Term Paper on "Leadership Analysis Historical Context Saddam Hussein"

Term Paper 10 pages (2861 words) Sources: 1+

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Leadership Analysis

Historical context

Saddam Hussein short biography

Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Alnahyan short biography

Leadership analysis of the two former Arab leaders

General leadership analysis

Leadership analysis according to Andrew J. DuBrin's theories..

s present an analysis between the leadership styles of Saddam Hussein of Iraq on the one hand, and Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Alnahyan of the United Arab Emirates on the other hand.

The two leaders are completely opposite. Saddam exerted an autocratic leadership style, while Zayed exerted a democratic style.

They present similar innate characteristics that helped hem gain leadership of two important Arab regions.

Their leadership styles are based on different values: Saddam was focusing on strategy, while Zayed was focusing on communication and human aspiration.

However, both of them managed to inspire people, to persuade them, to attract them on their side, and to make them commit to their causes. Zayed, given his positive actions, is admired even now, after his death, and is considered to be a model for those to come. Saddam, although very contested by most, had his share of admirers also.


Leadership is the process through which a person, or group of persons, establishes an objective or a direction for other persons to follow and determines them to act together with competency and full dedication in order to accomplish the established objectives.

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Leadership is entirely based on team spirit that has a great pragmatic importance. Basically, team spirit is defined as the state that reflects people's desire for thinking, feeling and acting in harmony with other leaders of the group they are part of, in order to attain a common goal.

Leadership's approach has suffered several modifications during the past decades. In the first half of the XX century leadership was considered to be an attribute that some people were born with. This was the time when leadership was associated to great personalities. After the 1950s leadership theoretical concepts and pragmatic approaches have significantly changed. Therefore, it was considered that, although leadership requires certain innate qualities, adequate education may ensure the accomplishment of competent leadership.

Leadership's content, way of manifestation and effectiveness are the result of several major or determinant factors. Three of these factors are determinant: leader's innate qualities, his education or training, and the situation where the leader stands.

First of all, among the most important innate qualities that any leader must have are intelligence and charisma. Innate intelligence consists in the leader's ability to formulate efficient and attractive objectives, the ability to establish mobilizing methods for attracting other persons into accomplishing the objectives, the ability to observe the most adequate arguments that, once they are presented, attract and persuade others to get involved in certain activities. Another essential quality is charisma, the leader's ability to inspire and to amplify other person's involvement in certain activities. Charisma may be positive or negative, in accordance with the positive or negative effects on those following the leader. Other important qualities are ambition, determination, persistence and acerbity.

Second of all, another determinant factor for leadership is the leader's education or training. General education represents the basis for the leader's general behavior, both individual and social, and has important effects on the communicational level. Special training in technical, economic, military or other fields, ensures personal competency and prestige of great importance in relationships with others.

And third of all, leadership is significantly determined by the situation the leader stands in. The past three decades' researches grant great attention to this factor. The situation in which the leader acts determines in multiple ways the type of leadership that should be practiced. As a matter of fact, one can distinguish a double leadership conditioning: the general contextual conditioning (that reflects the basic characteristics of the leader's organization: quality of human resources, their specific culture, the existing and possible resources, strategy, the compatibility between the leader's personality and approach and the organizational context) and the situational conditioning (the roles that the leader must assume).

Historical context

Saddam Hussein, Iraq's last president, and Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Alnahyan, United Arab Emirates' last president, are two of the greatest modern world leaders. Their leadership, that had positive effects on some and negative effects on others, have altered the course of history forever.

1.1. Saddam Hussein short biography

Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti was born on April 28, 1937 in the town of Al-Awja, 8 miles from the Iraqi town of Tikrit. He descends from a family of shepherds from the al-Begat tribal group. He never knew his father and spent his first three years in his maternal uncle's family. His mother's remarriage gained Saddam three half-brothers. His stepfather contributed to Saddam's future severity that he showed his entire leadership, treating him harshly. At the age of ten he returned to Baghdad to live with his uncle Kharaillah Tulfah, who had a great influence on Saddam's development and the direction he followed in life. Saddam's uncle was a militant Iraqi nationalist who taught Saddam many things and guided him to attend a nationalistic high school in Baghdad. He attended an Iraqi law school for three years, but dropped it in 1957 in exchange of joining the revolutionary pan-Arab Ba'ath Party (that his uncle supported) that his uncle supported. The geopolitical context in Saddam's youth had a great influence on him: Saddam, as a young Ba'athist, was significantly influenced by the pan-Arab nationalism of Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser. Nasser's wave of revolutions in the Middle East in the 1950s and 1960s led to the collapse of the monarchies of Iraq, Egypt, and Libya. Nasser was also responsible for politically uniting the Arab world and for rising revolutionary sentiments to nationalists all over Middle East. Saddam held the position of secretary of the Ba'ath Party. In 1964 he was imprisoned. After escaping from prison, in 1967, he rapidly became a leading member of the party.

In 1968, Saddam became Iraq's president's deputy and deputy chairman of the Baathist Revolutionary Command Council. Although he was one of the Party's front men, he was also a strong behind the scenes politician. By 1969 Saddam was considered to be the Party's moving force.

He took his political role very serious, as he tried to strengthen and to unify the party. He also took a leading role in addressing the country's major domestic problems. Saddam strongly supported the modernization of Iraq's economy and the creation of a strong security apparatus. He based his entire strategy on Iraq's oil.

In 1976 Saddam became the general of the Iraqi's armed forces. Between 1979 and 2003 he was the President of the Republic of Iraq.

In December 2003, Saddam was captured near Tikrit. He was unrecognizable. His trial started in June 2004. A few weeks later, he was charged by the Iraqi Special Tribunal with crimes committed against residents of Dujail in 1982. Specific charges included the murder of 148 people, torture and illegal arrest of 399 people. In November 2006 he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and was sentenced to death by hanging. He was executed in December 2006 at Camp Justice.

1.2. Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Alnahyan short biography

Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Alnahyan was born in Abu Dhabi in 1918. Both his father and grandfather ruled Abu Dhabi before him.

Since 1927 Zayed spent most of his youth in the oasis of Al Ain with Bedouin tribesmen. This is the place where he received his religious education, where he learned the Noble Quran. His future development was significantly influenced by the biography of Prophet Muhammad that inspired most of his future actions.

He was one of the most respected personalities in the United Arab Emirates and other Arab nations across Middle East. The United Arab Emirates citizens consider him to be the father of the nation.

His political career started in 1946 when he was appointed Ruler's Representative in the oasis town of Al Ain. He managed the tribes through consultation and consensus.

In the beginning of his leadership Abu Dhabi was a poor and underdeveloped region with an economy based on fishing and pearl diving along the coast.

However, the economic situation started to improve due to the oil discovery in 1958. Zayed started taking measures that would develop the region so that the differences between Abu Dhabi and the rest of the world would be diminished. He significantly influenced the economic and political conditions in the Emirates. Among the results his implication had are: massive building plan housing facilities, schools, hospitals, airport, seaport, roads, a bridge linking Abu Dhabi to the mainland.

Zayed cooperated with his tribal neighbours, establishing closer relationships with other Emirates, taking a major role into forming a federation. As a consequence, the United Arab Emirates was formed in December 1971 was elected President and reelected ever since.

The federation's development over the past three decades is very significant. Zayed is also responsible for ensuring the status quo politically and socially. He also had a leading role in establishing the Gulf Cooperation Council in 1981.


Quoted Instructions for "Leadership Analysis Historical Context Saddam Hussein" Assignment:

> Write a Report paper 10 pages about comparing and contrasting

> >H.H. Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Alnahyan -last president of the

> >United Arab Emirates- to Saddam Hussein -last president of

> >Iraq-. Which analysis the leaders against one or more of the

> >prevailing theories of leadership according to "Andraw J.

> >Dubrin" . Also, indicate how their qualities might or might

> >not be applied in engineering practice.

> >

> > There is a helping website for *****Andraw J. Dubrin***** book :

> >

> > http://college.hmco.com/business/dubrin/leadership/5e/student_home.html

> >

> > Also, I would like you to add a biography about each leader.

> >

> > P.S.: You must use any editions of the leadership book for

> >Andraw J. Dubrin as in the website above in the analysis + any

> >other applicable authors, books, journals and websites*****¦..etc.

> >for both leaders. Moreover, try to write about conflicted

> >theories that you may come across between Dubrin*****s theories or

> >any other author*****s theory in leadership.

> >

> > The Report should be numbered and has these sections: Title

> >Page, Tabel of Contents Page, Executive Summary, Introduction,

> >Aim, Discussion(Body-multiple subtitles), Summary, Conclusion,

> >Recommendations, References and Appendices if necessary. Moreover the report should be:

> >Â¥ Numbered section as : 1. , 2. , 1.2 , 1.2.1 etc..(as in reports)

> >Â¥ Full Justification.

> >Â¥ Australian spelling and grammar.

> >Â¥ Pages numbered at the bottom centre.

> > In addition to that, would you please be as clear as you can,

> >and don*****t use hard words and meanings, because English is my second language. Thank you.

> >

> > Helpful material:

> >

> > I have started to collect some information about both leaders

>from different websites without citing, it might be helpful and they are as follow:

> >

> > Saddam Hussein*****s Background.

> > The last leader of Iraq was born on April 28, 1937, in a small

> >village of al-Auja near the town of Takrit. His early child

> >hood was spent in a mud hut in a mostly Sunni Muslim part of

> >Iraq, which is approximately (100) one-hundred miles north of

> >Baghdad. Hussein's father, Hussein al-Majid, died or abandoned

> >the family (according to who is reporting the story), within a

> >short time of his birth. Accurate records are difficult to

> >obtain in a country where Hussein's birthday is celebrated as a national holiday.

> > In 1957, he joined the Baath party, a radical nationalist

> >movement. Hussein rose quickly through the ranks, due to his

> >extreme efficiency as a torturer. The Baathist party split in

> >1963 and Saddam had supported the "winner" in the latest party

> >struggle. In 1964, Hussein was jailed by some "rightist"

> >military officers who opposed the Baathist takeover. Through

> >other political influence provided by his older cousin, General

> >Ahmad Hassan al-Bakr, Hussein became deputy Secretary-General of the Baathists in 1966.

> > An obituary published in The Guardian compares Hussein to the

> >Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.

> > "Stalin was his exemplar," the obituary says. "The likeness

> >came from more than conscious emulation: he already resembled

> >him in origin, temperament and method. Like him, he was unique

> >less in kind than in degree, in the extraordinary extent to

> >which, if the more squalid forms of human villainy are the sine

> >qua non of the successful tyrant, he embodied them. Like

> >Stalin, too, he had little of the flair or colour of other 20th

> >Century despots, little mental brilliance, less charisma, no

> >redeeming passion or messianic fervour; he was only exceptional

> >in the magnitude of his thuggery, the brutality, opportunism

> >and cunning of the otherwise dull, grey apparatchik."

> > While all this is true the circumstances behind Hussein's rise

> >to power are not black and white. The continuing relevance of

> >events deep in Iraq's history; the complexity of the ethnic and

> >regional setting; political meddling in Iraq and throughout the

> >Middle East by foreign powers, including Britain, France, the

> >Soviet Union and the US; all these factors combined to create

> >and sustain the monster that Hussein became.

> > Survivability of the regime

> > At the age of thirty-one (31) he had acquired what could have

> >been deemed the number two spot in the Baathist party. He would

> >continue in the position for approximately the next ten years.

> >During that time, he would continue to consolidate his power by

> >appointing numerous family members to positions of authority in

> >the Iraqi government. In his position of Deputy in Charge of

> >Internal Security, he built an enormous security apparatus and

> >had spies and informers everywhere in the circles of power in Iraq.

> > During this time, Hussein also began to accumulate the wealth

> >and position that he so relished as a poor sheep-herder in the

> >desert of al-Auja. He and his family, now firmly entrenched in

> >the infrastructure of the country , began to control the

> >country's oil and other industrial enterprises. With the help

> >of his security network and several personal assassins, Hussein

> >took control of many of the nation's leading businesses.

> >

> > Wealth

> > Iraq has proven oil reserves of about 115 billion barrels, or

> >about 10% of the world's known stock. Iraq's total projected

> >reserves could be as high as 220 billion barrels. That's a lot

> >of oil, and it's all land-based, making it easy and inexpensive to extract.

> > Iraqi Wars

> > In 1980, Iraq invaded Iran and conducted an eight year war

> >against one of his nearest neighbors and the home of Shiite

> >fundamentalist Muslims. Again, because it appeared that the

> >Shiites could be a threat to his continued dictatorship, the

> >Kurds (Iraqi minority) were sprayed with poison gas for

> >participating with the Iranians in an attempted overthrow of

> >his country. The war continued for eight years of brutality and

> >even repression of Hussein's own countrymen (especially the Kurds).

> > In 1988, after millions being killed, Iraq and Iran conduct a

> >cease-fire and ended the bloodshed. By 1984, as many as 1.5

> >million Iraqis were supporters of Hussein and the Baathists. He

> >continued to enlarge his security apparatus and army. In

> >insidious ways, the party apparatus formed numerous government

> >agencies to control and manipulate the citizens of Iraq. A

> >statistical analysis of the population indicated that as many

> >as fifty per cent of the Iraqis or a member of their family

> >were employed by the government or military. The party and the

> >people have become one. Hussein's domination of the country is complete.

> >

> > Hussein has managed to survive the loss of a large portion of

> >his army, a major psychological defeat, and control of the

> >Northern and Southern part of Iraq, yet he continues in power

> >in Iraq. His resilience is extraordinary, and so far he has

> >managed to elude the allied powers, who would like to see him

> >replaced as the leader of a major Middle-Eastern country. One

> >thing is sure, Hussein is a man who is filled with pride. He is

> >firmly entrenched in the history and culture of Iraq.

> > If past history can serve as a guide, in regard to his future

> >behaviour, one can expect that he will use all of his resources

> >to exact revenge against those that defeated him. The most

> >viable route for revenge, by Hussein and Iraq, is the conduct

> >of terrorist operations. No one should discount his future

> >involvement in actions against the United States or her allies.

> > H.H. Zayed Bin Sultan Alnahyan*****s Background

> > Sheikh Zayed was born in Abu Dhabi around 1918 and died in his

> >late 80s on November 2, 2004. He was named after his

> >grandfather, Sheikh Zayed bin Khalifa Al Nahyan, who ruled Abu

> >Dhabi from 1855 to 1909. His grandfather is also known as

> >*****Zayed The Great***** and *****Zayed the First*****. (ministry of information, 2004)

> > Zayed's father, Sheikh Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, ruled Abu

> >Dhabi from 1922 to 1926. After his father death in 1927, Zayed

> >moved to the oasis of Al Ain, where he spent the rest of his

> >youth with Bedouin tribesmen. There he received his religious

> >education, and learned the Noble Quran and was deeply moved by

> >the biography of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

> > The father of the nation

> > Sheikh Zayed was highly respected by Emiratis and other Arab

> >nations across the Middle East. To the people of the United

> >Arab Emirates, he was more than a President; he was considered the father of the nation.

> > His first political involvement began in 1946 when he was

> >appointed Ruler's Representative in the oasis town of al-Ain.

> >He used consultation and consensus to manage the tribes.

> >

> >At that time, the seven emirates, known then as the seven

> >Trucial States, had been under Britain*****s control since 1820.

> >Abu Dhabi was poor and under developed and its economy was

> >dependant on fishing and pearl diving along the coast.

> > When oil was discovered in Abu Dhabi in 1958, economic conditions started to improve.

> > Sheikh Zayed was convinced that it was urgent to develop the

> >area in order to bridge the large gap between it and the rest

> >of the world. He improved the economic and political conditions

> >in the UAE in a way that could not have been imagined.

> > There followed a massive building plan- housing facilities,

> >schools, hospitals, airport, seaport, roads and a bridge to link Abu Dhabi to the mainland.

> > When the Britons decided to withdraw from the area in 1968,

> >Sheikh Zayed realized that he had to cooperate with tribal

> >neighbors in order to make Abu Dhabi prosper. He quickly

> >established closer links with other emirates, taking a major role in forming a federation.

> > President of the UAE

> > The United Arab Emirates was formed in December 1971. Sheikh

> >Zayed had been elected as a president and was re-elected to the

> >post by the Supreme Council Members ever since.

> > At the time, there were concerns over the viability of the new

> >federation, but over the past 33 years or more it has developed beyond all recognition.

> > Wealth and oil

> > Sheikh Zayed continued to use the oil revenues of Abu Dhabi to

> >fund projects throughout the UAE, ensuring the status quo

> >politically and socially. Zayed also had a leading role in

> >establishing the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which

> >officially began in Abu Dhabi in 1981.

How to Reference "Leadership Analysis Historical Context Saddam Hussein" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Leadership Analysis Historical Context Saddam Hussein.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/leadership-analysis-historical-context/8457707. Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

Leadership Analysis Historical Context Saddam Hussein (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/leadership-analysis-historical-context/8457707
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Leadership Analysis Historical Context Saddam Hussein. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/leadership-analysis-historical-context/8457707 [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”Leadership Analysis Historical Context Saddam Hussein” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/leadership-analysis-historical-context/8457707.
”Leadership Analysis Historical Context Saddam Hussein” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/leadership-analysis-historical-context/8457707.
[1] ”Leadership Analysis Historical Context Saddam Hussein”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/leadership-analysis-historical-context/8457707. [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. Leadership Analysis Historical Context Saddam Hussein [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/leadership-analysis-historical-context/8457707
1. Leadership Analysis Historical Context Saddam Hussein. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/leadership-analysis-historical-context/8457707. Published 2007. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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