Essay on "Leadership Analysis Imagine Studying Your Strengths"

Essay 4 pages (1567 words) Sources: 6

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Leadership Analysis

Imagine studying your strengths. What will you discover? How will this influence the way you treat others in the workplace? Will you become a better leader because of it? I will describe to you my strengths, and how I will manage them in a medical setting in order to help others become the best employees possible.

After completing the StrengthsFinder 2.0, this is what I discovered about myself. I learned that I deal with issues as they arise, which is one of my strengths; however, a goal that I need to work on is that of making sure that I need to have defined plan and goals that occur for each day. These will each keep me on task on what is expected of me from my peers as well as for myself, such as what work has in store for me each day. Furthermore, I will need to enjoy each day that is set forth by letting it take care of itself. This is something I will have to continuously work on because of how much I love to do something with my time, and to remain a good steward of whatever is set before me regularly. Through this assessment, I deal with situations as they come, which indicates to me that I am living in the moment and enjoying life to the fullest. I may do this daily; however, I think I need to make that time to spend more so with family and friends in order to take better care of myself and to relieve stress through this entire process.

The next area that is strength of mine is that of maximizing. I focus much of my energy on what it is I do well; however, I need to strive to work on my weaknesses as well in order to become better in those areas in my life. However, since I maximize every opportunity set forth before me, I
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would need to consider ways in which to help others to do the same through my servant-leadership that Bass coined many years ago (Rath & Conchie, 2009). Because of my happiness, I am usually the first to greet others; however, I will need to work on giving other individuals the opportunity to have their turn. This will allow me to remain as humble as possible when reaching out to others because sometimes I may need to sit back and watch, rather than act and react with little or no thought (Collins, 2001, 2005). Through taking initiative as needed, I am able to remain humble and to set aside pride in order to meet the needs of others effectively. Collins (2001) said that humility and will are important when it comes to my leadership. In essence, I have to make the right choices in order to decide when to speak up and to remain quiet depending on the circumstances.

When it comes to context, this clearly is a strength of mine. I am in love with what goes on in history; however, I need to enjoy what is going on currently, which is something I will have to work on regularly. Since I am good at this particular area, I go to those who are similar to my interests and choose to hang out with them. I will need to include others, rather than focusing in on others who are within my clique. In fact, I make the necessary choices to discuss history with those who have the same interests as me. However, I will need to avoid analyzing every problem from the past to the present in order to make sure that I can enjoy life to the full.

I noticed that I rely on common sense regularly. This is good in many ways, but I need to work on using logic and self-awareness in order to make excellent choices. Through this, I become a transformational leader by inspiring others to become aware of themselves while modeling my behavior and actions on a regular basis. Additionally, I utilize people by delegating their skills and talents in order to help them achieve their goals to become a better person for society. At times, thought, I can end up performing on my own, which means that I will need to put myself aside and allow others to come first by striving to become a better servant-leader (Kouzes & Posner, 1997). People will notice that I deeply care about others, which means that they are likely to want to become a leader or want to follow me in my medical endeavors.

Many will notice that I am quite caring and optimistic about life. I am quick to respond to anyone that is kind and good to me; however, I need to strive to let others to do so, rather than me praising those who are this way first. People do energize me every time I around them. This means that I will need to learn to have the needed downtime for myself, rather than relying on others to provide me the energy I need. Since I am around individuals a lot, I will need to strive to behave as professional as possible. I will need to avoid using gossip and to avoid hurting others through this entire process. As a result, I am able to keep friends without harming our friendship, while doing my job in a manner that pleases the patients and the doctors alike (Loehr, & Schwartz, 2003).

This is my plan of action for leveraging my strengths for building up others on my team and the people around me on a regular basis. Since I am people-oriented and each person energizes me, I will have to delegate the tasks needed in order to get the tasks done as a Hospice Nurse Practitioner. For example, I can have my Certified Nurse's Aide (CNA) assist me when it comes to giving medication to the patient that is dying by holding on to him or her in the midst of the person's physical weakness.

I can have the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) report to me on what was done to take care of the sick patient and encourage him or her to make suggestions to make it better. This will keep the family at ease as well as prevent any law suit arising due to taking every precaution available through extensive documentation from all of the medical staff. Not only that, but also each person on my team can speak up if there is something going on unethically, such as a co-worker exploiting another, and I would hear each side of the story and render a decision from there.

I will have to use much objectivity through this entire process, so that people are pleased and empowered by the outcome. All of these are ways in which I will begin my work within my chosen field. None of this is going to appear easy, and I will have to strive for humility and patience from all of those who are on my team. As I strive to become a better person, I will utilize emotional intelligence in order to see how well or poor I get along with others on my staff. All of those individuals on my team will need some level of emotional stability because they will have to deal with those who are dying regularly, and sometimes this can become difficult to handle. I want my employees to feel as comfortable as possible by coming to me if they need someone to talk to about the grief they are experiencing, but if it is beyond my control I will have to send them a licensed counselor.

Through this effort, I can make every effort to use quantum leadership, so that I can strive to lead as… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Leadership Analysis Imagine Studying Your Strengths" Assignment:

Guidelines for completing assignment: Leadership talkin points See Rubric below

I am sending my Strenngth finder assessment I took as attachments with my 5 top themes Complete the following Rubric NO DIRECT QUOTES PARAPHASE ONLY STRICT APA FORMAT 4 PAGES 6 NREFERENCS

Please use the unique access code to take the Strenghtsfinder 2.0 Assessment. This assessment will take about 25-35 minutes to complete. To access the StrenghtsFinder 2.0 Assessment, visit By completing the appraisal, you will receive a *****highly customized Strengths-Based Leadership guide that lists your top five themes of strengths as well as several suggestions for leading each theme and illustrations of each theme in action***** (pg. 99). You will be asked to report on your work in increasing your leadership skills and abilities throughout the semester. Knowing your baseline, you will be able to set goals and continue your leadership development. For each of the 34 themes, there are strategies that can be used *****for leveraging your strengths as a reference for building on the strengths of your team and the people around you***** (pg. 99). Your development as a systems change leader will continue in your residency courses. Using the above to guide this assignment, you are expected to complete this assessment and *****find your leadership strengths-based themes.***** You are asked to share feedback from your personalized strengths-based leadership guide in Leadership Talking Points (TD in this unit). Based on your strengths, identify your themes and strategies you are employing. Adaptability , Harmony, Maximizer, Context and Adaptability see attachment please

Use the threaded discussion entitled,*****"Leadership Talking Points*****", to discuss your strengths and strategies to enhance your leadership abilities using the following rubric as a guide:

Rubric: 15 points Follow completely no direct quotes

___/4: Complete StrenghtsFinder 2.0 Assessment identifying themes of strengths. This is sent as attachment of the assessment I took are Adaptability , Harmony, Maximizer, Context and Adaptability see attachment please

___/9: Identify goals and a beginning plan for leveraging your strengths for building the strengths of your team and the people around you. Based on your assessment, how will you begin this important work as a leader in your practice as a Hospice Nurse Practitioner Integrate a variety of leadership models, theories in your strategic plan to strengthen your skills as an advanced practice leader.

___/2: Scholarly presentation of work; liberal referencing at least 6; free of grammar and spelling error

Some extra information and references to read

Collins (2001, 2005) describes Level 5 leadership as making sure *****"the right decisions happen--no matter how difficult or painful--for the long-term greatness of the institution and the achievement of its mission, independent of consensus or popularity*****" (pg. 11). From the evidence by his research, Collins (2001) found that Level 5 Leadership included humility + will, ambition for the company (setting up successors for success), a compelling modesty, unwavering resolve and the window and the mirror. Level 5 leadership was a necessary aspect of great companies. In other words, leadership matters.

Kouzes and Posner (2003), in their book, Encouraging the Heart, the authors specifically outline strategies for successful leadership. They believe that the *****human side***** of business has received limited attention in the way of research and development of this practice. *****Bold leadership is required if we are to keep hope alive, and Encouraging the Heart is ultimately about keeping hope alive***** (Kouzes & Posner, 2003, p xx). Underscored in this text is the theme, Caring . . . *****at the heart of effective leadership is genuine caring for people***** (p. 140). Kouzes and Posner describe finding your voice and asking the questions (from poet ***** Whyte): When you speak, who is speaking? Is it your voice, or someone else*****s? Who came to work today: did you show up fully, or was it only part of you that made it? Which part? What are you working for? What do you really care about: Fame? Fortune? Power? Family? People? Achievement? Freedom? Happiness? Security? Wisdom? What? (p. 149).

The Seven Essentials of Encouraging include:

1. Set clear standards

2. Expect the best

3. Pay attention

4. Personalize recognition

5. Tell the story

6. Celebrate together

7. Set the example

While these essentials are not new to the business literature and not *****rocket science***** the basis principles of these essentials are considered critical to successful management and leadership

Emotional intelligence, quantum leadership, and servant leadership are also dimensions of leadership and being influential in leading change. This assignment has been developed in order to assist you with thinking deeply about your own desires to lead, guide, and coach and influence others. In doing this assignment, you may want to consider the Level 5 Leadership Model along with other models or frameworks.


Cherniss, C., & Goleman, D. (2001). The emotionally intelligent workplace. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series

Collins, J. (2001). Good to great. New York, NY: HarperBusiness.(Chapters 2).

Collins, J. (2005). Good to great and the social sectors, A monograph to accompany Good to Great. Boulder, CO: Jim Collins.

Goleman, D. Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. New York: Bantam Books.

Harvard Business Review OnPoint (Summer, 2006). The Good Boss, Executive Edition.

Kouzes, J. M. & Posner, B. Z. (1997). Leadership practices inventory. 2nd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.

Kouzes, J. M. & Posner, B. Z. (2003). Encouraging the heart. A leader*****s guide to rewarding and recognizing others. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Loehr, J., & Schwartz, T. (2003). The power of full engagement. New York: NY: Free Press.

Porter-O*****Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (2003). Quantum leadership. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Posner, B. Z. (1992). Person-organization values congruence: No support for individual differences as a moderating influence. Human relations, 45(2), 351-361.

Posner, B. Z. & Westwood, R. I. (1995). A cross-cultural investigation of the shared values relationship. International journal of value-based management, 11(4), 1-10.

Posner, B.Z. & Schmidt, W. H. (1992). Values congruence and differences between the interplay of personal and organizational value systems. Journal of business ethics,12(2), 171-177.

Rath, T., & Conchie, B. (2009). Strengths based leadership, Great leaders, teams, and why people follow. New York, NY: Gallup Press.

Whyte, D. (1994). The heart aroused: Poetry and the preservation of the soul in corporate America. New York: Currency-Doubleday.

Power of Full Engagement Assessment Tool: (Include in your Talking Points


How to Reference "Leadership Analysis Imagine Studying Your Strengths" Essay in a Bibliography

Leadership Analysis Imagine Studying Your Strengths.”, 2011, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Leadership Analysis Imagine Studying Your Strengths (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Leadership Analysis Imagine Studying Your Strengths. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Leadership Analysis Imagine Studying Your Strengths” 2011.
”Leadership Analysis Imagine Studying Your Strengths”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Leadership Analysis Imagine Studying Your Strengths”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Leadership Analysis Imagine Studying Your Strengths [Internet]. 2011 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Leadership Analysis Imagine Studying Your Strengths. Published 2011. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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