Research Paper on "Limits Have on the Behavior"

Research Paper 7 pages (2262 words) Sources: 7

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Limits have on the Behavior of the Members of Congress?

Over the years, the issue of term limits (on the national level) has been increasingly brought to the forefront. This is because there is a commonly held belief that those individuals who are allowed to serve in office will become corrupted by the special interests. This is when they will use their seniority to enact pork barrel spending projects in their own districts. What makes this issue so challenging, is that many advocates of terms limits will point out: how the President of the United States and 15 states are subject to these kinds of restrictions.

Commenting about the impact of these limitations is the President of U.S. Term Limits (Phillip Blumenthal). They are the largest public watchdog on this issue. According to Blumenthal, there is a long-term positive effect of imposing term limits with him saying, "Term limits sever from time to time the natural comfortable tie between members and special interests in their district. They bring government closer to the people and improve citizen access to the process." This is illustrating how term limits will address many of the issues that are impacting Congress (i.e. The influences of the special interests). Once this takes place, is when the government is more responsive to the needs of the people.

However, despite the possible benefits many opponents will claim that imposing term limits will not have an effect on improving government. Instead, they believe that this will have a negative impact on the kinds of programs and services that are provided. A good example of this can be seen with observations from Norm Ornstein. He is a Congressional
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scholar and the author of the book the Broken Branch: How Congress Is Failing America and How to Get it Back on Track. According to Ornstein, term limits will have little effect on reducing the influence of the special interests and making the government more responsive with him saying, "The experience in states, including California, has been negative: assembly members look to run for the state senate or Congress, Senators look for congressional seats, or lawmakers look out for cushy jobs in the private sector afterward, thus giving more power to the permanent staff. Bad idea."

This is illustrating how term limits may not have the positive benefits that many proponents are claiming. To fully understand both sides of the issue requires: comparing / contrasting states that have term limits, the pros / cons of implementing them and if they will be good for democracy on the national level. Together, these different elements will provide the greatest insights as to if the members of Congress will act differently (if they are imposed across the entire country).

Current States have Term Limits in Place

Like what was stated previously, there are currently 15 states that have implemented term limits on their Congressional officials. However, some have imposed term limits in regards to specific state offices such as: the Governor and the legislature. In this aspect, there are a total of 36 states that will utilize term limits on either: the state or national level. This is providing specific insights about how they are impacting the activities of elected officials.

The State of California is a blue print for term limits. This is because they were aggressively imposed during the 1990s, as a way to reduce the influence of the special interests during the political process. According to Basham (2001), the long-term effects of term limits have been positive for the state. What he found, after studying the impact on legislatures and councils, is that term limits created a number of changes inside the political establishment to include:

They stimulate electoral competition.

They allow non-traditional candidates the opportunity to run (i.e. women and minorities).

There is the elimination of the seniority system among elected officials.

They have weakened the influence of special interests and bureaucrats in the process.

There is an emphasis on implementing policies that will support limited amounts of government.

These factors are showing how term limits have changed the political culture inside California. As a result, many of the different elected officials are coming from non-traditional backgrounds.

A good example of this can be seen with Arnold Schwarzenegger running for two terms as the Governor. At the time, he was going up against the state's established candidates (who had years of experience working in government). Schwarzenegger made a commitment to taking a more balanced approach in addressing issues that are impacting the state (such as energy costs). When he was in office, many policies were enacted that took into account the views of environmentalists and specific industries inside the state. This led to the implementation of regulations to use alternate sources of energy in the future and reduce their dependency on fossil fuels. If there were not term limits in place, the special interests would have been able to push through programs that supported their agenda. The fact that they were imposed, meant that new candidates could emerge which had different ideas about government. This helped to create more balanced policies that addressed all of the different needs of stakeholders.

However, despite the positive benefits of term limits, California has seen its fair share of challenges. Most notably, the special interest groups have adapted to the new system and they are continuing to influence the actions of elected officials. Moreover, the legislature is having trouble creating a consensus among members about dealing with a host of issues. This is because there is no established leadership to help guide politicians (which will often result in limited policies that are not addressing the problems of citizens). When this happens, the government can become even more unresponsive to the needs of the people. The recent financial challenges facing the state with the budget, are illustrating how this lack of leadership is not addressing the most pressing problems.

Instead, the gridlock is causing the government's response to be less than expected. This places many communities and organizations that are dependent upon state funding in limbo every single year.

These factors are showing, how the issue of term limits has both positive and negative consequences on the states.

As a result, other states are reporting similar benefits and challenges associated with implementing term limits. A good example of this can be seen in the State of Arkansas. They have the strictest standards for elected officials in the nation. The long-term effect is that more African-Americans are serving in public office and in positions of power. This ensures that the interests of different stakeholders are taken into account.

However, a major challenge is that there is no effective leadership inside the legislature. This makes it difficult to create a consensus on bills and legislation. The reason why is because, politicians are often focused on working with representatives that share similar personal and professional interests. When incumbents are removed from the process, is the point that these relationships will be constantly changing. Over the course of time, this can lead to less amounts of legislation that will deal with important challenges that are impacting the state.

These elements are showing how across the country, there are both positive and negative effects from having term limits imposed.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Term Limits on the National Level

If term limits were implemented on a national level, there would be both positive attributes and negative issues that will appear. As a far as the benefits of term limits are concerned, they will help to reduce the sense of entitlement and privilege that many Congressional officials enjoy. At the same time, it will decrease pork barrel spending and the influence of special interest groups during the process. This means that the government will be more responsive to the needs of stakeholders in addressing a host of issues. The reason why is because term limits are changing the political culture. This will increase transparency and reduce the ability of special interest groups, to develop strong relationships with these individuals. Instead, they will have to follow the same kinds of standards as everyone else.

Once this takes place, is when the size of the government will be reduced and the number of bureaucratic regulations will decline. This is when the government will play a balanced role by looking out for the interests of different stakeholders at all times.

The drawbacks associated with term limits include: the special interests will adapt to the new environment, there is a lack of leadership and government is less responsive. The combination of these factors is showing how term limits will create situations where there will be gridlock in Congress. This is because there is no experienced leadership that will set the tone for the legislative agenda (which will create more confusion).

At the same time, special interest groups will identify new strategies for reaching out to elected officials. This is when their influence in the process will begin to steadily increase. Once this happens,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Limits Have on the Behavior" Assignment:

The goal is to form a conclusion to make estimations about how members of Congress would behave differently if term limits were implemented in Congress at the national level. To reach this conclusion, I want you to look at individual states to compare and contrast states who have term limits for state representatives against states who do not have term limits. Finish the paper with a page on whether or not the addition of Congressional term limits would be good or bad for democracy at the national level. Make sure to address the pros of term limits as well as cons such as the potential for lack of expertise as Congressman would be less experienced if term limits were implemented. Cite everything using Turabian style, please.

How to Reference "Limits Have on the Behavior" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Limits Have on the Behavior.”, 2012, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Limits Have on the Behavior (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Limits Have on the Behavior. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Limits Have on the Behavior” 2012.
”Limits Have on the Behavior”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Limits Have on the Behavior”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Limits Have on the Behavior [Internet]. 2012 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Limits Have on the Behavior. Published 2012. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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