Term Paper on "Learning Disabilities and Depression Approximately One Out"

Term Paper 6 pages (1965 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA

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Learning Disabilities and Depression

Approximately one out of every seven people in the United States has been diagnosed with a learning disability at some time in their life (Jaffe-Gill & Benedictus, 2007). Learning disabilities come in many forms. Some learning disabilities are caused by problems with the sensory organs, such as blindness, or hearing difficulties. However, some learning disabilities are the result of problems with the brain itself. Learning difficulties do not have to do with intelligence. Many normally intelligent individuals have problems processing language, numbers, or other sensory input (Jaffe-Gill & Benedictus, 2007). Normally intelligent individuals that have problems processing information may perform poorly in school or at work, Learning disabilities may cause low self-esteem, which can then lead to emotional problems such as depression or anxiety. This study will explore the effects of learning disabilities on emotional problems such as depression and anxiety.

Understanding Learning Disabilities

Learning requires four different types of information processing. Input is when the brain receives and stores information. Integration is the process of interpreting the information. Memory refers to the actual storage of the information. Output is when the brain reproduces the information by the means of language or motor activity (Jaffe-Gill & Benedictus, 2007). Learning disabilities occur when the brain has problems in at least one of these four areas. Learning disabilities can stem from prenatal factors, physical illness, environmental issues, and heredity (Helpguide.org).

The focus of this res
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earch will be to explore learning disabilities that affect academic performance. Some of the more common forms of this category of learning disability is dyslexia (problems reading, or understanding what is written), dysgraphia (problems with handwriting or writing in a way the makes sense), and dyscalculia (problems with abstract math or calculations) (Jaffe-Gill & Benedictus, 2007). There are other disorders that fall into this category such as developmental articulation disorder, developmental expressive language disorder, and developmental auditory receptive language disorder (Jaffe-Gill & Benedictus, 2007). Other forms are visual processing disorder, dyspraxis (a motor skill disorder) and others. All of these disorders are names for specific learning disorders. A person may suffer from only one type of disorder, or they may suffer from several different categories at the same time.

Effects on the Home and School Environment

Children with learning disabilities may experience frustration, lower self-esteem or depression. They may act out there feelings through expressing anger, withdrawal or other reactions. However, the child is not the only one to suffer. Parents may also experience a number of feelings when their child has difficulties learning. They may experience frustration over their inability to help their child (Jaffe-Gill & Benedictus, 2007). They may feel helpless or angry with themselves or the student. They may blame themselves for their child's failures (Helpguide.org). These problems may complicate the child's emotional reactions.

Mothers of children with learning disabilities have been reported to suffer greater stress due to increased burden of care. The stigmatization of the family predisposes these mothers to mental disorders such as anxiety and depression (Abasiubong, Obembe, and Ekpo, 2006).

Often, the chidl with learning disabilities needs more attention than the non-learning disabled student.

Siblings may resent the chidl with learning disabilities for the amount of attention that they receive. Having a chidl with learning disabilities in the family places the family under stress. Problems such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Sensory Integration Dysfunction (DSI), hearing and vision deficits, and psychological problems create stress for the entire family. Every member of the family is affected differently and everyone will react differently. The home environment is an important factor in providing the stimulation that the child needs to succeed.

Children in nurturing environments that provide support and opportunities for stimulation play an important role in the ability of the child to overcome their difficulties. There are many reasons why a child's home environment might not provide the resources necessary for success. Poverty may prevent parents from providing for the children's needs. Parents might be overwhelmed by responsibilities (Jaffe-Gill & Benedictus, 2007). Some parents might have to be away from home, or work long hours in order to make ends meet. Absent parents have difficulty providing the one on one stimulation that they need (Jaffe-Gill & Benedictus, 2007).

The Teacher and the child with learning disabilities

Some learning disabilities do not originate entirely with the child. There may be a mismatch between the learning style of the child and the teaching style of the teacher (Jaffe-Gill & Benedictus, 2007). Children learn in different ways and teachers are constantly challenged to present the material in a variety of ways, using a variety of mediums. However, some teachers are more skilled in this than others. Teachers that cannot present the material in a variety of styles may not reach certain students. Some teachers are limited in their ability to present material in more than one style. However, even when the problems stems from a mismatch between the child and the teacher, it is still the child that suffers from their inability to learn the needed material.

The first and most important step in helping a child that is struggling is to find out what the problem is and then take appropriate actions. Helping the child solve the primary problems associated with the learning disability is the first step in resolving any emotional issues such as depression or anxiety that are associated with it. However, sometimes there is little that can be done, such as with physical brain deformities. Even when no cure can be found for the problem, understanding the causes of the problem can help the child, parents, siblings and educational staff to cope with the issues. Creating an atmosphere of cooperation and support are the most important factors in helping a child overcome their challenges.

Depression can cause learning disabilities, even in the absence of other physical problems associated with "classic" learning disability categories. Depression can compound other problems as well, making the symptoms from other causes worse. However, teachers are not trained to recognize the symptoms of depression and other emotional disorders that can cause or worsen the effects of learning disabilities (Campbell, 2002).

In the case of depression, it is often difficult to determine if the learning disability is the cause or the symptom of the depression (Campbell, 2002). When teachers fail to recognize these problems the students do not get the help that they need. Training for teachers that includes how to recognize emotional problems will help children to get the help that they need. Regardless of whether the depression is primary or secondary is irrelevant to the need for the child to receive the help that they need with this condition as well. In addition to additional skills for the child, the parents can benefit from classes the teach better parenting skills as well (ISER, 2007).

The connection between learning disabilities and depression needs to be taken seriously by teachers. Students with poor reading skills are more likely to drop out of school and have a suicide rate that is three times that of the normally reading population (Preidt, 2007). The school plays an important role in the development of the child's emotional development. Difficulties at school can lead to difficulties in the emotional, social and family functioning of the child (Johnson, 2005). It is estimated that only 1/4 to 1/3 of the children needing school receive the needed treatment. For children with learning diseases, this estimate may be even lower (Maag & Reid, 2006). Coexisting disorders can have a significant impact on cognition and behavior in children with ADHD (Tervo, et al., 2002). Increasing numbers of coexisting disorders is proportional to the amount of impairment in everyday functioning (Crawford, Kaplan, and Dewey, 2006). It is difficult to determine how many children with comorbidity for leaning disorders and depression go untreated.

Treatment and Help

Treatment approaches for children with depression include psychological interventions, medications, and psychotherapy (Guertzlie, 2003). Self-control therapy and a focus on coping skills are the most effective therapy options (Guertzlie, 2003). The use of medications might be questionable because many commonly prescribed medications have not been subjected to sufficient study (Guertzlie, 2003). Treatment requires the intervention of many different health case professionals. The school plays an important role in the treatment process. However, support from everyone that comes in contact with the child is stressed (Guertzlie, 2003).

Recently, the connection between learning disabilities and depression has drawn attention from the academic community. The magnitude and importance of the problem are being recognized. There is now a wide variety of resources available to help the person with depression and learning disabilities learn to cope with their condition (Hall & Strydom, 2001). One of the problems with these resources is that the person with learning disabilities might not be able to understand the use the programs. Treating people with both depression and learning disabilities is a specialized area that is different from those with learning disabilities and depression alone. Self-help resources might compliment traditional treatments, but they are often not the best alternative… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Learning Disabilities and Depression Approximately One Out" Assignment:

Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities

The Effect on behavior, Self Esteem, Frustration, Anxiety and Ultimately Depression

1.Introduction, facts, questions, misdiagnoses and definitions. What are learning disabilities, and how can they effect a students emotional self.

2.Parent perspective and research on how they may help. What parents go through.

3.Teacher perspective and research on how they may help.

4.Child perspective and research on how they may help themselves and self advocate. What they are going through.

5. Reflective conclusion (not first person) and summary. How this research may help a new teacher when working with a child with a learning disability. Conclusion should be the "heart" of this paper.

Please use most current APA style. Only one space after all punctuation, including periods and colons. Please use person first wording. For example: Write- "child with a learning disability" rather than "learning disabled child".

Please use most current journal articles, scholarly literature and books. Richard Lavoie, "The F.A.T. City" has has good information. Also, www.ablongman.com/hallahan Daniel Hallahan and James Kauffman

How to Reference "Learning Disabilities and Depression Approximately One Out" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Learning Disabilities and Depression Approximately One Out.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/learning-disabilities-depression-approximately/4610. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Learning Disabilities and Depression Approximately One Out (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/learning-disabilities-depression-approximately/4610
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Learning Disabilities and Depression Approximately One Out. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/learning-disabilities-depression-approximately/4610 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Learning Disabilities and Depression Approximately One Out” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/learning-disabilities-depression-approximately/4610.
”Learning Disabilities and Depression Approximately One Out” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/learning-disabilities-depression-approximately/4610.
[1] ”Learning Disabilities and Depression Approximately One Out”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/learning-disabilities-depression-approximately/4610. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Learning Disabilities and Depression Approximately One Out [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/learning-disabilities-depression-approximately/4610
1. Learning Disabilities and Depression Approximately One Out. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/learning-disabilities-depression-approximately/4610. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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