Term Paper on "Juvenile Death Penalty"

Term Paper 6 pages (1651 words) Sources: 1+

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Juvenile Death Penalty Sentencing Is Cruel and Unjust Punishment

In America, twenty-five states permit the execution of juveniles, twenty-one states set the minimum age for execution at 16 and four states at set it at 17. No other Western country, no other industrialized state, and in fact no other democracy in the world allows juveniles to be executed. In fact, since 1990, the United States joins only Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen as nations that have executed children. With nine executions of juveniles since the year 1990, the American criminal justice system executes a larger number of children than the rest of the Earth combined. In fact, just the state of Texas, with five juvenile executions since 1990, executes more children than any other nation in the world (Amnesty International, 1998).

Juvenile Death Penalty is Racist

The juvenile death penalty is also completely blatantly racist in its structure, design and application. Over two-thirds - the overwhelming majority -- of the 288 children executed in the United States have been African-Americans. Also, every one of the children executed in America for the crimes of rape or attempted rape (40 children in all) have been African-American. As of October 1, 1998 an amazing sixty-five percent (33 blacks and 15 Latinos compared to 26 whites) of the children on death row in the United States were minority offenders (Strieb, 1998).

In addition, the concept and reality of bias by the victim's race is also pervasive in juvenile death penalty cases. As of October 1, 1998 sixty-eight percent (n=64) of the cases in which a juvenile was sentenced to the death penalty in
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America in the post-Furman era involved a white victim. Plus, issues of age and gender bias also come up in view of the fact that 83% of the victims in these cases were adults and half were female. Ninety-eight percent of the juveniles sentenced to death were male (Strieb, 1998: 12) and only four cases involved sentencing females to the death penalty.

Juvenile Death Penalty is Irrational

The juvenile death penalty law is legally more arbitrary and capricious than the death penalty for adults. Legal research has constantly demonstrated that the linkage of capital punishment in the United States is entirely arbitrary.

From state to state and across the nation, and even from jurisdiction to jurisdiction within the various states, criminal defendants who commit similar homicides are treated differently for no tangible reason except an anachronistic reliance on states' rights.

Of course, the death penalty is not always sought when it is available. Sometimes the state actually seeks the death penalty, and sometimes it does not, and truth be told, the death penalty is avoided many more times than it is sought. Even when the death penalty is sought, the jury has the ultimate control: Sometimes juries sentence the offender to death, sometimes not.

With all of this fluidity, legal and sociological researchers have compared the application of the death penalty to a lottery selected by no rational process at all (Berk, et al., 1993; Gross and Mauro, 1989; Paternoster 1991). And indeed, the logic behind the juvenile death penalty is even more lacking. About 1.8% of all people executed in the United States were minorrs (under 18 years of age) at the time of the offense (Capital Punishment Research Project, 1998).

In the post-Furman years (up to December 1, 1998) there were twelve juvenile executions, or about 2% of all executions since 1973 (Strieb, 1998: 3). Despite major increases and declines in juvenile homicide rates during the 1980s and 1990s, the rate of juvenile death sentences has remained constant at about 2% of all executions, raising the dangerous and sobering question of whether its use is even related to incidence of homicide (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1997).

Juvenile executions contradict treatment of juveniles generally

Juvenile death sentences are reversed at an extraordinarily high rate by the courts. Of the 177 juvenile death sentences imposed since 1973, only 74 (42%) remain on the books. Twelve of these have resulted in actual executions (7%) and ninety-one (51%) have been reversed upon successful appeal (Strieb, 1998). "For the 103 juvenile death sentences that have been resolved (excluding the seventy-four still under litigation) the reversal rate is 88% (91 out of 103). The clear implication of this sobering fact is that in cases where the state wishes to execute a child, serious problems of prosecutorial misconduct, defense attorney incompetence, and judicial error appear to dominate." (Strieb, 1988)

The juvenile death penalty flies in the face of virtually every other law regarding children in the United States. The law in most American states treats juveniles as humans sans sufficient maturity and judgment to exercise a wide range of rights. In most states the age of majority is 18; 21 is earliest age at which alcohol may be purchased, possessed and imbibed; children may not enter into contracts until the age of 18; "children may not buy cigarettes until the age of 18; children must be 18 before agreeing to donate their organs; children must be 18 before they may execute a will; children must be 18 before entering into a marriage; and, of course, the 26th Amendment to the Constitution sets the voting age in the United States at 18." (Strieb, 1998)

The contradictions latent in the laws and regulations that factor that minorities do not possess sufficient responsibility, maturity or judgment to make these myriad decisions, while concurrently assuming that they are in full control of their judgments when they engage in criminal behavior is a morbid and illogical contradiction in the law. This is especially the situation in homicides where much evidence indicates that (1) children have an underdeveloped and undersophisticated concept of death; and (2) the children are often very impulsive and completely reckless in their actions.

The human element of juvenile executions

But most critically, the error of executing children cannot be fully comprehended until one examines the individual cases of children who have been executed by the various states in America. Invariably, the children the state executes have four common characteristics: (1) they were often mentally ill or mentally retarded at the moment they committed they crime; (2) they were themselves the unfortunate victims of horrifying sexual and physical abuse; (3) they were victimized by a society which has one of the most stifling child poverty and infant mortality percentage-rates on Earth and which assigns many minorities to existences of hopelessness and grinding poverty; and, (4) they were represented by inexperienced, unskilled, uncaring and incompetent attorneys.

As a result, the truth of juvenile executions in the United States is that America executes the poor, ill and infirm without providing them with any advocacy. To say that such a policy reeks of eugenics and "ethnic cleansing" is almost an understatement. Consider the following (Amnesty International, 1998):

In 1977, Dalton Prejean, at the age of 17 murdered a police officer in Louisiana. This black child was tried before an all-white jury and represented by a court-appointed defense attorney. His IQ was measured at 71, which means he had virtually no capacity to reason. When we has two weeks old his mother abandoned him to the care of a relative with a long history of violence. At the age of 13 he was institutionalized suffering from a series of mental illnesses including schizophrenia. At the age of 14, after having been released from care because of inadequate state resources allocated to mental illness, he murdered a taxi driver. He was recommitted after the murder and doctors recommended long-term hospitalization related to his mental illness. Nonetheless, when state funds once again ran out, Dalton was once again released, and committed the crime for which he was executed in May 18, 1990. Dalton Prejean was murdered by a state that refused to provide… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Juvenile Death Penalty" Assignment:


this is suppossed to be an prsuasive essay, making sure every paragraph follow each other and there should be no use of the word 'i' and 'my' and 'in my opinion'since they r not convincing and they are simply an opinion. the purpose is to persuade or convince rather than merely explain or describe, there for the thesis must be arguable.

also i have a title in mind but not sure if its catchy enough and can reflect the essay, anyways i write it down, if its ok use it otherwise u can come up with your title for the essay. here we go -- "Sentencing Junelies a Cruel and Unusal Punishment"----

although its not necessary but if u can bring out the thesis in either first or second paragraph it will be great.

it should be atleast 1400 words long. although this paper should be self writen and cant be taken from any outside souce. although for biblography u have to use 6 sources 2 of which should be specialised sources that deal specifically with the topic, a god example will be journal.

the essay should be written keepin in mind to use effective reaonng and is free from logical erros. it should be written for a college level audience by defending your claim, anticipating and responding to opposing arguements.

paragraphs must be unified within themselves- one idea per pararaph. all borrowed materials must be documented , using MLA format.the overall purpose of persusive essay is to defend a position against objectors, to refute others, to modify a position, or to offer a compromise.

a lil about outline:

1)lead: use A striking opening to capure the readers interest, such as statin a problem, using a quotation, aking a question or offering some unusal fact, etc. 2) identifying he topic: discussing its importance, present you claim. 3)acknowledge, refute, or agree with the readers primary points. 4) close: restate the assertion and make a call to action, if applicable close with an answer, end a resolution/solution, restate the thesis.

i have many sources which may help u writing this better more better or if u need information so i'm going to fax those sources after i finish with this order, since most of the stuff i have its from facts.com and am not sure if u have access to those since they r only for college students and university databases and so on.

here am gonna paste a topic about juvenile death penality, its below:


juveniles death penality

The issue: Does sentencing juveniles to death constitute cruel and unusual punishment, in violation of the Eighth Amendment? Or is it an acceptable punishment for certain offenses?

Critics of the juvenile death penalty say: Because juveniles' brains are not yet fully developed and juveniles are less mature than adults, they should not be punished as adults. National consensus now recognizes the juvenile death penalty to be cruel and unusual punishment, so the practice should be declared unconstitutional.

Supporters of the juvenile death penalty say: Punishment should be based not on age but on the severity of the crime. Most young people understand that crimes such as murder are wrong. Also, the threat of being sentenced to death for certain crimes acts as a strong deterrent for would-be offenders.

Making young people pay with their lives for certain crimes has a long history in the U.S. The practice dates back to the 17th century, when a 16-year-old boy became the first juvenile sentenced to death in colonial America. More than three centuries later, the Supreme Court established 16 as the minimum age for an offender to be sentenced to death. But despite the court's recognition of the constitutionality of the practice, opponents have vigorously called for an end to it, claiming that the juvenile death penalty constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.

Society has long recognized major differences between adults and juveniles, and that is especially true in the legal system. Most offenders under the age of 18 are sent to juvenile courts, which are separate from the regular criminal courts and which cannot impose the death penalty. However, for certain crimes, such as a brutal murder, juveniles can be tried in adult courts. There they are subject to adult sentences, including the death penalty. [See 2002 Update: Juvenile Justice]

Since the first execution of a youthful offender more than 350 years ago, 365 executions for crimes committed as juveniles have been carried out in the U.S., according to the Death Penalty Information Center. Since 1976, 22 juvenile offenders have been executed (about 2% of the total executions carried out in the U.S. in that time period). Of the 38 states that allow the death penalty, 20 permit executions for crimes committed as juveniles; 15 states set the minimum age at 16, and five require the offender to have been 17 or older at the time of the crime.

However, the juvenile death penalty is not widely applied throughout the country. Just 12 states have juvenile offenders on death row, and just three--Texas, Virginia and Oklahoma--are responsible for 18 of the juvenile executions carried out since 1976. Texas alone is responsible for 13 of those executions.

The Supreme Court affirmed the constitutionality of the death penalty for juveniles age 16 and over in the late 1980s. However, in early 2004 the court accepted a case in which it will revisit the issue. The case, on which the court is expected to issue a ruling in early 2005, has intensified the debate over capital punishment for young offenders.

Critics of the juvenile death penalty point out that society recognizes young people as less mature than adults in many instances, for example by setting a minimum age for drinking and for serving in the military. Opponents ask why it is then permissible to treat juveniles as adults when it comes to punishing them. Critics also contend that the national consensus is against the death penalty, so it should be declared unconstitutional

Supporters, meanwhile, say that punishment should be based not on a perpetrator's age, but on the severity of the crime. An "adult" crime requires an adult punishment, they argue. Most young people recognize that murder is wrong, they assert, and should be punished accordingly. Proponents also say that knowing they could face the death penalty acts as a strong deterrent to juveniles.

The History of Juvenile Executions

The first recorded execution of a juvenile offender in colonial America occurred in 1642, when Thomas Graunger was executed in Plymouth, Mass., for the crime of bestiality committed when he was 16. In 1885, a Native American youth, James Arcene, became the youngest juvenile offender ever executed in the U.S. when he was executed for his part in a robbery and murder committed when he was 10. Since the start of World War II (1939-45), the youngest offender to have been executed was a black juvenile, George Stinney, who was executed in 1944 for killing two white girls when he was 14.

The Supreme Court first took on the issue of the death penalty in 1972, striking down most state death penalty statutes. However, the court did not rule that capital punishment itself was unconstitutional but rather that the death sentences were too arbitrarily imposed and amounted to "cruel and unusual punishment." After the states revised their laws, the court in 1976 upheld many of those revisions, effectively reinstating the death penalty. [See 2000 Update: Death Penalty]

The Supreme Court specifically considered the issue of the juvenile death penalty in a 1988 case, Thompson v. Oklahoma. In that case, the court ruled that the execution of a person for crimes committed at age 15 and under violated the Eighth Amendment. The following year, the court further clarified its stance in two cases, Wilkins v. Missouri and Stanford v. Kentucky, ruling that it was constitutional to execute juvenile offenders for crimes committed at age 16 or 17. In those cases, the court upheld the death sentences of Heath Wilkins, who had committed murder when he was 16, and Kevin Stanford, who had committed murder at age 17. (Despite the court's ruling in Stanford, Kentucky Gov. Paul Patton (D) eventually commuted Stanford's sentence to life in prison because of his age at the time he committed the crime.)

In January 2004, the Supreme Court accepted a case, Roper v. Simmons, in which it will once again consider the constitutionality of juvenile executions. The case concerns Christopher Simmons, who was sentenced to death for killing a woman during a burglary in 1993, when he was 17. The Missouri state Supreme Court in 2003 stayed his execution, claiming that the juvenile death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment.

The Missouri court based its decision on a 2002 Supreme Court case, Atkins v. Virginia, in which the court ruled that executing the mentally retarded constituted cruel and unusual punishment because there was an emerging "national consensus" against the practice. The Supreme Court's ruling in Simmons is likewise expected to hinge on whether the national consensus is against juvenile executions. In the 1989 Stanford decision, the Supreme Court had found no such consensus.

The court's decision in Simmons could affect the fate of the 72 juvenile inmates on death row nationwide as of late 2004. However, just as the court's ruling on the death penalty in 1976 has not quelled debate over capital punishment for adults, the decision in Simmons is unlikely to end the debate over sentencing young people to death.

Juvenile Death Penalty Opposed

Critics contend that executing young offenders is cruel and unusual punishment, a violation of the Eighth Amendment. Young people lack the maturity of adults, they argue, and therefore should not be punished as adults. "Teenagers may look like, act like and even shoot like adults, but they think like children," says James Alan Fox, a professor of criminal justice at Northeastern University in Boston, Mass.

Critics point out that society generally recognizes the lack of maturity in juveniles by setting age limits in such matters as voting, drinking and serving in the military. They argue that capital punishment should be treated the same way. "As a society, we don't let adolescents consume alcohol, and we have different restrictions on them because we know they don't have the best judgment," Dale Baich, an attorney specializing in capital punishment cases, asserts. "I think we have to hold that view when we make them eligible for the death penalty."

To back up their assertions, critics point to recent research showing that the human brain continues to develop into the 20s. According to the studies, the frontal lobe of the brain, which is responsible for controlling impulses and making decisions, is the last part of the brain to develop.

In an American Medical Association (AMA) brief in Roper v. Simmons, the AMA discussed the impact of late cognitive development on juveniles. "From a biological perspective, an anxious adolescent with a gun in a convenience store is more likely to perceive a threat and pull the trigger than is an anxious adult with a gun in the same store," ***** Fassler, a psychiatrist at the University of Vermont in Burlington, wrote in the brief.

Opponents draw parallels to the execution of the mentally retarded, which the Supreme Court in Atkins found to be cruel and unusual punishment. The court determined that the national consensus had turned against executing the mentally retarded, and critics of the juvenile death penalty say that public opinion is similarly against executing juveniles. They point to a trend in decreasing death sentences for juveniles. In 1999, 15 juveniles were sentenced to death, while seven were sentenced to death in both 2000 and 2001, four in 2002 and just two in 2003. They also note that, since 1976, just seven states have executed juvenile offenders.

Critics of the juvenile death penalty also contend that there are similarities in the cognitive functioning of juveniles and of the mentally retarded. In Atkins, Justice John Paul Stevens wrote in the majority opinion that "because of their disabilities in areas of reasoning, judgment, and control of their impulses" the mentally retarded "do not act with the level of moral culpability that characterizes the most serious adult criminal conduct." Critics say the same reasoning can be applied to juveniles. "If you just look at the Atkins decision, almost everything they say about mentally retarded people applies to children," says Stephen Bright of the Southern Center for Human Rights.

Opponents also assert that juveniles are among society's most victimized and vulnerable individuals. For instance, they point out, 60% of juveniles sentenced to death were neglected or abused growing up. Death is too extreme a punishment for young people who are victims of their circumstances, critics argue.

Finally, opponents question how the U.S. can continue to execute young people when most other countries in the world have ceased the practice. Since 2000, only three other countries have executed youthful offenders, they note, putting the U.S. in same category as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran and Pakistan--and all three of those countries have either abolished the juvenile death penalty or are in the process of doing so.

Capital Punishment for Youth Advocated

Supporters of the juvenile death penalty assert that the U.S. justice system is based on the idea of the punishment fitting the crime. There is nothing "cruel and unusual" about assessing the ultimate punishment for a gruesome murder, whether the perpetrator is an adult or a juvenile, they argue. Nancy Arias, whose sister, Patricia Baeuerlen, was killed by a 16-year-old boy, says: "[Patricia] was begging for her life. She was crying, telling him that she had kids. The only cruel and unusual punishment in this case was the...brutal way that he killed her."

Proponents reject the argument that the brain is not fully developed in juveniles so they should be held less responsible for their actions. Even with brains not fully developed, there is "little room for doubt that at least some adolescent killers most assuredly have the mental and emotional wherewithal to plot, kill and cover up in cold blood," argues Alabama Attorney General Troy King in a brief in Roper v. Simmons. "They should not evade full responsibility for their actions by the serendipity of chronological age," he continues.

Supporters accuse critics of misrepresenting recent brain studies to further their anti-death penalty agendas. "There is science, and then there is junk science," says Dianne Clements, president of victims' rights group Justice for All. "This is an effort by those in the scientific community who oppose the death penalty to use science to argue their position."

Supporters also say that knowing they could be put to death for murder serves as a very strong deterrent to juveniles. According to Mitch Brim, a Los Angeles lawyer for Justice for All, Simmons "told his friends he could get away with it because of his age." Brim adds, "If he knew he was going to receive the ultimate punishment, an innocent woman would be alive today. We need to send a message to juveniles who understand right from wrong and the consequences of their actions. They better think twice or they'll pay the ultimate price."

Supporters also criticize the notion of basing the constitutionality of the juvenile death penalty on whether there is an evolving national consensus against it. Justice for All claims that the Supreme Court's determination of evolving standards is arbitrary and subjective because no set guidelines exist on which to base their decision. Rather, supporters say, the decision should be left to juries. "Juries have an amazing ability to distinguish between horrible acts of murder and immaturity," Joshua Marquis, Oregon district attorney, asserts.

Finally, some supporters point out that in considering the death penalty, courts and juries must make their determination on an individual basis, with consideration of each crime and all the mitigating factors in the crime. In considering juvenile offenders as a group based on age, such individual consideration is lost, they assert. "Instead of grouping juveniles together as a class and drawing a bright line rule based on age, this court should look at juveniles individually and respect them as human beings with unique characteristics, life experiences, personal responsibilities and moral blameworthiness," Justice for All contends in a brief for Roper v. Simmons.

Supreme Court to Determine the Future of Juvenile Executions

Opinion polls show that much of the public is opposed to the juvenile death penalty, even among those who support the death penalty in general. In a 2002 Gallup poll, while 72% of respondents said they favored the death penalty, 69% said they were opposed to sentencing juveniles to death. And, states are increasingly taking action on their own against the juvenile death penalty. Wyoming and South Dakota both abolished the juvenile death penalty in 2004, and eight other states are currently considering such legislation.

However, the fate of juvenile executions in large part rests with the Supreme Court's upcoming decision in Roper v. Simmons. In a separate concurring opinion in the 1989 Stanford decision, Justice Sandra Day O'Conner wrote, "The day may come when there is such general legislative rejection of the execution of 16- or 17-year-old capital murderers that a clear national consensus can be said to have developed. Because I do not believe that day has yet arrived, I concur." Whether that day has finally come is once again up to the Supreme Court to determine.

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How to Reference "Juvenile Death Penalty" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Juvenile Death Penalty.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/juvenile-death-penalty-sentencing/2474. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Juvenile Death Penalty (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/juvenile-death-penalty-sentencing/2474
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Juvenile Death Penalty. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/juvenile-death-penalty-sentencing/2474 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Juvenile Death Penalty” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/juvenile-death-penalty-sentencing/2474.
”Juvenile Death Penalty” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/juvenile-death-penalty-sentencing/2474.
[1] ”Juvenile Death Penalty”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/juvenile-death-penalty-sentencing/2474. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Juvenile Death Penalty [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/juvenile-death-penalty-sentencing/2474
1. Juvenile Death Penalty. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/juvenile-death-penalty-sentencing/2474. Published 2005. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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