Book Review on "Legal Management the Legal Issues"

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Legal Management

The Legal Issues of Management: Case Scenarios

Chapter 2-Case #1: The scenario described by the case in question offers a clear-cut case of sexual harassment. An individual who has succeeded on the strength of her professional merits is here being objectified and exploited on the basis of her own desire for advancement. This is a particularly inappropriate gesture insofar as it pins Bancroft's ambition for professional growth to her willingness to be objectified thusly. This creates a working atmosphere in which Bancroft must defend her professional integrity at the risk of her own career. That she has been placed in this position is particularly troubling as little can be done on her behalf to avoid confrontation short of simply complying with the unreasonable requests of her superior.

As the confrontation has already been created, it seems that Bancroft has little recourse but to seek mediation through the Human Resources department. Indeed, her only option in this scenario is to politely refuse her employer's requests on the grounds that the request has made her uncomfortable. Thereafter, a formal complaint must be filed which outlines the nature of the request and her personal perception on how this has created an inherently hostile working environment.

With respect to the role of Human Resources, any HR personnel which might have been in earshot of this conversation would have a responsibility both of confronting the offending party and of using this as an opportunity to engage a process of formal sensitivity and ethics training. Further, investigation should be conducted to determine if other members of the
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firm have been made to feel uncomfortable in the ways that confronted Bancroft and, if a pattern or culture of sexual hostility can be established, dismissal of critical personnel such as the subject of Bancroft's complaint might be appropriate.

Chapter 3-Case #5:

Boomer's case is a useful reference point for consumers who would desire to know their rights with respect to service contracts with major corporate service providers. Here, the customer and litigant individual has accepted the terms of a contract with at&T through his own inaction. According to the case scenario, Boomer had been provided with terms that were clearly stated indicating that his long-distance rates would be going up and that he had the right to contest these changes in his terms. Moreover, Boomer has been explicitly presented with the claim that any such contest would be resolved by a legally binding arbitrator rather than through a full-fledged process of civil litigation.

As we review the language used in a legal precedent invoking Boomer's case, that of Ragan and Mangiariacino v. at&T, it becomes clear that Boomer is in all regards subject to compliance with the terminology used in this statement. As the statement had been issued in direct correspondence with already agreed upon terms which had brought him into contract with the service in question, the precedent here cited denotes that Boomer's legal rights are shaped by these terms. Accordingly, the case cited here notes "in Boomer v. at&T Corp., 309 F.3d 404, 415 (7th Cir. 2002), the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, applying Illinois law to facts identical to those in the case at bar, held that where an offeree takes the benefits of offered services with a reasonable opportunity to reject them and a reason to know that they were offered with the expectation of compensation, his silence and inaction operates as an acceptance of the offer." (Matoesian, 1) This denotes that in the case of Boomer, participation in a class-action suit over high long-distance prices will not be heard in a court of law.

Chapter 4-Case #3: The case scenario in question seems to invoke inappropriately… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Legal Management the Legal Issues" Assignment:

Bagley & Savage. (2006). Managers And The Legal Environment (6th ed.). Ohio: Thompson-West.

1 page for each case problem


Christine Bancroft is a twenty-five-year-old blonde with a face and a figure that some of her male colleagues thought seemed better suited to the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue than Advertising Age. After spending her first three months as an analyst at the privately held advertising boutique Scot Wayne More, sitting in her cubicle doing research on the Hispanic market, she looked forward to the day she would have a chance to wow clients with the finely honed marketing skills she had acquired while pursing her MBA at Northwestern University.

Christine knew that Allen Scot and Bart Wayne had a reputation for entertaining clients from out of town at San Francisco*****s all-male Pacific Union Club, so he was pleasantly surprised when Allen asked her to join him and Bart for lunch with Andrew Wise at the World Trade Club. Wise was an account executive from the Cincinnati headquarters of Quinn & Inder, the second-largest consumer products firm in the United States. At first, Christine thought that she*****d been invited to discuss their plans to extend their reach into the Hispanic youth market. But when she asked Bart how she might best prepare for the meeting, he just smiled and said, *****Just wear that little black dress you wore at the firm*****s holiday party and leave the talking to Allen and me. Andrew asked for California, so we*****re giving him California.*****

What should Christine do? What would you do if you where head of human resources for Scot Wayne More and overheard the conversation between Bart and Christine while waiting in Allen*****s office to go over an offer letter for a new hire? [Inspired in part by Joseph L. BADARACCO, Jr., DEFINING MOMENTS: WHEN MANAGERS MUST CHOOSE BETWEEN RIGHT AND RIGHT (1997).]


Frank Boomer received a contract in the mail from his long-distance carrier, AT&T, that stated in unambiguous language that his rates were changing and that he should contact AT&T immediately if this was not acceptable. The agreement also contained a clause stating that any dispute concerning the contract would be settled by binding arbitration. Boomer did nothing initially and continued to make long-distance calls. Later, he decided to file a class-action suit against AT&T for overcharging him and other customers. Will Boomer be successful in getting his case heard by a court instead of an arbitrator? [Boomer v. AT&T corp., 309 F.3d 404 (7th Cir.2002).]


Most wine in the United States is distributed through a three-tier network that developed after the repeal of prohibition. First, the winery obtains a permit to sell wine. Next, the winery sells its wine to a licensed wholesaler, who pays excise taxes and delivers the wine to a retailer. The retailer then sells the wine to consumers. As demand for wine has increased over the last two decade, the number of wineries has grown to more than 2,000, including many small wineries. Meanwhile, the number of wholesalers has declined from several thousand to few hundred. As a result, many small wineries are unable to find wholesaler to carry their wine and are trying to market their wine directly to consumers.

Juanita Swedenburg runs the Sedenburg Estate Vineyard in Middleburg, Virginia. People from all over the United States visit her winery and purchase wine to take home with them. Once they get home, many call the winery or use its website to order more bottles. However, the laws in twenty-six states prohibit the direct shipment of wine to consumers across state lines. The states claim that the Twenty-first Amendment, which repealed Prohibition, gives them the authority to regulate the importation of alcohol. Their claim is based on Section 2 of the amendment, which states that *****[t] the transportation of importation into any state, territory, or possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited.***** Swedenburg, other winery owners, and wine lovers challenged the direct-shipment laws. Are these direct-shipment laws constitutional? Explain why or why not. [Granholm v. Heald, 544 U.S. 460 (2005).]


NTG Telecommunication, which was interested in purchasing a computer network for its office, received a promotional letter from IBM regarding IBM*****s PC Server 310, Small Business Solution, a computer network server designed for an marketed to small businesses, give us a call*****¦. We*****ll give you the name of the IBM business partner nearest you, as well as answer any questions you might have.***** The Small Business Solution was available was available only through an IBM Business partner, which is an entity authorized to resell IBM product.

Jud Berkowitz, president of NTG, contacted Frank Cubbage of Sun Data Services, an IBM business partner, regarding the Small Business Solution. Berkowitz decided to purchase the Small Business Solution after being informed by Cubbage that it was compatible with Windows 95, the operating system installed on each of the networked computers. After he installed the server, NTG started having serious computer problems, which were not resolved until NTG replaced Perfect Office (which was sold as part of the Small Business Solution) with Lotus Smart Suite, Berkowitz sued IBM for fraud based in part on Cubbage*****s representation that the Small Business Solution was compatible with Windows 95. IBM argued that Cubbage*****s statement could not be attributed to it because a formal licensing or dealership agreement does not create an agency relationship. How should the court rule? [NTG Telecommunications, Inc. v. IBM, Inc., 2000 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 6279 (E.D. Pa. May 8, 2000).]

Bagley & Savage. (2006). Managers And The Legal Environment (6th ed.). Ohio: Thompson-West.

How to Reference "Legal Management the Legal Issues" Book Review in a Bibliography

Legal Management the Legal Issues.”, 2010, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Legal Management the Legal Issues (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Legal Management the Legal Issues. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Legal Management the Legal Issues” 2010.
”Legal Management the Legal Issues”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Legal Management the Legal Issues”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Legal Management the Legal Issues [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Legal Management the Legal Issues. Published 2010. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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