Essay on "Knowledge Management Social Network Analysis Remains Relevant"

Essay 3 pages (1455 words) Sources: 2

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Knowledge Management

Social network analysis remains relevant to the contemporary social networking process. The mechanisms for social networking may have changed, potentially adding layers of complexity, but the underlying concept remains the same. The quality of one's social network and the abilities of that network are, if anything, easier to identify with modern technology. The chapters can be updated by including a brief explanation of the tools used in modern social networking. In addition, there are some ramifications to these tools, such as improvements in the speed of communication, the breadth of information available and the size of the social networks. The chapters should focus on these differences and how the model for social network analysis should be adapted to account for these differences.

Knowledge -- in particular tacit knowledge -- is a key source of competitive advantage as it can differentiate a business from its competitors. These competitive advantages derive from ideas and other intangible resources that are linked to the knowledge within the organization (Shani, et al., 2009). Knowledge applications and processes allow the company to do several things: to learn what knowledge lies within the organization; to understand the uses of that knowledge; and to be able to bring disparate sources of knowledge together to generate innovations. Knowledge management systems in particular allow the organization to unlock the knowledge that it holds -- in many organizations knowledge is kept within individuals or small groups, rather than shared throughout the organization. Effective knowledge management systems break down these barriers, increasing the distributi
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on of the knowledge within the organization, but they also manage information in such as way as to avoid information overload, which is itself a barrier to effective use of knowledge.

3. Knowledge management strategy is important to address some of the key challenges businesses face. For example, they face retirement of key personnel, a need for constant innovation and the need to continually address inefficiencies. KM strategy helps the organization to understand the knowledge that the organization has and compare that with the knowledge that the organization needs -- a gap analysis. The strategies in the text are applicable to real world situations. Managers need to be able to evaluate their organizations and understand what knowledge is present -- if the strategies are impossible then the managers need to build better information-gathering systems. For a company such as FedEx a knowledge audit would be challenging because there are a number of firms within the corporation, many of which were acquired externally. Firms tend to compartmentalize knowledge, so it is worthwhile to undertake a knowledge audit but that same compartmentalization makes such an audit more difficult. An easier tactic that could be utilized would be to perform a gap analysis on each individual division, focusing on knowledge specific to success in each line of business such as Express or Office. This would focus knowledge management on steps that are easier to implement because it works within the "compartments" but also has a high degree of value for the firm in that it identifies areas of weakness at the business unit level.

4. In the article Managing Change, several ideas are presented that are critical to organizational innovation and success. The first is that change must come from the top. If the organization senses that leadership is not fully committed to the change process, the organization will lose motivation to change. Leadership is therefore the most critical component of the change process. It is also important that employees be allowed to express their views on the change and to have those views heard. Ultimately, for the change process to be successful, employee buy-in is essential. Employees will be more willing to buy into the process if they feel a part of it. If they are dictated to, and do not feel as though they have any input, particularly with respect to grievances, this will make it more difficult for the employees to commit to the change process. Lastly, the author points out that it is critical for managers not to send mixed messages. When this occurs, the employees become unsure of the direction of the company, making the change process all the more difficult. Management, therefore, needs to be unequivocal in terms of aligning policy, actions and words when describing the change process to the employees and to implementing the change process.

5. Knowledge management… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Knowledge Management Social Network Analysis Remains Relevant" Assignment:

Use these two sources to answer these questions when needed:

Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice written by Kimiz Dalkir


Knowledge management written by McGrawHill

Each answer should be approximately 130 words.

1. Electronic social networking has exploded in the last few years. Is Social Network Analysis still relevant to contemporary social networking process? Explain. Also, our text does not reflect the growth in current social networking products, services and options. Review the assigned chapters and suggest how they might be rewritten and updated to incorporate and address today*****s social networking phenomenon.

2. Drawing concepts, ideas, and examples from the Primis readings, *****IV. Managing Organizational Processes, Module 19W *****"Knowledge Management Processes***** and *****IV. Other Topics in Accounting Information Systems, 16. Decision-Making Models and Knowledge Management*****" discuss knowledge applications and processes as *****competitive weapons***** in today*****s business and economic environment.

3. Review the section on Knowledge Management Strategies in Chapter 9. Why is KM Strategy important in today*****s business environment? But can the strategies described in the text actually work as intended when applied in the *****real***** work world? Think about an organization you are familiar with (e.g., current or past employer, university or school, community organization). Pick a strategic approach (e.g., KM strategy road map), identify a component, step, key activity typifying the approach (e.g., see p. 258, question 6), and explain why it would be challenging to implement. Now, go through the same process looking for implementable (that is, more doable, less challenging) aspects of the strategic approach. Be sure to explain your claims and support them with examples.

4. Discuss one idea presented in *****Managing Change: The Art of Balancing***** that you consider critical to organizational innovation and success.

5. List some of the major types of organizations that offer KM positions and discuss why they need these KM skills. What kinds of specific training and/or academic programs might the senior managers and top decision makers prefer their KM staff to have? Why or what is so attractive or appropriate about the program?

6. From a KM perspective, what are Wasserstein*****s most promising ideas? Pick one to critique, assessing the pluses and minuses of his views and practices vis-à-vis KM.

7. There are many notions about the future of KM. As we have learned this semester, KM provides obvious benefits as well as challenges. Discuss where you think KM will be in five years and why.

How to Reference "Knowledge Management Social Network Analysis Remains Relevant" Essay in a Bibliography

Knowledge Management Social Network Analysis Remains Relevant.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Knowledge Management Social Network Analysis Remains Relevant (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Knowledge Management Social Network Analysis Remains Relevant. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Knowledge Management Social Network Analysis Remains Relevant” 2010.
”Knowledge Management Social Network Analysis Remains Relevant”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Knowledge Management Social Network Analysis Remains Relevant”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Knowledge Management Social Network Analysis Remains Relevant [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Knowledge Management Social Network Analysis Remains Relevant. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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