Term Paper on "Conceptual Framework for Leadership Competencies That Are Required for Future"

Term Paper 15 pages (4641 words) Sources: 1+

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Leadership competencies

The accelerating pace of change in globalization, communications, disruptive technologies, capital flows and alliances have created fundamental shifts in business operations and in leading a group (Hughes, 2004).

Where many popular leadership models may provide formulae to help solve some business problems, these are insufficient to deal with the pace and polyvalent character of constant, rapid change. Managing change -- its impact on organizational structure, group culture, and personal management styles -- is one of the most fundamental and enduring aspects of leadership (Buhler, 2000).

Ironically while the relative value of the once-celebrated individual leader as superman or woman is being questioned, great leadership has never been more urgent or more difficult.

Since the late 1980s there has been a steady stream of papers hypothesising, proposing and reflecting upon the knowledge, skills and abilities required by the managers and leaders of the twenty-first century (Kakabadse and Mukhi, 1986; McKenna, 1991; McKern, 1996; Greenberg, 1998; Domeyer, 1999; Shapiro, 1999; Buhler, 2000; Elizer, 2000; Kaydo, 2000). Now, in the early years of the twenty-first century answers are still being sought. What knowledge, skills and abilities are needed now, and in the future? What is the best way to develop the managers/leaders of the future?

As businesses approached and entered the new millennium considerable attention was given to identifying the knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies that the manager/leader of the twenty-first century would require (Greenberg, 1998; Shapiro, 1999; Ka
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ydo, 2000; Dimitrijevic and Engel, 2002; Kacena, 2002). The result was a collection of both tangible, measurable skills (eg. knowledge of theories, concepts, financial procedure, etc.), and intangible, 'soft-skills' that are hard to quantify (eg. commitment, flexibility, adaptability, and vision). All of which suggest that the managers of the future will need to be both managers and leaders (Edwards, 2005).

In a very challenging world surrounding the leaders they encounter different challenges that would make them competitive in any way they can. Globalisation has been taking place ever since different communities sought to exchange goods, ideas, technology, capital, information, arts and people -- whether in the form of slaves or sages. The driving forces for globalization have varied over time and place (Buhler, 2002).

Big businesses have enthusiastically embraced globalization, seeking out and profiting from new opportunities -- wherever their brands, capabilities and technology have taken them. Yet a consensus is emerging that globalization has reached a turning point (Hughes, 2004).

However, the feeling that globalization has benefited the developed world is not entirely off the mark. The main reason is that these countries had the institutions, infrastructure and agents (enterprises) to take advantage of the opportunities that globalization offer. While globalization offers opportunities, ultimately a nation's ability to profit from these opportunities depends on the quality of its domestic governance and environment. No matter how much the world economy opens up, no matter how many opportunities arise, citizens of countries like Zimbabwe with politicians such as Robert Mugabe are never going to profit from globalization (Bonnet, 2006).

Globalization constantly opens up fresh perspectives and raises new challenges: different markets, types of business organization and industry sectors require different approaches and no single solution fits all situations. But globalization and economic integration offer the best way forward for long-term business prosperity and for improving the quality of life for individuals (Kacena, 2002).

b. The learning function must enable the business to stay current - and anticipate new developments - in all technologies of importance. It should also deploy the best available technologies to learning processes and programs. This includes developing an always-ready infrastructure enabling anytime, anywhere access to learning resources. While there will always be a need for face-to-face learning (e.g., in leadership development), most learning is no longer confined to a specific place and time or even predetermined content - all three will be determined by the learners, and the infrastructure will have to support them with robust e-learning portals (Dornbusch, 2004).

The process of globalization has changed the way in which people live in the communities. In the past migration often meant the severing of ties with the home country or the creation of separate cultural ghettos. Walk down the average inner London street and new businesses, new ways of living, come into view. Travel agents advertise cheaper and cheaper fares making long-haul journeys a more regular possibility. Telecommunication offices offer phone, fax and e-mail rates that undercut those of mainstream service providers. Today there are instant connections - no longer the waiting weeks for that letter from home; no longer the planning over months for that visit. These new businesses allow an immediacy of communication at prices and speeds that few thought possible in past decades. Some of these offices are fronted by religious bookshops offering publications on life style, healing and deliverance. Others offer training in it (in formation technology), legal or business skills. Some even offer combinations such as 'Christian business schools'. Many new Christian groups are at home in this new world of business and communication in a way that leaves their traditional peers light years behind (Castells, 1997).

Changes in technology and economics are altering the way people live and relate. A global culture made possible through the ease of communications and travel leads to greater interaction between people and places. The impact of globalization in the world city goes beyond the towers of concrete and glass to the lives of those who live in its shadow. The global dimension of the contemporary city sets new challenges as new technologies and communications create new patterns of social life. This is true not just for the business world and the affluent but also for the poor, particularly for minorities whose communities now stretch beyond limited geographical ghettos (Edwards, 2005).

On the other hand, the impact of globalization on urban communities is multifaceted and interconnected across continents. The introduction of the Internet, or World Wide Web, offers a variety of dangers and opportunities (Pason, 2006). There are well-documented dangers of pornography and racism in cyberspace. There are the new communities and alliances that emerge, as minority groups are able to keep in touch at minimal cost. Research in East London. has discovered a vast area of cyberspace inhabited by Bangladesh teenagers communicating with family and new friends across the planet as well as in the next street. These youngsters have discovered a safety in cyberspace that they do not experience in their immediate reality where violence and racist abuse in their neighbourhood are common place. What type of spaces are we being called as churches to create in our cities, in cyberspace? (Gibson, 2001b)

Globalization in any way is not the only challenge then but also the rapid technological advancements encountered by every individual (Kacena, 2002).

But it should be clear to each and everyone about things and certainties. No one is suggesting that globalization is a certain, let alone the only, route to democracy. India, the world's biggest democracy, became a democracy and has remained a democracy while having pursued a quite autarchic economic policy for the first few decades following its independence. There are, however, reasons to believe that, having entered the global economy, the quality of India's democratic governance may significantly improve. The main reasons given by foreign and Indian -- especially NRI (non-resident-Indian)-investors for the low level of investment in India is the petty bureaucracy, corruption and the imperfect, unreliable, unaccountable and arbitrary nature of its institutions (McKern, 1996).

A comparable pattern is happening in other parts of the world. The most recent phase of globalization is considered to have begun with the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the launch of the world-wide web, both occurring in 1989. An estimated 81 countries have undergone a process of democratization, with greater or lesser results (Dimitrijevic,2002).

In an article, it argues that any company pursuing a global strategy will achieve optimum success by investing in long-term, sustainable development and by pushing for high standards in its operations. As Anders Dahlvig of Ikea says: "Globalisation means stakeholders and responsibilities everywhere, which have to be managed."

Globalization offers short-term opportunities: economies of scale, efficiencies from larger markets, and cost savings from cheaper production or services. This has been happening to India and China specifically since they started their membership in General Agreement on Tariffs Trade (McKern, 1996).

But with the 'quick buck' comes greater vulnerability. As the business chain lengthens, the risk of failure from one weak link increases. Risks -- structural and reputational -- are compounded as business extends around the world (Greenberg, 1998).

The important question confronting globalizes is what ails this second group of critics. Article by NGOs, working with Human Rights Watch and SA 8000 (the pioneering social labeling agency) -- is that they believe that globalization harms the advancement of social agendas, that it lacks a human face. By extension, it increases child labour in poor countries, increases poverty, undermines democracy, worsens the plight of women, destroys the environment and reduces labour standards in rich countries (European Business Forum, 2004).… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Conceptual Framework for Leadership Competencies That Are Required for Future" Assignment:

I*****m trying to submit a journal paper about identification of leadership competencies that are required for coping with challenges deriving from factors listed in section B-2. General guideline is described in section A. Contents of the paper is described in section B. An abstract for your reference is attached in section C.

A.General guideline:

1. No plagiarism. Turn-it-in will be used for examination

2. Write the paper as a report of literature review

3. Outcome of the report is *****competencies that are required for leaders*****

4. The report should include at least 50 reference articles. More than 50% of the references should be published after 2001.


1. Introduction (~500 words)

2. Challenges encountered by leaders: (1500~2000 words; 300~400 words for each bullet)

a. What are the challenges that leaders encounter when organisations operate globally?

b. What are leaders***** challenges resulting from rapid technological advancement?

c. What are the challenges arisen from the entry of India and China into global market?

d. What are the challenges facing by leaders when organisational structures have to be flexible in order to cope with changing environments?

e. What are the challenges derived from information revolution?

3. What competencies are required for leaders in order to (2000 words; competencies have to be identified item by item and explain why they are required and supply sufficient citations for supporting the arguments. At least 70% of the cited articles in this paragraph should be published after 2001)

a. cope with the uncertainty deriving from constantly changing environment

b. lead diverse workforces that consist of members from different cultures, different races, different religions, different nationalities and spreading in different time zones?

c. generate a climate of happiness at work in order to attract, retain and develop employees

4. Conclusion and recommendations for future research (500~1000 words)

C. My abstract for your reference

The present study aims to propose competencies that will be required in the future in order to deal with challenges arising from the rapid advancement of technology and globalisation of organisations.

Increasing changes caused by rapid technological advancement and organisations operating globally have a huge impact on the business environment of the future. These dramatic changes result in a leadership crisis and organisations face significant shortages of leaders at every level. The emerging challenge for organisations is to develop critical leadership competencies that will be needed by future leaders in order to deal with the shifting world.

By investigating existing research, the competencies and skills predicted to be essential to leadership success in the future are identified. The present study compares the difference between now and then in terms of challenges encountered and proposes a conceptual framework of competencies that will be required for the future.

The competencies identified in the present research are that a future leader should possess a positive personality profile to cope with uncertainties, be equipped with global leadership skills to deal with diversity, and be able to develop a climate of happiness at work which will help individuals, teams and organisations to flourish. Factors which form each competency are discussed and suggestions for future research are proposed.

How to Reference "Conceptual Framework for Leadership Competencies That Are Required for Future" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Conceptual Framework for Leadership Competencies That Are Required for Future.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/leadership-competencies-accelerating/76411. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Conceptual Framework for Leadership Competencies That Are Required for Future (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/leadership-competencies-accelerating/76411
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Conceptual Framework for Leadership Competencies That Are Required for Future. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/leadership-competencies-accelerating/76411 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Conceptual Framework for Leadership Competencies That Are Required for Future” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/leadership-competencies-accelerating/76411.
”Conceptual Framework for Leadership Competencies That Are Required for Future” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/leadership-competencies-accelerating/76411.
[1] ”Conceptual Framework for Leadership Competencies That Are Required for Future”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/leadership-competencies-accelerating/76411. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Conceptual Framework for Leadership Competencies That Are Required for Future [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/leadership-competencies-accelerating/76411
1. Conceptual Framework for Leadership Competencies That Are Required for Future. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/leadership-competencies-accelerating/76411. Published 2007. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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