Research Paper on "Legal Issues in HR"

Research Paper 4 pages (1172 words) Sources: 4

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Legal Issues in Human Relations

A good human relations officer has to have skills far beyond being able to help find good candidates to fill any openings at his or her company. She must also be able to help guide managers and others who have hiring and firing capacities to abide by all laws that apply to them. This can sometimes be a complex role for the human relations officer, for the people who have the responsibility to hire, promote, and fire workers rarely have significant training in human relations and may well not have up-to-date information on their legal obligations. This paper examines some of the legal restrictions that human relations officers are responsible for helping their company to understand and comply with.

Sometimes the laws that govern human relations decisions are counterintuitive. Consider, for example, the following exchange in the middle of a job interview:

Manager: I see that you have listed on your resume a great deal of charity work for the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. I find that very admirable, that level of commitment. Does it come from personal experience with the disease?

This might seem to be a perfectly natural and even laudable comment, demonstrating that the manager has taken the time to read the interviewee's background, is being supportive of an individual's commitment to improving her community, and is expressing concern for the possibility that she may have a chronic and terrible disease.

However, while the above assessments are certainly true, no manager should in fact travel down this path because it might well bring the company into a legal conflict with the Am
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ericans with Disabilities Act. The ADA requires that businesses make reasonable accommodations for individuals with recognized disabilities, of which Type I diabetes (which is the term now used for Juvenile Diabetes) is such a recognized disability. If this candidate were to be denied the job, then she might well bring a suit against the company on the grounds that she had been denied employment because of her medical condition.

This might or might not have had anything to do with her not receiving the job; indeed it is entirely possible that her condition had nothing at all to do with her being passed over for the job. However, by having introduced the topic into the interview, the manager has allowed the company to become potentially vulnerable to suffering financial losses and loss of status (Jolls & Prescott, n.d.).

In general, human relations personnel should train managers not to elicit personal details from subjects being interviewed since such private details are not relevant to a job in most cases. This is something that it may be difficult for managers to understand since quite often -- indeed, probably most of the time -- managers bring up such personal details out of a genuine, friendly interest in others as well as in an attempt to put the candidate at ease.

It is true, however, that in some cases it is permissible for hiring managers to ask personal questions. Another hypothetical example may be helpful here. Let us return for a moment to the case above. After the manager in the example cited praises the candidate for her volunteer work, he then adds that he hopes that she is not in favor of stem-cell research since it is a violation of his Catholic beliefs. He then asks her if she too is Catholic.

If the workplace is not specifically and explicitly religiously affiliated, then the manager has once again made a serious… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Legal Issues in HR" Assignment:

Write a four page paper on future legal issues in HR. Use only online sources. Thank you.

In case you will need a book.

E-book version *****"Managing Human Resources*****" (10ed), on the website

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How to Reference "Legal Issues in HR" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Legal Issues in HR.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Legal Issues in HR (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Legal Issues in HR. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Legal Issues in HR” 2011.
”Legal Issues in HR”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Legal Issues in HR”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Legal Issues in HR [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Legal Issues in HR. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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