Essay on "Macular Holes Kiab"

Essay 5 pages (1540 words) Sources: 5 Style: MLA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

"No one wants his eyes tampered with or touched," Kiab emphasized.

Before being brought to the recovery room, her eyes were patched right after surgery. The nurses told her that the patches could be removed that evening at bedtime. The patches are meant to prevent blinking because the anesthesia will numb the lids. Kiab can then begin using drops after removing the patches. Swelling in the outer parts of the eyes and around the eyelids is likely to create discomfort. Kiab will also feel like scratching or feel pain but these will be normal. They also advised the use of ice compress on the swollen areas.

Kiab bravely followed all the instructions. The surgeon gave her general anesthesia because vitrectomy is a major surgery. It proceeded smoothly and Kiab was taken to her ward. When the anesthesia wore off and her eyes regained consciousness, she began to lie face-down and stayed in that position for one solid week. It meant a tedious 24-hour face-down sacrifice for the first 2 days. The only interruptions were when she had lie on her back for the eye drops. For the last few days, she was on the face-down position only at night and briefly during the day. There was nothing pleasant about this position but Kiab's patience and encouragement from her family, and the hospital staff paid off. She gradually regained most of her vision on both eyes…
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Quoted Instructions for "Macular Holes Kiab" Assignment:


I will upload my macular holes paper later.

Topic: Your task for the paper is to write a medical narrative similar to the narratives we*****ve been reading in Atul Gawande*****s book, Complications. Your goal is to tell an engaging story about a medical experience (a disease, a procedure, etc.) that illuminates the human (or animal) experience of medicine for a general, non-specialized audience. Your paper may have several purposes, which might include informing, entertaining, and/or raising awareness.

Note that Gawande writes in a number of different modes in his essays. While his essays usually address some larger issue in medicine (such as the experience of phantom pain), he often organizes the story he tells around the experience of one of two individuals. He provides specific details of these individuals***** experiences, but also gives readers detailed explanatory or informational passages. He also provides passages of discussion, commentary and analysis.

Please, be extreme careful with below instruction!!!

Please dont directly copy the sentences from the resources!!

You will most likely have to perform some research for the paper. Of course, you must paraphrase and/or quote properly, and provide accurate and complete citations with your final paper. You should also submit your research notes when you submit your paper.


How to Reference "Macular Holes Kiab" Essay in a Bibliography

Macular Holes Kiab.”, 2014, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Macular Holes Kiab (2014). Retrieved from (2014). Macular Holes Kiab. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Macular Holes Kiab” 2014.
”Macular Holes Kiab”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Macular Holes Kiab”,, 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Macular Holes Kiab [Internet]. 2014 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Macular Holes Kiab. Published 2014. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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