Case Study on "Management and Organizational Behaviour Why Is Turner"

Case Study 12 pages (3529 words) Sources: 4 Style: Harvard

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Management and Organizational Behaviour

Why is Turner being ostracized by the group? Use Concepts derived from your study of group Behaviour to Support your answer. Explain Ralph Turner was the most recent employee of the Thomas Motor Company, initiated by John Thomas and inherited by his son Martin Thomas. Basically Thomas Senior had been working for his father in a truck workshop. However, consistent losses made the senior turner hand over his company in a deal with the Thomas Motor Company who then became under contract to service and use the Turner Trucks in their business.

After the handover, Ralph Turner was left unemployed and starter looking for a job as a mechanic in several companies. He approached the Thomas Motor Company and since Thomas and Robbins, chief advisor and manager of all mechanical staff, were in need of a good mechanic, they decided to hire Turner. Some of the main issues that Turner had to face as an employee and the reasons behind the ostracism he faced from the colleagues are explained below.

One of the very first obstacles that Turner had to face as the latest employee in the Thomas Motor Company was to make his place in a very close-knit group of employees who had long and established personal relationships. The employees, namely Steve Robbins, Bob Johnson, Dick Kelly, Jim Richards and Dave Hines were all experienced and permanent employees of the Thomas Motor Company and used their personal knowledge about each other and the relationship that they shared with each other as a source to do their work efficiently and on time.

Furthermore, the pace at which these employees interacted, worked and were abl
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e to maintain at all times was really fast and Turner was finding it very hard to get himself working at that pace and/or be able to be maintain it over a significant amount of time if he actually made it. This of course led to him missing the unofficial coffee breaks that were given to the employees at 10 a.m. And which served as a social experience for the employees to get to know each other. Turner was only able to attend only one of these coffee breaks in three weeks because the rules stated that the unofficial coffee break was only for those who were able to finish their very first task of the day. Turner, even though was great at what he did as a mechanic, he was not able to maintain a certain level of high speed pace that would allow him to complete his first task before 10 a.m.

Another self-created hurdle was that Turner, in an attempt to increase his pace and attend more unofficial coffee breaks, decrease his overall attention to detail and efficiency which was the reason behind two of the break-downs or failures of trucks that Turner worked on. This led to serious doubts in Thomas' mind on the status of Turner's job because both the trucks that broke down were from the same account who had given the ultimatum of another breakdown resulting in their ending their account with Thomas Motor Company. Hence, John and Martin Thomas met with Robbins to seriously estimate the pros and cons of keeping Turner as an employee because Turner Trucks had a huge account with the company as well.

Another issue with Turner was his temperament which was heightened by his frustration on not being able to get his work done. Also, having very little positive and close interaction with the other employees was also leading to him being a constant loner in the company. The overall impression of Turner amongst the employees was that he was the slowest link in the chain and even though he was a good mechanic, he had a high potential of losing focus and making the company suffer. Plus, his overall attitude and approach to his work accompanied with his temperamental breakdowns was getting to many employees which was making them ignore or avoid Turner. This accompanied with his desire and demand to be the only one handling the prior Turner Workshop trucks was not at all well-received by his colleagues. Facing all of the hurdles mentioned above was the cause behind Turner having to deal with constant ostracism from his colleagues.

Question 2: Use Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs" and "Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory" to explain Turner's Behaviour.

Abraham Maslow is the founder of the "hierarchy of needs" theory which he first published in 1943 in the article titled "A Theory of Human Motivation." The hierarchy of needs theory is one of the most important theories in psychology for analyzing and understanding human behavior. The additional edition of this article was focused on the inquisitive levels of humans that they were born with and were able to develop over a span of time (Maslow, 1973).

In his article, Maslow focused on the abilities and limitations of who he considered were commendable and intelligent people in their generation. His sample included big names like Eleanor Roosevelt, Albert Einstein, Frederick Douglas and Jane Adams. This was the first time that a researcher had analyzed mentally excelled subjects instead of mentally deficient subjects to analyze the human needs. He explained that if he took mentally deficient subjects then his overall philosophy and psychology would be deficient in the real and practical world as well for everyone who wasn't mentally deficient. Also, he felt that he needed a new approach to understanding human behavior in order to get a full circle understanding of the human psyche (Maslow, 1973).

Maslow followed this article with another similar book titled "The Farther Reaches of Human Nature" where he concentrated on the gifted college students, taking in a total of 1% of the total college student body. He explained that his observations and conclusion of course needed to be thoroughly tested under the normal research standards so that sound judgments and concrete conclusions could be made and human behavior could be better understood (Maslow, 1973).

Maslow designed a pyramid in order to break down the hierarchical structure of the needs of human beings which eventually affects their overall social behavior. These different layers of the pyramid are:

Deficiency needs

Physiological needs

Social needs

Esteem needs (Cwisfa, 2002; Maslow, 1973).

Deficiency needs

The very first need that Maslow highlights is the category of deficiency needs also known as D-needs. These needs are mainly mental demands and needs that don't necessarily register with the physically aspects of a human. This simply means that the deficiency needs don't affect the physical existence or attributes of an individual but affect him mentally and his mental input in the work. Even though the deficiency needs don't affect the human physically, they still result in the individual feeling frustrated, apprehensive, defensive and full of fret. One of the simplest examples of the deficiency need is the sense of belonging or inclusion that an individual feels in a group (Cwisfa, 2002).

Considering the above explanation, it is easy to understand that Turner was probably suffering from being given insufficient deficiency needs and felt like he wasn't being given enough respect, freedom and wasn't feeling welcomed. Hence, his overall attitude started reflecting a series of tantrums, apprehensions and unnecessary tensions.

Physiological needs

The psychological needs, according to Maslow are the basic necessities of the individual without which his physical or mental performance cannot be above par or balanced. The psychological needs include the provision of food, water, clothing, shelter, etc. Maslow explains that without the basic necessities of an individual being filled, the psychological needs of the individual won't be fulfilled which would negatively affect his behavior and overall application of abilities.

Maslow also added that if a company or management did not analyze the psychological needs of an individual and only analyzed their overall output, then that would not only be unfair to the individual but it would also remain a constant problem for the company because it would the incompetency of the company and not the individual that would be affecting the overall output of the company. This would be the case because it would be the company's inability to provide the employees with the basic necessities and hence resulting in the deficiency of psychological needs that would result in the employees acting out or behaving unprofessionally (Cwisfa, 2002).

Considering Turner's case, there seems to be no deficiency of basic necessities or the psychological needs which could have caused him to act the way that he did.

Social needs

Perhaps the most important need in this theory is the social need. Any and every individual in the human society needs a certain level of social interaction, friendship and find support and backup in not just his/her family but outside that circle amongst his/her friends, relatives, colleagues, etc. As well (Wahba & Bridgewell, 1976).

Man is a social animal is a very popular saying and the truth is that humans do need a high and sure sense of belonging to a group whether it comprises… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Management and Organizational Behaviour Why Is Turner" Assignment:

DEAR ***** AND ***** MANAGER







How to Reference "Management and Organizational Behaviour Why Is Turner" Case Study in a Bibliography

Management and Organizational Behaviour Why Is Turner.”, 2008, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Management and Organizational Behaviour Why Is Turner (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Management and Organizational Behaviour Why Is Turner. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Management and Organizational Behaviour Why Is Turner” 2008.
”Management and Organizational Behaviour Why Is Turner”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Management and Organizational Behaviour Why Is Turner”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Management and Organizational Behaviour Why Is Turner [Internet]. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Management and Organizational Behaviour Why Is Turner. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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