variation would also create a culture less tolerant of variations in work styles and approaches, and would further squelch the nature of virtual workers. Due to all of these factors associated with a mechanistic organization and the culture it would promote, it is clear that for a virtual team and its members to excel, the organization must have an organic aspect to it as well. The greater the level of individual trust that arises from a shared vision or goal in a virtual team, made possible through organic organizational structures, the greater the long-term value it produces (Morganson, Major, Oborn, Verive, Heelan. 2010). Organically-based organizational structures are creating more value by enabling virtual teams that are capable of trusting each other more, creating more efficient levels of communication and collaboration while attaining shared, long-term and often complex goals (Pyoria, 2011). Throughout the case the key success factor of these workers is the level of trust they have attained and keep reinforcing with their employers that the work will get done, intelligent decisions will be made, and the company's best interests will continue to be attained. Trust is the strongest and most potent catalyst there is for ensuring companies have the ability to create and sustain the effectiveness of virtual teams, empowering employees to seek their own unique work styles that best align with their core strengths (Relja, Bandalovic, 2008). A virtual team is… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Management Principles Explain the Terms Organic" Assignment:

Assignment ***** Evaluation and analysis case study (2,000 words)

Present detailed answers, using academic references to support them, to the questions posed at the end of this case study in approximately 2,000 words in total (excluding title Cover Sheet and reference listing).

Read the following case study and answer all the questions.

*****˜Flexible workplaces: the new trend*****. The Age: Executive Style, 9 May.

JAMES Marburg is very adaptable when it comes to work. A rare break in training for the Olympic silver medallist rower gives him a chance to pull out his laptop computer and squeeze in a few hours*****' work in a boat shed, in lieu of a city office. Mr Marburg works for ANZ Bank as a communications adviser. He reflects the new, flexible Australian workforce. Figures from the Bureau of Statistics show nearly a quarter of Australian workers do some of their work each week away from the office.

Nearly 2.5 million Australian employees take work home, fit it into weekends, or in Mr Marburg*****'s case, squeeze it in around training for the London Olympics. More than a third said the need to *****"catch up*****" was the reason they brought work home, while 22 per cent said having an office at home with no rent or overheads was the reason to not miss the water cooler conversations and communal fridge. Men in managerial positions were most likely to work from home (31 per cent), followed by technicians and tradesmen (18 per cent), while women working from home were most likely to be professionals (39 per cent) or clerical and administrative workers (23 per cent).

Eight per cent, or one in 12 Australian workers, work more from home than any other place. The majority (83 per cent) of those were aged 35 years or older, and most (55 per cent) were women. Mr Marburg, who won silver in rowing at the Beijing Olympics, said that without a flexible arrangement ***** he works 20 hours a week at ANZ ***** he could not pursue both his job and his sport.*****"You*****'re asking me to choose between my passion, which is rowing, and work. To sleep at night I have to go with my passion, rowing, so this flexibility is very important.*****" With some understanding from authorities on both sides, he is able to fit in both. *****"I would take my laptop down to the boat sheds. We would have an hour*****'s break from my first morning session and my second morning session and I could open my laptop. Having that flexibility works for everyone. *****"I think there is a trend towards flexible working*****.

*****Obviously technology is allowing it in many cases, but also I think people are a lot more aware, and organisations are a lot more aware ***** they are willing to create a good environment for people to work in.*****"

***** Hobson, communications manager at AXA, has worked at home while recovering from broken bones in both her feet. She spent six months *****"not being able to get out of the house*****" but now splits her time between the city and home.*****"They definitely have been very flexible in saying, *****'Choose whichever days you think you need to be at home.*****' And that varies from week to week. I might find I can do a couple of days, and then I need a day to put my feet up and have a rest day.*****" Technology has been critical in making it possible for Ms Hobson to do her job away from the office. *****"They set me up with a laptop, with wireless *****¦ so I*****'m all set up to work from home.*****"

Answer all five (5) questions

1. Explain the terms organic and mechanistic in relation to organisations.

2. Would you describe the workplaces in the case study as more organic or mechanistic? Why?

3. What are the main developments that have enabled more flexible work

arrangements to flourish?

4. What are the main benefits to the organisation of introducing flexible working arrangements for employees?

5. Choose one motivation theory that could explain worker willingness and enthusiasm to work from home productively without supervision.

This exercise contributes to achievement of learning objectives a, c, d, e, f and g for the course.

*****¢ Learning Objective a- critically examine the roles of managers and the organisation of work.

*****¢ Learning Objective c- evaluate the nature of work and the types of commitment to it in societies and organisations.

*****¢ Learning Objective d- identify and assess the influence of change and technology on managers, management, work and its organisation.

*****¢ Learning Objective e- assess the implications and significance of human diversity in the exercise of management, work and its organisation.

*****¢ Learning objective f - assess the implications and significance of human and cultural diversity in the exercise of management, work and its organisation.

*****¢ Learning objective g - identify indigenous cultural issues in the organisation of work and its management.


Your answers to the Case Study should be presented as five (5) distinct answers that are presented with a covering introduction and a conclusion. You should divide your assignment into an introduction, discussion (of each of the five (5) questions) and conclusion sections.

The objective of the exercise is to enable you to develop and present an argument which is convincing and well supported and is within word constraints. Please ensure that it is thoroughly and correctly referenced using the Harvard referencing system.

It is expected that students would use a minimum of 5 different reference sources in the body of this assignment. Where less than five references are used within the body of the assignment it would be difficult to achieve a grade higher than a bare minimal P2. Assignments that are not correctly referenced will incur penalties.

Important note: It is expected that students will keep personal copies of all assignments and be able to provide these if required.

Please conform to the following:

*****¢ use Font 12 only

*****¢ Times New Roman

*****¢ 1.5 line spacing

*****¢ leave enough margin for markers to write comments

*****¢ reference list on a separate page after conclusion

*****¢ use Harvard Style of referencing ONLY

*****¢ do not use foot-notes

*****¢ print word count at the end of your assignment (conclusion section).

Assessment Criteria

Assessment of your assignments will take into account:

*****¢ relevance of your answer to the question or task set

*****¢ clarity of expression

*****¢ supporting documentation for arguments

*****¢ proper acknowledgment of documentation and use of a bibliographic convention

*****¢ logical planning and sequence

*****¢ use of inclusive language

*****¢ overall presentation, including correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Feedback on this assignment will be provided on the Feedback form, a copy of which is included at the back of this booklet if it is attached to the assignment by the student. If not, then comments will be provided in the body of the student*****s assignment.


How to Reference "Management Principles Explain the Terms Organic" Essay in a Bibliography

Management Principles Explain the Terms Organic.”, 2011, Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Management Principles Explain the Terms Organic (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Management Principles Explain the Terms Organic. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Management Principles Explain the Terms Organic” 2011.
”Management Principles Explain the Terms Organic”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Management Principles Explain the Terms Organic”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Management Principles Explain the Terms Organic [Internet]. 2011 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Management Principles Explain the Terms Organic. Published 2011. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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