Term Paper on "Shakespeare Play Macbeth Showing All the Characteristics of Angle Saxon Period"

Term Paper 9 pages (2886 words) Sources: 6 Style: MLA

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Macbeth Showing all the Characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon Period

Anglo-Saxon Culture in Macbeth

The tragedy of Macbeth took place in Scotland at the end of the medieval period of Europe. It was based on real accounts of a Scottish Thane who murdered his Lord. William Shakespeare was known for his poetic language, which helped framed the dramatic and tragic story of Macbeth, (Nostbakken 14). By highlighting elements of the Anglo-Saxon culture which existed in that area and later influenced future generations, Shakespeare creates a world torn by war and ruled by fate. Several aspects of Anglo-Saxon culture are prevalent in the tragedy, including religious implications, the unique interpretation of the idea of faith, and the social customs which ruled over the people of early Britain after the departure of the Romans from the area. These elements help frame the tragic story of a man who rejected the normal behavior allotted to his status and let his ambition ruin an entire nation.

As the Roman Empire began to crumble, the Romans deserted the British Isles in the fifth century a.D. After Roman rule ended, local tribal squabbles erupted in the effort to seize control of the region. In this power struggle, Nordic tribes from Scandinavia such as the Anglos, the Saxons, and the Jutes invaded the British mainland. They brought new religious beliefs to a land already inhabited by both Roman Christians and Celtics. Roman mythology was still an influence, although it was least prevalent, "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand?" (Macbeth III.2.63-64). The tribes eventually united in defense against Viking invaders, which led to the for
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mation of the culture of the Anglo-Saxons as we know it today. This Anglo-Saxon culture had a very defined social structure, which Shakespeare used as a backdrop for his tragic play.

Kings, or Lords, were at the top of the power hierarchy in Anglo-Saxon social construction. They were the ultimate leaders of the Anglo-Saxon community. Kings were expected to embody virtues such as honor and courage, much unlike the deceitful Macbeth. A prime example of what an Anglo-Saxon King was supposed to be was the figure of Beowulf from the epic poem entitled Beowulf. He was honorable and prideful, without being arrogant. He risked his life to save the lies of others, and eventually died in battle attempting to save his kingdom from a dragon. Beowulf also shows the Anglo-Saxon idea of attaining glory through an honorable death in battle. Macbeth, on the other hand, could not be further from the example of the perfect Anglo-Saxon King. Although he dies in battle, it is not an honorable death; for he had brought death and misery to his friends and kinsmen. Macbeth was supposed to embody the qualities of a true gentleman; his cruel actions do not coincide with his designated role, both as thane and king, (Muir 145). Anglo-Saxon leaders were expected to be victorious and to share the spoils of war with their people. Kings were seen as sprouted from the divine. In both Christian and pagan Anglo-Saxon traditions associate kings with a divine lineage; they were thought of as beyond the regular man, "His silver skin laced with his golden blood," (Macbeth II.3.110).

These kings were responsible for a group of warriors, called thanes, who in return brought honor and wealth to the kingdom. The thanes were supposed to serve their Lord with dignity and honor. Everyone reported to the king, even the treacherous Macbeth, "The service and the loyalty I owe," (Macbeth I.5.17-19). Any chance Macbeth had at acquiring the crown without intervening was crushed through Duncan's choice of Malcolm as his successor to the throne, (Ludawyk 37). This shows the complex relationships which determined the royal lineage of Anglo-Saxon kings. Successors were chosen through their closest relationship to the last king.

The role of the female in the Anglo-Saxon community was very different than how modern society allocates the societal role for women. The female role was that of "cup bearer (they served the mead) and peace-weaver," through the practice of ending feuds through arranged marriages between feuding tribes. Anglo-Saxon women had little or no direct influence on the politics of the day. Unlike Lady Macbeth, who helped instigate the three murders which brought her husband to the throne, most Anglo-Saxon women had no say in their family's affairs, and absolutely none in the country's affairs. The audience gets a view of how men defined the role of their female counterparts in Shakespeare's tragic play. Macbeth's reaction to the news of his wife's death paints an obvious picture. He reacted with not grief or sorrow, but rather states "She should have died hereafter," (Macbeth V.6.19). He was not too concerned with her death, instead he expressed the idea that she would have died eventually. It was simply inconvenient that she died on the day he needed to protect his kingdom from the crimes he himself had committed.

The Anglo-Saxon culture is heavily influenced by warfare. The Anglos, Saxons, and the Jutes, all fought with other tribes for centuries before winding up in Britain. These traditions continued as they united to fight off larger enemies from the European mainland. Their culture therefore reflected a strong sense of honor for those who fought bravely; by winning victories or by dying a glorious death in the heat of battle, on brought honor to oneself and ones countrymen, "The Germanic tribes hated peace; fighting was more honorable," (Delahoyde 2007). The tribes united though warfare with the Vikings and other dangerous cultures, which is mentioned in Macbeth. Bloody fighting was part of the Anglo-Saxon culture, "Which ne'er shook hands nor bade farewell to him / Till he unseamed him from the nave to th'chaps / and fixed his head upon our battlements," (Macbeth (I.2.21-23). The story of Macbeth began in the middle of a war with the Norwegian King, "No sooner justice had, with valor armed, / Compelled these skipping kerns to trust their heets / but the Norwegian lord, surveying vantage, / With furbished arms and new supplies of men / Began a fresh assault," (I.2.29-33). Macbeth continued this tradition of warfare on through his tyrannous battle to keep the crown from Malcolm. This sent his country into a bloody civil war, "Macbeth dramatizes a story about powers and authority, order and disorder; about violence and civil war, and restorence of peace," (Nostbakken 23).

However, before Macbeth had sent his country reeling into a civil war, he had fulfilled the honorable mold of a thane. After his first battle and victory over the Norwegians, the Kind Duncan placed great honor on his title, "But all's too weak: / for brave Macbeth -- well he deserves the name," (Macbeth I.2.15-16). He had fulfilled the Anglo-Saxon version of the warrior hero. He was victorious in defending his country against invaders, and did so bravely fighting himself rather than simply giving orders. Macbeth did earn the title of Thane, which the king gave to him after the original Thane of Cawdor died in battle, "Go pronounce his present death / and with his former title greet Macbeth," (I.2.65-66). This information was later used by the witches before Macbeth knew about it to prove that their later prophecies would also come true.

Major elements of both Christianity and a previous form of Nordic Paganism were prevalent within the Anglo-Saxon community. Shakespeare took a real story about a power struggle and placed it within a highly lyrical, supernatural world. This real aspect of Anglo-Saxon daily life was pumped up through clever usage of both Anglo-Saxon pagan and early Christian practices. Macbeth blended elements of both paganism and Christianity. This represents the blended nature of the Anglo-Saxon religious traditions. Roman influence had left "Celtic speaking Britains somewhat Christianized," (Delahoyde 2007) when they retreated backwards towards Italy and deserted their British outposts. The Anglo-Saxon people brought with them a Nordic form of paganism from Scandinavia. Multiple gods and goddesses ruled various aspects of the world and everyday life. The god Woden was said to be the ancestor of many early kings. This idea that the monarch was somehow related to the divine was also a Christian belief, and so it continued in Britain after Christianity was rejuvenated. This religion also brought a unique set of superstitions and practices which continued on in the mainstream culture even after Christianity returned to Britain with a vengeance. St. Augustine was sent by the papacy in 597 as a missionary to rekindle the flames of Christianity within the British Isles. An old Anglo-Saxon legend states that a pagan King would only meet with St. Augustine in an open field, so that Woden, one of the major Anglo gods could protect him without hindrance from his position in the sky. This element is repeated in Macbeth's meeting of the witches in an open field, "Upon the Heath. / There to meet with Macbeth," (Macbeth I.1.7-8). Christianity was adapted to the practices and traditions which had already existed within British society.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Shakespeare Play Macbeth Showing All the Characteristics of Angle Saxon Period" Assignment:

I need a research papers on the following:

Shakespear Play MacBeth showing all the lifestyles of Angle Saxon Period. I have to have 10 excerts from the play and then 10 citations from 6 sources 4 have to be books and 2 from internet web sites.

I have the following work cited:

1. Shakespear's use of supernatural involved not only the expected appearance of witches and ghosts but also the political and religous aspects of English Society during this time. (Boyce) Page 73

Lifestyles: religion in england of this time did not believe in witches because they were evil and Macbeth was communicating with Witches.

2. Shaekespear is a poet as well as a dramatist, and the complex intellectual and emotional experince of Macbeth. (Nostbakken) Page 14

Lifestyle: Telling of Shakespear poetic use of words to make it have drama and suspence.

3. That would make him a poet, and depend on the same fallacy as believing that because most of characters speak in blank verse they are all poets. (Brooke)Page 20

Lifestyle: Shakespear talks in blank verses which is like a poet.

4.Witches include the raising of storms and tempest upon the sea or land but not universally but in such a place prescribed as God will permit them to trabble. (Coursen)Page 159

Lifestyle: Witches are throughout the play but only go where God will permit.

5. Macbeth is based on a real warrior and king who existed during the most babaric era in Scottish history People lived under the protection of warlords who safeguard communities by slaughtering (Stewart) Page 80

Lifestyle The warlords would unite under the leadership of one king who came in power by killing off friends and family members.

6. The murder of Duncan is the most reprehensible of the three but comes first A double attitude makes the last of the three killing one king kingsmen and guest Otrage from a murder of a King.(Markles) Page 302

Lifestyle: Political and Government kings and kingsman were in play

7. Macbeth dramatizes a story about powers and authority about order and disorder about violence of civil war and restornace of peace.(Nostbankken) Page 23

Lifestyle: Talking about Macbeths primitive civil wars to show power and authority.

8. Supersttions and supernatural is the unusal unseen and the unknown,(Stewart) Page 37

Lifestyle: That occurs in the apperance of witches strange behavior on night of Duncan murder, apperance of Bonquo's ghost and air drawn dagger to victims.

9. Lady Macbeth defied the way most women of her time acted Lady Macbeth defied the ways of women of her time by being manipulative ambitious and ruthless womens lifestyle back in Shakespears time period was that women should be uneducated tale care of home. (Boyce) Page 63

Lifestyle: Social structure women had little or no importance by Lady Macbeth was evil.

10. In the battle Macbeth is described in rekking wounds making 'strange images of death' his sword smoking with bloody execution unseaming the rebel. Although he is loyal fighting for Duncan the amphasis on the carnage prepares our minds for his later deeds of blood. (Muir) Page 145

Lifestyle: Supertitious Macbeth sword is killing people

11. Shows Macbeths degeneration, A fashion of 19th century criticism to suppose that the witches objecttify Macbeth's inner state and especially the base motives for his action.(Markles) Page 303

Lifestyle: ??

12. The incompatibility between Macbeth's character and his actual deeds led Bernard Shaw to declare that this ferocious murders and treacheries and brutalities could not be squared with the humane and reflective temperament of the nervous literary gentlemen. (Muir) Page 145

Lifestyle: This is a persuavive theme of death and destruction.

13. Rise and Fall of Macbeth and the conflict between forces of good and evil. (Stewart) Page 80

Lifestyle: This is a system of Law and Code Macbeth rises as a king and falls due to his evil.

14. Macbeth had some reasonable hope of the crown until thwarted by Duncan declaring for Malcom aspiring to the royal power. (Ludawyk) Page 37

Lifestyle: Social Structure of Kings and kings being declared due to they are related to the King.

Excerts from the Play that has to be in research paper:

Superstition Line 9 Scene 3 "First Witch: Her husbands to Aleppo master o' the "Tiger" But in a sieve I'll thither soil and like a rat without a tail I'll do I'll do I'll do.

Line 38 Scene 3 - So foul and fair a day I have not seen.

Line 7 and 8 Scene 1 - Second Witch: Upon the health Third Witch: There to meet with Macbeth.

Line 6 Scene 2 - Say to the King the knowledge of the broil. As thou didn't leave it.

Line 21-23 Scene 2 - Which ne'er shook hands nor bade farewell to him Till he unseamed him from the nave to the chops and fixed his head open our battlements.

Line 48 Scene 2 - That seems to speak things strange. God save the King!

Line 45 Scene 2 - The worthy Thone of ross. 1961.

Work Cited:

Markles, Julian."The Spectacle of Deterioration Macbeth and the"Manner of Tragic Imitation." Shakespeare Quarterly 12, no. 3. 1961. Pages 293-303.

Muir, Kenneth. Shakespeare's Tragic Sequence. New York: Barnes & Noble Books. 1979. Pages 145

Boyce, Charles. Shakespeare A to Z: New York: Rountable Press, Inc., 1990. Pages 63-73

Nostbakken, Faith. Understanding Macbeth. Westpoint Conneticut: Greenwood Press, 1964. Page 14-23

Stewart, J.I.M. Character and Motive in Shakepeare. Publisher Longmans, Green. London. 1949. Page 37-80

Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth. The Language of Literature: british Literature. Eds. Arthur N Applebee et al. Envaston: McDougal Littell, Inc. 2002. Pages 327-416.

Below is the characteristics gone over in class that has to be implemented in the paper.

Lifestyles of Angle Saxon Period

1. Social Structure

a. King

Related to God Woden

b. Earls

Related to King

c. Themes

Part of Ruling Class


Part of witan

d. Freeman



e. Women

Had Little or no importance in Anglo Saxon

2. Lifestyle

a. Primitive

b. Warlike

c. Environmental based

d. Pride in accomplishments

3. Center of Society

a. Warrior

4. Poltiical/ Governmental Structure

a. Center of Power


b. Wittangement

Assembly of Wise Men

Serve as Advisors

5. System of Law and Code

b. Eye for an eye

c. Wergyld

Debt paid by family for wrong doing or grievance

Blood Money

6. Religious Aspects

a. Roman Mythology

Least Important or influential

b. Norse Mythology


Influenced by Scandanavian & german


c. Druid Mythology

Influenced my Nature

d. Christianity

Influence of Monks

Influence through writing

7. Superstitions

a. Beliefs in omens

b. Odd occurrences in nature

c. Spirits occupied in animals

d. Interpetation of dreams

e. Strong beliefs in an incarnate


8. Philisophical Attitudes

d. Elegiac Approach


Strong Concern for dead

Persuasive themes of death or destruction

9. Literary

b. Facination with language

Poetic Descriptions


How to Reference "Shakespeare Play Macbeth Showing All the Characteristics of Angle Saxon Period" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Shakespeare Play Macbeth Showing All the Characteristics of Angle Saxon Period.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/macbeth-showing-characteristics/438537. Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

Shakespeare Play Macbeth Showing All the Characteristics of Angle Saxon Period (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/macbeth-showing-characteristics/438537
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Shakespeare Play Macbeth Showing All the Characteristics of Angle Saxon Period. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/macbeth-showing-characteristics/438537 [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”Shakespeare Play Macbeth Showing All the Characteristics of Angle Saxon Period” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/macbeth-showing-characteristics/438537.
”Shakespeare Play Macbeth Showing All the Characteristics of Angle Saxon Period” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/macbeth-showing-characteristics/438537.
[1] ”Shakespeare Play Macbeth Showing All the Characteristics of Angle Saxon Period”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/macbeth-showing-characteristics/438537. [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. Shakespeare Play Macbeth Showing All the Characteristics of Angle Saxon Period [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/macbeth-showing-characteristics/438537
1. Shakespeare Play Macbeth Showing All the Characteristics of Angle Saxon Period. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/macbeth-showing-characteristics/438537. Published 2007. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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