Thesis on "Law Enforcement Interview Synthesis"

Thesis 5 pages (1430 words) Sources: 3

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Law Enforcement Interview Synthesis

Introduction to Interview Subjects:

The two interview subjects who participated in this project are both assigned to the NYPD-FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) operating out of 26 Federal Plaza in lower Manhattan in New York City. They agreed to participate on condition of anonymity and therefore, will be referred to as the "FBI agent" (or "agent") and the "police detective" (or "detective"), respectively. The FBI agent has been assigned to the JTTF since 2004 and previously worked in the area of major financial crimes enforcement for the Bureau; the police detective joined the JTTF in 2005 and previously worked as a Homicide Investigation Unit (HIU) homicide detective in the South Bronx in New York City. The two law enforcement agents are acquainted with one another but do not work in the same JTTF unit.

Ethics and Character in Policing:

Both subjects believe strongly that ethical awareness and personal character are important in law enforcement. The federal agent expressed concern with the lack of uniformity in ethical supervision and training in the thousands of local American law enforcement agencies. It was his opinion that ethical policing begins with the officer candidate selection process; in his experience, many agencies screen potential officer candidates very thoroughly but that many other agencies do not. He cited the absence of any substantial uniformity even in fundamental disqualification criteria among dozens of federal law enforcement agencies, let alone the thousands of state and local agencies.

The police detective echoed similar concerns about the a
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bsence of uniform qualification standards in American law enforcement but also suggested that the manner in which state and local police agencies compensate and support their officers plays an important role in attracting better qualified officer candidates and also in making it easy for them to practice ethical policing once hired. The detective suggested that where local agencies pay their officers poorly or fail to support their interests in the field, even officers who were highly ethical or idealistic at the start of their careers develop a degree of resentment that can sometime contribute to the breakdown of personal and professional ethics.

Police Ethics -- Today vs. Previous Eras of American Policing:

The federal agent believes that American policing evolved tremendously during the second half of the 20th century in particular, during which time the Supreme Court and the Department of Justice (DOJ) eliminated various series of civil rights violations that had previously characterized local and even state law enforcement in many parts of the nation.

In that regard, the agent made specific references to several civil rights crimes of violence against civil rights workers such as those that occurred in 1964 in Mississippi where four individuals from New York were murdered by Ku Klux Klan (KKK) members as a result of their efforts to assist black Mississippi residents exercises their fundamental right to vote. The agent characterized those types of crimes as being the highest priority for the Bureau primarily (but not only) because state and local police authorities in the area actually participated in the crime, first arresting the victims without legal justification and then purposely releasing them from police custody directly into the hands of their murderers. This subject expressed the belief that in the modern era of American law enforcement, large-scale complicity in serious criminal activity by sworn law enforcement personnel is virtually unheard of.

Prevention of Police Corruption through Ethics Training:

The detective also acknowledged the profound evolution of American law enforcement although he referenced the entire 20th century rather than just the second half with respect to the most important phase of American law enforcement development. He recounted the more than a century and a half of the NYPD, the first and still the largest American municipal law enforcement agency and described the "co-evolution" of society and its police forces. According to him, the fact that New York experienced a tremendous degree of police corruption during the late 19th and early 20th centuries was mainly reflective of the larger society in which the most powerful local politicians of the era operated a corrupt city government.

The detective suggested that improving police ethics was impossible during the Tammany Hall era of Boss Tweed in New York or during the massive Prohibition-era between 1920 and 1933. Both subjects agreed… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Law Enforcement Interview Synthesis" Assignment:

For your final project you will conduct two interviews with practicing professionals in the field of law enforcement. These individuals may occupy positions in federal, state, county or municipal police agencies, correctional officers, parole, or prosecutors' offices.

It is preferable that you conduct the interviews in person, but telephone interviews will be acceptable if in-person interviews cannot be arranged.

Focus on the following questions in your interviews:

Why are ethics and character so important in the field of law enforcement?

Do the interviewees feel that police are more ethical today, or were they more ethical ten years ago?

Why do police officers become involved in misconduct?

Do the interviewees feel that there is enough training offered in ethics at the police academy level? If not, why is that?

Should ethics training be offered as an on-going process for law enforcement officers?

Do the interviewees feel that education and/or training in ethics would reduce incidents of police corruption?

Report the results of these interviews in a paper that answer the proposed questions. Apply issues read and discussed in class to your paper to form a synthesis of practical law enforcement ideologies. Finally, offer your own insights on the perspectives of the individuals you interviewed and materials covered in the text readings and seminar discussions.

I would like "*****" to write this paper thank you!! Joann Moore

How to Reference "Law Enforcement Interview Synthesis" Thesis in a Bibliography

Law Enforcement Interview Synthesis.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Law Enforcement Interview Synthesis (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Law Enforcement Interview Synthesis. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Law Enforcement Interview Synthesis” 2009.
”Law Enforcement Interview Synthesis”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Law Enforcement Interview Synthesis”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Law Enforcement Interview Synthesis [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Law Enforcement Interview Synthesis. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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