Term Paper on "Liz Claiborne, Inc. 2005"

Term Paper 7 pages (1795 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

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Liz Claiborne, Inc.

The international fashion apparel and accessories company, Liz Claiborne, Inc., performed well under CEO Paul R. Charron. However, due to increased competition and cut-rate pricing, it is questionable whether or not the company can maintain its streak of quarterly sales increases. Although the company does not own any manufacturing facilities, through arrangements with other organizations it designs, manufactures and markets both casual and formal, women's and mens apparel and accessories. The company utilizes a multi-brand portfolio strategy, with 38 brands, as part of their strategic management. Yet, both regional and international competitors such as: Benetton, Espirit, Jones Apparel, Polo Ralph Lauren, and Tommy Hilfiger have put increasing pressure on Liz Claiborne (Leonard, 2007, p. 119). This paper will present an external factor evaluation matrix, internal factor evaluation matrix, SWOT matrix, and analyze the retail apparel industry using Porter's Five Forces.

Liz Claiborne, Inc. - 2005


The international fashion apparel and accessories company, Liz Claiborne, Inc., performed well under CEO Paul R. Charron. However, due to increased competition and cut-rate pricing, it is questionable whether or not the company can maintain its streak of quarterly sales increases. Although the company does not own any manufacturing facilities, through arrangements with other organizations it designs, manufactures and markets both casual and formal, women's and mens apparel and accessories. The company utilizes a multi-brand portfolio strategy, with 38 brands, as part of their strategic management. Yet, bot
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h regional and international competitors such as: Benetton, Espirit, Jones Apparel, Polo Ralph Lauren, and Tommy Hilfiger have put increasing pressure on Liz Claiborne (Leonard, 2007, p. 119). This paper will present an external factor evaluation matrix, internal factor evaluation matrix, SWOT matrix, and analyze the retail apparel industry using Porter's Five Forces.

External Factor Evaluation Matrix:

The key external factors affecting Liz Claiborne, Inc. vary greatly. Growth in online spending, growth in the retail apparel industry, with a 21.3% growth from 2002 to 2007 (Leonard, 2007, p. 118), growth in the Asian retail sector, growth in mass merchandising retailers, and increased demand for high quality, low-cost apparel are important opportunities the company can't afford to miss.

Threats to the organization involve: the economic slowdown in the United States, increase in counterfeit products, increased competition from regional and international competitors, a decline in the world's cotton production ("Liz Claiborne," 2008), and increased shipping costs. When assessing Liz Claiborne's effectiveness using an external factor evaluation (EFE) matrix, it becomes clear there are several areas where the organization could improve.

With a highest score possible of 4 and a lowest score of 1, Liz Claiborne scored 2.325 on the EFE matrix. It received it's highest marks for its strategy for taking advantage of the online retail increase, with the company's 20 websites including: www.claiborne.com, www.candccalifornia.com, and Liz Claiborne," 2008).

It's lowest ranking scores were in addressing the threat of the decline in the world's cotton production, rising shipping costs, and the opportunity afforded by increases in mass-merchandising retailers, as the company has yet to take any action, in these areas. The company has also taken little action to address the economic slowdown in the United States, the rise of counterfeit products in the marketplace, and the increased competition in the industry (See Table 1).

Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix:

The key internal factors affecting Liz Claiborne's success are their strengths and weaknesses. The company's primary strengths include: strong cash flow, a diverse brand portfolio, a multi-channel sales network. Management's strong commitment to ethics, and a decentralized decision making style. Weaknesses are also significant areas Liz Claiborne needs to focus on. These include: the organization's declining margins, the company's low returns, low revenue and net income per employee ("Liz Claiborne," 2008), too much siloing of information due to brand autonomy, and reliance on all manufacturing produced by partner companies.

Utilizing an internal factor evaluation (IFE) matrix, one can see the areas that Liz Claiborne needs to focus on to better utilize their strengths and improve in areas of weakness.

With a highest score possible of 4 and a lowest score of 1, Liz Claiborne scored 2.525 on the IFE matrix.

Liz Claiborne's highest scoring facet of the IFE matrix was the company's strength of strong cash flow. The company's free cash grew at a Table 1: Liz Claiborne EFE Matrix

Key External Factors





1. Growth in online retail spending

2. Continuous growth in the retail apparel industry

3. Growth in the Asian retail industry

4. Growth in mass merchandising retailers

5. Increased demand for high quality, low-cost apparel


1. Economic slowdown in the U.S.

2. Counterfeit products

3. Increased competition from regional and international competitors

4. Decline in world cotton production

5. Increased shipping costs compounded annual growth rate of 23% from 2000 to 2006.

They also scored high in the diverse brand portfolio the company manages, with 46 brands covering low to high-end price segments of the market ("Liz Claiborne," 2008).

However, the company has done little to address their high cost structure, which has resulted in low revenues and net income per employee as well as low margins, and their inability to effectively utilize assets, resulting in low returns (See Table 2).

SWOT Matrix:

There are a variety of strategies that Liz Claiborne may undertake in order to maximize strengths, improve on weaknesses, take advantage of opportunities, and ward against threats. Developing a high quality, low-cost brand that can be sold through a mass-merchandiser such as WalMart or Target would address most of the issues raised. In addition, reducing the workforce and increasing efficiencies will be paramount to improving the company's high cost structure and resultant low returns (See Table 3).

Porter's Five Forces:

Utilizing Porter's Five Forces, one can better understand the retail apparel industry Liz Claiborne operates within. Rivalry within the retail apparel industry is very intense. Although industry growth is strong, as noted earlier, and brand identity is an important feature, there are very few product differences among competing brands, with brands following similar fashion styles each season. Switching costs also are typically quite low, for the consumer.

Knowing that switching costs are traditionally low, it is not surprising that the threat of substitutes is quite high as well. As mentioned, many competing apparel brands carry very similar styles. Although a consumer may have a brand preference,

Table 2: Liz Claiborne, Inc. IFE Matrix

Key External Factors





1. Strong cash flow

2. Diverse brand portfolio

3. Multi-channel sales network

4. Management's strong commitment to ethics

5. Decentralized decision making style


1. Declining margins

2. Low returns

3. Low revenue and net income per employee

4. Too much siloing of information due to brand autonomy

5. All manufacturing is performed by a partner company

Table 3: Liz Claiborne, Inc. SWOT Matrix


1. Strong cash flow

2. Diverse brand portfolio

3. Multi-channel sales network

4. Management's commitment to strong ethics

5. Decentralized decision making style


1. Declining margins

2. Low returns

3. Low revenue and net income per employee

4. Too much siloing of information by autonomous brands.

5. All manufacturing produced outside company


1. Growth in online retail spending

2. Continuous growth in the retail apparel industry

3. Growth in the Asian retail industry

4. Growth in mass-merchandising retailers

5. Increased demand for high quality/low-cost apparel


1. Diversify into children's clothing, offering online sales of new brands S2, S3, S5, O1, O2

2. Develop a high quality, low-cost brand that can be sold specifically at mass-merchandisers such as WalMart or Target S2, S3, S5, O1, O2, O4, O5


1. Vertically integrate production by purchasing a manufacturing facility to facilitate the manufacture of low-cost, high quality brand W1, W2, W3, W5, S1, S2, S5

2. Reduce workforce and increase efficiencies within the organization W1, W2, W3, O5


1. Economic slowdown in the U.S.

2. Counterfeit products

3. Increased competition from regional and international competitors

4. Decline in world cotton production

5. Increased shipping costs


1. Develop new low-cost brand to address American's needs for high quality clothing in tough economic times S2, S4, S5, T1, T3

2. Offer online only discounts to drive online sales S2, S3, T1, T2, T3, T5


1. Offer online only discounts to drive online sales and reduce costs W1, W2, W3, T1, T2, T3, T5

2. Reduce workforce and increase efficiencies in order to pass cost savings on to consumers W1, W2, W3, T1, T3, T4, T5 most are not solely loyal to one brand, instead they often purchase a variety of similar brands, leading them to be inclined to substitute one brand for another. Pricing is also similar across similar market segments, leading to increaed threat of substitutes.

Buyer power is moderate within the apparel industry. For Liz Claiborne, buyers of retailers, such as department stores, have significantly more power than the individual consumer who visits one of their specialty boutiques and purchases directly from the company. Large volume… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Liz Claiborne, Inc. 2005" Assignment:

Individual Case Review. The Grading Rubric is located in Doc/Share. Each student is responsible for submitting a written case review on one of the cases from the text book. The case review is to be placed in the drop box provided for week 11. The cases are located in the back half of the textbook. You will be randomly assigned a case to review and your assigned case is located in the file "Case Assign." under the *****Course Home***** tab on the class website. Assignments will be made prior to the end of week 2. This is an individual assignment. Students are expected to work independently. The review will include a cover page and reference list. (See also Strategic Management Case Analysis starting on page 362 of the textbook)

The format of the review includes the following: short introduction to the case being reviewed; an external factor evaluation matrix (EFE), an internal factor evaluation matrix (IFE); SWOT matrix; assessing the case using each of Porter*****s five competitive forces in the industry; and a short conclusion.

Each matrix requires a short paragraph discussing the matrix and any factors you consider significant. The review should be between 6-9 1.5 spaced type-written pages of text and required matrices; the font size will be no larger than 12-point. The written case reviews are due at the end of week 11 (Sunday, midnight EST). It is recommended that you download a copy the Grading Rubric from Doc/Share and read it carefully. See also Strategic Management Case Analysis starting on page 362 of the textbook

Business Policy

Case Review Grading Rubric

I would like to be able to add input if needed. Hopefully, I will not need to.

Component Grading Criteria Points Awarded

cover page (unless it can be added by me)


*****¢ Written introduction to case of 125-200 words. (3 points)

*****¢ Format of introduction is in the form of a memo, staff meeting notes, or report to upper management (2 points)

*****¢ No grammatical or spelling errors. (10 points)

*****¢ Well organized and tells the reader the purpose of the review and what will be discussed/presented. (5 points)

0 *****“ 20 points

EFE Matrix

*****¢ Matrix is present and in format as outlined in the text book (10 points)

*****¢ There are a minimum of 5 opportunities and 5 threats (15 points)

*****¢ Opportunities and threats appear reasonable based on content of case (10 points)

*****¢ There is a brief narrative discussion of the matrix (50-100 words) discussing/explaining the contents of the matrix and their significance. (10 points)

0 *****“ 45 points

IFE Matrix

*****¢ Matrix is present and in format as outlined in the text book (10points)

*****¢ There are a minimum of 5 strengths and 5 weaknesses (15 points)

*****¢ Opportunities and threats appear reasonable based on content of case (10 points)

*****¢ There is a brief narrative discussion of the matrix (50-100 words) discussing/explaining the contents of the matrix and their significance. (10 points)

0 *****“ 45 points

SWOT Matrix

*****¢ Matrix is present and in format as outlined in the text book (10 points)

*****¢ There are a minimum of five each for the following: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

(10 points)

*****¢ There are two strategies for each quadrant (i.e., SO, WO, ST, & WT). (5 points)

*****¢ The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats appear reasonable given the facts of the case (10 points)

*****¢ There is a brief narrative discussion of the matrix (50-100 words) discussing/explaining the contents of the matrix and their significance. (10 points)

0 *****“ 45 points

Porter*****s Five Competitive Forces

*****¢ Each competitive force is discussed and discussion is 50 *****“ 100 words in length for each competitive force. (35 points)

*****¢ Discussions appear appropriate and supported by matrices. (10 points)

0 *****“ 45 points


*****¢ There is a brief conclusion. (5 points)

*****¢ It is 75 *****“ 150 words in length (5 points)

*****¢ Well written with no spelling or grammatical errors. (10 points)

0 *****“ 20 points

APA Formatting

*****¢ Case review follows APA formatting rules.

(4 points)

*****¢ Cover page is provided (4 points)

*****¢ Reference page is provided and as a minimum the text book will be listed as a reference. (Note: Outside research is NOT required)

(1 point)

*****¢ In-text citations provided when required.

(1 point)

0 *****“ 10 points


*****¢ Points will be deducted for grammatical or spelling errors throughout the paper.

(20 points)

0 *****“ 20 points

Total Points Possible 0 - 250

*Not sure what to focus case study on in relation to ***** because I do not understand the overall concept. I think we should be going by the case in our text that I will send However, I would like to discuss online presentation in relation to sales if it is not too far fetched for the directions given. I feel that the company needs a little help online. The partner sites have better websites than the company *****. Handle it the way you see fit based on direction given by instructor that is included I would like to use two main resources: must use text, and was given site by professor but do not have to use it. Use more if you think I may need it.

*****, F.R. (2007). Strategic management, Custom edition (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

and www.lizclaiborne.com in which the financial reports and other information can be found by going to the bottom of the page and selecting corporate info.

I will copy and send the case study for ***** that I am to go by in which is focusing on 2005. I will send examples from the text that are mentioned in the above rubric in regards to SWOT Matrix, EFE Matrix,and IFE Matrix if I can find the ones discussed. Otherwise, use the basic matrix for the study. I can also send the analysis and sample case given to us if you think it is needed. I also have notes on ideas that I think are strengths and weaknesses on the website apparel. We can use a financial ratio too if we like to boost the grade and have an example of it. Let me know. 919-272-4748 or email.


How to Reference "Liz Claiborne, Inc. 2005" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Liz Claiborne, Inc. 2005.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/liz-claiborne-inc-international/804194. Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Liz Claiborne, Inc. 2005 (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/liz-claiborne-inc-international/804194
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). Liz Claiborne, Inc. 2005. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/liz-claiborne-inc-international/804194 [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Liz Claiborne, Inc. 2005” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/liz-claiborne-inc-international/804194.
”Liz Claiborne, Inc. 2005” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/liz-claiborne-inc-international/804194.
[1] ”Liz Claiborne, Inc. 2005”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/liz-claiborne-inc-international/804194. [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Liz Claiborne, Inc. 2005 [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/liz-claiborne-inc-international/804194
1. Liz Claiborne, Inc. 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/liz-claiborne-inc-international/804194. Published 2008. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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