Research Proposal on "Locke One of the Most Interesting Themes"

Research Proposal 6 pages (1839 words) Sources: 1+ Style: APA

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One of the most interesting themes that John Locke deals with in his writings is represented by education. Education, in his opinion, is meant to shape the manner of thinking of one person, but also to set his life in a certain direction rather than another. According to Locke, the particular prevails on the general.

Yes, there are similarities which allow people and things to be included in the same category or class, but this is the result of a metaphysical abstraction made by man. It is by using the tool of reason that people observe the similarities between objects and classify them. The class does not exist a priori.

Returning to the issue of education, it is important to mention the philosopher's book entitled "Some thoughts concerning education." Obviously, the main theme of the paper is represented by the process of education. Since education is believed to be the main tool for the development of the individual's mind and behaviour, it is easy to see how connections can be made between the question of education and other aspects- with more profound metaphysical dimensions such as the birth of ideas, the essential, human nature, etc.

Since life is a continuous process of becoming, Locke states that childhood is a most important period since it is then that the main characteristics are set, characteristics which will afterwards determine the manner in which a person leads his life and which will be extremely difficult to be changed. It is common sense to believe that a good foundation is extremely important for a solid construction.

Children are, according to Locke's opinion, a relevant example a
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s far as the principle of the particular is to be dealt with. It could be stated that children might represent the exact opposite, that since they have not underwent the influences of the environment (natural, social, etc.) they could best stand for human nature in general, demonstrating behaviour patterns which are more or less the same. Locke sustains the exact opposite. He declares that while children may exhibit similar behaviours, their inclinations, their temper and their humour is different.

According to him, parents and educators should pay attention to exactly these differentiating aspects. It is in these aspects that he recognizes that which he calls natural dispositions. Here we might state that there is proof regarding the prevalence of the particular in front of the general.

If people are different- particular- by nature, it is better for everybody (the becoming of the individual and the functioning of the world) that these particular dimensions are preserved and encouraged. Under these circumstances, the role of education becomes no less than fundamental. Naturally, these natural dispositions are not entirely positive. However, the role of education is not to transform the individual, but help him realize his full potential.

From this point-of-view, tutor, parents, educators need to do nothing more but work around the natural tendencies. Since they are different for each child, so will the approach to each person be.

One aspect which is not clearly explained refers to whether these characteristics which are considered natural tendencies are something which children are born with or something which is acquired right after birth (how and why are also issues which remain unclear).

Another issue that must be underlined refers to the moral dimension of education. People are not born with any kind of knowledge of the truth and the world or themselves. All information is acquired and is to represent the basis for knowledge. The various levels of understanding depend not only on the quantity and quality of the acquired information, but also on the more general perspective which one has upon himself, the world, life, etc. Education plays an essential role in all these areas. While a person is born without any knowledge of the world, we are on the other hand born with the capacity of learning. Naturally, a good education will allow people to develop their potential better.

Another important aspect that Locke connects with education is represented by reason. According to him reason is the main instrument through which man can acquire control of his life. When a child is born he has no understanding of the world. What he has however is a natural tendency to avoid pain and to look for pleasure. The manner in which these needs are to be approached is fundamental because they will guide a person's behaviour for an entire life time. Reason is important because it gives better clearer insight on things.

A further dimension that education has is the ethic one. According to Locke there is a direct connection to be made between morality and education. We have seen that the process of education must be based on reason in order to maximize the possibilities of reaching happiness. Such being the case, it is safe to say that all people have contact with the principle of reason through the process of education. The moral dimension of education does not come from the supposition that reason helps make people the right thing. Its moral dimension derives from its very origin, which is God. Reason is a gift from God, yes, but at the same time it is important to underline that it has nothing to do with the phenomenon of revelation. Education does nothing else but shape the mind of the person in a manner which will allow him to further shape his own life.

There are several main coordinates that must be bared in mind when analyzing the question of education. Besides reason, they include the law of nature, freedom seen as an existence which is independent from the others and last but not least, private property- what it is, why should it exist, how should it be managed.

According to Locke, one must reach a state of balance in life in order to be happy. Balance can be achieved through the proper use of one's own possessions and skills. Obviously it is here that education and reason come into place because they are the main tools which favour knowledge and the skills which will eventually be used in order to help knowledge manifest. Therefore, it can be stated that the main objectives of education are to prevent the individual from losing his freedom, to demonstrate a positive and rational behaviour towards himself and his belongings, to help him lead a life which is in balance with nature's laws.

While freedom is one of the essential aspects in Locke's writing it is important to underline that in his opinion freedom has nothing to do with anarchy or destruction. On the contrary, it is connected with law, order and the will of God. there is an interesting social dimension that can be associated with education as well. individuals grow up to live in a community. In Locke's opinion, mankind can be regarded as a large community. There are rules to be respected in order to be able to live in such a context. But not only. There are also merits which need to be demonstrated in order to be accepted by the community. The role of education is to help the individual achieve these merits and afterwards perform the desired behaviour.

Locke makes an accurate distinction between the man and the person. What differentiates the latter one from the former is not only the superior quality of the perception of the world, but also a higher degree of self-awareness. The person is not only intelligent, determined, dynamic and wise, but also demonstrates respect towards the laws of nature and the moral ones. The process which "produces" persons is represented by education.

Virtue and health are strictly connected in Locke's work. Health is a synonym for balance and balance can be reached only by respecting the moral norms. The aim of education is to develop a moral character for the child. One of the metaphors that the philosopher uses in his work to describe the state of the children is that of strangers in a new town. When arriving they have no knowledge of it and its customs, but they have the capacity to learn. By doing that they have all the opportunities to become citizens of the city. This is what education does, it transforms children into persons who then act as citizens of the mankind community, reflecting the laws of community in and through their actions. Education is also connected with consciousness and self-awareness. Another metaphorical construction speaks about the children as if being asleep. Education wakes them. The interpretation of sleep might be found in the area of ignorance- caused by the absence of the proper tools. Education is the remedy for this situation.

It is worth underlining once more the fact that virtue is directly connected with education. Besides the fact that reason is considered to be a manifestation of virtue because it comes from god, people must act according to the natural laws and these laws are made by God. By being a good citizen, a… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Locke One of the Most Interesting Themes" Assignment:

Reflection Paper #3:

There are aspects of Locke*****s philosophy of education that might seem *****permissive***** while other aspects might appear more severe, even harsh. Discuss these two sides of Locke and the extent to which they are contradictory or compatible. Is Locke attempting a balance here that we continue to grapple with today as parents and teachers? Rely heavily on Locke*****s words themselves in the Cahn selection from "Some Thoughts Concerning Education" and the article from the Rorty volume *****

How to Reference "Locke One of the Most Interesting Themes" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Locke One of the Most Interesting Themes.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Locke One of the Most Interesting Themes (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Locke One of the Most Interesting Themes. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Locke One of the Most Interesting Themes” 2009.
”Locke One of the Most Interesting Themes”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Locke One of the Most Interesting Themes”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Locke One of the Most Interesting Themes [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Locke One of the Most Interesting Themes. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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