Essay on "Macro Environment"

Essay 7 pages (2172 words) Sources: 7 Style: APA

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Macro Environment

NutriPower is a potential breakfast cereal product set for the Australian market. These products are focused on healthy eating, while enjoying the food flavour and range from regular flavour to fruit, nuts, coconut and vanilla. Given their healthy orientation, the products are lower in sugar content than the competitors on the market and higher on fibre and vitamins. Most of the cereal raw material is integral, using wheat and oats as the base for the final product. The product will be advertised as the healthy alternative to highly caloric breakfast options today on the market, emphasizing the role of nutritional content on the overall healthiness.

Analysing the macro-environment


According to (2009), Australia's index of economic freedom was ranked third in the world in 2009, this fact making a strong statement about the country's laissez-faire in the economic area. Additionally, its human development index (HDI) was ranked third in the world as well by UNPD for 2008

The country's GDP in power purchase prices (PPP) was $795 billion, with a GDP/capita of $37,298 and a GDP/capita growth of roughly 3% in 2008 (IMF, retrieved June 2009).

Many Australian cities have been rated by The Economist magazine (2008) among the most liveable in the world. Thus, Melbourne was ranked the 2nd, Perth the 4th, the Adelaide 7th and Sidney the 9th.The same magazine ranked the whole country 6th in the world in terms of quality of life for 2005 (The Economist, 2005).

Australia managed to keep a steady 3.6% inflation over the last 15 years and im
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proving terms of trade since a few good decades ago. The terms of trade reflect the ratio of export prices to import prices and thanks to the developing neighbouring Asian countries, the kangaroo economy receives a lot more for its exports than it pays for its imports. On the other hand these fortunate circumstances didn't help with the country's deficient balance of payments, which on top of having a narrow export base (commodities) has a strong incentive to resort to the cheap imports manufactured by the neighbouring Asian countries. The country's economy as a whole is comprised of 71% services, 26% industrial and only 2.5% agriculture and its main international trade partners are Japan, China, South Korea, U.S. And New Zealand.

The current economic situation of general crisis has left its mark on Australia as it did on most developed economies. However, the impact was not as strong as it was in average. IMF (2009) estimated that the global crisis would contract the country's economic growth by 1.4% in 2009, whereas the world economy is expected to contract by 2.8%. The same source estimates unemployment to rise from 4.4% in 2007 and 4.3% in 2008 to 6.8% in 2009 and 7.8% in 2010. However, by this latter year, the economy is expected to increase by 0.6%, hence enter its recovery period.

The country's currency, Australian dollar, has maintained rather stable over time, being the 6th most traded currency in the world. The exchange rate is estimated at 3%, but might increase in the near future to avoid a real estate bubble.

The economic indicators for Australia characterize a mature, strong and stable economy that fosters a healthy business environment. However, given its maturity and development, it is expected for potential start-up investors in any industry (e.g. breakfast cereal) to face strong competition from already established brands. Furthermore, given the reduced size of agriculture contribution to the country's economy, the permanent concerns about environment and the low price import product from neighbouring countries implies that a potential breakfast cereal marketer would have to rely more on imports for its raw material and less on local production, which implies the use of a more complex supply system involving international trade.


According to the Australian Government Intergenerational Report (IGR, 2004), the estimated proportion of population above 65 years of age from the total population will almost double in the next 40 years to 25%. In the same time the proportion of working population from the total population is going to decrease, implying a smaller taxation base for the government income tax. Two aspects are likely to be noticed in the future. On one hand, the aged and health care spending will increase as more senior people will need care, which in turn will force the government to be more creative regarding preventive health measures, such as nutrition. On the other hand, the economic growth is likely to slow down as it did in Japan, which is top-of-class in terms of longevity. For a potential investor in food products this could suggest that the focus should be on healthy products, rather than non-nutritional but tasty ones.

The trend of female involvement in the labour market and implicitly in terms of contribution to household income also meant that the traditional distribution of chores in the family was split between the man and the woman as opposed to mostly woman in the past. Also, it meant that women started to allocate less and less time to indoor house activities (e.g. cooking) as most of their time was dedicated to their professional life. For an food industry investor this means that its products should not require too much preparing time until the ready-to-be-consumed phase.

Women do two thirds of the household chores today (ABS, 2009), which in less than they used to a few generation back. According to the same statistics, women are more turned to indoor house work and men to outdoor ones, but the trend is slowly reverting towards a balance of the two types of chorus. Bearing this in mind a potential investor should assume that most breakfast cereals are likely to be bought or put on the shopping list by a woman, rather than a man so a potential market research aiming breakfast cereals' content and flavour should be focused more on women's opinion.

Cultural (social)

The Australian food shopping and eating trends have a strong impact on competition in the food market. Recent trends show that the proportion of eating away from home compared to that of eating of home is continually increasing and is well in excess of grocery food sales (DAFF, 2006). On one hand this is justified by the increasing involvement of women in the labour market, which reduces the time spent home cooking and on the other hand it is a normal evolution given by technological advancement, which changes lifestyle choices. Breakfast however, is likely to continue to be a meal taken home, but the emphasis is on the time needed on preparing the meals, which has to be as short as possible. Also, for busier people there should be an option to have breakfast cereals away from home, so a potential new breakfast cereal product could try to attract professional clients as well as domestic (e.g. breakfast or brunch restaurants).

Australia is facing a major obesity problem, which is more prevalent among children due to sugary, low-nutritional food content. Between 1985 and 1995 the child obesity grey almost 50% in both genders (Parliament of Australia, 2006). An extra care is expected to be shown regarding the quality of food products given to children, suggesting that tasty, yet healthy products are likely to be on fashion again (e.g. tasty, yet healthy breakfast cereals).

Finally, the concern for synthetic food products is increased as well, leading to an increased demand for bio products in all types of products, cereals included. The need for natural crops as raw material is likely to increase, given than the demand for bio breakfast cereal products will increase.


Most of Australia is dessert or semi-arid. Nevertheless, wheat, the major crop in the country had 12.2 million hectares planted in 2007. Draught has a major impact on crops' outcome. Thus, in 2005-2006 the wheat production reached 25 million tonnes, whereas in 2006/2007 the wheat production was estimated at 12.7 million tonnes. For a potential breakfast cereal investors, this translates into a non-constant source of raw material or with a highly volatile price, which again suggests the need for finding an import supplier (DAFF, retrieved Jun 09).

Raw sugar is one of the most exported products, Australia being the 2nd largest exporter of this product in the world, shipping abroad over 80% of the internal production. Under these circumstances, wheat would not be a scarce raw material for any marketer of food products. Additionally, other field crops, such as cotton, fodder, grain, hemp, oilseeds, pulses, rice, seed, sugar, peanuts and tobacco are exported in similar percentages of domestic production and a significant amount of the fruit produce is tropical, especially in the Queensland area. Most of these products are the secondary ingredients for breakfast cereals, and the production numbers make a positive statement about local supplying capability.


Being one of the most developed economies in the world, Australia possess a level of advanced technological endowment, which translate into fast/automatized food producing processes, logistics and marketing. A potential investor in breakfast cereal industry should be prepared… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Macro Environment" Assignment:

Assignment 1: Analysing Marketing Opportunities

Due date: Wednesday 1st July, 2009

Value: 20%

Length: 2000 words (please provide a word count somewhere on your cover sheet)

Format: Structured-essay format (No Executive Summary and No Content Page required, the use of relevant sub-headings is strongly encouraged, language is formal third person narrative in full sentences *****“ do not use dot points and do not use first person narrative such as I-we-our-my etc., also refer below)

Context: The assignment context for your assignment is a manufacturer of a new Breakfast Cereal This topic will give you a great deal of scope to an***** the 6 macro-environments. NB. You do not use an existing manufacturer (so no Kellogs , or Sanitarium or Uncle Toby etc.,), you create a hypothetical company who is making, developing for the market a new Breakfast Cereal. Students who do not adhere to our topic will receive an automatic N for this assignment.

Task: This essay is an examination of the changes and trends of the 6 macro-environments so begin with a look at ch5 (Kotler et al, 2007) textbook to find out what the 6 macro-environments are.

The Macro-environment is an important concept to marketing, it is outside or external to the organisation and consists of 6 areas *****“ Political (and legal), Cultural (and social), Demographic, Technological, Economic and Natural (supply, availability and cost of resources of natural resources). The organisation has less influence and control over the external environment, than it has over the internal environment. Therefore, in this highly competitive, complex and dynamic environment it is vital that marketers and organisations know about the changes, trends and patterns in these environments. Marketers base their marketing strategies, plans and opportunities to meet the current and future needs of consumers by acquiring this knowledge. This is the type of knowledge that you need to gather for the manufacturer of this Breakfast Cereal.

Successful marketing management involves a close analysis of each of these six macro-environments to reveal the current trends and changes in these macro-environments. This type of analysis (research) is usually performed by the marketing manager and is referred to as a situational analysis. The analysis will present the opportunities of such a new product, it will also help the manager establish who the target market will be (this is the task of the second assignment) and also provide the marketing manager with some direction in relation to the marketing strategies (product, place, price and promotion) for this new product. It is worthwhile here to pause and briefly consider what is meant by these 4Ps. Product considerations may cover such things as product design, features, benefits, packaging and so forth, for example a macro-environmental change is the cultural aspect of healthier, low fat diets therefore the product would feature low fat and high protein. A packaging consideration may emerge after further analysis of the cultural environment that consumers are far more concerned with the environment; therefore the product is packaged in reusable containers. Place considerations may cover such areas as the availability and distribution of the product, again a cultural factor is the busy lifestyles and time poor households this can be also coupled with a demographic factor of the high employment growth of women, or more women participating in the workforce therefore convenience is an important consideration, therefore the marketing manager in analysing this trend would rightly conclude that this product has to have an intensive distribution and be readily available in all leading supermarkets. Equally this cultural aspect of time poor and looking for convenience would make the product popular because of the convenience in its ability to be eaten straight away no cooking required for example .

The current economic environment may reveal that higher unemployment rates and reduced levels of economic growth are making consumers much more cautious about their spending therefore the product should be economically priced for the budget conscientious consumers and further to this perhaps placed in a *****˜no frills***** supermarket chain like Aldi. But note this analysis comes only after credible research of the economic environment, actual data, figures of interest rates, unemployment rates, GDP economic growth, consumer spending levels and consumer confidence thus from an examination of evidence *****“ it is not based on general knowledge or hearsay, so you must always reference and source evidence.

The ESSAY should examine the situation that is relevant for the product a Breakfast Cereal in each of the macro-environments; Economic, Demographic, Cultural, Technological, Natural, Political and an***** the impact on the product and the future marketing strategies which will be outlined in the second assignment based on the current macro trend. For example a Political trend may be the legal emphasis on drink driving or the crack down on parents/ adults smoking in cars with children *****“ although both current trends these would not be relevant to the product, market or marketing strategies. But the political and legal environment that requires compliance with food health safety standards would be relevant to, so we see the ingredients /contents listed on the packaging.

Structure: Although it is a formal essay structure, in most business subjects and certainly in marketing, you are required to use Headings and Sub-headings. Therefore you should use Headings and Sub-Headings at the beginning of each new section. But you must write in full sentences and in paragraphs. Also do not use first person narrative *****“ do not use - I *****“ our *****“ we, use third person narrative i.e The xyz (name of the hypothetical organisation) organisation has undertaken a situation analysis to examine the current changes to the demographic patterns in Australia.

Essay Structure:

INTRODUCTION: Provide a brief description of the product (e.g. where the business is located, any distinct features the business may have etc) and the purpose of the assignment.


Allocate approximately 100 words to briefly introduce the hypothetical company and the product. Note this is at the product*****s developmental stage (it is been developed but not introduced to the market, it can still be refined after feedback from the marketing manager). Also before it is introduced to the market, the marketing team still has to plan the marketing strategy (this is the task of assignment 2), such a macro-environmental analysis helps to plan the marketing strategy. Briefly, explain the purpose of the task, this is where Marketing theory comes into it, define marketing, also discuss marketing as a managerial process that involves an analysis, examination, research, strategic planning, planning marketing strategies, implementing marketing strategies after researching external environments to establish target markets etc., The purpose of this task is to gather information about the market*****s external macro-environment.

Analysing the macro-environment (approximately 1700 words)

Using each of the 6 components of the macro-environment identify trends that will impact upon the product*****s target market or marketing-mix. This means that for every trend identified (e.g. the demographic trend towards ageing population), you should briefly identify its relevance by specifically discussing its impact upon the potential target market, product strategy etc (e.g. if the topic was cosmetics, the demographic trend towards ageing may encourage you to alter your product strategy by creating anti-ageing creams). While you should use actual statistics to support the analysis (e.g. the Australian Bureau of Statistics at will help you with your demographic analysis), the emphasis should be on marketing theory and illustrating your ability to uncover trends that will have a relevant and significant impact on subsequent stages in your marketing plan. You do not have to allocate equal levels of discussion to all six environments.

6 Headings of each Macro-Environment (in any order)*****“ see chapter 5 of textbook Kotler et al 2007







Because this is an academic subject that requires academic theory and research define each of the above concepts and reference your sources. Then proceed to discuss and an***** the situation in each environment For example under demographic and economic macro-environment, a comment that Australian women are participating in the workforce, contributing significantly to household incomes, having fewer babies. (Kotler, et al 2007) nb. I have acknowledged Kotler as my source and I have demonstrated research. Then my analysis and theoretical application for example; This would tend to mean that there is strong market opportunity for the breakfast with an added women*****s vitamin supplement.

Further example from a previous assignment 1 in Marketing

I have provided a short extract from a previous first assignment to serve as an actual example of how you might approach your assignment. I have also provided explanations behind each of the actions taken, to show how they meet the *****˜essential***** 21 assignment tips that you have in the assessment folder (e.g. tips 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 21). NB this is an older edition of Kotler and not the same context topic as yours but the same requirement.


Example (Note: The topic for this extract was a music retailer not our topic for this assignment)

According to McCarthy et al (1997) the cultural/social environment refers to external factors that affect how and why people of the same culture live and behave as they do. The social trend towards mysticism and spiritualism (Kotler et al 2004) suggests that Funky Music should alter its product strategy to include more new age music as well as meditation and yoga self-help tapes. The increasing importance of health (Assael et al 1995) also supports the notion of modifying the product strategy to include such tapes because demand for healthy activities such as yoga can be expected to increase. Increasing patriotism (McCarthy et al 1997) may also influence the product strategy of Funky Music, requiring it to stock more Australian music and to favour CD*****s made in Australia.

The natural environment *****involves natural resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or which are affected by marketing activities***** (Kotler et al 2001, pg 134). While factors such as increasing energy costs and shortages of resources (McColl-Kennedy et al 1994) are noteworthy, they are unlikely to have a significant influence over the marketing strategy of Funky Music in the very near future. Therefore no objectives will be devised for Funky Music based on current developments in the natural environment.


Analysing this Example

1. To state the obvious, in a unit entitled Marketing Theory and Practice, it is essential that students illustrate their understanding of marketing theory by including it in their answer. This example satisfies this (tip #15) by defining the cultural environment prior to discussing it. For example, *****The cultural/social environment refers to external factors that affect how and why people of the same culture live and behave as they do (McCarthy et al 1997)*****.

2. It is essential that students reference their work (tip #10). This is necessary for two reasons: (1) failure to reference the work of another is plagiarism and automatic grounds for failure; and (2) providing an argument that is not referenced makes about as much sense as fronting up to court without any evidence to support your case. In the extract you will see that both the references to theory (e.g. the definition of the cultural environment) and the trends (e.g. increasing health consciousness) are referenced. By referencing the theory in your assignment you also highlight its theoretical content, thereby further satisfying tip #15. See Q Manual Ch10 on referencing.

3. Make sure you only discuss relevant topics (tip #14). The extract does this in two ways. Firstly it goes beyond simply identifying trends to specifically discussing why they are relevant to the marketing plan (e.g. *****The social trend towards mysticism and spiritualism suggests that Funky Music should alter its product strategy to include more new age music as well as meditation and yoga self-help tapes*****). This is important because you are undertaking an analysis of the macro-environment to help devise a better marketing plan. If you do not link your trends to subsequent stages of the marketing plan (such as the product strategy as the extract has done), then they are not relevant to the plan. Secondly, it only discusses those trends that will have a significant impact upon the marketing plan (e.g. *****While factors such as increasing energy costs and pollution are noteworthy, they are unlikely to have a significant influence over the marketing strategy of Funky Music in the very near future. Therefore no objectives will be devised for Funky Music based on current developments in the natural environment*****).

4. Related to the previous point is the notion that students should provide a balanced discussion between marketing theory, trends and their own analysis (tip #17). There is evidence of this throughout the extract, with the mention of every trend being supported by the student*****s own analysis of its impact on the marketing plan.

5. Finally, please note how the student has addressed the topic from the perspective that they are in charge of this hypothetical firm (Funky Music) and that they are providing their own analysis and ideas (rather than regurgitating the actual marketing plan of some other firm). By doing this they have satisfied tip #21. But also note the formal third person narrative *****“ this person did not use my, I, our or we.

Some tips on referencing format (tip #11)

Referring back to the extract, please note the following points about how the student referenced their work;

a. The reference to the definition of the natural environment not only includes the author*****s surname and the year of publication, but the page number as well. This is because, having directly quoted from the Kotler text a page number must be provided. No page number is required when there is no quote involved;

b. The references to the two Kotler and McCarthy texts only include the surname of the first mentioned author and the year. This is because where there are 3 or more authors you only need to name the first one, with the *****˜et al***** indicating that this is an abbreviated reference; except on the very first citation of the textbook with multiple authors *****“ then you must acknowledge all authors thereafter, in second and subsequent references use Kotler et al 2007.

c. The references appear within the sentence they refer to (e.g. the full-stop comes after the complete reference, not before it);

d. References can take two forms. In the first, the reference comprises a part of the actual sentence. For example, *****According to McCarthy et al (1997) the cultural/social environment refers to *****¦*****. In the second form, the reference is separated from the actual sentence by brackets. For example, *****the natural environment *****involves natural resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or which are affected by marketing activities***** (Kotler et al 2001, pg 134)*****. While either method is fine, I personally prefer the second form (otherwise too many of your sentences will begin with phrases such as *****according to*****).

Some tips on References format (tips #12 and #13)

Using the aforementioned extract, these texts would appear in my Reference List in the following format; NB, these can be additional academic books for you to source

References or Reference List

Assael, H., Reed, P., Patton, M. (1995), Marketing Principles & Strategy, Australian edition, Harcourt Brace, Sydney.

Kotler, P., Brown, L., Adam, S., & Armstrong, G. (2001), Marketing, 6th edition, Pearson, NSW.

McCarthy, E., Perreault, W., & Quester, P. (1997), Basic Marketing: A managerial approach, 2nd edition, Irwin, Sydney.

McColl-Kennedy, J., Kiel, G, Lusch, R., & Lusch, V. (1994), Marketing, 2nd edition, Nelson, Victoria.


Please note the following;

a. Each text appears in alphabetical order by the surname of the first listed author;

b. If a book contains multiple authors, the surnames should be provided in the same order as they are provided on the book itself (e.g. do not re-arrange them into alphabetical order);

c. The entries contain full name details. This not only means initials, it means that the names of all authors must be provided (e.g. the term *****˜et al***** used when referencing cannot be used in a reference list);

d. Each listing follows a set sequence (e.g. name, year of publication, title, edition number unless it*****s the 1st edition, publisher, where published);

e. The reference list should go at the very end of the assignment and be provided on a separate page.

Website references:

Data or figures from the Australian Bureau of statistics, in text reference egs. Current economic conditions are very favourable for consumer spending with Australia*****s unemployment level falling to 4.8%. (ABS, 2007)

And in the reference page I would provide the full url address and the title of the article and name of the author and the journal article and date if applicable and the date.

NB. Wikepedia is not a recognised academic source, so do not use it


Approximately 200 words. The conclusion is a vital element of your essay, it leaves a lasting impression on the marker as it is the final piece in your essay. Please ensure that no new information or research is included it should be a sum up of your essay, but not a sum-up of the purpose of this task. So the main key points of your research and analysis, is what should be written here. Again avoid general sweeping comments for example by looking at the 6 macro-environments Company XYZ is in a sound position to successfully launch product ABC. This really tells me nothing, look at your textbook chapter 4 page 154 under Fast Fitness the case study look at section 3.6 Macro-environment situation. This is a good example of a sum-up of their environmental situation and then for a great conclusion they would include a brief sum-up of the actions, strategies to be actioned, implemented. A fast fitness program will be introduced in the market that combines personal training and cardio yoga, that is aimed at the professional 35 to 55 age group.

The conclusion is the place to discuss any unresolved findings or issues that may have arisen from your research and analysis.

Reference Page

Always your last page, important to format correctly as per the Q Manual ch 10. Our textbook Kotler et. al is the current 2007 edition. For web site addresses see the earlier example but in text simply acknowledge (ABS, 2007) and then include the longer html address in the reference list for 2 or more (ABS, 2007) references simply distinguish with a letter next to it egs (ABS, 2007 (a)) if it has a different html address

International CONTEXT: of Macro-Environment

International students should choose to research this assignment in light of the macro-environment of their own country, but if you wish you may address the Australian macro-environment context. So if you live in East Timor or Singapore or India etc. an***** your own macro-environment not necessarily Australia*****s. I certainly enjoy reading the international perspective.

CRITERIA SHEET: MAKE SURE YOU LOOK AT THE CRITERIA SHEET FOR ASSIGNMENT 1 and ATTACH A COPY OF THIS CRITERIA SHEET WITH YOUR ASSIGNMENT *****“ it should be your last page after your References and will be used by your marker to provide you with feedback

i can email you a more direct assignment question sheet and a marking guide.

How to Reference "Macro Environment" Essay in a Bibliography

Macro Environment.”, 2009, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Macro Environment (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Macro Environment. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Macro Environment” 2009.
”Macro Environment”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Macro Environment”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Macro Environment [Internet]. 2009 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Macro Environment. Published 2009. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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