Term Paper on "Business Law and Ethics"

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liability on the part of the manufacturer. There is no evidence that the product failed to operate in the manner in which it was designed to do. The cause of the accident was purely the negligence of the two boys. The fact one of the boys failed to be wearing a helmet has no relevance on the issue of liability as to the manufacturer. The manufacturer fulfilled its duty by including the warnings relative to the use of the helmet. Other than some design or manufacturing failure that was a casual factor in the accident the manufacturer would have no liability.

As to the ethics of placing such a product in the market place, there is little argument that such product has an attractive nuisance element to it but the product is no more dangerous than any other motorized vehicle and when operated properly is relatively safe. Manufacturing such products demands the issuance of proper warnings as to its uses but in the instant case it appears that this was done.

The Supreme Court should rule that the case should be conducted in the State of Vermont but not in the federal courts. In order for the matter to be held in a federal court in Vermont there must be either subject matter jurisdiction or diversity and there is no indication that either exists in the instant case. The subject matter jurisdiction issue is easily disregarded absent a demonstration of federal question. As the matter at hand is likely a contract issue there is little likelihood of its involving an issue of any great federal significance.

The issue of diversity is more interesting. The defendant, McCain, is a resident of Arizona for purposes of litigation, however, the fact that he voluntarily co
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nsented to the jurisdiction of the Vermont courts for purposes of contract application and interpretation serves to obviate the diversity created by McCain's being an Arizona resident. McCain's argument for fairness is likely to be ignored due to McCain's contractual agreement to be bound by Vermont law.

3. The doctor's failure to appear provides the court with a variety of options. After determining whether service had been properly made upon the doctor the court and that the patient's attorneys properly requested sanctions, the court should schedule a hearing to afford defendant and his counsel full opportunity to be held on the merits of the plaintiff's request for sanctions. At this hearing the court should, at minimum, rule upon the sanctions requested by the plaintiff. Assuming that plaintiff's counsel would request the full range of sanctions the court should grant each of them including a default judgment but allow the defendant the opportunity to purge himself by attending the deposition. As to the first two missed depositions the court should award the plaintiff the costs associated with said proceeding including reasonable attorney fees. Absent a demonstration of just cause for failing to appear at the first two scheduled depositions these costs should not be purged. The court should also grant the plaintiff a default judgment but suspend said judgment for a period of time sufficient to allow the defendant to attend a deposition. The deposition should be scheduled at the convenience of the plaintiff and his counsel.

4. The case law and statutes recognizing the authority of arbitrators grant arbitrators immunity from being subpoenaed from all trial proceedings. This immunity developed out of the common law but has been codified in most jurisdictions. Courts also possess the right to award attorney fees and other costs against anyone who attempts to subpoena an arbitrator. This immunity extends to any civil liability that may extend to an arbitrator's participation in an arbitration proceeding.

5. The issue presented by the Atomic Mushrooms is a good one. Although the practice of requiring mushroom growers to contribute to the industry advertising is one based on sound governmental reasoning there is a compelling and equally sound reasoning based on Atomic Mushrooms First Amendment rights. As good as the forced advertising might be for the mushroom industry the question must be asked why such conditions are not placed on every industry. Atomic Mushroom has a potentially viable argument based upon its First Amendment rights and the fact that the circumstances under which the advertising requirements were originally required, that is, the state of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Business Law and Ethics" Assignment:

The essay comprises answers to eight (8) of the following questions. These questions cover topics of law and ethics covered in this course and online materials. Each answer should be at least one paragraph (several sentences) but not more than ½ page.

Prepare your answers in rich Text format (.rtf) using Microsoft Word® or similar program. Use one-inch margins on all four sides. Use 12-point type and single-spacing.

1.Two twelve-year old boys were seriously injured while riding mini-bikes given to them by their parents. The boys were riding on a public street and ran through a stop sign and were hit by a truck. One boy was wearing a helmet; the other was not. The manufacturer had placed a warning placard on the mini-bikes stating that they were for off-road use only. The owner*****s manual stated that the mini-bikes were not to be used on public streets, and that riders should wear an approved helmet. The parents sued the manufacturer. The Supreme Court heard the case and said that there was one basic issue: *****Is a manufacturer liable when youths are injured while riding one of its mini-bikes on a public road in violation of the manufacturer*****s warnings?***** What do you think the court held? What reasoning should the court apply? Is it unethical to make products like these mini-bikes that will be used by youth who lack the skills or judgment to keep safe?

2. XDog (XD) is headquartered in Burlington, Vermont. It sells *****Xtreme***** hot dog franchises nationally. Its contracts are governed by Vermont law. Franchise policy is determined in Vermont, but daily monitoring of franchisees is done by district offices that report to Vemont. XD terminated an Arizona franchise held by McCain, a resident of Arizona where the restaurant was located. McCain refused to vacate the restaurant, so XD filed suit in federal court in Vermont, claiming that McCain was in breach of contract and sued for damages and for an injunction. McCain claimed that the Vermont federal court did not have jurisdiction. The district judge held that under Vermont*****s *****long-arm***** statute, the contract McCain signed made him subject to litigation in Vermont. The court of appeals reversed, ruling that fairness and due process did not allow jurisdiction in Vermont. What do you think the Supreme Court should decide?

3. Squinter filed suit in Wyoming against Dr. Vision claiming that Dr. Vision committed malpractice in Squinter*****s ophthalmic care. Squinter attempted to take the doctor*****s deposition, but twice the doctor failed to show, despite notice of the deposition having been properly served. Squinter then filed a motion for sanctions. Neither Dr. Vision nor his attorney appeared at the hearing on the motion. The law gives a trial court discretion to impose a variety of sanctions, including an order to appear for deposition, a fine and/or imprisonment, or a default judgment that includes an award for compensatory damages and attorneys***** fees. Assuming you were the judge, what would your ruling be?

4. An employer and a union disputed what happened at an arbitration hearing. The employer challenged the arbitration award in federal court and subpoenaed the arbitrator to testify about what happened at the arbitration at which he presided. Can the arbitrator be compelled to testify?

5. The Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act (7 USC 6301-6311) mandates that mushroom handlers pay assessments that are used primarily to fund generic advertising that are intended to promote mushroom sales. Atomic Mushrooms refused to pay claiming the Act violates the First Amendment and forces them to contribute to advertising it does not care to support. Atomic Mushrooms felt it should be allowed to spend on advertising as it sees fit and not by government regulation. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) rejected Atomic*****s administrative appeal to not pay the assessments. Atomic appealed, but the district court upheld USDA*****s ruling, holding that the requirement to pay for advertising is part of a larger regulatory scheme to benefit the mushroom industry. The appeals court reversed, holding that payments were not part of a comprehensive statutory agricultural marketing program and therefore could not be justified. The USDA appealed. Which position is correct?

6. Wantta Leave was looking at new cars at a dealership. She gave her keys to a salesman who said he needed them to determine the trade-in value. When Wantta decided she did not want to buy a car, the salesman said he could not find her keys ***** claiming he lost them. But after about a half hour, the salesman finally gave Wantta her keys, which he thought was a good joke. Wantta sued and was awarded $5,000 in punitive damages. What tort was claimed? Do you think the damages would be upheld on appeal?

7. The buyers of a residential property mistakenly believed that the 10-acre parcel they purchased for a new home included a driveway entrance on Waterfall Road. They later learned that their home*****s driveway connected to Donna Marie Lane, a gravel road that also provided access to Waterfall Road for twenty other 10-acre parcels in the development. The developer and the real estate agent had pointed out the easy access to Waterfall Road, and the buyer expressed her strong desire to have an address on Waterfall Road. But neither the developer nor the real estate agent indicated the buyer would have an address on Waterfall Road. The buyers did not examine the existing survey nor did they order a new survey, either of which would have shown the buyer*****s driveway would be on Donna Marie Lane, not Waterfall Road. Nevertheless, the buyers brought suit for fraud against the developer and the real estate agent. Did the buyers have a basis for fraud?

8. The Greyhawks owned 100 acres of mountain land in Virginia. Their neighbors, the Falcons, had long claimed ownership of 999 acres, including 103 acres that the Greyhawks want to buy. The Falcons stated they did not want to sell. The Greyhawks did careful research about the title to the Falcons***** land and discovered that title to the 103-acre parcel had never been issued to anyone in the history of the state and that the Falcons had never paid taxes on the parcel. The Greyhawks filed claim to the land on the grounds it was *****waste and unappropriated*****. Should the Greyhawks get title to the land?

How to Reference "Business Law and Ethics" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Business Law and Ethics.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2011, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/liability-part/9504. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Business Law and Ethics (2011). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/liability-part/9504
A1-TermPaper.com. (2011). Business Law and Ethics. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/liability-part/9504 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Business Law and Ethics” 2011. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/liability-part/9504.
”Business Law and Ethics” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/liability-part/9504.
[1] ”Business Law and Ethics”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/liability-part/9504. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Business Law and Ethics [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/liability-part/9504
1. Business Law and Ethics. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/liability-part/9504. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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