Research Paper on "Looking Into Basic Mathematics Formulas"

Research Paper 4 pages (1297 words) Sources: 4

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Students must have many such opportunities so that they can effectively learn new information.

Even though federal legislations stipulate that schools should offer interventions based on research, practical considerations show that for an intervention to be effectively executed, it has to be acceptable to the student's teacher. Interventions that have low degrees of ecological intrusiveness reduce the time that an instructor has to spend with a single child (Garnett, 1998) and frequently favored, relative to intervention techniques that require more time per student. One approach that can help cut the time spent by teachers providing interventions is by making the child a primary intervention agent. Some of the interventions that have been successful in the recent years are Cover/Copy/Compare and Taped Problem. Taped Problems approach entails utilizing an audio recorder to state a problem, followed by a long pause, which allows the student to write their response, and then followed by the correct answer, which is given after the response (Garnett, 1998). The intervention has proven effective since quite a number of students learn better by hearing.

Other interventions include: pairing students together to translate arithmetical problems and their solutions in several ways in words, for instance, 30 x 20 = 600 can be read as thirty times twenty equals six hundred or thirty multiplied by twenty is six hundred. Or again, students can be paired and given cards, each card with its own answered problems, and then, they should be told to demonstrate the problems on the cards, using sticks or bottle tops. To add some excitement into the intervention, a few of the problems could be an
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swered incorrectly so that the students can point them out. Each of these interventions helps to develop a frame of mind that enables the students to link their informal knowledge base with symbolic notations, while simultaneously attaching the proper language variations.

A couple of learning disability students are often just specifically challenged by the language dimension of mathematics, which leads to lack of understanding, in terms of different mathematical terminologies, challenges with following spoken explanations, or low levels of verbal skills for following the steps of more complicated problems. Teachers can help solve this by reducing their speed of delivery, giving instruction in clear and discrete segments, and teaching concepts in a sequential manner. This kind of low paced "segmentation" of spoken information is crucial when giving instruction, explaining concepts or asking questions (Garnett, 1998). Another important intervention with regards to students who are hampered by the language aspect of mathematics, is asking them to constantly verbalize the arithmetic operations they are doing (Jitendra & Star, 2011). Having the student, to "play teacher," can be both enjoyable and useful in understanding the complex language of arithmetic. Such verbalization could also help the child to have a more complete understanding when required to explain or defend their calculations (Prado, Mutreja & Booth, 2014).

It is important to note that mastering of mathematics is linked to the child's increasing dependence on working memory skills. The noted interventions are only a handful, but there are many more that are sequential and make math fun to learn. Tapping into the young children's informal knowledge base and helping them relate what they already know with what they should know is crucial to the mathematical learning process.


Alter, P. (2012). Helping Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Solve Mathematics Word Problems. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. 10.1080/1045988X.2011.565283

Garnett, K. (1998). Math Learning Disabilities, Division for Learning Disabilities.

Jitendra, A., & Star, J. (2011). Meeting the Needs of Students with Learning Disabilities in Inclusive Mathematics Classrooms: The Role of Schema-Based Instruction on Mathematical Problem-Solving. The College Of Education and Human Ecology, the Ohio State University, 50:12-19. 10.1080/00405841.2011.534912

Prado, J., Mutreja, R., & Booth, J. (2014). Developmental dissociation in the neural responses… READ MORE

How to Reference "Looking Into Basic Mathematics Formulas" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Looking Into Basic Mathematics Formulas.”, 2015, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Looking Into Basic Mathematics Formulas (2015). Retrieved from (2015). Looking Into Basic Mathematics Formulas. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Looking Into Basic Mathematics Formulas” 2015.
”Looking Into Basic Mathematics Formulas”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Looking Into Basic Mathematics Formulas”,, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Looking Into Basic Mathematics Formulas [Internet]. 2015 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Looking Into Basic Mathematics Formulas. Published 2015. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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