Research Paper on "Macroeconomics"

Research Paper 3 pages (1026 words) Sources: 1

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Over the last several years, the economy has been through a number of different challenges. Part of the reason for this, is because of shifts that have taken place in: the deficits that many state and local government are running. As a result, this period has been marked by a number of problems to: address the shortfalls that many different governments are facing. One of the more radical approaches took place in Wisconsin not long ago, when the Governor signed a law that would eliminate the employee public unions' collective bargaining rights. This is important, because it shows how the large deficits are having an impact, on the way governments are delivering various services to the general public. As they are seeking out any kind of tools they can use to: decrease their costs and improve the overall quality of services that are being provided. To fully understand the overall scope of this issue requires: examining a newspaper article that discusses the current problem in Wisconsin. Once this takes place, it will provide the greatest insights, as to the underlying challenges that all governments are wrestling with in dealing with this issue. (Weitzman)

In the article titled Judge Blocks State's Union Rights Law, Weitzman (2011), discusses the current situation that is taking place. as, a showdown has occurred between: conservative Republicans (backed by the new Governor Scott Walker) and liberal Democrats. At the heart of issue, is the ability of the state renegotiate labor contracts. According to Walker, every step has been taken to reduce the budget deficits that the state has been running over the last several years. However, as the budget cuts became more
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severe, the lingering economy is having a dramatic impact upon the tax revenues that are being generated by: the state and local governments. As a result, any kind of cuts that were made to the budget over the last several years helped, but it was not enough to reduce the total negative effects. (Weitzman)

The led directly, to the current showdown that is taking place. As Republican lawmakers felt that the collective bargaining rights of public employees, made it difficult to make adjustments to changes in the economy. This is because, previous agreements with government over the years allowed these employees to: receive generous compensation and benefits packages. As the collective bargaining agreements could apply to several different public employee unions (such as: sanitation workers and firemen). Over the course of time, this power gave these unions the ability to: receive consistent pay and benefits increases, beyond what was available in the private sector. (Weitzman)

Once the budget shortfalls became more severe, is when these agreements were brought into question. As many proponents of eliminating this power (led by Walker), are trying to increase the ability of the government to: adapt to the changes that are taking place in the economy. This is because they believe that these agreements mean that their overall: labor and benefits costs will be forced to remain at current levels. Once they expire is when the unions will: join together and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Macroeconomics" Assignment:

Macroeconomics 2100:

You will be required to analyze a newspaper or magazine article related to the concepts and theories of macroeconomics that is covered in your text. The article must be current (2009 ~ Present) and from a reputable magazine or newspaper.

Each analysis will be graded on:

1. Quality of analysis of each article;

2. Selection of article and how well it demonstrates

macroeconomic concept(s);

3. Organization, originality and creativity.

4. Your grade will be based on the richness of your analysis and the power of your argument. Try to make every sentence count.

5. There should be a logical flow of ideas and be sure to either use quotation marks or cite the source if the words are not yours.

The analysis of each article should:

1. Indicate the specific concept(s) discussed in the article;

2. Completely explain the concept(s);

3. Analyze and explain how the article demonstrates

the macroeconomic concept(s).

4. Look for opportunities to show your understanding of the concepts and theories.

5. Be precise and focus on what is most important.

We have only covered basic Macroeconomics Theories:

-Nature of Economics


-Demand and Supply

-Extensions of demand and supply analysis

-Public spending and Public Choice

-Funding Public Sector

-Macroeconomy:Unemployment and Inflation

-Measuring the Economy*****'s performance

-Global economic Growth and Development

-Real GDP, and price level in the long run

-Classical and Keynesian macro Analysis

-Consumption, Real GDP, and the Multiplier

How to Reference "Macroeconomics" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Macroeconomics.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Macroeconomics (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Macroeconomics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Macroeconomics” 2011.
”Macroeconomics”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Macroeconomics”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Macroeconomics [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Macroeconomics. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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