Research Paper on "Ancient Buildings With Modern Los Angeles"

Research Paper 5 pages (2005 words) Sources: 1+

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Karim Snoussi

Christoph Korner

Roman Visions

Take a drive around the always-crowded streets of Los Angeles and you'll notice scores of buildings whose architects drew their inspiration at least in part from the ancient world -- from Babylon and Mesopotamia as well (more commonly) Greece and Rome. Such heavy stylistic borrowing from the cities of Greece and Rome should not be surprising given how many American cities have buildings with Classical and Neoclassical elements. Americans, whose country was born during the Enlightenment's celebration of the Classical world, are inclined to borrow from Greece and Rome in part because of those societies' historical values. This paper examines a number of buildings in Los Angeles that have been influenced by Roman architectural styles. These buildings have thus in many ways been influenced by Greek architectural styles since the Romans themselves incorporated many elements of Hellenistic style. The architects of these buildings, and the people who commissioned them, were intent on borrowing both a pleasing aesthetic and specific cultural connotations.

Rome was one of the dominant civilizations of the world for centuries, and as the centuries passed there were many changes in the art and architecture of the nation. When Roman (and Greek) style was resurrected during the Neoclassical period of the 18th century, Enlightenment scholars were not as aware as are scholars today of the stylistic differences between Roman eras nor of the exact relationship between Greek and Roman societies (Kleiner 38). Thus when Classical elements were included in 18th century buildings or art, there was often a mi
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xing of different centuries and even different cultures. This mixing of Greek and Roman elements continued into 20th century renewals of Classical style.

Ancient Rome has its roots in a modest farming community that grew on the Italian Peninsula probably in the 10th century. Beginning as a monarchy, Rome later became a republic before a shift to an empire. Through these different political phases, Rome spread its political, cultural, economic, and linguistic dominance across much of southern Europe and the Mediterranean. The size of the empire and the variable quality of its rulers meant that there were numerous periods of instability in the nation (Scarre 26-8). This lead to the break-up of the western portion of the empire in the fifth century, with Italy, Spain, Britain, and Africa forming independent kingdoms, each of which would develop slightly different Classical styles.

Roman architecture was one of the greatest accomplishments of this civilization in terms of both aesthetics and technology. Roman architects and engineers created grand cities across the breadth of the empire, creating monumental works in stone and concrete -- covering this latter humbled material with plaster, stone veneers, gold, mosaics. Roman buildings whether in Rome or across its lands were graceful, symmetrical, balanced, embellished but cleanly designed (Christ 74). They were also sturdy: The delicacy of the sculptural elements belied the fact that these structures were built to withstand their own empire.

A Villa on a Hill

The most dramatic example of a building in Los Angeles that was influenced by Roman architecture is the Getty Villa in Malibu. The building, one of two vast structures that house oil baron J. Paul Getty's art collection, was based on a typical (if grand) Roman country house. The house, the Villa dei Papiri, was built in the first century in the town of Herculaneum, which was destroyed along with the neighboring town of Pompeii by the volcanic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in CE 79.

The entire villa has not been excavated. The original architects who designed the Getty Villa almost forty years ago incorporated what they knew of this home along with elements from other country estates in Pompeii and Herculaneum. The villa was renovated in the late 1990s to add an open-air theater that resembles those at which Romans would have watched plays and feats of oratory. The renovated villa demonstrates the grace of Roman architecture with vertical elements like columns creating a visual balance with the solidity of the horizontal structures of the buildings. A number of the galleries also include friezes -- decorated horizontal bands near the roof-line of a building -- and other embellishments on the surface of the stonework. These decorative elements do not sully the gracefulness of the structure or make it look cluttered but rather humanize the scale of the buildings.

Classical culture -- along with neoclassical culture -- is often called humanistic, and this is a useful reference to remember. Classically influenced architecture like the Getty Villa is designed both to cradle human denizens and to loft them toward the heavens. Standing under the colonnades of the Getty Villa, one feels both rooted and elevated by the tension between the heaviness of the stone and the vertical columns. The villa also offers visitors a sense of peace, in no small part because of the beauty of the gardens that are a significant and meaningful element of the villa. The grounds incorporate many of the same plants that would have been used in a Roman garden.

Typical of Roman buildings of the first century, Getty Villa is more horizontal than vertical, with pediments (a triangular design element at the top of a building) topping the colonnaded galleries and facades, the "face" of a building. While the columns and other vertical elements draw the eye upward, the pediments truncate the silhouette of the building so that the eye is returned to the earth. Such villas were designed to occupy a space between earth and the heavens -- anchored in the land yet soaring upward to the gods (Gournay 119).

These gardens reflect the same philosophy that underlies Roman architecture: One's surroundings should be both beautiful and useful. Thus the gardens include plants that are colorful and graceful but also useful for culinary or medicinal purposes, such as olive trees and lavender, feverfew and hellbore, pear and apple, spearmint and marjoram. These plants are artistically reflected in mosaics that reproduce botanical motifs and literally reflected in the long pool that runs up to the entrance of the villa. Both water and gardens were central to Roman architecture, which was designed to offer shelter from nature rather than as a barrier to it. Classical architecture connects buildings to people to environment.

Rome, via France, to California

There are numerous buildings in Los Angeles that have some classical elements. A walk through downtown would turn up scores of buildings with a pediment or a few columns. These nods to classical architecture are often an important part of the buildings' sense of style and beauty. But probably the best single cluster of neoclassical buildings is on Spring Street, in the heart of downtown Los Angeles. These buildings, such as the 1914 Crocker Bank building (no longer a bank but still architecturally intact), are generally designated as Beaux-Arts style buildings. This is simply another designation for neoclassical architecture, referring to the particular variant of neoclassical style that was developed in the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. This form of Neoclassicism is slightly more intricate than other variations of Neoclassical architecture.

The Crocker Bank typifies neoclassical/Beaux-Arts style in its strict symmetry as well as its monumental nature. It is a massive building, but its broad facade is lightened by both architrave and pediment. The decorative elements near the roof-line show the shell-like curves reminiscent of Baroque style, which Beaux-Arts style also incorporates (Carlhian, 1979).

One of the major distinctions between the kind of classical re-creation like the Getty Villa and the Neoclassical/Beaux-Arts structures like those on Spring Street is that the latter are much taller than Roman homes or public buildings would have been. Certainly the Romans were quite capable of building monumental structure like the Coliseum, but most Roman buildings would have been only a few stories. The Crocker Bank building, on the other hand, is a ten-story building with Italian marble and tile work that suggest Roman detail and the overall proportion of each story is similar to that of Roman public buildings.

Another of the dozen or so neoclassical buildings on Spring Street is the 1902 Continental Building. The twelve-story building is known as the city's first skyscraper and its exterior calls to mind Greek temples, Roman baths, and Italianate Renaissance neoclassical palazzi. In this one building one can seen the Greek roots of Roman architecture, the core design details of Roman Imperial architecture, Italy's recreation of its classical past, and early 20th-century reclamation of the grace of each of these eras and styles (Lemaistre 29). The building incorporates heaven-reaching columns with a solid, weighty facade, a sense of power and authority, and a use of concrete along with stone and subtle exterior carving to balance the Classical and the Modern.

Key architectural elements of the Continental Building are the arches that define the top of the building and recall the triumphal arches of Rome -- perhaps meaning to suggest that this new form of building (the skyscraper) was a new form of celebratory architecture. The building is also adorned with wreaths, associated… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Ancient Buildings With Modern Los Angeles" Assignment:

To whom it may concern,

Before proceeding on the guidelines, I would like to inform you that what I am looking for in this paper is a well-constructed and a thorough analysis of this research paper. I am not looking for a paper with complicated vocabulary and repetition of ideas. Please, get straight to the point and keep it simple. I decided to keep the topic choice open depending on the field of your expertise. The assignment requires me to write a minimum of 5 written pages of analysis and a minimum of 3 pages of images. You don*****t have to worry about the images since they have to be taken from the field and I can*****t afford to pay for an 8-page paper ☺. I would like to ask you to write a 6 page total, including a 5-page analysis and a 1-citation page with MLA format. The number of bibliographic sources doesn*****t mater. A detailed description of the 5-page analysis is in the guidelines bellow.

Thank you very much for your help. I really appreciate it!

Guidebook: A research paper with image comparisons and site maps.


To explore how a particular stylistic period in architectural history has been reinterpreted in buildings found in contemporary Los Angeles. This project serves as a research paper and there is a substantial writing component.

Students choose a time period and/or geographic location from the list below and then find examples of their architectural type manifested in structures around Los Angeles.

The goals are to become informed about a particular stylistic period through research; to engage in onsite, i.e. visual, investigation; and to study how a past style has been adapted or reinterpreted in the local built environment.

There is no requirement as to building type. For example, if a student chooses Ancient

Egypt, he or she might find modern interpretations of Egyptian architecture in Los Angeles***** movie theaters, car lots, restaurant buildings, and residences. However, students may also choose to focus on a particular building typology. For example, if a student chooses French Gothic architecture, he or she might focus on the reinterpretation of this style in skyscrapers or high rises only.


First: Choose one or two topics from the list below

(The list is organized by time period and/or geographic location. Some topics aren*****t as well represented in the contemporary context so you will have to choose two*****for example, African architecture might be combined with Pre-Columbian North America.)

1. Prehistoric

2. Ancient Near East

3. Ancient Egypt

4. Ancient Greece

5. Ancient Rome

6. Pre-Columbian

7. Pre-Colombian Middle and South America

8. Pre-Colombian North America

9. African

10. Japanese

11. Chinese

12. South East Asian including East Indian

13. Islamic

14. European Gothic

15. European Renaissance

16. European Baroque

17. Garden design (choose one or find examples of several types: Japanese, Chinese, English, French, etc.)

Second: Research

Research the stylistic and historical aspects of the architecture from the geographic location and historical time period you have selected. For example, if you have chosen

Japanese architecture, you will want to review wood construction techniques, the organization of space within buildings, the relationship between building and garden, religious connotations in temple design, the implementation of yin and yang principles, etc. Pay particular attention to formal elements of the building so you can identify them when they are adapted to structures in Los Angeles and critique how they are reinterpreted.

Third: Fieldwork

Identify 4 buildings in Los Angeles that reinterpret or adapt the physical design elements of your historical topic and visit the sites. For this portion of the assignment you will have to purchase an architectural guidebook to Los Angeles and spend time driving around the city. We recommend ***** Gebhard and Robert Winter, An Architectural Guide to Los Angeles (paperback, available through Amazon and most local bookshops). You should also purchase a Thomas Brothers Guide to Los Angles County or other comprehensive map of the area.

Four: Research paper

1. Write an introductory paragraph outlining your topic.

2. Write minimum 2 pages on the history of the time period and structure types chosen.

3. Write a minimum 3 page visual analysis (not including images) that compares and contrasts the buildings from the past with the 4 examples from Los Angeles.

4. Include images of the buildings, details, sketches, etc. You must also include a location map for each Los Angeles building, and you MUST cite the location, date of completion, and architect (if applicable) of all buildings.Document all images and sources using MLA format.


Use 8 ½ x 11*****, Arial font, 11 pt. typeface. The organization of the individual pages is left to the student*****s discretion. The organization of the individual pages is left to the student*****s discretion. However, the organization should somehow reflect the visual aesthetic of the topic (i.e., if the buildings reflect an engagement with lightweight skeletal design, then the layout should reflect this).


1. Research: This project requires research. You will need to develop an informed argument about your taxonomy in the form of a thesis statement and bolster that argument with evidence to substantiate your points. Make sure to include information from your course readings, library research, and your guidebooks to demonstrate that your comparisons are based on reasoned evidence. Be very careful with Internet research. A simple web-search will produce a description of many of the buildings you choose to discuss in your assignment*****but a description is not the same as an analysis. Your assignment requires a more in-depth engagement with your topic, and you will have to do a lot of reading and looking to achieve that goal. At least five professional or scholarly sources should be cited in your paper, not counting images or course texts.

2. Documentation: You must provide evidence of your research using the MLA format.

This means using quotation marks and parenthetical in-text citations for language that you quote directly or ideas that you paraphrase. You must also have a works cited page with all sources listed.

You must also include source information in your works cited for any images that are not your own. Make sure all images have captions and in-text citations.

3. Visual analysis: Introduce specific stylistic details as points of comparison rather than generic impressions. If it is *****Egyptian,***** explain why by describing physical characteristics: i.e., it has a pyramid form, angled battered walls (compare it to a pylon), it has Egyptian hieroglyphics, or it incorporates lotus or papyrus capitals.

How to Reference "Ancient Buildings With Modern Los Angeles" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Ancient Buildings With Modern Los Angeles.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Ancient Buildings With Modern Los Angeles (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Ancient Buildings With Modern Los Angeles. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Ancient Buildings With Modern Los Angeles” 2010.
”Ancient Buildings With Modern Los Angeles”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Ancient Buildings With Modern Los Angeles”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Ancient Buildings With Modern Los Angeles [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Ancient Buildings With Modern Los Angeles. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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