Essay on "Management Healthcare"

Essay 8 pages (2739 words) Sources: 1+

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Define and describe the concept of managed care. Differentiate between managed care and health care in the past.

Managed Care is a structure of health care that controls the price of services, administers the utilization of services, and gauges the performance of health care suppliers. Managed care is a health care financing system as well as a health care delivery arrangement. In the past, this nation's health care industry has been made up of a great amount of self-governing health care suppliers who possessed their own practices. Under managed care, doctors, hospitals, and other health care suppliers are connected contractually into networks (Carlson, 2009).

Identify two widespread effects of the managed-care movement. Describe how managed care affected these areas.

The prevalent effects of managed care include alterations in the makeup and functioning of the health care delivery system. Accessible literature supports the idea that managed care has added to slowing the implementation of new technologies, chiefly the high-cost, high-profile technologies. It has been suggested that managed care has added to some decrease in health care expenditures, even though the degree to which savings will continue over time is not yet clear (Baker, 2002).

3. Identify the major laws and regulations that impact health care organizations in your state. What state-level agency issues licensure regulations for each type of health care facility in the state (e.g., hospitals, long-term care facilities)?

The major laws that impact health care organizations at
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the state level include HIPAA, COBRA, ERISA and CMS regulations. Hospitals are traditionally regulated by the states department of health and the state hospital association. Long-term care facilities are normally regulated by the states department of jobs and family services.

4. What are the primary strategies for initiating change in organizations?

The primary strategies for initiating change in an organization include having good communication, employing trust and asking for subordinate contributions. It is important that any change that is going to be initiated be communicated to those who it will involve. This will invoke a sense of trust for all those that are involved. And those that are involved should be asked for input since it will be affecting them the most.

5. Identify at least two strategies that have been utilized to ensure or at least enhance organizational survival. Give examples of each of the strategies and their impact on organizational survival.

Two strategies that have been used in order to make sure that organizations survive include hiring the right people and then making sure that all employees are in the right positions. In today's business environment it is more important than ever to make sure that the employees that are hired are the right ones for the job. If the wrong people are hired then the turnover rates will be high and a lot of money will be wasted on training and education. It is also important to make sure that those employees that are already working at the company are in the right positions that take full advantage of their talents and abilities. If people don't have the aptitude to do their job then they will not be effective or successful.

1. How does a department manager appropriately serve as a change agent and foster a change-ready environment for the employees? Provide examples with your answer.

A department manger appropriately serves as a change manger and fosters change by communicating with employees. This is done by making sure that they communicate both up and down the ladder. Since the department manger is often the liaison between the front line and upper management, it is important that they communicate with both sides as to what is taking place within the organization in order to foster change without out resistance.

2. What was initially misleading about the introduction of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, known commonly by the acronym HIPAA?

Initially when HIPAA was first implemented it was thought that it would guarantee people insurance coverage if they changed jobs. It was also thought that people were being guaranteed complete privacy when it came to health information.

3. In what ways has the implementation of HIPAA created additional expense for health care organizations? How about other organizations? Please provide examples for each of these areas; evaluating the impact of HIPAA on each.

The implementation of HIPAA has created additional expenses for health care organizations in both the training of their employees on the law and the added extra paper work that must be signed and stored in order to be compliant. Other organizations have incurred increased costs in the areas of possibly having to obtain additional equipment or put into different practices in order to also be compliant. HIPAA has had an impact on all entities in regards to confidentiality.

4. Describe what areas or situations you believe to be the principal cause of most instances of resistance to change. Also what responses should be implemented to counteract the negative impact in these areas?

The areas that are most resistant to change are those in which those being asked to change are not informed as to why the change is taking place and how it is going to directly affect them. People often have a hard time buying into something that they don't completely understand. The best thing that can be done to counteract resistance is to communicate and explain. This will make those that are being asked to change as if they are part of the process.

5. A manager is there to get things done through the employees and since time memorial managers have done so by issuing orders and instructions. What, if anything, is wrong with having changes implemented in this manner?

Changes implemented in this manner as seen by those asking to change as offensive. If they are just told what to do and how to do it without any explanation as to why then people will resist because they don't see the benefit in embracing the change and moving forward.

1. The organizational chart is of utmost importance to a health care organization. Identify and describe in detail the numerous reasons for utilizing the organizational chart. Also evaluate the importance of each to the organization.

One area in which an organizational chart is very helpful is that of human resources. HR planning is an energetic process that entails three stages. These include: stocktaking, forecasting, and designing a temporary workforce. In the first phase of stocktaking, recruitment and selection of key kinds of workers support with strategic business plan in order to attain precise targets. The second phase of forecasting is divided into two phases, forecasting prospective people requirements and forecasting accessibility of people. The third and final stage entails flexible strategy to employ temporary workers as per need evaluation and cost efficient benefits (Human Resource Planning for Healthcare, 2010).

In a healthcare company, customary quantitative approaches are utilized to make enumerative decisions based on subjective managers forecast to assign exact budgets for worker's payroll expenses and need assessments of key worker potentiating receptive to organizational system and makeup. Resource allotments are best carried out with the aid of activity-based cost management, that manages price and labor necessary for particular job and decrease waste (Human Resource Planning for Healthcare, 2010).

2. Describe what is meant by the dual pyramid form of organization in health care? Evaluate the roles of the 2 groups traditionally related to this concept.

A Health Care Organization's (HCO) organizational makeup is different from that of other regular organizations. In regular organizations, there is only one power that can manage the entire body of the organization and this leading body oversees this power. There are two types of powers that be in HCO's. The formal right of position rests in the managerial chain of command and the power of knowledge is possessed by members of the Medical Staff Organization. The governing body manages these two powers that be, but if that body does not have enough power to supervise these two parties, then three kinds of powers that be exist within one organization. Such circumstances are known as a dual-pyramid type of organization or two lines of authority (Imamura, 2000).

Conventionally, hospitals are seen as dual hierarchies. In addition to the formal administrative pyramid, the professional medical system forms a second line of power. Just as customary is the fact that this poses considerable issues for hospital administration (Imamura, 2000). Having more than one line of management only leads to confusion as no one truly understands who they report to and who they should listen to when it comes to getting things done.

1. In what ways do committees occasionally serve to counterbalance authority and diffuse power within an organization? Evaluate the use of committees within the organization, identifying the most optimum use in your opinion. Defend your position.

A committee is a type of small deliberative assemblage that is typically planned to stay secondary to another, superior deliberative assemblage. A committee is normally given the authority to… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Management Healthcare" Assignment:

Questions should answer thoroughly but do not have to be lengthy, essays should be two paragraphs. There is no required number of sources, but if you do need to please cite sources. Please keep in question form.

Chapter 1 ***** The Context of Health Care Management


1. Define and describe the concept of managed care. Differentiate between managed care and health care in the past.

2. Identify two widespread effects of the managed-care movement. Describe how managed care affected these areas.

3. Identify the major laws and regulations that impact health care organizations in your state. What state-level agency issues licensure regulations for each type of health care facility in the state (e.g., hospitals, long-term care facilities)?

4. What are the primary strategies for initiating change in organizations?

5. Identify at least two strategies that have been utilized to ensure or at least enhance organizational survival. Give examples of each of the strategies and their impact on organizational survival.

Chapter 2 *****The Challenge of Change


1. How does a department manager appropriately serve as a change agent and foster a change-ready environment for the employees? Provide examples with your answer.

2. What was initially misleading about the introduction of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, known commonly by the acronym HIPAA?

3. In what ways has the implementation of HIPAA created additional expense for health care organizations? How about other organizations? Please provide examples for each of these areas; evaluating the impact of HIPAA on each.

4. Describe what areas or situations you believe to be the principal cause of most instances of resistance to change. Also what responses should be implemented to counteract the negative impact in these areas?

5. A manager is there to get things done through the employees and since time memorial managers have done so by issuing orders and instructions. What, if anything, is wrong with having changes implemented in this manner?


1. The organizational chart is of utmost importance to a health care organization. Identify and describe in detail the numerous reasons for utilizing the organizational chart. Also evaluate the importance of each to the organization.

2. Describe what is meant by the *****dual pyramid form of organization in health care*****? Evaluate the roles of the 2 groups traditionally related to this concept.

Chapter 9 ***** Committees and Teams


1. In what ways do committees occasionally serve to counterbalance authority and diffuse power within an organization? Evaluate the use of committees within the organization, identifying the most optimum use in your opinion. Defend your position.

2. Identify the initial issue that should always be thoroughly addressed when the establishment of a committee is recommended.

3. In what ways may committees be said to dilute the recognition and diffuse the blame or responsibility? Where, based on your personal experience, have you seen one of these impact an organization?

4. Why should employee teams be kept from addressing employee benefits and other conditions of employment?

5. Explain the fundamental difference between a committee and a task force.

Chapter 10 ***** Adaptation, Motivation, and Conflict Management


1. What various means are often used to secure compliance with an organization*****s work rules? Evaluate each of these and select the most effective in your opinion.

2. According to Maslow*****s theory of human motivation, why can we describe an individual*****s quest for need satisfaction as a progressive process?

3. How can we conclude from Herzberg*****s theory that the primary motivators are inherent in the work itself?

4. Why is some degree of conflict inescapable in the organizational setting? Is conflict ever productive within the organizational setting?


Compare and contrast the three patterns of accommodation (upward mobility, indifference, and ambivalence). For each, describe the management style that would most likely apply in supervising individuals who strongly exhibited adherence to each pattern.

Chapter 11 ***** Training and Development: The Backbone of Motivation and Retention


1.What is the relationship of orientation, training, and staff development to motivation?

2.Identify the specific content of the orientation program for which the department manager

is responsible.

3. Describe in detail your understanding of the differences between *****on-the-job training***** and


4.Compare and contrast what you see as the relative advantages and disadvantages of

sending employees for educational experiences externally versus providing as much

education as possible in-house.

Chapter 12 ***** Authority, Leadership, and Supervision


1. Describe the concept of informal authority and state how this differs from formal authority.

2. What is to be gained by including employees in the manager*****s decision-making process whenever practical?

3. How can job knowledge or technical expertise be a form of power or authority?

4. What is the principle advantage of mentoring?

5. What is*****or should be*****the primary purpose of the overwhelming majority of disciplinary processes?

6. What is the essential difference between power and influence?

1.Describe the difference between risk and chance of risk? Give examples of each.

2.Loss prevention activities can be divided into two categories: loss prevention and loss reduction. How do these activities differ? Provide an example of each.

3.Explain the concept of adverse selection. Describe how this concept tends to influence the processes followed by insurance companies ?

4.Define the law of large numbers. Explain why this concept it is important to private insurers.

5.Define fundamental risk and particular risk.Compare and contrast each of these concepts

What is enterprise risk? It encompasses all major risks faced by a business firm. Describe these major risks.

6.Insurance plans have four distinct characteristics. Describe each of these characteristics providing examples with your response.


1.Define the term POS. Give examples of such plans.

2.Describe the basic characteristics of a cafeteria plan. Describe the ways insurance companies use the coordination of benefits provision in their payments to providers of health care.

3.Discuss how self-insured health plans are operated. Do employers save money with these type of plans?

4.Explain the evolution of the Patient Bill of Rights. Compare and contrast how it is utilized in different health care settings.


1.What is managed care? How do managed care plans differ from the traditional group health insurance plans?

2.What is a PPO? How do PPO*****'s differ from EPO*****'s? Give examples of each with your answer.

3.How are preexisting conditions provisions and coordination of benefit provisions often used in group health insurance plans?

4.What coverage is typically provided through group basic medical expense plans?

5.What are the four major health care problems in the United States? Identify each of these and include examples with your response.

1.Identify the major benefits offered under the Medicare Program.

2.What is Medigap insurance? Describe the development of such plans and the reasons they came about.

3.Describe the primary objectives of unemployment insurance. How is eligibility determined under this program?

4.Discuss the Medicare Advantage program alternatives to Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B.


1.Discuss the basic benefits offered under the Part B side of the Medicare program. How are these benefits paid for?

Identify the basic characteristics of Social Insurance.

How to Reference "Management Healthcare" Essay in a Bibliography

Management Healthcare.”, 2011, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Management Healthcare (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Management Healthcare. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Management Healthcare” 2011.
”Management Healthcare”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Management Healthcare”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Management Healthcare [Internet]. 2011 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Management Healthcare. Published 2011. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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