Essay on "Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquent"

Essay 8 pages (2512 words) Sources: 8 Style: APA

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The funds saved from the revamping of the program will be used to reduce the budget and fund other programs within the state. There is a possibility that reducing the number of employees and revamping the juvenile programs could assist in reducing the overall state budget. There been no state laws been violated by the revamping of the programs and the state been forced to undergo budget cuts, the programs will assist in reducing the expenses of the state. With a reduced budget, the state would need to develop programs that will be income generating and assisting the communities. Juvenile detention programs have been established that they have little effect on the delinquents. Realizing that the programs are consuming money and the intended goal is not been achieved is vital for revamping the programs.

Revamping of the programs will necessitate the development of other programs that would be needed by the delinquents. Having community-based programs provides the delinquent with the opportunity to accept the mistakes they made and serve their community. The current programs might not be suitable for all the delinquents. Therefore, the state will analyze the requirements of the delinquents to determine the specific needs for each delinquent. Performing this analysis is the key to the success of these programs. Developing therapeutic programs for the children is necessary as the delinquents need therapy sessions. Some children have mental problems and placing them in institutionalized environments does not help them reform. Establishing programs that will be beneficial to the delinquents and the state is vital as this is the only way to ensure the delinquents do not return to the system when they matur
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There would be minimal saving for the states that give hazardous duty retirement for juvenile probation officers. This is because the state will have a reduced workforce and the correctional facilities will only be used for delinquents who have committed crime more than once. The probation officers would not be considered to be working in a hazardous duty as the delinquents would not pose any harm to the officers. The unions would still push for this retirement package for their members, which could affect the state's financial position. This would result in little savings by the state. The only way the state could save money is having a complete removal of the juvenile detentions. This will mean that the delinquents are given other alternatives for correcting their behaviors. Without any correctional facilities, the state would not need to provide for a hazardous retirement package for the officers.

Alternatives for juvenile detentions

If the state has tried using parenting, community, and therapeutic means to reform a delinquent it would only be left with one option. This option could be military service. The military is considered to have strict rules and regulations. Having an agreement with the military to have some of the delinquents join the military instead of them serving time would be beneficial to the state Ambaras, 2004.

This is because the military service will definitely assist in reforming the delinquent. Military service will begin with training that will break the spirit of the delinquent. Once they have adapted to the military the delinquent will be forced to change their behavior. Using military service especially for the delinquents who are repeat offenders could reduce the overall expenses of the state in juvenile corrections. Delinquents would also be discouraged from committing repeat crimes if they are not willing to join the military. Military rules are harsh, and each person will have to obey the rules, there is never the option of quitting. This is a sure way of reforming the delinquents. There would be a need to change some of the military laws in order to accommodate delinquents. The state laws that judges use to determine if a repeat offender should undergo trial as an adult could be reviewed. This will allow the judges to instead sentence the delinquent to military service. Having changes to the laws would provide the state with the required laws to effectively implement the programs it has instituted Morris & Thompson, 2008()


Over 80% of juvenile delinquents are brought back to the correctional institutions before they are 28 years Mincey, Maldonado, Lacey, & Thompson, 2008.

This indicates that the juvenile correctional programs are not as effective in reforming the children. It has been argued that the programs actually influence the delinquents into a life of crime. Revamping the juvenile programs is vital for the state as it will assist the children to reform their behaviors and also reduce the funds used. There have been many requests to have states reduce their budgets and scale down on their programs. Changing the juvenile delinquent programs and establishing programs that would be beneficial for the state and the delinquent is vital. The programs should be geared towards reforming the delinquent and keeping them close to their family. Parental programs are beneficial as the parent is involved in the correctional process of their child. Parents can also notice slight changes, which they can report to the courts.


Ambaras, D.R. (2004). Juvenile Delinquency and the National Defense State: Policing Young Workers in Wartime Japan, 1937-1945. The Journal of Asian Studies, 63(1), 31-60. doi: 10.2307/4133293

Araki, Y. (2003). Juvenile Delinquency Prevention: What Works in the United States and Is Promising for Great Britain. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 9(1), 45-62. doi: 10.2307/40215595

Boehnke, K., & Bergs-Winkels, D. (2002). Juvenile Delinquency Under Conditions of Rapid Social Change. Sociological Forum, 17(1), 57-79. doi: 10.2307/685087

Brandt, D. (2006). Delinquency, Development, and Social Policy: Yale University Press.

Coster, S.D. (2012). MOTHERS' WORK AND FAMILY ROLES, GENDER IDEOLOGIES, DISTRESS, AND PARENTING: Consequences for Juvenile Delinquency. The Sociological Quarterly, 53(4), 585-609. doi: 10.2307/41679738

Miller, W.J., & Matthews, R.A. (2001). YOUTH EMPLOYMENT, DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION, AND JUVENILE DELINQUENCY. Sociological Focus, 34(3), 251-268. doi: 10.2307/20832123

Mincey, B., Maldonado, N., Lacey, C.H., & Thompson, S.D. (2008). Perceptions of Successful Graduates of Juvenile Residential Programs: Reflections and Suggestions for Success. Journal of Correctional Education, 59(1), 8-31.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquent" Assignment:

In these stressful times, many state agencies have had to scale back on their programs. One of the most important departments that would deal with future generations in the United States is the Juvenile Justice System. You are the financial consultant for the state of Colorado. One suggestion that has come across your desk is to revamp the juvenile justice courts to save money and manpower. Because the suggestion of dividing the juvenile court looks promising, you are going to check the facts to see if it would violate any state laws and, if you split this court system, what the effect would be to your state with federal funding and any problems with unions within your state government.

There is a plethora of theories pertaining to juvenile delinquency. These theories list a juvenile's economic background, substance abuse, interaction with delinquent peer groups, exposure to violence (including the media, video games, and domestic abuse), and finally lack of parental control as contributors.

When is a juvenile no longer a status offender but in reality, a juvenile delinquent?

When does the minor go from being an annoyance to being someone the courts and the criminal justice system should notice?

To assess the needs of Colorado, staying within the legal system, it is important to evaluate the laws, determine if there would be any disruption in the juvenile courts, and realize that there will be issues concerning union benefits and retirement.

Background Information

Since the late 1980s and early 1990s when juveniles earned the title "super predators," many states have changed their laws pertaining to waiving juveniles to adult court. The restorative justice agenda that was so widely used at that time began to gravitate toward a law and order perspective. The public, although perceptions were incorrect, began to believe that serious juvenile crime was on the rise and that the juvenile justice system had become too indulgent toward juvenile offenders.

Address the following in 5*****8 pages:

Write a proposal to the governor outlining the funding, any potential problems, the advantages and disadvantages of this new system, and the option of taking juveniles out of the juvenile justice system and placing them into military service.

Utilize the below questions to write the proposal.

How would you rationalize this concept?

Address and answer the following:

How would this impact the hiring and keeping of juvenile probation officers and juvenile correctional officers and court-appointed attorneys?

Should the United States make juvenile delinquents be under intensive supervision?

Would your juvenile probation officers deal with the status offenders weekly or monthly?

Would you give the parents the power to handle problems and report directly to the court?

Would you offer parenting classes?

Would you have a problem with unions? In some states, juvenile probation officers and juvenile correctional officers are unionized.

Would it save money for the state to revamp programs?

Would there have to be more programs?

Would it save money for the state to have less employees?

Would it save money for the states that give hazardous duty retirement for juvenile probation officers?

Would it help with the state budget?

Can you put them in the military?

Would the state laws have to be addressed?

How to Reference "Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquent" Essay in a Bibliography

Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquent.”, 2013, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquent (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquent. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquent” 2013.
”Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquent”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquent”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquent [Internet]. 2013 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquent. Published 2013. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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