Research Paper on "Lehman Brothers Will Remain"

Research Paper 5 pages (1409 words) Sources: 1+

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was thus created as a result of an IPO.

Richard Fuld was the company's CEO from the sale of Lehman Brothers by American Express to the company's bankruptcy in 2008. His performance at the company is mixed and, likely, still dominated by the eventual failure of Lehman Brothers. The company performed reasonably well during the 1990s, in a challenging period that included the Asian Financial Crisis. However, the company's share price was not at the highest levels during this period of time and Lehman's exposure to the housing market, through its mortgage bond underwriting business, eventually brought the company's failure. Altogether, revenues did grow significantly during his tenure, as well as the number of employees working for the company.

The moment of the bankruptcy is worth a supplementary discussion. There are several reported causes, primarily the exposure to subprime mortgage, characterized, at the time, by extreme volatility. As always in these cases, investor confidence gradually decreased, leading to a negative impact on the company's stock price. Some sources also mentioned that the company routinely employed different shady accounting practices in order to minimize the real spectrum of the situation Lehman Brothers was in .

With Lehman Brothers filing for bankruptcy in September 2008, there were several actions that were undertaken in order to deal with the creditors and existing debt. Some of the company was sold, Barclay's purchasing most of Lehman's operations in North America. Nomura Holdings, a Japanese brokerage company, purchasing the Asian portion of the company. Some of the debt was restructured. However, the government did not inte
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rvene in any way, pointing out that public money will not be used to bail out Lehman Brothers. This remained a controversial move: the company subsequently did intervene to save other companies, including big banks. The question remained why Lehman Brothers was signaled out as an entity that would not be saved by governmental money.

As a consequence, this last paragraph also shows the future for Lehman Brothers. Lehman Brothers no longer exists as an entity. It was split up into different parts and sold off to different buyers. The revenues thus obtained were then used to cover some of its huge debt, while other parts were restructured. The former Lehman Brothers was integrated, as separate components, into the new companies that acquired it.

Lehman Brothers had a complex and diversified portfolio of products and services in the financial sector. It operated as an investment bank and a trading company and a large part of the company's portfolio of services included raising capital for different IPOs. Another part of its services were made up of consulting services: Lehman Brothers acted as an advisory firm, presenting different investment options for its clients. This was part of the larger part of investment management services that Lehman Brothers provided for its customers. It also operated in a variety of financial markets, primarily through trading, such as commodities and foreign currencies. Private equity investments and securities sales and trading were also services that Lehman Brothers offered. Lehman Brothers did not offer any products of its own.

Lehman Brothers represented one of the most important financial entities in the United States over the last 150 years. As an investment bank and a consulting firm, it helped develop the stock exchange and contributed to the development of the financial sector. However, its overexposure and other problems brought its demise.


1. Mamudi, Sam. Lehman folds with record $613 billion debt. The Wall Street Journal. September 2008. On the Internet at Last retrieved on December 13, 2013

2. Wechsberg, Joseph. The Merchant Bankers. Pocket Books, 1966,

3. Geisst, Charles R. The Last Partnerships. McGraw-Hill, 1997

4. Mark Trumbull. Lehman Bros. used accounting trick amid financial crisis -- and earlier." The Christian Science Monitor. March 12, 2010. On the Internet at Last retrieved on December 13, 2013

Mamudi, Sam. Lehman folds with record $613 billion debt. The Wall Street Journal. September 2008. On the Internet at Last retrieved on December 13, 2013

Wechsberg, Joseph. The Merchant Bankers. Pocket Books, 1966,

Geisst, Charles R. The Last Partnerships. McGraw-Hill, 1997

Mark Trumbull. Lehman Bros. used accounting trick amid financial crisis -- and earlier." The Christian Science Monitor. March 12, 2010.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Lehman Brothers Will Remain" Assignment:


The paper has to include a history of the company, what products it makes or services if provides and what kind of future does it have. The company is Lehman Brothers.

Should be double spaced and cited the materials that will be used for the paper. (works cited page)

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How to Reference "Lehman Brothers Will Remain" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Lehman Brothers Will Remain.”, 2013, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Lehman Brothers Will Remain (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Lehman Brothers Will Remain. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Lehman Brothers Will Remain” 2013.
”Lehman Brothers Will Remain”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Lehman Brothers Will Remain”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Lehman Brothers Will Remain [Internet]. 2013 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Lehman Brothers Will Remain. Published 2013. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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