Essay on "Macroeconomic Implications of China's Fiscal Policy"

Essay 4 pages (1190 words) Sources: 0

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Macroeconomic Implications of China's Fiscal Policy

The China Central Bank's new policy will reduce commercial bank reserves, thereby reducing their ability to lend and ultimately reducing the supply of money in the economy.

Theoretically, a bank which holds deposits and uses those deposits to lend out money should always keep enough money in reserve to cover all of its liabilities as a borrower, the total amount of money that has been deposited with the bank that is subject to withdrawal at any time. Naturally, the bank should hold a 100% ratio of reserves to liabilities to ensure that it can cover all of its liabilities in the event that they become due at the same time.

However, most commercial banks know that, in normal times, it is very unlikely that all of the people with money deposited at a bank will withdraw their money at the same time. Thus, they often keep only a fraction of their deposits in reserve, which frees up money for the bank to lend out. This practice is called fractional-reserve-banking.

Despite the instability that fractional-reserve banking creates, most governments now allow commercial banks to keep fractional reserves because it creates more money in the economy. More money in the economy increases liquidity, which promotes increased economic exchange. Some central banks will even loan money to fractional-reserve banks when they are in danger of defaulting. In return, many central banks will require commercial banks to hold a certain fraction of its total deposits with the central bank.

Ordering commercial banks to hold more deposits with the central bank increases the commercial b
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ank's reserves relative to its total deposits. It will also increase interest income earned by commercial bank's on deposits to the central bank. However, it reduces the commercial bank's free capital, the amount of money it has on hand to lend out.

Increased deposits with the central bank will increase the total liabilities of the bank, as it must be able to return the deposits to the commercial banks should any of those banks require it. Increased deposits will also increase the amount of interest that the central bank must pay to the commercial banks.

Gross Domestic Product is the most important measure of a nation's economic performance. GDP is the measure of the nation's total expenditures, the amount spent by households in the market for goods and services. It is also the measure of the nation's total income, all of the wages, rent, and profit paid by firms in the market.

GDP is composed of four different types of spending. There is consumption, investment, government purchases, and net exports. Net exports is calculated by the amount of exports minus the amount of imports.

Because the capacity of banks to lend money is diminished, it will be harder for firms to borrow the money required for business ventures, which reduces the total amount of investment. The decrease in investment could affect have an effect on consumption levels because it leads to less wages to workers, less rent paid to landlords, and less profits to business-owners. This will also have an effect on net exports, as it will reduce firms' ability to import foreign machinery and reduce consumers' ability to buy foreign goods for consumption, thereby reducing the value of imports, which will result in an increase in net exports.

Macroeconomic equilibrium is when aggregate demand, quantity of goods and services that households, firms, and the government want to buy, is equal to aggregate supply, the quantity of goods and services that firms produce. The reduction in the money supply will… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Macroeconomic Implications of China's Fiscal Policy" Assignment:

Write a 4-5 page paper, double-spaced, Arial 12pt font, 1 inch margins all around (top, bottom, left, and right) that addresses the following news event summarized below

In a totally unexpected move, China*****s central bank announced that commercial banks must give them an additional 0.5% of deposits. But it was also done to help combat, meaning counteract the easing of monetary policy here in the US. And to help keep the Chinese currency from appreciating (rising) too much that it will slow down China*****s economic growth.

FYI, the US and other world economies have been pushing China to let their currency rise. The fear by those economies and the US is that a continuing low-valued Chinese currency will make economic recovery tougher. So they*****d like China to allow their currency to rise, slowing their economy down so the rest of the world can recover faster. However, China*****s reluctance to let their currency rise is something that*****s frustrated other world economies.

China has said the Fed*****s recent easing monetary policy is pretty much a *****de facto devaluation of the dollar.***** In other words, without officially devaluing the dollar, the Fed has taken action that basically does just that. So in response, China has taken steps to tighten their monetary policy.

In your papers, please address the following questions. And remember, your grade will be based upon the depth of your analysis!

 Exactly how will China*****s announcement saying banks need to hold more deposits with the central bank effect the balance sheets of both the banks and the Chinese Central Bank. This includes explaining the kind of reserves banks hold. And how this news impacts each of those reserves.

 Explain the economic impact by the People*****s Central Bank on China*****s economy. How do you think it*****ll impact GDP and specifically why? Make sure you discuss the various components of GDP. And which one(s) you think will be effected and how. Also discuss the effect on equilbrium and aggregate expenses. Make sure you explain your reason(s) why.

 What impact will the Chinese Central Bank*****s decision have on the money multiplier? How will the spending and investment multipliers be effected? And what impact, if any, would you expect on MPS, MPC, APC, and APS? FYI, don*****t forget to explain what each of these is.

 How will China*****s announcement effect interest rates in China? And what impact will it have on aggregate demand and supply? Make sure you clearly explain how demand and/or supply will be effected. This way I can tell if you feel one or both are effected, and exactly how so.

Important Notes:

1. Make sure you limit your paper*****s focus to the quesitions being asked

2. No outside resources and/or researching may be used! You are not allowed to do things such as surf the net, use other books & resources, etc.

3. This is strictly individual work, not group! You are not permitted to work with anybody else on this. You need to do your own work or it*****s considered cheating!

4. Bullets are not allowed! And graphs do not count towards the 4-5 pages!

5. No outside research! This means you must limit yourself to the news event here. So you cannot do more research into the event and/or China policy. You are limited to the info in the news event itself!

6. Do not include the questions in your paper! Your entire paper must be devoted entirely to answering the specific questions I*****m asking.

7. Your entire paper must be written in paragraph form! So write it as if you were doing an English essay. And just 1 double-spaced line between paragraphs.

8. No quoting the book or any other class materials! Everything must be in your own words. And because you are not permitted to quote others or do outside research, you won*****t need a page or section for citations. Your entire paper will be paragraphs answering my questions.

How to Reference "Macroeconomic Implications of China's Fiscal Policy" Essay in a Bibliography

Macroeconomic Implications of China's Fiscal Policy.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Macroeconomic Implications of China's Fiscal Policy (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Macroeconomic Implications of China's Fiscal Policy. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Macroeconomic Implications of China's Fiscal Policy” 2012.
”Macroeconomic Implications of China's Fiscal Policy”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Macroeconomic Implications of China's Fiscal Policy”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Macroeconomic Implications of China's Fiscal Policy [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Macroeconomic Implications of China's Fiscal Policy. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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