Capstone Project on "Leadership in Organizations Organizational Leadership Thoughts"

Capstone Project 40 pages (12322 words) Sources: 25

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Leadership in Organizations

Organizational Leadership

Thoughts on Leadership (Opening statement)

Management verses Leadership

What is management?



The overlap ion management and leadership

What do leaders do?

Comparing personal thoughts and leadership models

Leaders see what others do not Leaders seize opportunities surrounding them

Personal statements/concluding the chapter

Leadership Theories

The trait theory -- what people have chances to be good leaders?

Behavioral Theories -- What Do Good Leaders Do?

The contingency theory - how situations determine good leadership

Leadership styles

The servant leadership style

Transformational leadership

Situational leadership

Effective leadership styles for today's organizations


Self as Leader

Core values in leadership practice

The leadership ethical framework

Decision making linked to core values

Organizational change framework

Organizational change strategy

Goal-setting change model




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/>Leadership in Context

Applying theories and concepts in real life



Final Thoughts

Development of leadership

Thoughts on ethical leadership

Essence of major cornerstones in leadership

Personal connections and embracing relationships

Evolution of thinking -- the impact of learning

Lessons on leadership

The philosophy of leading

Final Summary



Thoughts on Leadership (Opening statement)

In many instances, managers and leaders are of the perception that leadership is only what one does to influence others. They fail to acknowledge that leadership is inspiring, encouraging and empowering to those who look upon a leader. An effective leader is one that is capacitated to reveal the best in others, and not only themselves. A person's character is in most cases gauged when they are in power, and they have the ability to lead others. The most fundamental rule in leadership is that leaders need to encourage a relationship between them and their subjects/subordinates, to reduce the levels and extremes of rebellion and resistance to change. The opening statement would, therefore, be that leadership is only efficient where there is a relationship between the leader and followers, in order to enhance team work, efficient communication and adaptability to change.


Different authors have had their view of what leadership is giving diverse definitions of the word. Leadership comes from the word lead, which is both a noun and a verb. Lead as a noun means to guide your subordinates and to head an organization. Lead as a verb means to excel in something and to be ahead of others. According to the Sagepub website (2007), leadership is used to identify a certain interaction that is shared among the team leaders and their subordinates. Usually, it is the teal leader that has all the influence over others. Leadership also describes personality traits and different behaviors that sum up to collectives and roles of individuals.

According to Gallos, leadership is defined as a social process that is complex rooted in knowledge, skills and values. It is the way both followers and leaders think. Leaders see new opportunities and chances for the company/organization, and they face critical challenges based on the circumstances surrounding the organization, the individuals involved and the chances/possibilities at hand. Gallos goes ahead to say that leadership is emotionally oriented as effective leaders motivate and inspire their followers, in order to divulge the best attributes from themselves and their followers.

Leadership is empathy. By this, it means knowing how to listen and get other's perceptions and opinions and hearing them out. Effectively, leaders get to hear out others and empathize on their issues. Essentially, leadership is all about integrity, substance and honesty. Leaders should have the ability to sustain scrutiny, inspections and a close examination. The question remains whether leaders are made or born. Evidently, there has to be an understanding within us that leaders can be made, especially if they learn on how to motivate others and inspire them to perform better in the team or organization (Maddock & Fulton, 1998).

After the preceding paragraphs outlining the definitions, there are common aspects identified in the different definitions concerning leadership. These several aspects include leadership as a process, which involves the development of leadership attributes. Leadership also involves the influence of an individual or a group of persons. In most cases, leadership involves a group context, where the leader inspires and motivates a certain scope of a group or subordinate. Leadership ought to have the aspect of goal setting and goal attainment, especially in an organization setup.

Management vs. Leadership

What is management?

Before a critical analysis on both aspects of management and leadership, a definition of management will be necessary at this stage. In general terms, regardless of diverse opinions from different authors, management is the act of working with people, and accomplishing objectives of the organization together with its members. Many activities are undergone in management; planning, staffing, coordinating, controlling, leading and motivating. Managers are in most cases expected to undertake the technical activities of the organization, be responsible, authoritative and reliable (Montana & Charnov, 2008).


In this section, the similarities between management and leadership will be analytically explored. Researchers have had a tendency of mentioning that persons bestowed with authority or powers are leaders. If this is followed, then supervisors and managers are all leaders in an organization. This means there is a great inter-relationship between management and leadership. The two terms are even interchanged at times, regardless of the fact that some authors differ concerning the two terms (McKenna, 2000).

In discussing the similarities between the two terms, their characteristics will be assessed. Firstly, both managers and leaders have to possess efficient training and coaching skills. They are the role models of their followers and subordinates, and are obligated to train them in order for the subordinates to tackle different tasks regardless of their positions or situations. In addition, it is expected that those in management and leadership have to be confident. In order to direct, motivate and inspire their followers, managers and leaders ought to have immense confidence. Both leadership and management also involve the attainment of certain goals. For managers, they need to reach satisfactorily their organizational or departmental objectives. For the leaders, they also motivate their followers into achieving certain laid down tasks. Management and leadership also call for creativity, and most importantly empathic listening skills (Ricketts, 2009).

Similarly, both leadership and management personalities need to possess certain values that are common for both of them. These include the working in realistic conditions that are attainable. Managers and leaders also need a strong self -- esteem and a sense of prioritizing things for better results in the firm/organization. Leadership and management both have the aspect of sincerity, trust and willingness to share certain exceptional virtues of responsibility, credit and recognition (Ricketts, 2009).


Many writers have also distinguished management to leadership, insisting that the two have different ideologies and components. According to some authors, leadership is a multidirectional influence and relationship while management is unidirectional authority relationship. In other words, leadership involves the development of purposes that are mutual between the leaders and their followers. Management, in contrary, is concerned and linked to the coordination of specific activities, to ensure a certain task is successfully undertaken. As leaders and their followers work as a team and embrace togetherness in order to create change, subordinates and the managers combine their abilities and forces to sell both services and goods (Northouse, 2009).

The definitions of the two terms are also a distinguishing factor. In managing things, then the manager accomplishes certain tasks and objectives through well established master routines. However, leading involves the act of a leader influencing others, especially through motivating and inspiring them, to ensure that they create visions of change. In summary, this could be said; managers do things the right way while leaders to the right things. Also, managers and leaders are different in nature. They are quite different types of persons, with a different mindset altogether. As managers are reactive and prioritize working with others and ensure problems are solved without involving emotions, leaders are very emotional, and they are actively and completely involved with their followers. Leaders will often seek to shape and reshape ideas, so as to provide multiple options when responding to their problems. They, therefore, make their duty way easier, compared to managers, who have limited choice in dealing with the obstacles in their careers (Northouse, 2009).

The overlap ion management and leadership

Despite of the many differences already discussed in the preceding paragraphs, it is clear that the two, leadership and management do overlap. As managers try their level best to involve themselves in influencing their subordinates to achieve certain goals, then they are performing as leaders, hence introducing the leadership traits in management. Leaders will at times take part in planning, organizing, controlling and staffing, which are duties of managers. Evidently, leaders also take part in managerial functions. In both management and leadership, there is the aspect of group influence and goal attainment. Other authors and writers have even got to the level where they treat leadership and management with equal measure and hardly emphasize their differences (Northouse, 2009).

What do leaders… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Leadership in Organizations Organizational Leadership Thoughts" Assignment:


The objective of this assignment is for each student to demonstrate the level of mastery they have achieved as a result of the MAOL program of study. Demonstrating mastery goes beyond providing solutions or observations and must clearly illustrate your ability to explain theories in the context of your philosophy and personal definition of leadership. The paper should say something complete about your understanding of leadership and how it applies to your personal experience, your work and to the larger world,

To demonstrate their mastery, students will complete a comprehensive paper that is a minimum of 40 pages in length (12 point Times New Roman font, standard 1***** margins, does not include title or reference pages) with a reference list of at least twenty-five independent entries (this standard represents and average of 3-5 sources for each of the six core courses covered in the Capstone Seminar. APA 6th edition guidelines will apply.

The following outline should be used to organize your paper using appropriate APA headers and sub-headers in each chapter. Be sure to include a properly formatted title page and reference list with all sources cited properly in the body of each chapter:

Chapter I. Thoughts on Leadership: This chapter provides an introduction to your paper. In it you describe your thoughts on leadership in terms of your definition, management and leadership and what you think leaders do. Include an opening statement to the paper before going into the chapter sections.

1. Definition. Using the literature as support, provide your definition of leadership. Include a description of the components included in that definition. How does your definition compare and contrast with various authors?

2. Management and Leadership. Drawing from the literature, compare and contrast management and leadership.

3. What Leaders Do. This is a section where you pull your thoughts on leadership into a framework or model of some type. For example, you might use Kouzes and Posner Leadership Practices, Robert Greenleaf*****s Servant Leadership, Blake*****s and Mouton*****s Managerial Grid, Situational, Transformational or any of the many other leadership theories studied in the MAOL program. You are encouraged to synthesize multiple theories to reflect your individual insights about what leaders do. Make sure your personal model/framework reflects your definition.

4. Conclusion. Reinforce the key points of this chapter.

Chapter II. Leadership Theory: This chapter allows you to demonstrate your knowledge of a variety of organizational leadership theories, theorists, concepts and models and relate them to your personal understanding and definition of leadership.

1. Leadership Theory. From the following list, describe and analyze three theories thoroughly, i.e., what the theory proposes, in what context, elements of the theory, how it supports effective leadership in today*****s organizational settings, potential limitations. Discuss how each of the three selected theories contributes to your philosophy of leadership. Select from:

a. Trait theory

b. Blake and Mouton*****s Leadership Grid

c. Situational Leadership

d. Fiedler*****s Contingency Theory

e. Path-Goal Theory

f. Leader Member Exchange (LMX) Theory

g. Transformational Leadership

h. Servant Leadership

i. Authentic Leadership

j. Followership

2. Conclusion. Reinforce the key points of this chapter. Link back to your leadership definition from Chapter 1.

Chapter III. Self as Leader: This chapter contains elements of leadership that are directly related to your leadership practice.

1. Core Values. List and describe the main core values that guide your leadership practice. How do these values support effective leadership?

2. Ethical Framework. Using literature (from 601 and other courses) as support, describe your ethical decision making framework. For example, faced with an ethical leadership situation, what would you do and why? How do your core values fit within this framework?

3. Organizational Change Framework. Using at least two theories from literature (i.e., from 615 and other courses) as support, describe an organizational change strategy/process that guides your leadership philosophy and practice, and supports effective leadership.

4. Self Assessment. Using a minimum of three of the several assessments you had access to while in the MAOL program, describe yourself as a leader within the context of these assessments, i.e., Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), DiSC, Parker Team Player, etc.

5. Conclusion. Reinforce the key points of this chapter. Link back to your leadership definition in Chapter 1.

Chapter IV. Leadership in Context: In this chapter, you provide examples of theories and concepts as applied to a real life situation drawn from your personal/professional leadership experience.

1. Description of Situation. Brief description of the event *****what happened.*****

2. Analysis of Situation

a. Systems Perspective (OLCU 602)

b. Organizational Behavior Perspective (OLCU 613)

c. Organizational Development Perspective (OLCU 615)

3. Conclusion. Describe how this application fits within and supports your leadership philosophy (as described in Chapters 1-3).

Chapter V. Final Thoughts. This chapter provides a summary/distillation of what you have learned and what is of most importance to you as a leader.

1. Essence or Major Cornerstones. Based on what you*****ve written, describe the essence or major cornerstones of your leadership philosophy.

2. Evolution of Thinking. How has your thinking changed since you have been on this learning journey?

3. Conclusion. Make a final summary statement about the paper.

References. A list of references in APA 6th edition format.

Instructions for Comprehensive Paper

In general, the comprehensive paper should integrate and connect specific, explicit references to material covered in your courses and your own outside reading, but especially material from the core Organizational Leadership courses required of all students: OLCU 600, OLCU 601, OLCU 602, OLCU 613, OLCU 614 and OLCU 615.

Every effort should be made to use original sources. Most textbooks cite original sources but are not, themselves, an original source of information. Edited books are compilations of original works by an editing author. The purpose is to understand what the theorist is saying, best done through a review of their work and not someone else*****s interpretation. Combine books and journal articles, as well as a sprinkling of other sources (i.e., appropriate websites).

As this is your capstone course, this paper will bring together the major concepts, theories, and ideas that shape your thinking on organizational leadership as you exit the program. This paper provides you with the opportunity to return to each of the courses you took and revisit the key learning from those courses. Additionally, it allows you to *****visit***** authors to whom you were introduced for more in-depth understanding of their work. Finally, it allows you to distill the most meaningful concepts into a comprehensive statement of who you are as a leader.

OLCU 681 presents some extreme challenges in self-leadership. The following milestones are meant to guide you through the writing of the paper. Keep in mind that the cleaner the draft, the easier it is for the reader to provide feedback on content and help you develop your demonstration of mastery. If the reader gets caught up on sentence structure and syntax, spelling and grammatical errors, he/she will not be able to get to the essence of your story *****¦ please proof-read your drafts and final paper carefully prior to submitting them.

How to Reference "Leadership in Organizations Organizational Leadership Thoughts" Capstone Project in a Bibliography

Leadership in Organizations Organizational Leadership Thoughts.”, 2013, Accessed 27 Sep 2024.

Leadership in Organizations Organizational Leadership Thoughts (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Leadership in Organizations Organizational Leadership Thoughts. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep, 2024].
”Leadership in Organizations Organizational Leadership Thoughts” 2013.
”Leadership in Organizations Organizational Leadership Thoughts”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Leadership in Organizations Organizational Leadership Thoughts”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 27-Sep-2024].
1. Leadership in Organizations Organizational Leadership Thoughts [Internet]. 2013 [cited 27 September 2024]. Available from:
1. Leadership in Organizations Organizational Leadership Thoughts. Published 2013. Accessed September 27, 2024.

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