Research Paper on "Letter Addressing Modifiable Risk Factors Dear First"

Research Paper 3 pages (1036 words) Sources: 3

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Letter Addressing Modifiable Risk Factors


First of all, I just wanted to say that I love you. It is out of this love I have for you that I must address some major concerns I have with your horrible habit of smoking. There are so many consequences for this bad habit, I don't even really understand how you could continue…but I wanted to write this letter to you just to remind you the dangers you face if you continue unabated.

Yes, there are some more superficial issues related to smoking. I know first hand the smell that covers everything, because I have had to live with you for so long. Smoking can stain your teeth and cover everything you have with that awful stench. Even worse, smoking can lead to the narrowing of the blood vessels, which has been shown by the research to cause a number of different types of vascular diseases, which are "obstructions of the large arteries in the arms and legs that can cause a range of problems from pain to tissue loss or gangrene," (CDC 2012). Not to mention your smoking can harm me through second hand smoke!

Yes, yellowing teeth and a bad stench can be a nuisance, but smoking also causes much more serious problems. It has been related to over 443,000 deaths annually in the United States alone (CDC 2012). Smoking tobacco is the number one killer in the United States. In fact, "more deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by al deaths from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined" (CDC 2012). The bad habit leads to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans each year, and much more than that o
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n a global scale. According to the research, "It is also the single most preventable cause of death in the U.S." (Jacobs 1997). This is clearly unacceptable behavior, and so I really want to drive home what could happen to you if you continued to smoke.

There are so many cancers associated with smoking. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has shown that men with your bad habit are 23 times more likely to develop lung cancer compared to nonsmokers (CDC 2012). Even though the chances are a little less for woman, it doesn't matter because you have a 23 times greater chance of developing lung cancer than me! Each year, over 143,000 smokers will perish from a variety of different types of cancers (Jacobs 1997). These cancers are often not a quick and painless death. Rather, they can kill you slowly, and with a lot of pain and misery. Fighting against such cancers often requires invasive techniques, like surgery and chemotherapy -- neither of which are fun to deal with! The main issue I have here is not the small nuisances or the fact that I am against smoking, but the very fact that it is so sure to cause death prematurely!

There are also a number of serious conditions associated with smoking beyond the various types of cancers it can… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Letter Addressing Modifiable Risk Factors Dear First" Assignment:

The top 4 modifiable risk factors that result in much of our country*****s illness, suffering, and death are

*****¢ Lack of physical activity

*****¢ Poor nutrition

*****¢ Tobacco Use

*****¢ Excessive Alcohol Intake

For your assignment, you are to research one of these risk factors and write a letter to someone you know who practices this behavior and explain why they should modify it.

The paper must*****¦*****¦

1) give factual evidence to support why this behavior is hurting their health

2) explain what the consequences of continuing this behavior might be and how it would benefit them if they stopped.

3) give them tips on how to stop this behavior

4) Write a MINIMUM of 3 pages and not a sentence less, double spaced, 12 pt. font (NOT including your works cited page)

5) Include a works cited page with at least 3 professional references. (APA format for both the works cited page and in-text citations)

Professional references ONLY include*****¦.

1-websites that end in .gov or .org

2-textbooks, books, science/health journals, encyclopedias (you may use UH*****s online library to find these)

The paper should be research based. I do not want to see essays where every other sentence is quote from one of your sources. Quotes should take up no more than roughly 15-20% of your essay*****s total length. I want you to explain the majority of your findings in your own words. Please make sure of accuracy of facts, grammar and spelling, and the overall quality/professionalism of your writing.

You do not have to include the person*****s name if you wish to protect their privacy*****¦instead write (Dear __________,). If you are lucky enough not to know anyone that practices any of these behaviors, pretend that you know someone that does and write a letter to them.

Do not waste space talking about anything other than what I have asked you to discuss.

How to Reference "Letter Addressing Modifiable Risk Factors Dear First" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Letter Addressing Modifiable Risk Factors Dear First.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Letter Addressing Modifiable Risk Factors Dear First (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Letter Addressing Modifiable Risk Factors Dear First. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Letter Addressing Modifiable Risk Factors Dear First” 2012.
”Letter Addressing Modifiable Risk Factors Dear First”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Letter Addressing Modifiable Risk Factors Dear First”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Letter Addressing Modifiable Risk Factors Dear First [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Letter Addressing Modifiable Risk Factors Dear First. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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