Term Paper on "Life"

Term Paper 6 pages (1903 words) Sources: 0 Style: APA

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Life You Have Always Wanted

The life you've always wanted

The life you have always wanted" is written by John Ortberg and since the author is currently serving as a pastor at a church, it is needless to say that book is heavily laden with Christian teachings. The book deals with the subject of spiritual transformation and its true nature. We all seem to understand what spiritual transformation entails but this book tries to raise questions that are thought provoking and help the readers re-examine their definitions of spiritual change. One very important term used in the first chapter of the book can be seen as the crux of the book. The term is 'morphe' and it is defined as "the inward and real formation of the essential nature of a person" (p. 23). The understanding of the process of morphing is critical to the understanding of this book and its thesis. Morphing is the process by means of which a person reaches a point in his transformation where he does what Jesus wants him to because these things make sense to him. Ortberg writes: "When morphing happens, I don't just do the things Jesus would have done; I find myself wanting to do them. They appeal to me. They make sense. I don't just go around trying to do right things; I become the right sort of person." (p. 23). According to the author, the main objective of our lives is transformation. In this case, its obviously spiritual transformation and the chapter ends on a rather strange note as Ortberg writes, "The good news as Jesus preached it is not about the minimal entrance requirements for getting into heaven when you die. It is about the glorious redemption of human life -your life."(p. 29). The author further argues tha
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t most of the Christians are suffering from lack of real transformation or from an excess of pseudo-transformation. This transformation is explained and rejected as the author seeks to introduce real transformation. This is when a person reads word of God to see how they can enliven our spiritual side. Ortberg explains: "Practices such as reading Scripture and praying are important -not because they prove how spiritual we are-but because God can use them to lead us into life." (p. 43). After this explanation of distortions of spiritual concepts, the author focuses on the worth of various religious rituals. According to Ortberg, these rituals help us re-arrange our lives in a way that would support our cause as well as cause of the Christ. "Following Jesus simply means learning from him how to arrange my life around activities that enable me to live in the fruit of the Spirit"(p. 49). Thus a lot of effort is made to explain the need for training and the execution of rituals. The author also maintains that a person who suffers in the way of God is a truly happy person. He is content because his life is filled with an inexplicable joy and comfort. The author quotes extensively from some other spiritual authors to drive his point home. Ortberg further stresses the need for solitude in our lives. This solitude may help us to reflect on our actions and repent when necessary. It also allows us to really connect with God on a higher level. It is also argued in the book that Christians often fail to serve God because of their vanity and pride. It is believed that stubbornness creates a yawning gap between God and man. The author also points to the necessity of confessions in our lives and feels that Confession is not mechanical. It is a practice that, done wisely, will help us become transformed"(p.122). The discussion on disciplines continues till the end and the book closes with a chapter on suffering and the meaning of unanswered prayers in our lives.

Life is never without tests and struggle. But while every test may seem rather worldly on the surface, it has a very deep spiritual connection if we pay close attention. The most severe and thus meaningful incidents are those, which test our spiritual strength and our faith in God because through these experiences we truly grow. One such thing happened to me few years back when, suddenly without any real rhyme or reason, I stopped believing in God. It must have been a gradual process but I feel I wasn't paying attention till one day I actually found myself with absolutely no place for God in my heart. Some people who have never been through this might conclude that such a person becomes evil. Well that is a very wrong judgment. I never turned evil and on the surface there wasn't anything different about my behavior either. But the place in my heart that connects me with God had somehow either disappeared or shrunk. Now through this period, only God can actually help you. But how could He help when I didn't believe He was there. However this experience taught me that no matter how little you believe in Him, He never gives up on you. In my heart of hearts, I desperately wanted to believe in God. I needed something to hold on to. I wanted to know that God was there and wanted to connect with Him the way I used to. I persevered through this period, kept reading holy books and scripture to get closer to God and tried to avoid everything that was forbidden. Slowly and gradually, my faith returned. And this time there was something different about my faith. It was not just inherent. It was actually earned and thus was more powerful and greater in strength. I have always believed in the Oneness of God and I do to this day. That belief that only strengthened my connection with the higher knowledge that sits within and knows.

A liked the book but there are few gray areas that need to be studied, examined and challenged. The first one arises when you read about re-arranging one's life to fit in God. According to scripture, Jesus wanted Christians to give up their lives and follow him. How can we realign the two very different arguments? The author feels man should live his own life and integrate God in it, and from the scriptures it appears that Jesus would want men to give up their lives for the sake of God. Is Jesus being too demanding or is the pastor wrong in his conclusion? I wish the author had paid closer attention to this. I would have rewritten that part to include quotes from Matthew where Jesus urges his followers to come with him wholeheartedly. This could lend more credibility to what the author was saying. The author should have explained how he could reconcile the two apparently different concepts.

A also do not believe in the suffering part. I agree that when we are suffering, we are closer to God because our spirit is hurting and we need something to hold on to but I completely disagree with the belief that suffering is the ultimate Christian life. I firmly believe that you can lead a spiritual life while being happy and fulfilled. If Christianity is all about suffering then why did Jesus die on the cross for us? There is no such thing as God wanting people to suffer. God wants man to be happy and content and strive for more in his life without losing his focus on the ultimate destination i.e. heaven.

A also fail to see where the author was getting to when he said that man's ultimate redemption is not about entrance into heaven. If that is not so, what does redemption mean. Sadly no attempt is made to explain what is the real redemption if it is not getting into heaven.

This book may not offer anything new but it certainly makes you think about real spiritual transformation. Even though my definition of real spiritual transformation may not coincide with the author's, it is still a thought-provoking subject. I would tell my friends or anyone who wishes to improve their lives that it is important to connect with God. How a person does that is up to him but connection is extremely important. I would suggest that time must be taken out everyday to seek solitude where a person can reflect on his actions and truly seek to connect with God. Connection with God comes in an unhurried state when a person truly wants to be closer to the highest force. It is also critical to focus on the compassionate but powerful nature of this force. It is correct that God is compassionate but many a times we take undue advantage of that and thus go astray. It is also important not to forget His power because He may never want to hurt us, He may be forced to do just that when we repeatedly ignore His teachings. I also want to keep in mind the law of return, which… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Life" Assignment:


Ortberg, J. (2002). The life you*****ve always wanted. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.

1. Abstract. After listing author, publisher, and date, summarize what you have read as if you were the author boiling down the book into 500 tight words. Prove that you comprehend the readings by writing a no-nonsense summary. The abstract is not a commentary or listing of topics, but rather a gut-deep, insightful *****précis***** of the longer, more elaborate book. Abstract equals boiled down.

2. Concrete responses. Get vulnerable! In 250 words, relate a personal life episode that this book triggered in your memory. Relate your story in first person, describing action, quoting exact words you remember hearing or saying. In the teaching style of Jesus, this is a do-it-yourself parable, case study, confession.

3. Reflection. What new questions pop up for you in response to what you have read? Keep a rough note sheet at hand as you read. Out smart the author by asking better questions than he/she has raised. Begin with questions like, *****What bothers me about this book?***** Please keep this section to about 250 words.

4. Action. So what are you going to do about it, anyway? Tell in detail what you are going to say to a counselee, send as an email, or say to a friend. What actions or changes are you going to make in your life as a result of your learning? Your response here is a matter of obedience first, questions later. Be precise in summarizing your action steps (limit these comments to about 200 words).

5. Choose one of the nine areas of human functioning described in the METAMORPH Integrative-Counseling Grid that I will send via email and discuss holistic counseling principles for this area of functioning. This section should be 500 words.



How to Reference "Life" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Life.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/life-always-wanted/870160. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Life (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/life-always-wanted/870160
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Life. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/life-always-wanted/870160 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Life” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/life-always-wanted/870160.
”Life” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/life-always-wanted/870160.
[1] ”Life”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/life-always-wanted/870160. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Life [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/life-always-wanted/870160
1. Life. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/life-always-wanted/870160. Published 2007. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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