Term Paper on "Lawyers Legal Issues the Public Consumption"

Term Paper 4 pages (1300 words) Sources: 1+

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Legal Issues

The Public Consumption of Alcohol

Saudi Arabia has a strict moral code that must be followed at all times. This is because the nation is considered to practice Islamic law and customs. At the same time, there are Haditha traditions going back to the times of the prophet Mohamed. In general, this means that there will be specific laws that must be adhered. This is regardless of where the individual is from or their viewpoints on the subject. Otherwise, anyone who is in violation of these regulations will be subject to more severe punishments in comparison with the United States. ("Getting a Drink in Saudi Arabia") ("Saudi Arabia")

In the case of drinking alcoholic beverages, there is a certain amount of tolerance for foreigners who are bringing it in and purchasing it. This will take place at designated locations that will allow everyone to enjoy these products behind closed doors. However, under Islamic law, anyone who is publically in violation of these standards will be subject to: a public lashing, fines, deportation or several weeks / years in prison. ("Getting a Drink in Saudi Arabia") ("Saudi Arabia")

Evidence of this can be seen with the source titled Criminalization of Drug and Alcohol Offenses (2012). According to the information, Saudi Arabia is one of the strictest countries for enforcing the prohibition of consuming alcohol with article stating, "The country that prosecutes people for drinking alcohol or being drunk in public is Saudi Arabia. Punishments for alcohol consumption can ranged from lashings to prison sentences. In places where alcohol is prohibited, addicts often
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have little recourse for treatment. In utilizing this option, they may face action for alcohol consumption if their condition is not kept private." ("Criminalization of Drug and Alcohol Addiction") These facts are showing how there will be severe penalties that Mr. Edwards will face from not knowing the customs or laws.

This is different from American law (i.e. The U.S. Constitution), where the accused is provided with certain amounts of protection. When visiting another country, these laws are not applicable. As a result, anyone who is in Saudi Arabia must understand different aspects of the law. The fact that Mr. Edwards is not aware of these issues is no excuse for these activities. Therefore, he will be treated as an ordinary criminal suspect (regardless of the cultural misunderstandings that are taking place). ("Getting a Drink in Saudi Arabia") ("Saudi Arabia")

This means that Mr. Edwards can be held for several weeks to months without charge (while Saudi officials are investigating). Moreover, legal council may not have access to the suspect during this time and the courts could appoint another lawyer as representation. This is vastly different form the leniency that is provided under the American legal system. ("Getting a Drink in Saudi Arabia") ("Saudi Arabia")


The way that these laws are applicable to the case, is that Mr. Edwards will more than likely be subject to severe penalties. This means that he will face: a public lashing, the probability of spending several weeks in jail and eventual deportation. As a result, Mr. Edwards should have been aware of these issues before arriving in the Kingdom. At the same time, his employer should have debriefed him about these cultural and legal differences. The fact that he is not aware of these regulations is no excuse. Therefore, he will be subject to some kind of criminal punishment for drinking wine on a public beach. ("Getting a Drink in Saudi Arabia") ("Saudi Arabia")


The most logical action that should be taken is to reach out to the U.S. Embassy, police and government officials. During this process, is when legal council must let everyone know that this was an indiscretion. Although this might not work effectively, it could help to play a role in reducing the punishment for these actions. This could be used as a tool to… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Lawyers Legal Issues the Public Consumption" Assignment:

Hello here,

I have Memo , I have done from introduction and statement of facts BUT if you have any comments or idea can add them for the introduction and statement of facts.

what I need from you number 3 - Legal Issues and analysis and 4. This Memo I will write it to attorney in my home country who has a case involving an American legal issue .


Last month, Mr. Edward came to my office because of a problem that happened in Saudi Arabia. A year ago, he arrived to Saudi Arabia. He was arrested by police because he inadvertently violated the law because of a cultural misunderstanding.

Statements of Facts:

Mr. Edward, who is from United States of America, got a new job last year in SABIC Company. SABIC company is one of the largest companies in Saudi Arabia that offered a good salary and large house for Mr. Edward as an engineer in the field of communications .The SABIC company has its own special compound for its staff who comes from around the world. In this compound, the staff can find some of things which they do not find outside of the compound, such as alcohol and women driving which are common in their culture. Only the SABIC corporation allows these exceptions since it is forbidden outside the company or in any public place.

On March 20, 2012, Mr. Edward decided to go to beach. He took a bottle of wine out of the compound, that was provided by the company, and drank some of the wine on the beach. Mr. Edward did not know this was not allowed for him to do that. The police witnessed him drinking alcohol in public and arrested him because of that illegal act. Of course, alcohol is forbidden throughout all of the Saudi Arabia, and Mr. Edward did not know that his act was illegal. He comes from culture or environment that is totally different from Saudi Arabia*****s culture, and did not know what he was doing was wrong.

Mr. Edward did not read about Saudi*****s laws and culture before moving there. So, he did not know about the Islamic religion which prohibits alcohol and its sale. Mr. Edward did not visit Saudi Arabia before, had never heard about it and so he was not familiar with it.

He thought Saudi Arabia*****s culture was more like America*****s culture.

Memo Sections:

1.) Brief introduction:

Acquaint the attorney with the topic you are writing about and the significance of the topic. Do not go into too much detail, as you will cover details later. Focus generally on the WHO, What, and Where sections from your handout.

2.) Facts (you have already written a draft of this section):

Anticipate what questions a senior attorney might ask you about the facts regarding your case. This is the section where you will tell the story you have created. You do not need to get into the legal issues yet, just the facts that led to the arrest or misunderstanding.

3.) Legal Issues and analysis (you may treat this as one section or break it into two sections):

In this section, you will discuss the legal differences or cultural misunderstandings your senior attorney might have. If your attorney is American, you will need to refresh him or her on the basics of the American law, then provide in-depth analysis of the laws and customs of your country regarding the facts. If your attorney is from your home country, you will need to remind him or her about the basics of the laws in your country, then provide in-depth analysis of American laws and customs regarding the facts. Once you have adequately described the laws and customs that affect the facts, you will need to analyze the laws as they relate to the facts in your case.

4.) Recommendation:

In this section, you will provide your senior attorney with a proposed plan of action regarding your client. You will recommend the best legal course of action for the client based on your analysis.

Please if you can used short sentences that will be good but not always almost of them , because I am interntional student, Focus on correct sentence structure and punctuation.

How to Reference "Lawyers Legal Issues the Public Consumption" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Lawyers Legal Issues the Public Consumption.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2012, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/lawyers-legal-issues-public/7764317. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Lawyers Legal Issues the Public Consumption (2012). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/lawyers-legal-issues-public/7764317
A1-TermPaper.com. (2012). Lawyers Legal Issues the Public Consumption. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/lawyers-legal-issues-public/7764317 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Lawyers Legal Issues the Public Consumption” 2012. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/lawyers-legal-issues-public/7764317.
”Lawyers Legal Issues the Public Consumption” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/lawyers-legal-issues-public/7764317.
[1] ”Lawyers Legal Issues the Public Consumption”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2012. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/lawyers-legal-issues-public/7764317. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Lawyers Legal Issues the Public Consumption [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/lawyers-legal-issues-public/7764317
1. Lawyers Legal Issues the Public Consumption. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/lawyers-legal-issues-public/7764317. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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