Questionnaire on "Manage Scope Management"

Questionnaire 12 pages (4627 words) Sources: 5

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Manage Scope Management

A project scope defines what stages, resources, time aspects and quality standards are included in the project. It also defines what not part of the project is! This is important because it ensures that an effective project avoids scope 'creep'. The 'creep' is the tendency to include other elements and deliverables into a project that were outside the understanding of either one of the stakeholders of the project. This aspect appreciates the importance of complex projects.

This usually is achieved by producing a scope document. Part of producing a scope document is to ensure it indicates and includes project authorization and the management (how it will be used) of the scope document.

Project Authorization Activities



Explain the process one must undertake to get authority to start work on a project(s) or to continue into each phase. Is process the same in more complex projects?

Why is it important to get this authority, especially in more complex projects?

What happens if this authority is not received?

A project charter is a document that is formally required in order to initiate the project. This is because it contains the requirements, which satisfy the needs of the stakeholders' and their expectations. It is important to acquire this authority so that in case of any problem, they will know whom to address. If the authority is not received, the project cannot commence since this will bring problems in the future (Richman 2006). Moreover, the project needs to have a sens
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e of direction. This is the steering force towards its intended direction or goals. This can only be acquired if there is an authority. The authority is also responsible to make pertinent decisions concerning the project. An authority is necessary in the project in order to ensure that it is managed in the proper manner. According to Dobie "many organizations believe that they are managing projects when in actual fact they are only managing the operational processes which were not defined at the start of a project" (2007). This means that through the authority the management should properly define its operational processes for better understanding.

Project Scope Definition Activities

What is the purpose of a Project Scope for managing a project?

How should one ensure the scope definition reflects the requirements of the client/stakeholders?

A project scope is important since it shows and gives a direction of what the project will cover in general. This includes the work to be accomplished when delivering a certain product or service. Through a project scope, the management is able to notice whenever the project is going in the wrong direction. This is through the analysis and evaluation of the current project position and the outlined plan of the project. One ensures that the scope defines the requirement of the client through conducting a project assessment. A project assessment is the evaluation and the analysis of the current position of the project. It outlines all the aims that the project has already achieved as well as those that it is yet to acquire. This sets periodic milestones to the project's management. This shows how the project relates to the customer requirements. It also outlines all the goals and the milestones that the project is yet to cover. This is used to motivate the staff, management, as well as the stakeholders of a certain project since it shows the current position and achievements of the project.

What guidance is provided from higher project authorities within the organisation, e.g. business owner, sponsor etc.

There are various forms of guidance provided by the project authorities. For instance, they guide on the best method to use in order to avoid the risk occurrence. The business owner knows the amount of money at hand; hence, he or she will regulate the activity conduction.

How are the benefits and outcomes covered in a scope document?

How can you measure against these benefits on project completion?

A scope document is necessary since it evaluates the time and the cost that the whole project will need for proper planning. One can measure against these benefits through evaluation of what the project has consumed at completion. The project scope must be created at the initiation of every project. According to Dobie, "the scope identifies a project's boundaries and what needs to be done to achieve the stated objective. It describes all the activities to be performed and the end products to be delivered." After thorough outlining, the project is broken down into breakdown structures and then managed through the management process (Dobie, 2007).

How does the Project Scope Statement guide the communication and change management component of project management?

The scope statement guides communication since it directs how activities will be run. This means that the authority or the management communicates to the lower rank employees to issue directions as per the scope statement. Through a scope statement, the management is also able to identify the protocol of activities. Through this, he can communicate and inform the stakeholders about the position of the project as well as the short-term and long-term goals yet to be achieved. In every organization, a project involves considerable information that requires a certain form of routine. Moreover, there should be special communications, which is both verbal and written. This is enhanced through the development of the project scope. Some of the essential aspects of the project scope include assumptions, constraints, related projects among other aspects. Dobie states, "the scope of a project is what the client expects in return for outlays expended; it is the physical product that gives effect to the objectives." (p.52)

Scope Controls

How should one manage changes to the project scope throughout the project Lifecycle?

Why is this aspect even more critical in more complex projects?

What are the formal procedures to manage project scope in your projects?

How should one gain agreement as to how changes to scope will be managed within the project?

A risk analysis is important in order to ensure that there is proper planning.

One should manage changes to the project scope throughout by ensuring that there are different options available for the project. Complex projects involve many risks such that some are not identifiable.

All changes should be approved and implemented systematically by considering their effect on the schedule and budget. On the other hand, a project manager should have a clear understanding of the iterative nature of the project cycle. This is because it is as pertinent as the planning as well as the execution of the project plan. This is because the project manager is able to identify and deal with any changes that may arise in the project scope. Without such an understanding it is impossible to develop a plan that completely addresses the needs of a project at each stage of its cycle (p.12)

Explain how do you assess impact of the change on other PM functions?

What are the critical areas/issues to consider?

This is through thorough project evaluation after change identification. The major areas to consider are the effect the change has to the budget and the project schedule. The assessment should be assessed using the objectives as the basis. In this case, if the intended change was not achieved the deviation of the outcome is measured to represent the impact of the change. This is compared to the other functions of project management (p.12).

Explain how you review the scope management process, to ensure suggestions and recommendations for improvement are communicated for use in future projects.

Conducting a project assessment is a major way of reviewing the scope management process. This is because this shows the direction of the project. Dobie, (2007) a useful starting point is to define the planning as well as the delivery activities required in any project. Moreover, the he asserts that the scope of work must be directly linked to meet the defined requirements. This ensures suggestions and recommendations for improvement are communicated for use in future projects since the needs and requirements for such projects will be clearly defined. Dobie writes, "... scope management involves ongoing review and redefinition of deliverables, objectives, and constraints to the point of project start-up.... (p.47).

Manage Project Governance

This assessment enables the participant to demonstrate their ability to establish and implement an effective governance plan for a project of sufficient complexity to demonstrate the full range of requirements. It also seeks to provide the participant with a demonstration of management of delegated authorities and the development of an appropriate project governance plan consistent with the organization's governance policies, procedures, and expectations of project stakeholders.

Identify project management structure

i. Explain what is meant by project governance?

ii. Why is it important for successful projects?

iii. Discuss your experience/role in project governance using specific examples?

Project governance is the control, management as well as the authority over the project in order to ensure proper decision-making. In this case, there should be an alignment of the project with all the stakeholder's… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Manage Scope Management" Assignment:

I have 39 Project Management questions that require approx 100 words each of theory - some maybe more or less as long as the question is clearly answered. The theory must come from the 5 resources that I will provide (along with a list of the questions). Harvard in text citation required. Any questions please email me. Would require someone with Project Management experience. Deadline is very important as I will need to add some work based reflections to each question. Thank you *****

How to Reference "Manage Scope Management" Questionnaire in a Bibliography

Manage Scope Management.”, 2014, Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Manage Scope Management (2014). Retrieved from (2014). Manage Scope Management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Manage Scope Management” 2014.
”Manage Scope Management”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Manage Scope Management”,, 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Manage Scope Management [Internet]. 2014 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Manage Scope Management. Published 2014. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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