Case Study on "Leadership in Organizations Case: ACME Manufacturing Company"

Case Study 8 pages (2452 words) Sources: 8

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Leadership in Organizations

Case: ACME Manufacturing Company Chapter 2

What specific things did Steve do wrong, and what should have been done in each instance?

The biggest mistake that Steve made was a lack of planning. This became a major problem for him throughout the day. As, he was constantly reminded about: meetings and other events that he needs to be aware of. This is troubling, because it means that Steve will go into various strategy sessions unprepared. (Yukl, 2005, pp. 22 -- 49) (Butler, 2000, pp. 64 -- 75)

At the same time, this is hurting his ability to provide effective leadership. Where, he is unaware of the progress that his employees are making on a host of projects. Then, once some kind of issue arises surrounding the overall scope of the work being provided, is when Steve will want to know what the status is. This is clearly a sign, that a lack of effective planning has resulted in Steve, being unprepared for the challenges that he will have from his position. Once this occurs, it means that he will go from one task to the next, while not being able to effectively accomplish any of his objectives. Over the course of time, this can become a major issue for Steve, as his declining productivity will face increased amounts of scrutiny. (Yukl, 2005, pp. 22 -- 49) (Butler, 2000, pp. 64 -- 75)

At the same time, the lack of follow up is causing Steve to look like he is incompetent. This is troubling, because the actions that Steve is taking when: he is interacting with customers and colleagues will reflect poorly on his leadership abilities. With him appearing as: disorganized and lazy, which wil
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l have an impact upon the motivation of team members. This is because the actions that Steve is taking are: a reflection of the environment inside the organization itself. Once this occurs, it means that productivity will decline. Therefore, some kind of drastic action is required to prevent these common perceptions from affecting Steve's team. (Yukl, 2005, pp. 22 -- 49) (Butler, 2000, pp. 64 -- 75)

What should Steve do to become more effective as a manager?

The first thing that Steve needs to do is practice effective time management and organization. This will help to keep him on top of the various tasks that he needs to accomplish. Next, he must prioritize what tasks need to be completed right away. This would allow Steve, to be able to delegate these jobs to other members of his team. Once this occurs, this will help him to have more time and to stay on top of his different responsibilities. (Yukl, 2005, pp. 22 -- 49) (Butler, 2000, pp. 64 -- 75)

At which point, he can be able to follow up with the members of his team about: the status of different projects and when they will be completed. Steve could then communicate what is happening with the customer, helping to improve collaboration and coordination. This will help to enhance productivity and the quality of products that are being delivered to customers. (Yukl, 2005, pp. 22 -- 49) (Butler, 2000, pp. 64 -- 75)


The biggest issues that Steve is dealing with are: a lack of effective planning and follow through. This is problematic, because it causing Steve to squander more of his time, which is leaving him unprepared for meetings and he is wasting company resources. To effectively deal with these challenges, Steve needs to begin some kind of effective scheduling for the different projects. This will free up his time, so that he can study other proposals and ideas. While simultaneously, helping him to effectively delegate certain tasks to his own team members. This will increase productivity and the quality of the product that is being provided to customers.

Case: Echo Electronics Chapter 4

What actions could Paul have taken to prevent the problem?

The most important, action that Paul could have taken to effectively prevent the problem was to create various alliances with key staff members and managers. The reason why is because, you are changing the operating procedures that are being utilized. Whenever you are introducing any kind of transformations to a work environment, you will have to deal with resistance to these changes. As the employees are hesitant about what they will mean and how they could impact their lives in the future (which is: bringing increased amounts of uncertainty). Once this occurs, many staff members will oppose such changes. Due to the fact that they are: fearing the unknown. This is when any kind of changes will be reluctantly embraced. At which point, productivity will decline and the staff will have a host of different reasons as to why they do not like the new procedures. (Nelson, 2007, pp. 301 -- 329)

If Paul had formed various alliances with staff members and select managers, he would have been able to address these issues. This is because he is seeking out, their input and ideas about how the new technology can be implemented during the manufacturing process. Over the course of time, this approach will eliminate any kind of resistance to these changes (due to the fact that everyone can see the benefits). This will give them a reason for wanting to learn about: the new machines and how they can become a part of the production strategy. Once this happened, it would have meant that there was no disruption in the manufacturing process. (Nelson, 2007, pp. 301 -- 329)

What steps should Paul take now to deal with the problem?

To deal with the problem, Paul needs to seek out specific factors as to why employees are having challenges. The best way that this can be accomplished is through the use of anonymous surveys. This is when you will have employees specifically state what problems they see with the current strategy. They will then, be asked for ideas about how to deal with these issues. This is important, because it will tell Paul what specific factors are contributing to the situation. (Nelson, 2007, pp. 301 -- 329)

Once Paul has this information, he can begin addressing these issues one by one. This can be accomplished through the production managers, having various meeting with employees to: highlight why these changes are important. He would then, seek out those individuals who are supporting these changes and begin to ask for their advice about how they are being seen. If this kind of strategy can be utilized, it will help Paul to address the employees' issues. While at the same time, it is allowing him to increase productivity dramatically. This will help Echo Electronics to lower their costs and increase their profit margins. (Nelson, 2007, pp. 301 -- 329)


Clearly, the reason why the staff is resistant to the changes that have been introduced is because, they do not see how they will improve the manufacturing process. This is troubling, as it means that productivity will begin to decline dramatically. To deal with these challenges Paul needs to understand why employees are refusing to accept these improvements. The most effective way for recognizing these opinions, is to conduct an anonymous survey. This will tell executives, what are the major issues of resistance and it can provide strategies for dealing with these challenges. At which point, managers could then form alliances with key employees who are supporting these changes. This will ensure that any kind of strategy that is being utilized is able to address issues of resistance. Once this occurs, it means that Echo Electronics will begin to see an increase in productivity. This is because they are dealing with those problems that are contributing to employee resistance.

Case: Astro Airlines Chapter 9

Describe Burton's Leadership behavior.

The kind of leadership style that Burton is using is: the high directive supportive approach. This is when you are communicating the organization's goals, while being able to address the needs of employees. The way that this is accomplished, is by having the leadership work directly with employees by: providing encouragement and seeking out their opinions about how to improve the process. (Northouse, 2010, pp. 89 -- 93)

In the case of Astro Airlines, this has been used as a part of the company's philosophy since day one. As, they are seeking to: improve coordination and communications through streamlining the management structure. This forces managers as well as employees to work together on: addressing the changes from consumer demand and within the industry. (Northouse, 2010, pp. 89 -- 93)

At the same time, Burton encourages employees to go the extra mile for the company by asking them to share any ideas about improving the services they are providing. To enhance the levels of motivation, the airline will offer staff members extra benefits that are beyond what the industry is providing. Yet, the salaries that they are paying, is lower than industry average for the sector. The reason why, is because Astro Airlines… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Leadership in Organizations Case: ACME Manufacturing Company" Assignment:

Book: Leadership in Organizations 6e

Authors: Gary Yukl (2005)

Topic: The Nature of Leadership

Chapters : 2, 4, 9, & 11

Response for each case should be 2 pages each.

Case: ACME Manufacturing Company ***** Chapter 2

1. What specific things did Steve do wrong, and what should have been done in each instance?

2. What should Steve do to become more effective as a manager?

3. Conclusion

Case: Echo Electronics ***** Chapter 4

1. What actions could Paul have taken to prevent the problem?

2. What steps should Paul take now to deal with the problem?

3. Conclusion

Case: Astro Airlines ***** Chapter 9

1. Describe Burton*****s Leadership behavior.

2. Was Burton a charismatic leader in the company at this time? Explain your answer.

3. Conclusion

Case: Southwest Engineering Services ***** Chapter 11

1. Describe the leadership behaviors Ron used and their influence on the attitudes and behavior of the team members.

2. Compare this cross-functional project team to a self-managed operations team by identifying similiarities and differences in the leadership roles.

3. Conclusion


How to Reference "Leadership in Organizations Case: ACME Manufacturing Company" Case Study in a Bibliography

Leadership in Organizations Case: ACME Manufacturing Company.”, 2011, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Leadership in Organizations Case: ACME Manufacturing Company (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Leadership in Organizations Case: ACME Manufacturing Company. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Leadership in Organizations Case: ACME Manufacturing Company” 2011.
”Leadership in Organizations Case: ACME Manufacturing Company”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Leadership in Organizations Case: ACME Manufacturing Company”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Leadership in Organizations Case: ACME Manufacturing Company [Internet]. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Leadership in Organizations Case: ACME Manufacturing Company. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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