Term Paper on "Distributed Order Management Systems"

Term Paper 11 pages (4856 words) Sources: 1+

[EXCERPT] . . . .


Distributed Order Management Systems

Theoretical or Conceptual framework

Questions addressed

Data analysis, discussion and results

Including discussion of any limitation(s))

DDSN Characteristics

SPSS Regression Statistics on DOM Investment by Velocity of Pricing

Common Order Management Module Functions

Overlaying Business Process steps with order management components

Distributed Order Management Hierarchical Model

Distributed Order Management (DOM) Conceptual Framework

Distributed Order Management (DOM) Conceptual Framework Specifics


Available to Promise; is a measure of a supply chain's ability to report back when a product can be built


Automated Planning and Schedule - a type of application used for planning production.


Build-to-order; a product strategy aimed at creating customized products where 30% of product content is custom. Appendix IV defines this concept graphically.

Configurator software application that is typically included in more complex ordering systems that is a constraint engine that makes it possible to create customized products automatically, based on selections from users configuring products on the website for potential purchase.


Distributed Order Management

Electronic Data
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Enterprise Resource Planning System. Typically used for managing the production of products in factories.


Engineer-to-order; a product strategy aimed at creating customized products where 70% of product content is custom. Appendix IV defines this concept graphically.


Make-to-stock, which refers to products built specifically to mass customer requirements and are the majority of a company's inventory


Order Management System


The process that encompasses quoting through order fulfillment. This quote-to-order process is typically combined with BTO and ETO processes to create quotes for customized products tailored to specific user's needs. This is particularly relevant for Blueberry as they pursue the launch of new PDAs customizable by users online.


Vendor Managed Inventory, which is the coordination of inventory demand across a supplier and distributor most often - it is a method of ensuring lean manufacturing efficiencies

Part 1: Executive Summary

Order management functionality was first added to manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) systems in the form of order entry modules. As its name indicates, this module was designed to enter customer demand into the system to close the materials requirements planning (MRP) netting loop. Generally, order entry modules were designed for manufacturing, not for customer service support. As a result, most early order entry modules were cumbersome. These modules enforced a rigid process that required order numbers, customer IDs, item numbers, address IDs, remit-to addresses, etc. all to be predefined before an order could be entered. Although it inflicted all of these prerequisites on the customer order entry process in the name of completeness and integrity, the module was unable to provide customer service reps any real support for product information, pricing, or delivery dates. As if this was not bad enough, most order entry modules were created without any specific vertical industry application in mind. Over the last 15 years, software developers have attempted to add pieces of functionality to address a wider range of industry-specific issues. This has resulted in bloated and complex enterprise resource planning (ERP) order management modules that are still far from becoming the hub of the order management and customer service process. Nevertheless, the demand drivers for distributed order management systems continue to significantly expand the market for distributed order management systems, as is evidenced in Appendix a of this document, Global Order Management Market Sizing.

Figure 1 provides a graphical description of the order management function within manufacturing companies in the form of common order management module functions. Was is very clear from this graphical description is the pervasive need for integration between order management modules and the many systems it relies on for completing its critical tasks. The intent of this paper is to provide a thorough analysis of distributed order management systems, the key influences impacting them today, and the growth of the market overall.

The intent of this research is to first define how distributed order management systems are progressing from being ERP centric and more customer-focused. The unresolved question however in current research is the level of adoption for distributed order management systems across key industries and what the level of adoption translates into for transaction velocities. The major benefit of knowing if and by how much distributed order management systems increase transaction velocities has a direct impact on profitability. This research will deliver the size of the distributed order management marketplace globally, and also provide benchmarks of transaction velocities of distributed order management systems.

Part 2: Introduction and Background

An Order Management Revolution is Underway

If there is any one ERP module that is a victim of evolutionary functionality bloat, it is the order entry module. As mentioned earlier, it was never really designed to meet the needs of the actual users, usually customer service personnel. Five to ten years of scattered functional enhancements will add further complications:

Numerous order entry forms

Hundreds of confusing control fields

Pricing matrices that are virtually incomprehensible and impossible to maintain

An order entry process that is disconnected from many other critical supply chain processes such as planning, warehousing, and distribution

Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that do not look any more like customer order entry forms than their character-based, green screen predecessors

So what is the answer? It may be that the order entry module needs to undergo the same level of revolutionary change as the MRP, capacity requirements planning (CRP), and master production scheduling (MPS) modules are currently undergoing as a result of advanced planning and scheduling (APS). APS is redefining the planning process to match the dynamic requirements of today's manufacturing environment. From the design perspective, APS started from a clean sheet and leveraged current technology to develop planning software better suited to meet a wide variety of real-world requirements.

Order Management Is Not a Customer Order Capture System; it Is a Synchronization System

The many research sources consulted to complete this report share a common theme, which is the progression order management system early adopters make from order capture first, then into synchronizing all their warehouses, distribution centers, and fulfillment functions globally. The order management function within most ERP systems, however, does not provide support for many of the requirements of these extended global fulfillment functions, which, in addition to order capture and processing, might include the following:

Operating 24-hour call centers

Distributing product information or discussing product features and capabilities

Using and understanding product catalogs

Performing price lookups

Supporting ongoing problem resolution dialogs with customers

Identifying spares and service parts

Reacting to special customer requests

In ERP systems, the customer service capability revolves around the order. Without first entering an order, there is usually little or no access to product information, prices, or a placeholder for customer requests. This is one of the primary market factors influencing the growth of distributed order management systems. Figure 2 shows the intersection of customer support, collaborative planning and replenishment, order management, order fulfillment, and order entry on the business process phases that distributed order management needs to successfully support.

Figure 2:

Overlaying business process steps with order management system components

While these process steps vary by industry, they do provide a common basis of comparison across industries. Appendix B, Distribution of Order Management Systems by Industry, provides a useful glimpse into the specifics of how each industry adopts distributed order management best practices.

Part 3: Literature Review

In completing this literature review, it became apparent of how intertwined order management and the broader aspects of supply chain management have become. Inherent in this literature review is the role of the supply chain in influencing the synchronization of orders throughout multiple distribution centers, fulfillment locations, warehouses, and secondary channel partners. A high percentage of companies -- around 30% -- live in a world based on the complexity of the demand chain and diversity of supply chain relationships. In the past, companies have organized the business structure around channels/segments, products/supply chains, and geographies to minimize complexity. However, the move to global processes and the demand from customers to have a more unified relationship is forcing companies to rethink the systems approach and organization alignment. The approach requires a new strategy, and ERP systems will provide local execution, but not the global integration and coordination. The approach is not about functionality; it is about achieving process flexibility and data rigidity to support a distributed process.

All of these factors are propelling distributed order management as one of the top priorities for manufacturing and service companies alike.

Systems architectures must be redeployed to deliver on an integrated order management strategy

While a single instance ERP system may not be the long-term solution to the extended order management vision, it will continue to be a critical building block, providing much of the master data and transaction processing. The question is not whether there is a role for ERP systems in the order management process, but rather is it the architecture to provide the integration and coordination across the extended internal and external network of suppliers, buyers, and customers. The monolithic design of all… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Distributed Order Management Systems" Assignment:

Order only for *****’s Username: (*****)


Subject "Business Research Methods"

Academic level: Master Degree

Language/spelling style: British – Harvard format

Specific Topic: Distributed Order Management Systems

Type of document: Research/Small Thesis based on Secondary Data.

Sources: must be new references 2006 only (They must be from related Journals, Surveys, Published Thesis, Books and Conference Papers)

Very important Note: Please make sure there is nothing copied from the net or books, unless it places between quotation marks. In case the paper matches more than 6% in the Turnitin.com and MyDropBox.com paper will be returned for rewrite.


Remember you SHOULD NOT rehash the topic, the project SHOULD add great value to the field.

Please use what you proposed/developed in the Project Proposal (Models, significant, Research Designs ‘i.e. DDSN and OMM models’, Analysis ‘i.e. MS Excel, SPSS’, etc…).

Please make sure all the DATA you use is SECONDARY data (Students are NOT permitted to collect primary data from a sample survey in this project - be specific and amke it clear your data is SECONDARY).

Report Structure: (Write the paper in following structure)


Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures

List of Abbreviations

Part 1: Executive Summary

Part 2: Introduction and Background

Part 3: Literature Review

Part 4: Theoretical or Conceptual framework

Part 5: Method and design

Part 6: Questions addressed

Part 7: Data analysis, discussion and results

(Including discussion of any limitation(s))

Part 8: Final recommendations

Part 9: Summary and conclusions




Details about some of the required components: (Must be in the same format above) – Use all the materials/models you proposed in the project proposal.

Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures

List of Abbreviations

Very clear for you – I don’t need to write many about it (You know what to do for sure).

Part 1: Executive Summaries Style: (Only one comprehensive and effective Page) – very important

– Aim for one page summaries.

– Make it easy by using:

-Bullet points-:

(First bullet: Note the broad intent of the report),

(Second bullet: Outline the context of the report),

(Next bullet: Outline the methodology of the report),

(Recommendation bullets: Avoid outlining reasons, just give the results).

• Short sentences, three or four lines maximum.

• Blank lines to separate sentences.


Part 2: Introduction and Background (or research objectives)

• Sets the scope & range,

• States purpose,

• Gives organizational background & key issues.


Part 3: Literature Review (very important) – it can be combined to Part 4

• Discuss relevant areas.

• Specific areas chosen & explored.

• Questions identified.

-Purpose of Literature Review is:

1)Distinguish what has been done from what needs to be done.

2)Discovering important and relevant variables for your project.

3)Establishing the context of the topic or problem (Background)

4)Rationalizing the significant of the problem.

5)Identifying the main methodologies and research techniques that have been used.

-Your Literature Review must be: (Up-to-date 2006 only)


•Organized around and related directly to your research theme;

•Must synthesize results into a summary of what is and not known;

•Must identify issues that may influence your own or other future research → rational for your project (importance and relevance);

•May identify areas of common ground, disagreement, and controversies in the literature.

***This is a project of only (3000 words – no more) so Literature Review must be clear/specific and NOT too lengthy.

*** Good to focus on some points that more than 2 authors support such as, (John, 2006; Jeff, 2006; Mark, 2006).

***You must quote from your literature Review articles – but you quotes must be short, supportive, and cited.


Part 4: Theoretical or Conceptual framework

Very clear for you – I don’t need to write many about it (You know what to do for sure).


Part 5: Method and design

• How data collected.

• Sampling.

• Investigatory techniques, etc…


Part 6: Questions addressed (So important)

Very clear for you – I don’t need to write many about it (You know what to do for sure).


Part 7: Data analysis, discussion and results (So important)

(Including discussion of any limitation(s))

Very clear for you – I don’t need to write many about it (You know what to do for sure).

**This is so important (worth very high mark of the total)


Part 8: Final recommendations

Very clear for you – I don’t need to write many about it (You know what to do for sure).


Part 9: Summary and conclusions (Must be clear and effective)

Very clear for you – I don’t need to write many about it (You know what to do for sure).



**References must be 2006 only. 4 to 6 different references will be enough. Make sure only those references cited can be included in the Bibliography page. Use Harvard Style only.



Included any extra information you believe its important for the project. (Not counted of the 3000 words)


---Please make sure that report is NO more than 3000 words only – if you believe there are some important materials to cover PUT/COVER them in the appendices.

---Diagrams, tables, charts are required for this project (NOT counted of the 3000 words)

---Again the report should NOT rehash the topic – It must give new ideas and add significant value to the field.

Originality is crucial.

Please make sure there is nothing copied from the net or books, unless it places between quotation marks. In case the paper matches more than 6% in the Turnitin.com and MyDropBox.com paper will be returned for rewrite.


PowerPoint slides (14 slides) for Professional Presentation


I will need about 14 PowerPoint slides (no more than 14 slides please) professional and high presented slides for this project, slides must cover the following: (for 20 minutes presentation)

• Introduction

• Objective/Issues/Questions addressed

• Methodology, Design & Data Source

• An*****s

• Recommendation/ Summary

• Conclusion

Slides must be professional and coherent.

Kind Regards,


How to Reference "Distributed Order Management Systems" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Distributed Order Management Systems.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/management-distributed-order/1566. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Distributed Order Management Systems (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/management-distributed-order/1566
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). Distributed Order Management Systems. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/management-distributed-order/1566 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Distributed Order Management Systems” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/management-distributed-order/1566.
”Distributed Order Management Systems” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/management-distributed-order/1566.
[1] ”Distributed Order Management Systems”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/management-distributed-order/1566. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Distributed Order Management Systems [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/management-distributed-order/1566
1. Distributed Order Management Systems. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/management-distributed-order/1566. Published 2006. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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